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The outfit of Maria in Cunnilingus is not changing.

It works for me.

I had this issue in v0.15.1 (fresh install, not patched in from v0.14) specifically with Goth and Lingerie both changing to Harem outfit, with Maria in Cunnilingus.


Just a quick question: has pregnancy been introduced into the game yet?

Not yet, but I expect it will be at some point. One if the characters is basically constantly begging you to impregnate her.


Wouldn't it be ironic if childhood malnourishment made her infertile?  Or maybe she takes after her dark elvish ancestor in ways beyond her eyes, what if she simply hasn't hit puberty yet (which would also explain her small bosom), and is primed to blossom on a more elvish schedule rather than human?  That would perhaps imply that one of her parents was a secret half-elf.  Better hope she never gets her DNA tested!


Uuuuuuuuuuh, no she has definitely hit puberty... no one is infertile.

Ashley was 19, and 20 later in the story.
She has definitely gone through puberty already.

Given that you're planning to add pregging eventually, Runey, I didn't really think she'd be outright infertile, this was spaghetti-at-the-wall speculation, but it would be ironic.  An interesting twist.  Maybe consider it an alternative ending.  Were it the case, she could still get her wish of "having" a dozen kids by raising all of the babies Our Hero is going to be making with the rest of the harem!  One kid each from Lin, Kali, Lucia, Maria, Hana, Felicia, Emma, Autumn, and Ellen gets us most of the way there.  With options for Moon, Kate, Juliet, Jin, the Sanctuary elves, and the two Queens, that puts us over a dozen.  Then throw in the college girls like Vanessa and Nidra.   And yes, I know how old Ashley is, but what age do elves hit puberty in this world?  Given how long-lived they are, their puberty could QUITE REASONABLY come later in life than humans... and could be a contributing (though not primary) factor in their in-game population decline.

Deleted 1 year ago

If you had clicked the "Back" button on the bottom of your screen, you could have undone that click. You could also load a save from before the choice, plus there are autosaves to the left of your first saves page.
If all of those fail, yes - then you would have to restart.


Finished the game. 

Looking forward for:

• Repeatable sex for Kate

• Repeatable sex for Jin

• Story Event for Juliet + repeatables

• Story Event for Hazel + repeatables (Hazel moving in with Autumn)

• More alarm options.

• Lewd punishment for the Elf queen + repeatables

• Story Event for Qiya + repeatables

• Queen Jia chooses MC as groom instead + repeatables

• Story Event for the Saints + repeatables

• Hotel Orgy Repeatable

+ Third Floor

+ Outside Map that travels to Univ, Pizza


Whens Mac download link gonna get updated


amazing game. i cant wait for more.  i hope this game never ends. 

(1 edit)

Reporting a small bug. Was trying to max out Lin's face sitting stat, and clicked her ropes outfit. It worked but now she only has "fun time" in her rope outfit, in every option. The only other one that works is nude, but the same issue of it being her only costume now is still there. Hope this helps and gets patched soon. Loving this game.

Edit: Don't know what I did but I guess the issue fixed itself. That, or it was limited to the cunnlings option and it fixed itself after an event.

(1 edit) (-1)

Despite having completed all girls storylines thru 0.15 there are a couple of screencapped scenes featured to the right that I never encountered  (1) wooden stairs at night, who is that even? (2) Moon outdoors  (3) Blue  Oyster {I think, sign is partly obscured}  (4) wtf is the elf with the goggles?!  Hints or path requirements would be appreciated.

(1 edit)

We'll need a LOT more context than things like "blue", but if you had completed all the storylines you'd have all those Gallery scenes.
"Moon outdoors", for example, is fittingly, one of Moon's events - 6 out of 12, that's clearly not completed. Visit the Bar.
"Elf with goggles" was Nia's 8th Love Route event, out of 9.


I am referring SPECIFICALLY and ONLY to events depicted in the screencaps above and to the right of this very chat section.  Was I not clear enough about that?  So, Blue Oyster.  I wasn't 100% sure about the word "blue" because it is obscured in said screencap, and, as noted, I've never been there in-game., hence the [?].  My current save (Day 301) has Moon at Level 12, she's a favorite of mine, so I must have done that event months (and maybe a release or three) ago and not remembered it.  I went Slave route with the Sanctuary elves, so that explains why I didn't see Nia's.  So that's at least 2/3rd of a "thank you" :)  


The continuity I'm playing out started in July '21, and I've been just following the path already chosen.  Changing the Sanctuary elf disposition would require branching off at around Day 120.  I do have one internal alternate history, restarted at Day 141 because several saves made in Nov '21 have become corrupted or are somehow not compatible with v0.15.  Its weird because its not every save, just most of them from that time frame.  While tracking down when I bought the elves, I discovered more seemingly corrupted/marginally compatible saves, so I may wipe the Day 141 branch in favor of a Day 120 branch.

