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(1 edit)

alguien me puede ayudar con la respuesta al acertijo de kate en la escuela

(2 edits) (+2)

Here's a hint: google Kate riddle harem hotel. 

Or CTRL-F kate on this page. It's a fairly common question and has been answered multiple times.

The latest answer with the full solution (as opposed to a hint) was 23 days ago, placed under an image of Kate asking ???

I've looked through lots of comments here but didn't find an answer, is there currently no more content with kate after the running scene ? She's my favorite character so it's such a bummer that I can't seem to interact with her at all ;-;

If you're reading this, thanks for the amazing game Runey ! I know how time consuming game making is. Hope you don't forget about my girl in future update though ! 

She's essentially a "side girl", and not a main character.  You can talk to her when visiting Ashley at school, and go through all of her riddles to get another "final" (thus far) scene with her.  Pay attention to the answers to her riddles that are only letters, that will be important later.

Yeah I've done all that.  

So the last scene was really just seeing her pee? 

I knew she is sadly a pretty minor character but I expected the we'd at least have one actual penetration scene.  


This game is still in development, that could happen.


Well, her public urination scene seems to be the last one present in the game thus far.  I understand your interest as she seems like she could be a very fun character to interact with further.  Did you get the "secret" interaction with her after all of her riddles?  It doesn't add a dedicated scene like some of the side girls interactions can.


I've reached the end of this version and now Maria does not want to go to the Dungeon anymore, after her story. She will return on the next update? Please? :)

(2 edits) (+2)

She should be back on her feet in the next update, which is expected to be in 3 months or so based on past performance. She was hit hard, but she's a survivor, and the entire game is about fixing your girls, it would go against the grain of the story for Maria to become permanently broken.

Whether or not Runey will have the time or inclination to change the scenes in the dungeon to account for her new situation is anybody's guess. In the meantime, if you want to have some dungeon fun with Maria, you will have to load up an old save.



I was reading some previous posts here, at Patreon, and Discord, and I was wondering about those fans asking about marriage and pregnancy ....That got me thinking. Which isn't always a good thing in my case. LOL

So, I was curious about whether or not polygamous marriages are allowed in this world you've created? And then I started thinking about multiple pregnancies and starting a family, and THAT got me to thinking about where you would raise your family.

So NOW I'm wondering ...Would you consider having the MC having or possibly a goal within the game of building an out-of-the-way home separate from the hotel where you and your wives could move to raise your family in safety and peace away from the hotel itself? Towards the end of the game of course.

Just me thinking out loud. 🤪😁


As a matter of lore, I can tell you that harems, at the very least, are allowed and even common in certain areas of the world. At least for those who have money. You are told so in a side character scene.


Hello! I wanted to know how much submission does Lin need inorder to win against Cornwall


10, Max Everything up to 10 till you get the specific trait, in that case need the "Submissive" trait
Affection will need 20 or 30 if im not mistaken


Technically it is "obedience" but we all know that Lin feels affection aside from obedience.  :-)


You'll need most of the sex skills at 10. Anal, blowjob, vaginal. The feet one isn't necessary. Obedience is.

(1 edit) (-1)

Stuck on the following characters on the very last progression level on the latest version 12.2.  Ashley, Android, and Maria.  I keep getting messages to raise Emma and Felicity but they are currently maxed out.  Any ideas?

(1 edit) (+3)

If you are at the second-to-last event with each, you should get them just bypassing time. For the last Android event, go tothe first floor, then go back to your room. If that doesn't work, try again on the second floor. Repeat on each time of the day and each day of the weekand you will eventually get a message alerting you that taking the last step will lock her out until the next update.

Maria is a morning event, and I think Ashley is as well, so they should trigger on their own in your room.

What is your friendship with the twins?


Felicity and Emma are maxed at level 30.  The Android is at level 31.  Ashley is at level 36.  Maria is at level 30.

Nothing has been auto triggering at any time of day, and Ashley is still saying to progress with Felicity and Emma even though they are maxed.

(5 edits) (+2)

Hm... Ashley's max level is 40, so you seem to be missing a few events there. I can't remember how many relationship levels you get in the last event, but I don't think it's 4. 

Did you use any cheats? Cheating friendship levels can and *will* come back to bite you, unless you know *exactly* what you are doing. And by that I pretty much mean "unless you are Runey", or at least acting under advice from Runey to fix a bug.

Otherwise, all I can think of is: did you get all the college events *and* the bar events for all of them? 

Also, you might need the barista outfit for Maria as well.

Anything more than that I think needs Runey's attention.

(Edit: thinking about it, the cheat option is the most likely to have broken stuff, so I moved it up for readabilty)

I managed to get Ashley's birthday last event to trigger by using the max stat code on the twins, Maria, and the Android but was greeted by a recurring warning message so I'm going to say that is what you were referring to.

I hadn't used any codes before but having played around now with changing stats and friendship levels, I'm wondering if there are codes to reverse them, so you could say reset the friendship level or move it to a certain spot?  I noticed you can do this indefinately with Nia and Sylvia, and this would be a great way to go back and run through things again on certain characters without actually restarting.

(3 edits) (+2)

I believe there is a Patreon level that gives you access to the nuclear football, which I so dubbed because it has a good chance of nuking your save by setting friendship levels independently, to whatever index you want, with essentially no restriction  (AFAIK).

The problem is that the game is complex. Like, MB upon MB of lines of code complex.  There are interlocks in the girls' stories that can end up with a situation like the one you had, inconsistent states that make the game unplayable.

The "max-this" cheats are safe, because Runey specifically went to the trouble of making them safe: they cross-check that all the interlocked states are appropriately updated, so that, like in this case, if you are maxed with the twins you are also at the minimum required friendship with ashley. They also set whichever hidden variables need to be set to their appropriate values.

Going backward is a lot more complicated: even something as simple as setting all friendships to 0 isn't guaranteed to work, because there are other variables that have been set and need to be reset. The game does not expect you to see *unique* events *twice*, and so inevitably all those states are not meant to be updated twice, which, again, can leave your save in an inconsistent and unplayable state.

In better news, most events are replayable in the gallery, and you can even make different choices and see how they would have played out. These choices don't affect your save, for better or for worse, so you can go crazy.


I'm new to playing this games on a laptop.


how do I play the game on pc/laptop?


I'm assuming you have Windows...
1) Download it.
2) Extract the files.
3) In the folder, double click Harem_Hotel.exe
Note: You might have go to the folder within the folder depending on how you extracted it.


thank you so much bro


Why file new Version 12.2 for Android is Nothing here.. Please release Link for Android Too.. Thank You..

(2 edits) (+4)

This has been rehashed a few times now...  You may want to read the posts down below.

In short, the game has exceeded the limits placed on APKs by the android system. The only way to release it asn an APK would be to do so without  any of the new images. 

No, they cannot be compressed any further, they were altady compressed to  hell and back in the preevious release and it was already close to the limits. With all  the new events and the new animations that ship has sailed, caught fire, exploded, and sunk.

