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Kinda sad that I can't play the game, the renpy plugin keeps crashing...

Have you followed the android installation instructions carefully?


Yes but it instantly crashes when I open harem Hotel. I'm on Android 11 btw

I'm not sure then. Most of the time when people say that, it's because they didn't follow the android installation instructions precisely.


wont let me download, whats your patreon link?


Patreon link is at the top of the page.

Got it.


Hi runey I'm playing on android and didn't realise I was playing on an older version of the game, I was wondering how I can transfer my saves when I download the newest version

Download new game file, move saves over manually, delete old game file

What should I use to do that?


Find a decent file manager on the play store. I personally use total commander, as it lets me browse my computer files from my phone.


Hi. How do I unlock sleeping with autumn? Or have the exhibitionist sex in the coffee shop? is that not in  version 13? Thank you

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Hint: click on greyed out options to see why they can't be chosen.

The answer is: "Not yet implemented."

Hi It's been a long time since i don't play harem hotel and im starting a new game on the version 0.14 beta and It doesn't let me use the money code am I using the wrong one


Redownload the game.


Cheats don't work in the current beta, that will be fixed soon


Hello Runey, 

I have been playing the game a lot and finally have every trait unlockable for everyone and all scenes up to this point (0.13) and i have to say, You did an absolutely wonderful job so far! 

Personally i took a liking to Kali, Lin and Emma rather quickly, and i enjoy the android the most in a non-sexual way (named her sylvia before i even met the real sylvia so that continues to be a very fun exchange when either is brought up lol) 

On a side note, I was happy to see the Tieve picture in sanctuary! Having played Mabinogi Heroes from season 1 to 3, it was a very welcome and enjoyable thing to see.  

Keep up the good work! I will most likely donate to you in the near future if circumstances permit, so just know you made a fan out of me! :) 

does anyone know why i cant download it. it doesnt even take me to the download

Not sure, it seems to be working on my end. Try a mirror on my patreon.

Deleted 3 years ago

Isn't that for the 0.12.4 version?

Deleted post

Sometime around the end of this month. For future reference, I always list the estimated release date on every development announcement post on my Patreon.


Okay so I just wanted to say this game is absolutely amazing. I have zero complaints save for waiting for the next release but that's not a bother it's worth it. The women are all unique and well written, the comedy is absolutely amazing. The storytelling is top tier. I honestly cant give this game enough praise. Runey42 you have created a truly unique game. You have an amazing talent for storytelling. I dont know if you work with a team or not but I hope they and you know how good this game is. And once I get some extra cash I'll be donating what I can to help with this game. When I first downloaded this I was just expecting another copy and paste story with lewd scenes. This game surprised me with how well it's written. The girls are all beautiful with unique and amazing personalities. My favorites are Maria, Kate, Felicity and Emma. Though I will say I hope Juliet becomes available as a romance option as well. Anyways keep up the good work and expect donations soon. I want to keep this game going. I'm even replaying it now while waiting for the next update. Anyways thanks for letting me rant. Keep up the amazing work.


Thank you so much :)
It's just me working on the game.


Well you are absolutely awesome then. Honestly I wish I had the ability to make games. I have the creativity but not the skills. Anyways I'm looking forward to the next update. Cant wait.


I've switched the link to google drive, hopefully that helps. Google Drive does have a daily limit though on downloads, so you may need to check my patreon for mirrors.

I've also asked to raise the upload limit to 10GB so I can start uploading directly to, but I haven't received a response in a few days.

Someone told me to sort your posts by news on patreon  but I can't find it


That was me, and since I notice you said that you are unable to find the post I mentioned, I went back and found it again. Here's a link to the specific post I was talking about Click Here.

Thank you dude


Not a problem. I frequently check the forums here for games that I have in my collection to try helping people that are stuck or want information. If I can provide the information people want, then that's what I do, even if I have to do research to find it.

Thank you. Not only are you an awesome writer, but a very considerate dev.

Any plans to have Autumns sister join in some activities?


Hey Runey I have a question since has a daily download limit of 5gb is there another way I can download it for my PC?


Check his patreon page, he has multiple mirrors posted there. To find the correct post easier, you can sort his posts by news. 

Oh, and the post isn't locked behind a paywall either, so don't worry about that.

Thank you man


You can use a VPN to bypass the mega limit. seem to have changed some things. You can only download a certain amount for free and Harem Hotel seems to exceed that limit, downloaded 5gb (file-size is 7,71gb) have to wait for ~6 hours to contiune... 


I think that's per day or something like that,

did you go on a porn game download rampage? naughty naughty.


Chaos is saying this single game exceeds the daily download limit by itself

Yeah that's kinda worrying for me


See my reply above your post. There are multiple mirrors to choose from.

hi why is the download v013.2 and 2018? are there other versions i am missing?


What you're seeing is the date Harem Hotel first became playable on


The 2018 publishing date was the initial version of the game. unfortunately doesn't list the last time the game was updated, which confused me at first as well. However, most devs here upload patch notes whenever they update. Those patch notes are dated, so you can usually check if a game is still in development simply by checking the patch notes.