(1 edit)

I merely asked you to give some actual context, as no, you weren't clear nor specific at all (that "screencapped to the right" and "Blue Oyster" were edited in afterward, I see, interesting), and I gave you what answers I could anyway. No need to explode at me, sorry for helping.

Hey RuneyGames
I have just dowload the game, but i am missing the images in game. it just say image *name of the image* is missing. Any idea how i can fix it?

Missing images are common with either corrupted downloads or update instructions not followed.

Great game! But I have a problem. Just started the game like 15 days ago and I just knew today that there was a v0.15.1. My only problem is that I don't know how to update it from v0.14.1. Do I need to redownload? Or if there's a patch then how do I do it? Please enlighten me and tell me the process 


Click the "Download" button the link listed as "patch" and follow the instructions. It's all very self explanatory.


I don't see it. All I see is the instructions on how to download. Do i just have to unpack the v15 zip file where the main file is located?

First comment I am making, since 2 playthroughs of the game.  It is outstanding!  Of course the prego thing could be interesting.  maybe introducing 1 each update?  I know writing the script 2 ways to allow for that has got to be a bitch, but, it would be awsome.  I LOVE Maria and Ashley.  The clones have grown on me.  I would love to see more story and depth with Nia and Sylvia and especially Jin and Ellen.  I love the clothes outfits changes and hair style selections could be expanded on bit by bit, Hana's hair drives me nuts... a makeover for that like you did for Ashley could do wonders for her.  Keep up the good work, I could easily see this being a roll-over from new computer to new computer and something I will always come back to.  I have to admit I used the money cheat for the first $1000 to get up and running.  Maybe a few other ways to make more residual income early in the game, and more upgrades to spend said money on... (dance floor in the bar, VIP Lounge to hang out in and get freaky with the harem in, expand the garden, add another floor, create more jobs for the girls than cleaning [lemonade stand, camming, ect].  ok well i've made this a book.  Just keep u the good work, in my eyes this is borderline masterpiece.

Thanks :)

Bug report:
For some reason all the repeatable scenes with Lin got the ropes outfit on, no matter what i pick beforehand (this started happening after i gave her all the new clothes)

Is there any fix for this?


Sometimes the outfits get stuck. It will unstuck itself eventually (as in you need to do repeats of the scene, doing other stuff like waiting or other characters does not seem to help).

(1 edit)

so no need to reload a previous save, just keep spamming the scene?

edit: apparently every character had a random outfit stuck on them (seems like the last that was used before the bug)


can you do a futanari character?

Pixel exists

There is sort of a futa cameo during one of Android's story scenes. Android and MC are talking with the owner of another android and she has opted to purchase an option for her android to please her with. Other than that, I personally don't really think it fits in well with the theme of the game or the story. Not to mention the MC seems to really enjoy his female companions company...


this is a masterpiece we need 0.16 asap :(


The first thing I thought when I saw the size of the file was "I hope it's worth it" and it was hahaha. I think it's the best visual novel I've seen, the amount of content is really incredible, scenes, interactions, clothes, events, extra girls, etc (I just finished the stories and still I have seen that I have a lot of content to see) . And not only the quantity, the quality is impressive. I can't wait to see more content from Jin. Excellent work keep it up :)

I have a error in continuing the game. I downloaded the Hotel version 0.15.1 (saves from 0.14 were moved) I click Continue and it crashes an error.

While adding the Exe application in JoiPlay, I noticed that there are 2 versions in the folder (32 bit and no version - probably 64 bit). I added this probably 64 bit version (the emulator itself works in the 64 bit version - on the 32 bit version of the emulator the game didn't start at all, even JoiPlay had some problems.

A moment ago I added the game to JoiPlay again (unfortunately in editing I cannot change the executable), this time I chose the 32 bit version and the same error popped up again.