It is possible to play the game on android, using theworkaround explained at the end of the game's description, in the unimaginatively yet very descriptively titled section: How to play on Android.

(1 edit)

If there's a will there's a way ... android system is somewhat open-source, similar to what windows used to be, with some knowledge few programs, scripts you can hack/tweak every single aspect of your system ... just saying.

There are no limits to human imagination and such to our creativity ... everything is possible.

I'll give you one example ... Once upon a time in a distant past I had a computer with original "bought" version of GTA SA (it's long been forgotten/lost with my computer). Feeling nostalgic and instead of paying twice for a game I once bought I required pirated modded ported version of SA (actually all GTAs) 4.68Gb apk. This game Harem Hotel (with a help of a friend) turned out to be 1.89Gb, many other APKs originally designed for computers modded/ported with various sizes 1,2,3+Gb.

But I will stand with the creator  Runey, he can release this awesome game in form (windows, Android, Linux...etc) or size. What he needs is our support and if you're not happy with the OS, size ... etc then you find your own way as long as you come back and give the credit\support for its original creator. Thanks, have a Great Day.

Question with Lucia.  I have already completed the game and was going back after any events that I had missed or left open.  Lucia currently has 0/5 events and am wondering how to start them.  I am using the last Android .APK version.


guessing you chose not to fuck her at their house? there are some events for her woven into Kali's story, a few are only if you fucked her the first time

I did choose to fuck her on the first encounter at the house, but her scene count is still 0/5 and I cant figure out how to progress.  All she does is sit on Kali's bed.  I am assuming this is due to a bug somewhere that nothing seems to trigger.


Try using the cheat code: truestory


Will try that.  Thanks.


Addendum: In case you haven't come across it before, cheat codes need to be entered at the computer in your room. There is a "text editor" kind of icon that asks you to enter the code.


Thanks.  I had already been using it for money.


I cant seem to continue Kali or Ashely's story's, no matter how many days pass


advance others' stories


i've never seen this hosting site but here we go

hope i dont get cyber HIV...


been using it for years, it's fine


Insert Despicable me meme here:
Get hyped for new  Version
Play new Version
Get depression
Get depression?

(1 edit)

Had to look up the appropriate image but... Yeah. Yeah, I hear you.

so more of the same as before or cranked to 11?

cranked to 22

The Ashley event  is not bad, honestly... Bittersweet maybe? 

You do get a clearer picture of the lurking abyss that is her depression, but you also get something that you could call a happy ending, except it's not a happy ending because it's not an ending: her story is not finished yet.

The Maria event, OTOH, goes from confusing to enraging to confusing again (YMMV), all served with a large helping of soul-crushing sadness - and  possibly with some fridge horror for dessert.


Does anyone know how to get the save files from the apk over to the newer version on joiplay.

(2 edits) (+3)

Pretty sure I read the answer in here before.  Check a few pages down, I think the  old folder was in data/something/something., Ctrl-F is your friend.   The new saves should be in the same location as the PC ones under your exploded folder, I think.

Two or three pages down. Ctrl-F is very much your friend. Look for data/ (with the / at the end).


I'm on android so I got a problem with finding the file. Do you have any idea where it could be on android? If you don't it's alright and I appreciate the quick replies


So am I my dude :p 

A couple of pages down there is a post that has the paths for both the old and the new saves. Search for  "data/" in your browser window and you will find it. It's 18 days old or so.


Okay can I ask what are you using to view the files?


I checked again and all I see is live data and action data so idk which one it is if any of these. I also already saw the comment about the save files but I'm still struggling finding them 


I found that the fastest way to start making money seems to be focusing on getting the bar out quickly, then training Moon (which is free) and getting the upgrades, starting with the cheapest, so that you have a steady income.

However, I have also read advice to focus on the Kali events, despite the initial investment, since a few of them actually give you money, and then you get the big payload.

Finally, you can literally turn  Andy the Android into a cash cow to milk for money... But by the time you get there you probably won't need money anymore.

What is your favorite quickstart strategy? Other than the money cheats :P


Runey42 which software did you use to create those characters ? (lin , kali, maria, android, ........)


hello runey42 !!!

i wanted to ask which software did you use to make those personages ( Kali, Andro, helen, maria, ... 

(1 edit) (+4)

The software he uses is this game Honey Select which is technically a scene creator. Here's the English version with screenshots. But he could also be using sequel Honey Select 2.


thank you KevinBlue18 for your answer , due to my poor english i think i didn't make myself clear . my question is which software did Runey use to create those characters ? (lin , kali, maria, android, ........)


(4 edits) (+3)

Your question was clear... But so was the answer, I'm afraid.

If you would like it more technically worded:

- The 3d assets he used to design the characters are included in the game Honey Select (used with permission) - or possibly its marketplace.

- The tool he used to combine those assets, pose the characters, and export them into static images and animations is the game Honey Select.

- The ultimate  source of the characters' *design* is Runey's own imagination - as limited by the assets available to him due to the toolset he is using.

I hope that answers the question, otherwise I am not sure what you are asking.

Worst case scenario, try asking in (I assume) French. 


it's clear ! thank you so much Lucky19

(1 edit)

Sorry I am late, I rarely check notifications on here. I just wanted to add the assets he used were not permitted by Illusion, the developer of Honey Select, or there western retailer and publisher Fakku who released it under the name Honey Select: Unlimited. Here's the source: FAKKU Addresses Unauthorized Use of Honey Select Assets

It's not like anyone would report this game so it is safe.


"HH has grown too big to fit on .apk"

And the workaround is to fit a massive 6.77GB file in a fucking cellphone? Welp... no more HH for me until I get a phone manufactured by NASA itself. Even if I did my own workaround using Mega to download HH to my SSD instead of the storage and THEN putting the game itself to roll, it would still blow up my phone in a matter of minutes.

* sigh * met only one dev so far who knew the method of saving himself and android players when shit got heated. Rather simple method from the looks of it, it just depended on the player saving on the right time and then on the dev to squish any bugs with one or two hotfixes but... yeah.


Just play on PC if your phone really doesn't have a spare 7gB, even my oldass like 2015 phone has that.
And Runey can't change .apk limits, so here we are. Works fine for most people, mobile version was always buggy.


I was about to try this game, but the zip cannot be created. Did you know anything about it?

you need to download it from browser


love this game and what you're doing here. so far my favorite event has to have been when Maria got Lin and Ashley to help her to fuck the MC cause I kept edging her and letting her lust grow until she reached the breaking point and just TOOK what she wanted! THAT was HOT AF!



I was curious ...Do you have a definitive end in mind for this whole game/story? Just wondering since all good things eventually come to an end. Where do you see yourself going after HH? Another game or perhaps an off-shoot of this one perhaps???


I have a solid plan for the end, and I have a plan for after HH :)


HH2 or something entirely different?


I'd actually enjoy something in space, myself. It was mentioned that the humans on this world have explored outer space ...How about a generation ship headed to a whole new world? The MC would have to be very... prolific to populate a whole new colony. 😉



why I got some error messages,, it tell "missing file" ,, it appear when i want going to utility room,, and etc,, and can you give some fix without re-downloading the game?, cause that 6gb+ of file really give a pain to my ass


Missing file errors are a result of the installation or download process failing. You may just need to reinstall from the zip, or you may need to redownload it all.

