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(2 edits) (+1)(-5)

So I've been playing the game since v8 and it's been a great vn. Personal opinion is that the last 2-3 updates I don't get or like, as there is just way too much PG dialog that goes nowhere. I don't get why I'm trying to boringly help a sex robot and 9 elf sex slaves save the elf and robot races from genocide and slavery, when there is presumably a 3rd and 4th floor that can be built, a dungeon needing expansion, a local girls college, and just happen to be on good terms with the global #1 elf sex trafficker; It makes especially less sense when times of slavery are a pretty good time for a proprietor of a hotel/harem full of sex slaves. 


I've been thinking on a response to that, 5 minutes straight. Simply can't, he's right.

(10 edits) (+5)

You've played the game for this long and don't understand why you're trying to help these women? They're all oppressed in some way by the same system. Some worse than others.

There won't be a third or fourth floor for main characters, just one more main character is planned. The dungeon will be getting more content, but there has never been a plan to physically expand the dungeon. It's already got more than it needs, but I always love hearing suggestions.

If you're referring to Cornwall as the #1 elf sex trafficker, that is one of the main antagonists. He's not a friend to you. No one is a sex slave to the MC either, unless you choose the slave route for Nia or Sylvia. Are we talking about the same game here? You seem to be under the impression that this game is only designed for you to fap to it like a video on pornhub, but this is an adult visual novel - a "book".

But of course slavery is financially beneficial to a hotel owner, labor would be free. That doesn't mean it's right though.


You are right (Of course, you are the creator of the game)

I always skip the history of this type of games because some are simply not well developed

But I have to say this game. THIS game, has an incredible story, Lin, Jin, Kali, Ashley, Maria, Android, Felicity and Emma. All of them have an incredible development.

I will not give spoilers so I will say that I almost cried in one of them. I am impressed with this game and the effort you have put into it, not only with the graphics, but with the writing, Congratulations!, you have created an H game with a story to cry about, something that not many games I have played have.

Thank you so much :)

(7 edits) (-3)

First, Thank you for the reply, and your game and creation. What follows is just my opinion.

I can see why possibly some mc's would want to help Lin, Jin, Maria, Nia, Robot, etc on their quests... If this book wasn't this book. However:

On top of all the things you did to the girls in say the 'early days' of the hotel; to coercing the church girl into performing extremely public cum walks in front of her sister; to keeping the twin sisters as a bj alarm; to keeping the 4 elf sex slaves I own (Nia, Sylvie, Peni, Ann) kept locked in the shed on low quality food rations; to all the other brainwashing I do around the house and all of the crazy shit there is to do in the dungeon. I'd say there is a pretty huge gap between 'helping' some of the girls and destroying others.

Honestly I play for the later part of the game I mentioned, and I'm not really looking for my mc to have any redemption. I would way rather bro-down and have another contest with Cornwall with a new batch of his girls; or turn the bar into a breastaurant with exhibition and submission points to work for me; or kali create a startup company with more robot models and different attachments; or have the college open up a sorority in my hotel. The last thing I want to do is go on a long, futile, and counter-to-my-interests dailog quest to liberate any of the girls in the harem.

Whatever though, it's your game, you know the arcs and how long you want to continue to work on the game and all that. For me the game/vn as a whole is great 10/10; its just the last 2-3 updates I end up not reading and skipping long-winded content, which unlike the core game (<v11), doesn't have any payoff.

(10 edits) (+1)

Opinions are fine, but to clear some things up, Autumn was not coerced into performing exhibitionism, it was actually a story point that she wanted to do it again, and the elves aren't locked in a shed with poor quality food. There is also no brainwashing going on, and being into BDSM doesn't mean you can't want to love or want to help that person. It's just a fetish.

You seem to be ignoring the story in favor of sexual content. Sexual content isn't going anywhere of course, and I will continue to add higher quality scenes. But... there is a story to this game as well, and that's the meat of this game.

One thing that confuses me most though, is that v0.14 has included more sexual content than most updates that have come before. There are a few sex scenes added in the story this update as well. I aim to include 1 sex scene per 3 story scenes. Is your complaint more so that the amount of story dialogue has increased a lot, but the sex has not? It's true that story events have been getting bigger and longer, but this is also why I've been adding a lot to the repeatable content, such as with lust content.


I guess to your first paragraph, maybe it is up to reader interpretation - for me it leans heavily towards coercion and brainwashing of the girls. The girls in the sanctuary you have literal ownership over - and your only real interactions with them is that they unwillingly have to give sexual services (ok, two are more accepting of it as they have ever only known sexual slavery) . If that’s not sexual slavery, I don’t know what is - I guess I’m not sure why now you’re sugar coating the relationships you have with the girls. Anyway- it’s your prerogative. 