We have the option of creating new downloads for each new link, but that also resets the analytics for each download. It just usually makes more sense to keep the same download but change the link. I'm not sure why doesn't update the date when the download is updated.

I was unaware of that. It still makes no sense as to why there is no "Last update: " line for the last time you updated the files in the download. Maybe this is something that we could potentially petition to have implemented? It would be nice to be able to see the date of the latest update in the "more information" button.

Or how to pass the data to the new version?

Does anyone know if when I install the new version, everything you had is erased?

Everything is automatically transferred.

Doesn't matter if I download it on another page?

I did not know who the original creator was and only now did I know

as long as the files didn't get changed by some third party, your saves should transfer just fine. be careful downloading from other sites than what the dev has listed though, as some people will change files in order to spread viruses or try to scam you into paying for a free game.

Ok thanks

If on Mac or PC, everything transfers automatically. On Android, you have to find your save file, move it to a different location, download the new version of the game, then replace your save file in the correct folder. I don't know where the save file is located though, as I play on PC.

Deleted 3 years ago

Is anyone else having trouble trying to download this?

I don't know if it's me or the download server.


Try a mirror on my patreon.

Been lots of people mentioning this recently, so maybe the server. As Runey already said, try a mirror, there's always more than one server available.

nopy is gone they close the server because the cant pay them anymore 

Nopy is not the only server available.


Oh, I wasn't aware they had already stopped nopy. I switched the links.

ty very mutch and ty for your hard work stay healthy :3

Super odd how the first like hour of gameplay leads you to think its gonna be another trashy, shallow harem AVN. And then its like it changed authors suddenly and its this weirdly political and socially aware game. I can honestly say I like every character, but holy crap the thumbnail character is the greatest waifu of all time. Great job mate, even as is its quite a satisfying experience

Uh... thanks?


It only seems that way at the beginning because you have yet to learn anything about the girls staying at the hotel. Once you start to learn about them and their stories, you can start to see things more clearly, and begin developing a bond with them.

It's a lot like real life if you think about it. When you first meet a person, you know almost nothing about them. As you learn more about them and develop a relationship, you begin to see them in a different light, either in a good way or a bad way, depending on what you learn.

Ich kann das spiel über android nicht herunterladen kann mir wer helfen

Read the "how to play on Android" above.
Lesen Sie oben "Wie man auf Android spielt".


I can't seem to get violet to pop up in my hotel I finished everyone story except Lucy am I doing something wrong ?

Violet is not canon and was removed in v0.13.

Thank you

For some reason I can't continue nor trigger lucia's story, is that a bug?

There are points in the game where you have no choice but to work on some of the other girls storylines. Make sure you are working on each girls story, and not just hyper focusing on one of them at a time. Lucia's story triggers once you progress Kali's story far enough that you get invited by her father to go on a trip to the capitol.


Hi Runey,

I believe I have found the Problem why I wasn't able to continue the story (with the whole "you need the Human Kit", but I already handed it to Android). In my playthrough I could buy the Human Kit long before the Android requested it and it was just pulled from my inventory (as if I had given it to Android) before she even wanted it. It seems that that caused a bug where Android basically had the Kit, but it wasn't detected by Lin's story.

If you have the time, maybe check what the conditions are, that you need to unlock/buy the Human Kit. If you restrict the purchase until Android requests it (like Kali's Hard Drive), it might solve the issue. ...either that or my version of the game is weird...

I hope I didn't waste your time and keep up the good work.


This should be fixed in v0.14, thanks.

Hello runey it's me again sorry for bothering 

I have a question that is why there's no one in the dungeon the others menu ? I beated the game long time and it used to be lin's sister but after her last event now there's no one in the others menu

Is this a bug or .. there has to be no one in that menu?

As far as I know, none of the "extra" girls have been added to the other list in the dungeon as of yet. Most likely these will be the girls on the side that don't actually live in the hotel, and as of right now, you can't progress those girls to the point where MC would be able to talk them into going in there.


Not a bug. If you've played Jin's last few events, you should know it would be a very bad idea to bring her to the Dungeon.

Deleted 3 years ago

Use the code truestory and take Lucy's virginity when you first meet her.

Deleted 2 years ago

You can always try another mirror link if your downloads fail on you. I believe there is also a download link on the patreon page.


Man I really got reflexive, philosophical and emotive in many parts of the game, the hospital, Ashley's birthday got my tears, Michelle's past too.

 I really love that this is not just another sex game, and it actually has a very well-written story; thanks for your work :D


Thank you :)


When can we expect the next update? 

P.s. awesome work

If you check the dev's Patreon page, the latest beta version was released Oct. 17th. I'm hoping to see the new version here soon.

Release dates are always estimated on the development announcement posts for each version. (On my patreon)


Best Visual Novel I played so far. I'm serious.
Loving all the characters and the plot. And the fact that the characters and the plot are very tightly interwoven. Makes you really invested in ALL the characters, because except for very few side characters, most have a significant part in the story.