I understand if you can't give away much without spoiling anything, but if you're adding two new characters into the game, does that mean that there will be an option for a third floor of the hotel?


A third floor to the hotel may not happen, but that last room will definitely be filled up.

(1 edit) (+2)

Remember that Kate is a character, and so is Jasmine... Julia.. Jezebel... Juliet!

Poor Juliet :P

Also, Lucia and Hana are characters. And so are the fairies. I'm sure you see what I mean at this point :)


It took me a few minutes to get through your comment because I was trying to figure out who the hell "Jasmine" was...

Well played, man, well played...

(4 edits) (+1)

> I was trying to figure out who the hell "Jasmine" was...

So was Ashley... Ostensibly :P

Poor Juliet.

I like the fact that you only really "get" that scene on the second playthrough.

Juliet seems to be a shy, quiet goth chick, but something tells me she can be a real freak when it comes to sex!! She reminds me of this little freaky goth girl from my high school days that liked to take it up the ass until one day she said to me "hold on". Squatted down, took a shit right there on her bedroom floor, and proceeded to shove my cock back into her dirty asshole!! THAT was a... different... experience for me. LOL


First I would like to say how much I enjoy this game. It is by far the best game I have played. Please keep up the amazing work.

I do have a question.  I went to try and buy the outfits for Autumn but they don't seem to be available.  Did I do something wrong or are the outfits just not available?

There is no outfits for her now.

Oh ok well thanks for that info I appreciate it.


Thank you!

You can't buy any outfits at the moment, but she does have a few. Her default outfit, her work uniform, and her pajamas.

Thank you.  I don't see her pajamas though.  Maybe I missed something?

Visit her at night,  all sneaky like.

Oh ok hey thanks I appreciate the help


Hey Runey, quick question. After downloading the new version, I haven't seen a button anywhere that gives you hints or directions for quests/events anywhere on the UI... I was wondering if this is some kind of issue with my old save being loaded onto the new version since my old version has Lain's mod on it. Any word from Lain? And also how can I find/fix event hints? Thanks and loving the game!


Story progression is pretty straight forward. Check their door, and explore the hotel daily.  If something specific needs to happen, the game will tell you.


Good game, with way more content than I was expecting. Graphics are very nice and can see the effort put into the eyes. Though sex mostly feels like going through the motions with a boring chick and that the MC just flops his cock out his suit pants just shows the level of care he actually has towards good sex.

I was hating being called a good master because I literally spanked Lin into Obedience. The BDSM aspects of the game leave alot to be desired and it bugged me that instead of just owning rope and learning to tie it was a outfit to buy each girl that they simply 'Put on' and then all we did was fuck, plus there are so many good ties but all we use is the karada (Rope harness) and that's not even a very practical tie it just looks okay. Ogasam control being a thing it's the least common play any submissive of mine has wanted. Moon's story was way more Bdsm than the dungeon is, which was kinda killed when she called MC over for a booty call and have to listen to her lifestory to get a blow job, it was like getting a terrible surprise for listening to her. 

The story did get a little more intense for me going into this wanting to flap, I just felt like some of the events should have been before the sex and it's kinda weird that most girls Jump on the MC's cock without even a kiss.

August though very hot was a massive boner killer and I personally wouldn't have even bothered with her if I didn't run out of content. It being very dumb that the MC literally has a dungeon and that he fucks anything that looks his way couldn't be hidden, even if she was trying to overlook it the MC and her don't match. Everyone does trick her into curing the sickness so she is just like well I guess I need to marry him now. Like seriously by this point he has 6 girlfriends 7 if you include the Android, one that wants to stab bitches for getting to close. Ashley should definitely have let her know that the MC is getting shared enough.

Pregnancy would be fun to have as I was constantly trying to knock them all up, mainly Maria and Lin. But if it's completely story based and not a random knocking up it won't be as enjoyable.

Was weird when Kate's story ended as it was like oh I guess she didn't like me watching her piss. So an updated log to include all females would be nice.

Could totally see this game having the option to fix the elves problems with one simple but world Dominating factor, The Android (I called her Gypsy) knowing what being an outcast towards humanity is like could have the elves befriend her and simply becoming the hivemind they are worried about. 

When will the next update be? I am interested enough that I am keen to know how this ends.


Side note - You managed to make me laugh a few times and that's honestly pretty hard to do, Well done and keep up the Great work!

(2 edits) (+3)

Thank you!

First and foremost, harem hotel is a story based game. While you can certainly just boot up the game to fap to repeatable events, sex is more of the cherry on top. I can understand why you would  want a game that focuses more on the sexual aspect, but this game will have serious and intense moments in the story. I try not to make it go overboard, but you should expect these things in this game.

Spanking is pretty tame in comparison to what others would do, if you even choose that option. A part of why Lin likes you so much!

BDSM is a light theme in this game. A proper BDSM session would better be placed in a story event, but this game isn't really about a BDSM story. So, the BDSM stuff is mostly rougher, kinkier sex and not a true BDSM experience.

What sort of BDSM content would you like to see specifically? Perhaps if it can fit into the dungeon content, we can figure something out :)

As for the Kiss thing, fair enough. There could have been a better line of progression for many characters, but I didn't go that route. But actually, with Autumn I am doing a more traditional dating style since she's a conservative girl. You've had your first kiss already ;)

The dungeon is in the basement and isn't easily found, so Autumn hasn't found it. She doesn't go snooping around where she doesn't belong.
Autumn definitely isn't at the point of wanting to marry anyone, in fact she wasn't even totally sure MC was being honest and admits she didn't believe it fully in an event. She partly let herself believe it because deep down she's horny.
Ashley would also not do something like that, especially after her recent events. She's maturing a lot, and you should see this more and more as her story continues :)

Because of certain mechanics and the way I structure my game, pregnancy can only reasonably happen at the very end of everyone's story.

The next update should begin the planning phase then development phase in the next few weeks :)


Thank you for the reply.

I definitely enjoyed how the characters grew and even felt things for Maria as her hard life has lead her to believe no one wants her for more than a play thing. In such I spend several weeks not using her sexually and only boosting her Affection especially after the break up part. 

I know these are you characters so I'm not going to disagree about what they would do so Ashley may not tell Autumn after her growth, but her pride for having such a nice partner gives me the feeling she would bring the subject up, probably not in a threatening way but would bring it up. And if the MC wants to actually be the good person he should tell Autumn sooner than later.  Not knowing the full legal aspects of your world I can't say if marriage to multiple people is okay, but from the marriage game makes me believe it can only be one and that would definitely make a huge contribution to weather Autumn would be okay joining such a large Poly relationship.

Honestly go hard on the story as much as you need, just the sexual sections shouldn't have so much serious story beforehand, makes it hard to enjoy it and just throws the mood. Like sex with the elven queen should have been quite hot but having spent so much time in depressing situation made it not enjoyable (also I was expecting the others to use that time to make their move to attack her rather than actually have fun). 