To your last paragraph, I guess you are right, I would say my complaint would be that the update story is getting too long and disproportionate to the sex scenes. For me it’s a sex game and I’d keep coming back for that content, but if it moves towards 3-1, I’ll lose interest. In future updates. Last update I had to skip through the whole boat and elf island scene, the wedding scene, etc. so it seems like wasted effort when I’d rather just have 5 new girls or elf’s to corrupt. 

Again, it’s your story and your game - so you do you. I’m appreciative for all you’ve done, and your listening to this feedback. You’re a great dev!

Yeah, this is an adult visual novel, so you can expect more story than sex. But 1 sex event for every 3 story events within the story has always been the plan. Hasn't changed.

Mit welcher Version kommen neue Inhalte für Herbst?

Every version, she's a main character. Main characters get at least one story event every update.
v0.14 also gave us a hefty date system with most of the girls, Lust for Android, pinups for Felicity & Emma... so much stuff. Story was a little lighter for it, but this is the biggest update yet, at a full gigabyte.


How do i download the android ver? It appear like this when i click android/pc ver


Read the android installation guide.


I don't remember if this was answered but will we ever see the ending regarding the elves being slaves and if they put an end towards slavery or if it goes on indefinitely? it's one of my favorite parts of the story overall so far. might be too much of a spoiler to answer .-.


Personally, I think the answer to your question is a fairly large spoiler, if the answer is even planned yet. There is a chance that the story isn't yet written far enough that the outcome of the slavery bit has been decided.


Idk why i waited so much to post a comment but anyways.

Runey, your job is amazing, keep going. Harem Hotel is the best H game i've ever played. Well done


Thank you so much :)


Im really into the 3 elves history.

There is anything more after the "Slave training III" of Nia, and the Dildo part of Sylvia?

Why I cant see the scenes from the slave path in the gallery?

And how I can "Get to know her" in the love path of Sylvia?


Wird eventuell noch eine Afrikanerin in das Hotel einziehen, das würe es noch etwas " farbenfroher " machen.

(1 edit) (+1)

Also. This its the best H game I´ve ever play!
You can be sure that the work you are doing its going well
Keep it up!

Thanks :)

I have a question
How can I give to the 3 elves a place where to live?

Talk to Ellen. "Sanctuary" has been available since day one, and Mariella directly requested you use Trenero's $10,000 to buy and shelter elves.

(1 edit)

Wait, so you are telling me that I could just get 10k with that instead of working with the bar?
Ok, im dumb, thanks for the info!


The game is excellent, i want to do more thing with Sylvia and please save Ren :c


i can't click the kit icon. i think it's an error.Before i update to v14, that icon checked with 'Sold out'.but i couldn't continue the story for Lin.So i thought this error be solved with v14 update. But, it wasn't  

This should be fixed in v0.14.1.


I dont have the 0.13.2 i have 0.12.4 so how do i add the new patch?


You can't. You will have to download v0.14.1 as a whole.

will i have my progress?

If on PC, yes.
If on Android, as long as you move your saves over before deleting your old game file, yes.
As always, the only way to screw it up is to not follow the instructions.

But I can't find my save data file, how? Should I delete the game and start from the beginning again?

Save file location depends on your device of course. For example, on PC it's:
C:\Users\<User>\AppData\Roaming\RenPy\Harem Hotel
On Android I've heard at least two different locations, so you might wanna use your file manager and search for Harem Hotel.
Relax my dude, you don't need to start over simply because you haven't located your saves.


When do you think Pregnancy will be introduced into the game?

(1 edit) (+3)

When the game is done.

Do you have a definitive date on when that will be?

I personally think it's still going to be a while before the game is done. There are still a lot of things to do and problems to solve in the storyline, and with how much effort it takes to develop the updates, it might be a long while. Hang in there man, it will get there eventually =D.


a very long time I hope. because that means much much more updates I don't ever want the game to end :D


Thank you Runey for all your hard work on this wonderful game.

Are intermediate patches available for download somewhere?  I last played v0.13.1 and would love to simply upgrade.

Thanks again.

Yes, they are available here.

I must be doing something wrong because I can't find anything but v0.14 on itch.  In reading your patch notes, I think I might understand the situation.

It seems the patching framework was part of the v0.13.2 update and thus in order to upgrade from v0.13.1, I must first download v0.13.2 in full, import my save, then apply the patch for v0.13.2 > v0.14.2.  Is that correct?

Has anyone successfully imported their save from v0.13.1 to v0.14.2?


v0.14.1 has released \o/
Bugfixes and polishes.

my intro said the image is not found? can someone tell me how to fix?

Your installation was corrupted, or the way you installed the update caused this. You may need to reinstall.

(1 edit)

Just got a fresh download, but can't play the game. Can't find SDL2.dll or python27.dll please respond with a fix soon.

(I got the download from, hope that was the right spot)

(1 edit) (+2)

It tells you. 
Reinstalling may fix this problem.
You're missing files that should be there.

Dude, what type of porn you got in your "Pornography ;)" folder?

Hey Runey! Love your game! I hope we don't have to wait to long for the next update! But I understand why thought! The improvements you made are excellent! Why made you want to change the building design anyway?