Can't wait for the next update! I need more! :I

(also, you really got my blood boiling with the doctor's office scene and what came after. Was barely ever that incredibly mad because of a video game plot in my life.)


You weren't the only one that was raging after that scene. For about a week after I saw it, I legitimately contemplated how I would handle a situation like that in real life. Sometimes I scare myself with some of the responses I came up with.

Deleted post

Keep progressing the story, you will know the scene when you see it. I promise.


Thank you! Maria is beginning a new arc in her story in v0.14, I hope you enjoy :)


For the love of all that is holy, give her a break tho, lass got the extra spiky dragon dildo in terms of getting done by fate. Don't get me wrong, all characters have their difficulties and ups and downs, it just seems that Maria and Ashley has a stronger tragic tone to their story than the rest.

However, keep in mind that this is just my opinion, and you are one of the few writers I consider highly skilled (for reference, I consider Stephen King as a cheap shock porn low effort trash), so if this conflicts with your vision, go with your vision, that is more reliable than whatever I (or anyone else) tells you to do with your writing.

(1 edit) (+2)

OMG, RUNEY42!!!  What he said!

Since this is my first post ever, I deeply pondered whether or not to say anything comically witty in it.  I've decided to go with blunt honesty.

I downloaded Harem Hotel just to see if the sexy scenes were as good as the preview screenshots looked.  And I was pleasantly surprised.  Then it started introducing the various characters and I started getting into an ACTUAL STORY behind it all.  Very cool.

Every character is well written, but 4 of them are on another level and just amazing and actually enthralled me!

It has been DECADES since I felt such such an attachment to a fictional character as I feel for Lin.  I want a REAL Lin of my very own, dammit!  She is so perfectly sculpted into the absolute ideal fantasy slave/pet/lover/waifu/etc.  Well done, sir.  Well done indeed.

The other 3 are Ashley, Maria, and Android.  Now, I'm an American male construction worker in my late 40's, not some "sissified millennial" (no offense intended to anybody), so this testimonial is costing me a little of my soul.  These 3 actually jerked tears out of me, with Ashley being the OMG WORST!  She left a huge pit in my heart for about a week.  And after "The Hospital Scene", I was pissed off at the world for 3 days!  I even had guys at work avoiding me and my negative attitude.  LOL

Runey42, you have a masterpiece in your hands here.  I may have grumbled to myself something like, "*#&$@% Runey!... I was only looking for fap-tastic animations and that friggin jerk actually made me CRY?!  WTF?!", but this CLEARLY means you are doing something VERY right!  PLEASE keep up the good work!!

(You have my blessing to use this post in any way that may help you, Runey42.)

Buddy, trust me. You're not the only person that cried at several of these scenes.
I've read at least 5 comments so far stating that - and i have not read that many comments.

How to move save from old ver to the new ver

Can someone tell me


If you're on PC/Mac, you don't need to do anything.

I'm on mobile

I wish I could help, but I don't have a clue where save data is stored on android. Maybe download a file manager, then play the game and create a new save, and sort files by date? That might work to find the newest save file on hand, and if it does, then it might also show the file path.

Hey runey thanks for your great game it's been a while since i beated your latest version and it was a masterpiece ❤️ 

I have a question why pc can not load the android savea? Or is there a way for it? Because i realized thar the pc saves are in the saves folder into the game folder but the android version is on the first page saves folder . 

I tried coping on both but it just can't read the saves on the pc.

Do you know the answer?


I don't know much about how android works, sorry.

Deleted post
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If you're on PC, yes, saves are stored elsewhere.

Deleted post

I think this is the best game cause its have a lot of things to do. So far, i love kali design, and lin story. Cant wait what the last room gonna be.

Btw it work smooth with joiplay on 4gb ram.

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Upgrade the bar and do pinups.

Deleted post

You can expect them every update :)


There´s a problem when I try to play the Violet scenes since the v0.13, it doesn´t matter if I open from the save files or in the option "Violet's Room", it always occur and I have to rollback in order to keep playing normally loading another save file.

(1 edit) (+3)

She doesn't exist.
That option shouldn't exist on v0.13.2

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(1 edit)

If you're playing on mobile, yes.
Please read the "How to play on Android" above.

Deleted post

Why cant this be an AAA game!? So lazzy!
lol, I loved the whole interaction. I went through every NO, I hope I actually saw that whole event.
I am loving this game if you couldn't tell!


what do I do when a WARNING pops up saying, " uh oh! things don't seem right. The friendship of one or more of the girls is way too high."


It tells you right after that. Restart to a point before you applied cheats or edited your save.

This also appears to me. The only code I used was to get 999,999 cash at the start of the game. I have just over 30 hours of gameplay, (it's not much, however, it's time I spent to play) and since I don't have the save before using the cheat. Would I have to start over? If this is the solution I prefer to give up playing. It was a good game.


I am trying to downloaded from pc but everytime it gets to 15% it goes down to 0%. What can i do?


You could try restarting your router or computer. You could also try using another mirror.


Maaan, Ashley here looks tooooooo adorable and cute! I want her to stay like this all the time T_T

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