I will have to get back to you on the BDSM aspects as the story getting completed is definitely something more important.

Does Maria actually work at the Bar during the normal times of the day? I only saw her there during events.


Oh also I did have glitch an event trigger at the wrong time.

The femdom with Gypsy (Android) over Maria when it brings you back to the room and says you should go see how it's going, Maria's DNA test event started and after she was taken away and the MC returned to the hotel when I was able to select rooms again it cut back to finishing dominating Maria even though she way gone.


Hmm, can you send me a picture of what the screen/dialog looks like directly before the error?


"August though very hot was a massive boner killer and I personally wouldn't have even bothered with her if I didn't run out of content."

ROTFLOL I know what you mean... Her name is Autumn, it's kinda telling that you couldn't be bothered to remember it :)

I disliked her personality as it was introduced, and I disliked her even more when she got to -1 affection because I didn't want Lin to become a stray dog that could be picked up by any Tom and Harry with a dick.

That said, her storyline is sort of interesting, and seriously, I am not willing to believe that she is actually that naive. It's more likely that she is not letting herself figure things out because she really wants to be bent over and spanked - figuratively, but probably also literally.

As for the rope and general lack of options... Bear in mind that Runey is not a big-budget developer; as far as I understand it (though I could be wrong) he's not a 3d artist himself: he uses preset assets and a poser-style toolset. Which means, he cannot really make whatever assets he needs, he is dependent on what the marketplace for his tools offers.

As I am sure you noticed, the value of the game is in the characters first and foremost, with the story coming second, and setting and scenes vying for third place. 

Really, at this point rhe sex scenes almost feel like a way to sell you on the story, so that you can enjoy the characters. A good way, don't get me wrong, but about halfway through you get invested enough in the characters to actually care about what happens to them. 

This is more than bloody Fallout 4 managet to get out of me, I'll tell you that for nothing.


I can definitely see her being a key point to the story if the plan is to go a passive route in getting Elves rights.

But in real I hate religion because these type of people always have a lot to say about my kink lifestyle. Always telling me about how I can free my life from Sin and such, which to my response is normally telling them my plans for the night ;)

I just think for her story to play out right the MC needs to have a very open and honest talk about his relationships then go from there, as to continue without isn't how poly relationships work.

At some point we will have to, she cannot become part of the family if she doesn't accept her sister-wives.

Maybe let's get her addicted to sex first :P

(1 edit)

A little offtop: I gues it is already a rule - first I see peoples commenting in "The Headmaster" and a week later I see them commenting here. Looks like there is something similar in these two games (probably quality of the story and characters background) :D

(2 edits) (+1)

They also both look like they could be actual proper 3d games, if you miss the ren'py tag.. And after you download them you go "may as well give it a try". Next thing you know it's 4 AM... And you were supposed to be at work 20 hours ago.

Sooooo true! XD


4am? That's nothing I honestly played these two for 18 hours straight. It was lunch time before I realised.

I guess having the combination of gaming and porn addiction will do that. 


Has this game been abandoned? I was only asking because the latest files I can find from this game are from 2018. Nearly 3 years ago. Are there any other updates, please?


Got updated earlier this month

OK Thanks. I think I have that update.

OK Thanks. I think I have that update.

(1 edit) (+2)

You're looking at when the game was first launched.


Itch has the terrible habit of giving you the date for a recent update as "x days ago", so, when you look for the update date, you don't notice the update (because it's not in date format) and it looks like the file was last uploaded three years ago.

I don't know why so many sites and apps have taken to using "such and such ago", but I personally don't like it. 

Though, admittedly, it's useful for sites that don't give you their time zone: at least you can try to figure it out looking at which point "x hours ago" becomes "hh;mm".

(2 edits) (-1)

So I downloaded the game and got RAR to unpack the .zip but it says I don't have enough storage space, I have 3GB available, can someone please tell me how much space I need to unpack the .zip? (on android)

(1 edit) (+1)

How big is the downloaded zip? Well, you need at least that much. Add another 20% for good measure, though that's probably overkill, since most of the game is compressed images, and those don't really compress any further.


Ok thanks bro :)


I see the way for downloading on android changed, all is good I can work with that but if I may ask, why did it change lol?


Because of size. The size of the game is too big to make it apk now. As I understood, limit for apk is 2GB.

And yes, game is already compressed (original size is 60+ GB), so there is no way to compress more.

(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

Well... Technically, turning all the images, animations included, into 480p GIFs might make it possible to fit the entire game in 2GB or less. Seems like a lot of work to make the game look like something out of the 90s, mind. 


The images have already been compressed to hell, that's why I couldn't continue. Any more compression and the images would be blobby messes.

It was largely a joke: 480p images with an 8bit color depth and animations of 5 to 10 frames each may or may not work, in a literal sense, but even if it did it wouldn't actually make sense. I can see someone trying though. And then everybody complaining about the shitty quality. 

(1 edit)

Fuck me sideways... 850*480 (480p in 16:9)*1/2(average compression for a lossless image)*30000 (approx number of images in the game)= ~6GB. That can't be right.

Ah I see! I mean I have no problem with that I just didnt understand how any of that works. Thanks🙂

(3 edits) (+4)(-1)

So... Finally got to the end. That was a lot of hours of gameplay. I am impressed.

I am, unfortunately, less impressed with the recent developments.

SPOILERS beyond this point.

You have been warned.

The first confusing thing is: why is Cornwall suddenly the bad guy? He starts as an Abraham Lincoln expy, but by the end of Maria's story we are supposed to hate him. Why?

Then, the further you go, the stranger the world gets. And by stranger I mean less belieavable. There is a difference between breaking into a random house and helping a slave escape and breaking into a military facility. That requires some heavy-duty SoD, I don't have a lot of that lying around.

Third, the MC seems to miss some rather obvious clues, and make some really weird choices. Granted, some of the missed clues are instrumental in saving his life (not figuring out the "divine punishment" meant he didn't call whatsherface out on it, so she didn't murderize him to keep him quiet), but some just end up in needless pain.

Fourth, speaking of needless pain, one would assume that the procedure to collect a rogue elf (or half-elf) would be a matter of course, performed by couple of random LEOs who will politely yet firmly inform that you have been hiding an escaped elf, and you need to follow them to answer some routine questions. 

What one would not assume is a doctor making a production of having found out that one of their patients is an escaped slave. One would especially not expect said doctor to be able to *detain* the excaped slave and keep hold of them for any significant period of time. That's the job of law enforcement.

Indeed, the law seems to be worded as "collect the newly discovered slaves in the manner that is most personally enraging to any of their friends, but do not bother bringing them in for questioning". 

At least we get to go home and call upon some powerful assets (Trenero and Cornwall) to fix the problem for us like a boss oh no wait, we are just calling to yell at them. WHY? With the richest man in the world on speed-dial, why wouldn't you simply ask for a favor? Considering he OWNS HIS WIFE he should be rather sympathetic.