The old one looked bad.

Is Kate going to live in the 4 room of the second floor? And will there be a 3 floor?


I can't play the 0.14 version on android


Make sure you follow the installation guide.

I think they are verry cute and hot.

It would be nice, if the 3 main fairys see how you fuck Ashley and want to experience it too.

version 14 is working just fine

would be nice if you could repeat more scenes

start is very slow, still one of the better games

Es wäre toll die Fee im Garten retten und als Gefangene behalten zu können, sowie auch die von Android in der Lobby gefangene. Es wäre toll sie fingern zu können und / oder den Android sie fingern zu lassen. Es wäre auch schön, wenn sich die drei "haupt Feen" in einen verlieben würden. Man könnt für die Feen eventuell so etwas wie einen modell Dungeon bauen / einführen. Bis jetzt ist das Spiel wirklich super und eines meiner absoluten Lieblings Spielen. Ich hoffe das bleibt auch weiterhin so.

Ein Fan.

Deleted 2 years ago

Remember the four letters you gave in each of her four riddle sets. Enter them in order, then use her clue to rearrange them and you'll have your answer.
Let me know if you didn't want this hint for help and instead prefer a straight up spoiler.

Deleted 2 years ago

Yeah fair enough

Dunno how to spoiler stuff on here so I'll just drop a bunch of lines











The letters were
E - R - O - V

(1 edit) (-1)

its not letting me buy the android human kit


This will be made clearer in v0.14.1
For now, just increase her friendship.

Read the dialogue box Lin's door is giving you - raise Android's Friendship.
It's Android's Human Kit after all, not Lin's.

every time i am trying to download the game, the download breaks down at exactly 8.687.856 KB. I dont have a solution for this issue yet

Es wäre toll die Feen fingern zu können

und auch sonst mehr mit ihnen agieren zu können. Die Fee in der Lobby nach dem ausflug mit lin auf die insel könnte man doch als geisel behalten oder die in garten retten und einsperren können. Es wäre auch schön mit den Nebencharakteren mehr machen zu können. Eine Beziehung aufzubauen zum Beispiel.

This might be a question you have heard before, or a really dumb one but, will there be other mythical creatures encountered? such as Dwarves or Nymphs or other things like them? I would love to see more awesome things like them but its still a good game regardless!



I followed the instructions but I can't get the .exe file from joiplay. Am I stupid?

Other hotel residents:  I was lost before, coming here was the best thing to ever happen to me, I will fight to make the world a better place

Kali:  Well, I haven't solved slavery quite yet but I think I'm getting there

Android:  If destroying the world isn't fine, I guess I'll just create a new species without wiping out the others first.

The power scaling in this hotel is incredibly wild

Also, Android has a rifle, and Maria found it, crazy moment worth screenshotting


Why is that crazy? Think about it this way, if someone came into the hotel and pulled a gun, would it be better for Android to get into a firefight, or would you rather MC? Remember, Android can be repaired, but a gunshot to MC could be game ending.

(2 edits) (-1)

I think it's crazy because this is a pretty chill porn game with pretty chill music. 

It took me by surprise to see a gun in this context, and I didn't know it was for defense until the android explained it. (she does a bit later in dialogue)

Before the android explained what the gun was for, I thought that she was planning some kind of assault or something crazy against an enemy


Not everyone who has a gun is crazy. I personally carry my pistol daily for self defense. My boss knows I carry it, and thinks that it's a good idea. I'm a delivery driver, and it's not uncommon for me to have a lot of cash on me while working due to people paying cash for their orders. Tonight alone I had almost $400 USD on me at the end of the night when it came time to close out tickets.

(1 edit)

this was not about you.... lol. My dad also used to own a gun, military too.

I know it's a year late. You missed the point, it was just unexpected, even Maria's expression is telling. I don't really want to try and explain further since it doesn't matter that much


I downloaded this for free and then came back later to pay for it. This is an amazingly good "sandboxy" AVN with great story telling and lovable girls that totally suck you in (and off). Totally loving my time with it and can strongly recommend it to other men of culture.

Thank you so much :)

Deleted 2 years ago

However you installed was incorrect. This error says you have two of the same scripts, which would not occur if the read_me was followed correctly.

this is definitely one of the longest games ive played. the amount of time put just into the story alone is breathtaking to say the least and i love how everyone has their own unique kind of personality. seeing continued great updates is definitely the icing on the cake too ;d

Thank you so much :) hope you stick around until it's finished.

I'm not personally interested in anal, so I skipped that part with lin's laptop.  Now there's that competition, and to win you need the count to be 10. Is there anyway to get that option back for Lin without starting over? If not, is there anything wrong in the storyline with losing and moving on?


You'll be fine, it only changes some dialogue.

Ok, so just go to the competition, lose, and move forward. Thanks  :)

Deleted post

I have a 0.13.2 save, not sure if it's okay to share

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