I hope the error is not because I kept the previous version of the game somewhere nearby (0.14)
Windows 10 (64bit)
Emulator: Memu 7.1 (64bit)


I'm at the part where Felicity asks for money, and I'm really ache from laughing . Good job Runey

(1 edit)

runey I love this game so much! To the point I might try to make my own game but I doubt it will be as good as your keep up the amazing work. I’m looking forward to the new updates


Thanks :)


make it android ver please


Read the "How to play on Android" section of this page.

The game has been much to large to be able to pack it into an .APK file for quite some time. JoiPlay is the only option I'm afraid.


brilliant game with plenty of content to see and plenty to do! well worth a play


Idea: Ellen has been spiking the protag's breakfast to decrease his sperm count, since she figured he'd be having unprotected sex with multiple partners. I want to give Ashley her babies.

(1 edit)

Other idea:

That chip Android fried in the char event?  As backup, to keep her going after Ally, giving her more years.

Also, preggo content would be nice (taxing and difficult as it may be).  Otherwise, the MC seems... sterile. 


i love this game, can we obtain Jia anytime in the future?

Hey, while using the pc and the text editor app i randomly turned on the text changing options. I've missclicked something and now all the texts in the game are on the black background which is really annoying :X. I cant remember what the key combination was for the text editor so i cant fix it. Loading previous saves doesnt help. Anyone knows the solution?

If it were me, I'd ask people who know whatever "text editor" you're talking about is.

Talking about the place where you type the cheat codes.

(2 edits)

Ohhh, damn your recount sounds super different than that, you were describing a text editor that you misclicked and screwed something up haha.
Guessing now you simply mean you right clicked in the computer GUI, which normally brings up the menu? And the computer screen alone is black?
Right click again to exit, as usual.

(1 edit)

I don't know if you're planning on making translated version of your game.

But if you're willing to, I'll gladly help you to make a french translation.

Thanks for this great game btw.

Yeah, I would also like to help with the French translation if it is planned

I really love Kali out of all the girls I like her the best, but the hotel only charges 5 dollars a day however with only Kali living there why do you collect 10 dollars a day starting out does Lin pay rent too. I really like this game it's like one the best VN there is keep up the good work and I can't wait till the next update. Thank You.


You know - I wouldn't mind rescueing the last contestant, too...

Deleted 2 years ago

Jia and Ann aren't side characters, I'm not sure who you're referring to in the first part of your message. But you can check the wiki if you're confused.

Does anyone have a save file on the midle/endgame state?  i had quit some time in the game and lost my saves.


I have a 100% run (i think) on 0.14 patch, not this one.
Im not sure how to send the save file, i only know it's in appdata tho.  

Think you could upload in mediafire?

sorry late reply, i can upload it on mega


For the love of Gaius PLEASE make more Kate events 🙏

Deleted 2 years ago

Wiki says:
   - Have bought Nia
   - Be in your room at Noon

Deleted 2 years ago

Are we gonna get any more content with Nidra? I know she's only a minor character, but I think she's kinda hot.

When will Maria come back after she was arrested ? I love her so much and i cant wait to see her!

Three days, automatically.
Make sure you have Sylvia (by that point you would anyway).

Actually i dont buy her oop


spoilers man



Thank you for making this game! i like it a lot!!!!


Ill play this game again when its at 0.20 or very near finish bye

(3 edits)

A quick question – does the update patch work for Mac, and if so, is there any difference to the process of applying it? If not, how would I go about updating on Mac?

I am not sure if it works on Mac, I assume not.

Love the game so much, everything is fantastic. Is there any option to change what name the girls call you in the dungeon and if not, are there plans for it in the future?


You can currently give most of the main cast a pet name, but much of the dungeon content is planned to be remade in better quality with some nice polishes like that in the future.

(1 edit) (-7)

i hate Vanessa with a passion...


That's not nice :(

(1 edit)

She's just passionate....  Next time, go down the love route instead of the slave one.

i am down the love route, she's just a bit annoying


She just needs to swallow the D more, lots more.  That should... be a cure by Runey

(1 edit) (+1)

Sorry for the stupid question but is it possible to download a previous version of the game? Specifically 0.13.2? For some reason, my previous 0.13.2 saves isnt working for 0.14. 


You might be able to find some links on my patreon.

To play your saves on an update, don't do anything to them. Just start the game and load your save.

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