By this point I had run out of heavy-duty SoD,  and that broke the game for me. I hope that particular storyline will be revisited.

(2 edits) (+2)

Hey. Probably Runey will give you more detailed explanation as author, but I will try to give some answers too (because all replyes you can find in game story).


1. "Defender of elf rights" - is just a mask for Cornwall. He created few minor laws about rights of elves and just took the whole slave market under his hand. He do not care about elves at all. Half-elves still do not have any rights and Cornwall is ok with this. His "slave ownership recall" possibility is just to deal with slavers he do not like.

2. Breaking in VERY old military facility. No one cares about this storage and there where just some human guards (yes, not even android - that shows how indifirent are politics about this place).

3. Yeah... here I partialy agree. MC is too powerless... just a normal human, not even very smart (because in story with High Elf Queen it was very obvious from the very begining that she do not have any "magic" powers and just uses fairys; or in Maria story - for me it was very clear that there is a high possibility for Maria to be a half-elf, I started to suspect this from the moment when I saw dark elf for the first time, in dungeon event with Cornwall).

4. Sylanar is society with slavery. DNA test sometimes is the only way to find that someone is a half-elf. Also, let me remind you that elves have some rights, but half-elfs do not have any. So it is very normal for hospitals to have some robots and jails to keep half-elfs when they find them.

5. When they find an half-elf that is accompanied with human they have all reasons to suspect that he is one who broke the law and secretely kept half-elf. So MC is very lucky that he didnt got even more problems with Maria.

6. Trenero do not have any reasons to help MC with slavery problem (he even have hundreds of slaves himself and do not care much if they die because of his actions). Cornwall have a strong antypathy agains MC and will never help him with something like this. Also he is in church of slavery in Sylanar, so he will just say "this is common event, just buy her".

I hope this helps.

P.S. Sorry for my imperfect English.

(2 edits) (+2)(-1)

Well, here's hoping I will get an answer from the Big Guy :)


1. We don't see that though. What little I personally saw of Cornwall (and that was largely during his "challenge") gave me the impression that he actually cared about slaves. Granted, he cared in the way you would care about animals that are being abused, but it still seems better than considering them pieces of furniture. Half-elves having no rights sounds a lot like political sausagemaking to me: Cornwall proposed a sweeping bill, a lot of powerful people got upset that they were going to lose their toys, Cornwall scaled it down to exclude half-elves so that the bill could get through.

Cornwall DID NOT create the laws that caused Maria to lose her entire life. He DID NOT enslave Lin, he DID NOT turn Jin into a brainless sex addict, he DID NOT rape Nia until she turned into Elf Batman. He didn't even rape Sylvia in the middle of a fuck-a-ton challenge, FFS, if you want to paint him as an irredemable bad guy AT LEAST have him do SOMETHING bad. 

At the absolute worst, from what we are shown, not told, he *might* be a greedy asshole whose motive in helping the elves was purely self-serving.

In other words, he's your average politician. Not even a particularly bad one.  

The bottom line is: if Cornwall is to be treated like a villain, we need to see him do villainous things. Show, don't tell. I personally have not seen Cornwall act like a genuinely bad person, so it is jarring to me that the MC would use his connection to Trenero to get Cornwall's phone number just to YELL at him.

2. Laser tripwires, security cameras, volumetric sensors, bloody contact sensors! That stuff is cheap as dirt in a high-tech setting, and quickly goes beyond the ability of a single elf with barely the clothes on her back to defeat. Also, the software is being updated on a regular basis, so there is still some amount of work being done on them. Even if they were barely considered worth anything, they are still considered weapons. so a certain level of security is warranted.

3. He also seems to take certain things way too much in stride... Like Ashley pulling a knife on Maria. Or Ashley trying to kill Andy the Android. Or Ashley breaking into his room and then into his computer. Or Ashley threatening to kill him. Or... Ashley, really.

4. and 5. I don't buy it: even if it's just a single room that is generally used as a broom closet, just calling the cops and letting them deal with it seems far more realistic an approach. It's not like the half-elf in question knows they are a half elf, they went in for a genetic test of their own free will, how hard would it be to make them wait an extra fifteen minutes for the results while the cops arrive on site? Then the cops can take care of explaining the situation to the half-elf and their friends.

Even if half-elves are still considered furniture, they are furniture with a potentially influential prospective owner. The treatment of Maria at the hospital makes very little sense in context.

6. Kali. Lucia. Mariella. Three pretty good reasons for Trenero to help the MC, who is a potential son-in-law. This half-elf girl is a friend of his family, and the effort it would take him to help is pretty low: just make a couple of phone calls and see that *the procedure is smoothed over* so that Maria can be back at home before the evening is out. Even if the MC (and, don't forget, Kali and Lucia) were to ask for money, that's pocket change for him. You buy Nia with the money Kali spent on a DRESS. 

But even then, let's say Trenero decides not to help the MC.

That is not the problem. If the author decides that Trenero is enough of an asshole not to help his daghters and potential son-in-law with a matter that costs him little to nothing, then that is the character of Trenero, and that is fine.

The problem is the MC not even trying. He's not trying to help Maria, he's just venting at people who have little to nothing to do with the entire mess.

The problem is that the MC is a self-conceited asshole who won't even go to the effort of ASKING two powerful people he personally knows to HELP HIS FRIEND WHO IS CURRENTLY BEING HELD CAPTIVE so that he can buy her before the day is over and at least help minimize *that* trauma.

He just yells at Trenero and threatens Cornwall. 

I'm sure Cornwall is quaking in his boots. After he hurt the business of several rich, powerful, ruthless people with his elf-friendly laws, the idea of having an idealistic hotel manager with barely a buck to his name after him must keep Cornwall awake at night.

I don't like characters holding the idiot ball and not trying the obvious solution first. The solution doesn't have to WORK, it is FINE for Trenero to say he cannot help, it is FINE for Cornwall to say he cannot interfere with the proper procedures, it is FINE for the OTHER people who COULD potentially save Maria to turn out to be assholes. 

It is not fine for the MC to be an asshole. Not and be praised for it, anyway.

P.S. Oy vey, typos away.


Hmm, probably Runey had to keep the previous "first meeting" with Cornwall. This one meeting shows that he is looking on elves as on animals and nothing more. Also Cornwall very clearly see MC as a trouble because he doubt Cornwall methods and treat elfs as equals. But, ok, looks like for you "the head of slavery" who is actualy doing nothing good for elfs isnt enough to see him as a vilain. If we are looking from this point, then I think you even could like Putin (Russian president)... why, he never did anything bad with his own hands :D

As for Trenero... ok, it would be good if Runey could add the option to ask Trenero for help in this event. Just for blind peoples. I would never choose this option because I can see that he cares only about his own business. There is no way for him to decide to help even if Kali would asked him. And, ofcourse, if we ask Cornwall for help it can give him a very good reason to do some research about MC. He will find that MC now owns Nia and Sylvia. One very good known troublemaker and one that escaped from Cornwall himself. This will be a very good reason for Cornwall to restrict MC from slavery and recall all his elves.

Ashley... you know, she is tipycal yandere and this explains everything :D

4/5 - money make peoples very unlogical. They could call the police, but why if there is a very good law "the one who found an elf and reported becomes his master and can sell this elf freely". If doctor will call police, then police will come, take the elf and will claim ownership, doctor will get nothing for this.

P.S. Ok, I undarstand that we see things very differently here, no need for more disscusion. After all, I think Runey will come soon and will give some replyes ;)


1. The duly elected minister of slavery not helping the slaves does not make him a villain, no. He is just a normal politician. It would be different if he were advocating for removing slave rights, but not advocating to expand them does not make him evil. Throughout human history many people were slavers whom we would not call evil. Cornwall is self-serving, but regardless of motives he made the lives of elves better. As long as he does not actively endeavour to make somebody else's life worse, his karma is still in the positives.

2. Trenero seems to love his family well enough. We are repeatedly told that he's an asshole, but he comes off as a businessman more than anything.  Spending half an hournmaking phone calls to make his daughter happy should not be beyond his ability to care, if only so that his wife will be more enthusiastic the following night. As for asking Cornwall for help... How is threatening him better than asking for his help? Either way we are in his sights, may as well try to get something out of it. And then we can call him an asshole and say that we hate him.

3. Ashley looks like a crazy stalker. If the MC is supposed to be your player character, as the author stated, and not just another character in the story, you should have the option to call her out on her BS.  Drugging people against their will is not okay. Threatening people with knives is not okay. Attempted murder is very much not okay. Supposed her logic bomb had worked. Now Andy the Android is dead. Do we laugh and wave it off as Ashley being a yandere?

4. This is called making up excuses. The doctor says that we need to purchase Maria. Whom from? Her? Why? Is it finders keepers? If so we found her, and we should not need to buy her. Is it a government tax? If so there is no reason for the doctor to get extra money for holding her. Either there is a special reward for discovering the crime or there isn't, but surely what matters is who reported the crime.  The doctor cannot be selling Maria because Maria does not legally belong to her. That is the whole crux of the matter, that half elves must be owned, and she does not have an owner. If changing that were as simple as saying "you are now mine", we could say that and be done with it.

I want the game to be internally consistent, because that makes for a better story. The more excuses Ihave to make up for its inconsistencies, the less I enjoy the story. Thus, I would like the author to take a moment to address those inconsistencies. I think it would make for a better story.

Similarly, I would like to be given some actual reasons to hate the villains. Being told that their reforms weren't comprehensive enough makes me think poorly of the speaker, not the supposed villain.

I completely agree.

Except that maybe Tenno is worse than Cornwall as he has all neutered elves that he drains blood from to make replacement elves. Guess they are into that together in the fact Cornwall obtained them but draining blood while they sleep isn't at all okay. Like they get a better life? I couldn't imagine 1000 elves having a better life I could only imagine them in a massive factory with only have rest time to gain blood back.

Ashley ended up on the lower end of my list due to being fucking crazy and just wanting to pump out kids, but also be a doctor, bitch you want 12 kids that's going to take longer than any degree will.

(4 edits) (+2)

1. As I said in another post, you haven't seen him at his worst. I can understand why you would be confused 100%, and this is intentional. I don't like making people bad for bad sake, they have reason. Without going into too much spoilers though, you'll have to take my word he's a greedy power hungry politician for now out of lore ;)
In lore though, he's done some shitty things already. And had he given rights to half elves like he did to elves, things would have been better for Her.

2. You get two sides of the coin here, the personal side of Trenero, and the way the a part of the world views him. He is a decent loving father, but he's also a slave owning profiteer who hordes money instead of helping others. He's the richest man in the world, a mayor, holds monopolies over many products, and can personally send space ships to other planets in the solar system, but with all the power he has, all he's doing is trying to make more money, specifically off elvish labor because it's more profitable.

3. Ashley hasn't drugged or raped anyone against their will. MC is either willing or has the option to break out of it. While she has threatened people, she's not crazy enough to hurt them (you'll have to take my word for it I guess).  And yes, you are meant to laugh that last part off, it was a joke.

4. You hit the nail on the head, it's finder's keeper's. Just like dogs or cats you find on the side of the street. If they don't have a collar, you're allowed to pick them up and adopt them. This is very much how slavery works in Syl'anar. If a slave isn't registered, they can be registered by ANYONE. So the doctor registered Her to the government. It's definitely bullshit, but all of it consistent in my opinion.
The reason the culture / law works like this is because it systematically keeps every single elf a slave, and to be seen as an object to profit off of. If there's just a free slave laying around, why not pick it up and start making money? All to encourage slavery. (which is a very bad thing).
Or maybe a better metaphor would be you being a farmer and spotting a wild cow. You would think to yourself "Oh hey, if I milked it, I could make money off it"

You are right to want to be shown why antagonists are bad, and you will. Cornwall is an often talked about but rarely seen character at the moment, and I do have some things up my sleeve that will make you think "Ohhh, yeah. Fuck this guy all the way."

(5 edits) (+3)

In hopes of not coming off as an asshole, many of the issues you have are explained in game, which I hope I did a good job of doing, you may have just needed to have paid attention a bit more. There are also many cases of your questions being purposefully unanswered until they are written in the story. For example, there are cases of why Cornwall is a bad person, especially with his remade intro, but you haven't seen him at his worst. You've barely even met the dude.

Zexian has it mostly right, so I won't parrot what he said.

Cornwall is a morally dark grey character you haven't seen much of. He was never intended to be a good guy, he's a greedy power hungry politician.

The reason MC got mad at him is because Cornwall is slavery incarnate, he makes the laws regarding slavery, he controls the markets, and he can even take your slave away if he wanted to. Of course, he's not as important as the seat he sits on. Meaning the people need to change their way of thinking to stop electing a minister of slavery.

While you and others may have pieced things together, many also didn't. When you call MC stupid, you're calling many players stupid. If you caught it before the story told you, you should feel proud about that.

This is also explained in the story quite often - slaves are treated as pets. And these doctors really want to keep human genetics intact. In fact, if there are ANY unclaimed elves ANYWHERE, you can pick it up and register it. That's essentially what the doctors did, they stole Her because you never registered her as a slave.

Why Nia was able to do what she did was also explained in game, and she was actually caught if you remember. It wasn't a total success.

Trenero doesn't own his wife, there is no proper slavery outside of Syl'anar. Trenero also doesn't owe you anything and is trying to profit off of slavery. Cornwall is his friend. Trenero is also a fairly bad person for profiting off forced labor. This hasn't been shown off too much in game, but you may be able to piece it together with all that's already in.

(2 edits) (-1)

I will point out, once more, that you did a fine job in making Cornwall an uncaring asshole. Nobody thinks he is a good guy (I believe), we know he is a greedy man who is only interested in his own personal gain. It's just not clear, at least to me, why the MC should hate him personally. 

"Not helping" is the resting state of mankind. We are debating the finer points of a videogame while there are actual real live people in concentration camps, right now, being "reeducated" into a differnent culture and way of thinking. I am not going to call myself a good person, for I am aware of that and yet here I am, debating the finer points of a videogame, but i am also not going to hate myself for it.

And if I am not going to hate myself for it, I have a hard time figuring out why the MC would hate Cornwall for essentially doing the same thing.

Edit: Also, I know I have an advantage over the MC because of conservation of detail (if an author takes the time to spell something out in a story, it means something, whereas in real life a detail can, in fact, be meaningless), so just because something is obviious to me it doesn't have to be obvious to the MC (and vice versa), and I will say that making stupid choices doesn't necessarily mean that one is,  in fact stupid. 

However, some choices (and lack thereof) take on a different hue when subjected to fridge logic.

Andy the Android seemed genuinely upset that Ashley had tried to kill her, and Ashley seemed genuinely upset that it hadn't worked. 

I like Ashley, she's proobably my favorite character after Lin, but the fact that she breaks into your room multiple times, effectively rapes you (asking  forgiveness rather than permission, when talking about sex, is called rape), multiple times even, tries to roofie you, and even (ostensibly) tries to murder Andy the Android...  It's too much.

Mostly because you don't have the option to call her out on each instance, and at least receive an apology. In particular, in the case of the attempted murder, she should make it clear that she knows Androids don't die to logic bombs, and it was, in fact, just a joke.

I myself have pointed out that the MC is a bit TOO MUCH of a bland character at times in the execution of the game, but I also understand why it's made that way, something that I'd say Runey has been very open about. I would however agree that there should be an OPTION for some sort of personality in his character, maybe by a bit more dialogue options or ways to alter his reactions to certain things so I will give you that. However, the part about him being stupid for not figuring out certain things or not doing what we might consider the "smart" option might be annoying but understandable from the perspective of trying to write the story. Since he, according to the dev, is supposed to be whoever the player imagines him to be, then he can't canonically figure things out until it's guaranteed that the player has, and since some players will take longer than others to piece it together, the safest bet is to just have him be out of the loop until the reveal happens in-game.

(1 edit) (-2)

I didn't say he's stupid though, I said he seems to miss some obvious clues. Again, I realize that I have the advantage of conservation of detail working in my favor, and that the MC has actually spent days living and working and fucking his harem between one clue and the next, so they will not be as clear in his mind as they may be in mine. 

The Fairy thing is a pretty strong example of conservation of detail: the author introduced this out-of-the-blue group of tiny people, and made sure we could get a lot of details about them, thus it must mean something important. The MC is being bombarded by the 24/7 news cycle, so what is and what isn't important may escape him.

However, the sheer risk of any part-elf whose parents are unknown turning out to be a half.elf (and therefore a roomba) should be pretty clear in his mind when he is so worried about his own child (with Lin) becoming somebody's roomba.

Blondie had a pretty strong opinion that Maria should not look into her parenthood. He should at least have had a vague sense of unease, and perhaps tried to convince Maria to wait a couple of days, while he teased some more details out of Blondie, who may very well answer vaguely that she heard stories about orphans turning out to be half-elves and being sold into slavery on the spot. 

I can make up *some* excuses for this, but the fewer excuses I have to make up or the MC's behavior the better the story flows. Light SoD is pretty cheap, so handwaving some things is fine, but there is such a thing as the straw that broke the camel's back.

Take Lin's complete lack of cooking skills, for instance: she has *amazing* memory, and close to 300 years of either living on her own in the wild or working for human masters under her belt. How has she never learned how to cook?

That is actually lampshaded by the MC at the very beginning: 300 years and she never learned how to cook?!

We learn why later on: it was a sort of rebellion, possibly unconscious. When she says that she learned to cook because now she had good motivation, it implies that in the past she either had no motivation to learn or actually had some motivation NOT to learn.

Though frankly the entire thing with Lin going from "burns water" to "master chef" in three months or less makes me think that the entire "elves learn slowly" thing is blown way out of proportion. Maybe elves learn differently from humans, and human training doesn't work well on them, or perhaps the people who are trying to teach them treat them like slightly smarter monkeys and don't actually provide good training, or maybe Lin is just that exceptional.

But that is a thing I can easily make up excuses for - I just did after all. It can also be flipped into an additional example of unfounded prejudice, which is always good as part of worldbuilding.

The point is, having to make up *some* excuses is fine, you literally CANNOT explain EVERYTHING in a story. A main plot point depending on the MC missing a clue that was clearly laid out for the players to see, however, is pretty bad, because the players are now feeling railroaded.

Oh, and BTW, I keep saying "roomba" and "fridge", but let's not kid ourself: the actual corret words would be "realdoll" and "onahole". That Lin didn't get raped *once* in 300 years of slavery strains my SoD more than the drones theft. But sure, the author wanted Lin to be "pure" for us, so I'll take that as a gift from God (i.e., Runey) and not question it.


Do not get me wrong. I dont call MC stupid. He is just normal. Too normal to be MC if I can say so. Yes, he represents player, but when you are playing a game you expect to be a little more special than other characters in game. For now I feel that MC is absolutely powerless at everything. Or indifirent sometimes. If he is not great phisicaly and he is not smarter than everyone else I expected him to at least to have so called "the power of money". Even in situation with Maria - he didnt even bother to monitor the slavemarket by himself, he left it to Ellen and didnt even used his own money (I already had a lot of money at this moment and could pay any price, but MC just didnt even tryed to do this very small part by himself). It is like MC do not care at all. Most problems in this game girls solving on theyr own, MC is just somewhere around and do not do anything at all.

This is my only doubt about your game. Too powerless MC. It could be great if he could have a little more action, as when he encouraged Lin after fail with Syliath.

(1 edit) (-1)

Personally, I think the fact that the MC didn't have to monitor the slave market and buy her was just a gameplay and story segregation mechanic, like Lin locking herself in her room while *also* loitering around in the lounge.

The story is that Maria gets home in a reasonable time frame, so having to wait a month to collect the funds breaks immersion worse than having Ellen do all the work. There  may be other ways around this, but this seems like the easiest one. It should also be noted that the final Maria event is forced on you, and you cannot delay it, so having to find the money to buy Maria may seem like the game is  punishing the player for no reason, if they are not in a good financial spot at the time.

Of course, we do have a ridiculously rich man on speed dial, and it would probably feel somewhat more empowering for the MC is we could call and ask him for help - as his potential son-in-law, or just because a friiend of his dauhter is now being sold as a slave.

Granted it wouldn't be us doing the work, but at least it would be us finding the solution. 

It's also a cheap fix, since it doesn't really require any additional images, and it can even work to make Cornwell more of a villain (Trenero offers him money to forcibly take Maria from a bad master, Cornwell refuses because he actually  thinks half-elves are worse than animals and should have no rights, so we have to wait uuntil maria is actually sold by her new mistress).

I hope Runey will consider it.

(1 edit)

No, asking Trenero for help is not what I talked about. I want to see MC as more "usefull" man, not just decoration. I want to see Him as someone who actualy have a possibility to solve problems by himself. Not depanding on a rich father of his girlfriend or anything like this. To tell honestly, I absolutely do not like the idea to ask help from someone, specialy the guy like Trenero. And again, honestly, if there was a possibility to refuse to take this "10000$" from him in Kali's event I would definetely refuse.

(1 edit) (-1)

Err.... You are basically describing a power fantasy, which is... Pretty much the opposite of what this game is about. The MC is a hotel manager, and has the money and power of a hotel manager - which is to say, somewhere between zilch and bupkis.

That is pretty much the entire premise, that you are a small man in a big world, trying to carve out a tiny slice of it for yourself and your girls. You are not going to be the next Trenero, I'll tell you that for nothing.

There is nothing wrong with wanting what you want, mind, it's just that it goes against the premise of *this* game. I wouldn't mind it either, of course, but I don't think it's ever going to happen. And I'm frankly not sure if it *should* happen, story-wise. It's like reading LotR and finding out midway through that Frodo can shoot lightning from his eyes. Cool as that would be, it doesn't make sense in context.

You work with the assets you have. Manager's assets are his slaves, his girls, and the connections that he and his girls have.

Trenero is a billionaire, and he still doesn't quite outright own even the city he's the Mayor of, let alone an entire continent. How much power can a hotel manager with less than 100k to his name really exert?

My take on the MC freeing Maria is: get on your knees and start begging. Because she's about to end up somebody's realdoll, and they are not going to sell her until she's properly "broken in".


Also: the story is that Maria gets home. Given the world Runey built, I guarantee that there are more than a few guys out there trawling the slave markets and looking for exactly the kind of merchandise Maria is: a human-looking half-elf who only found out about her heritage as an adult. And they are not looking to give her a cushy job as a receptionist.

Within 24 hours of finding herself on the open Market, Maria will be waking up to dick, and going to sleep to dick, with a smattering of beatings in-between, depending on how much time her master has. And he's sure to make some time, just to "teach it its place in the world".

Waiting for the player to put together the money is not a good idea, especially if we are being told that she doesn't get to designate a preferred home.

Ah, I see. Lets end this disscusion. I made it just as example of situation where MC had to do something by himself and you are telling why he couldnt. Ok. Im just realizing that Im talking with myself.

Lucky, we definetely have very different opinions about everything, so there is no point to continue. Lets just leave it for Runey. It is his story and he is creating what he thinks is right. We can like something or not, it is only our own problem.

(1 edit)

I have found a bug or something? I switched from playing on the phone to playing on PC, I've finished every story form v0.11 so it was a good moment for me. After that I used cheat codes to finish all quests and progresses until the start of newest update. It worked like charm with every girl except for Ashley. She hangs around the hotel, her birthday event happened TWICE but I can't visit her in her room (it says that noone lives there yet). Can I do anything to change that? Or maybe somebody could post save file with all progress until patch 0.12?

Edit: Oh, also the code for Felicity and Emma doesn't work either :(


In 0.12 old codes do not work at all. Now cheat function is for patrons only.


So the author released a different version on his Patreon?

But most cheat codes worked properly. Even the code for Ashley's progress almost worked, I just can't visit her room and the only cheat code that doesn't work at all is the one for Emma and Felicity. Well, I guess I might just start from the beginning, I'll be able to see the new and remade scenes from beginnings

Some codes are free for all players to use (e.g., changename, truestory), some are not. For those codes that are not free and had been leaked prios to 0.12, you will find that they no longer work.


could you make it clearer which update we're on? perhaps saying 0.12.21 or 0.12.25 etc. it would make things a little less confusing, especially since you seem to be posting updates so frequently.

When you click the "download now" button, it tells you which version you're downloading.


Hey, really enjoying the game, but im just wondering if there is a way to carry over progress that you make in one version to a new version whenever that comes out, as the game can be quite time intensive to play and get all the stuff, and I would much rather not have to do it all again when a new version comes out.


just copy and paste the log file from the old game. Find the folder where your old game is saved and look for a file that is titled "log", that file contains all of your saved data, now just copy it and paste it into the folder where the current version of the game is, after you extracted the game of course.

(1 edit) (-1)

That is... Really not the case, at least for the latest version. 

It may have been in the past (and so it may be the correct answer for the OP's request, depending on their version), but currently the log file only contains the output of the console for the latest session.

The saves are located in game/saves. Copying that folder *should* allow you to take your old saves to a new version of the game. This assumes compatibility, however, and that is largely (but not entirely) up to the author: significant changes may break compatibility, regardless of the author's wishes.

Each .save file is a zip archive containing, among other things, a file called "log", which may be how the game used to save the current status when only one save was allowed, assuming that was a thing. In the latest version you get a lot of save slots, however, and each of those is a separate file, so in the future moving your saves will require moving a folder, not a file.

It worked for me the last time I tried it, that's all I know.


Please make it easier for android..

To open game, save, load, control, and some crash..

Can't you make the .Apk please ?


Dont you think I didnt follow your steps 'how to play on android'..

I already did all, download, extract, ect.. but it didnt work, everytime I click Start Game, it force close..

After that, I cannot use my saved data, so I need to play from day 1..


He really cannot, it's a matter of technical limitations of the android system and the ren'py engine.

Simply put, the game is too big to fit in a single APK.

To work around this issue, you need to split the game into an engine with a "local storage access" permission flag (which you would put in the apk) and one or more content files, which the game will download from the internet on the first run. This is how giant mobile games like The Sims work.

Unfortunately, this requires a certain type of support from the game engine, as well as certain design choices to be made before you start making the game, not to mention some kind of internet storage for the data to be downloaded. 

The bottom line is that it is not possible to simply make an APK by packaging the current game for android, but rather the game would have to be rewritten, potentially in an entirely different engine, at the cost of hundreds of man-hours. 

Ohh, I see..

So making new Apk almost the same as re-create the game from zero, and many component will removed to.. That is why impossible to make the Apk. I get it..

Thank you..

When I launch the game, its display many errors, such as; "File missing", "Couldn't find image location"..

I will try delete the folder, and try extract it, hope the problem is the extract from .zip..


I used the app and the itch site but both are saying it is an invalid zip. Anyone know if I need to change settings or something? I was hoping I could download it through my itch account so updates would be easy.


Don't use the app, it's buggy.


Please Update Soon for This Game.. I Like So Much This Game..  I playing This Game Since Versi 0.1. Please Update Soon...

Thank You..

Dude, I get it we're all addicted, but he released the latest version, like, a week ago. 

It's going to take some time before he has he content for another update.

Okay Dude, I understand. Thank You..


how i load my save game with joiplay?

Move your saves to extracted folder of pc version


Is there any option for playing by android





Anyone else think Kali looks like Alex from Modern Family?


Never heard of them.

I kinda see it. Never really thought about it till you mentioned it

Very vague resemblance.


i hope you can add an apk version of the new update.


Read the bottom of this page please. Right above the download button.


umm if it's not too much trouble maybe you could somehow make a compressed apk? for us low devices.

(1 edit) (+1)

Game is already compressed. The original size is 60+ GB.


oh! seems like i really need a cp with alot of storage..

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