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Does runey have a public discord? Or is his discord entirely patron only?


Anyone can enter, although I think you get privileges if you are a Patreon supporter.

The link is on top of this web.


Patron perks are listed on Patreon, fittingly. They are simply "thank you" rewards, not privileges, since the game has always been and always will be free.
Things like coloured names (you can already colour your name via the #fan-club channel), access to cheats, and custom art.

Yeah, my bad. I didn't want to sound like that.

Much appreciated. I missed it for lack of glasses.


Need to sort out download situation for this. Google drive says it's reached user limit for download and mediafire well it's just way to slow taking several hours.

Choose another. Runey hosts the download on multiple sites for a reason :) Patreeon has the most links, since it's the most direct source.

am i able to buy a penis module for android like is suggested in one of her beach events?

Nope, sorry.

How do I finish Androids "Slick Hands" ? is there a repeatable event  that I can do


yes , use her as your alarm clock

In addition to what hichigo said, if you've already unlocked her alternate form, the alarm changes to a blowjob and so you'll have to use her 6/9 Lust event with Ashley instead.

Is there any femdom content/route in this game?

There is some femdom content. Check this page's "Themes Included" list for a list of the major themes.

ah thank you! I don't see femdom in the theme's included though so i'm happy for the clarification!

when is the next update? Just curious


After unzipping the game on RAR and addiing the game to Joiplay do i have to keep the game file on my phone or can i delete it?


you naturally do, the game wont run without the files lol. Joiplay runs the game using the files as they are, it doesnt clone em if thats what you were thinking.

how do I increase the friendship for Lin, I need to in order to continue with Kali. I've tried going to her room it doesn't work.

She has 44 events each with their own requirements - we need to know where you're stuck. Simply click the info tab and tell us the number next to her name.
There's also a handy wiki linked at the top of this page with all her events and their exact triggers.


Where can I find their friendship level?

As I said, "Simply click the info tab and tell us the number next to her name."

Where do you see "Friendship Level"?
The only mention of that should be "Relationship Level".

Those are the same thing.

(1 edit)

I think they mean when the game tells you to "increase friendship" with one character to continue with another's events, and didn't realize that means progressing further with the required character (which would raise relationship/friendship level) 


how long until the next update im so excited!


i really really really like Felicity and Emma,please continue their fantastic stories❤


Absolutely :)

Everytime the games intro ends i get an error about the hotel image file not being found, what do i do?


Reinstall the game.

Hello, I have problems in the autumn story since it does not let me progress with the exhibitionism


Clicking the greyed out options tells you what you need to unlock them.

Finished the game a little bit ago, however. This game had a good length of story and lore behind (most) of the characters.

Hyped for the next update.

google drive mirror keeps telling me the quota has been exceeded, and the mediafire download gets to ~90-95% and then gives me Failed- network error and starts over from scratch when I hit resume. Would love to play the game since it looks pretty good from what I've seen, but it's kinda hard to do that if I can't actually download it and don't know what's going wrong.

plz help?

(1 edit) (+1)

Choose another download source. Runey puts up multiple in case your region's servers are acting up, as yours appear to be.
You could also try using a VPN or looking into if there's any problems on your router's end.

I'll try one of the sources on the patreon page after work.

Finally managed to play the game by downloading the Windows version to my phone's SD card and then transferring back to my laptop (I don't do well with controls on a phone and mine is an older model and can't play the game even if I was good with them).

It was well worth the effort and I can't wait until the next update releases.


This game turned me into a hermit didnt leave the house for days. I wish more Ellen content and android come in the future <3


Glad you had fun!



Hi, first of all great game.   I just started playing this and I’m in the beginning stages.   But I noticed a map.  I can’t really do anything in it as of now.  Is the map, just for show or will I eventually be able to travel to those locations.  Thanks. 

(2 edits) (+1)

Harem Hotel doesn't have a world you can freely explore. Because this game is a Visual Novel the only area you can move around in is the "character hub", or Hotel. The map is for lore and context.


When the next update come?

What a great game I am looking forward to patch 0.16, I especially cannot wait to see what happens in Kali's story. 

(3 edits) (+2)

This game got a very well-writen story, probably one of the best-writen story I've seen in a game, so much so I feel it is kind of a shame for it just to be a visual novel.

 If I can make more decision, influence the girls by myself more it would be wonderful. Also mannaging multiple hotels with elf refugees disguise as maids, training them to fight or to spy, basically forming a new revolutionary with my girlfriends is such a fun idea. I just wish I can do more in this game rather then endlessly reading the story, I want to feel the story through gameplay, heck I'm barely runing the hotel myself! Elen does most the works! 

Anyways this still is a game I really enjoy because of the amazing story and the intoxicating world the developer build, will do my best to help the developer finishing this game, I really think this game has tremendous potential.


Also I love yanderes, ashley is my favorate. Probably why I love this game so much. 

Thanks :)

I cant progress nias story i give her the supplies picked love story but cant do anything i check the wiki it tells me to to talk to her but i dont get anything new. Any help?

I am using a Mac, and whenever I try to download this game, it shows that the download failed after a few minutes. I tried it several times. Please help 

Try a mirror.

Will there be mods for the game?

(1 edit) (+1)

Mods are made by people like you. If you would like to make one, go for it :)

harem hotel always stopworking on joiplay

(2 edits) (+1)

Great game I just think there should be a main storyline with everyone instead of a bunch of different quest with each girl. There might be one but I haven't really picked up on it yet If there is could you guys make it a little bit more obvious.

 I do like all the side quest for each of the girls and the graphics are truly the best out of all the 3d games I've played.

I haven't finished the game and I probably 15 to 20 hours in, I'm surprised the games is this long.

I'm looking forward to see where the game goes, This game is one of the best of its kind keep up the good work Runey


The bunch of different quest is actually the main storyline, it is all connected together.

(1 edit) (+1)

There is an overarching story, it just becomes more prevalent later on. One should be able to see the threads weaving together as each story advances if they pay close enough attention.

Definitely. Just like how {REDACTED} becomes {REDACTED} with {REDACTED}, {REDACTED}

Hello, I keep getting renpy errors in the game. I cant play the game as it gives me the error every couple of seconds. I cant even see the artwork. I would much appreciate help. I've already hit ignore many times and it stills does not let me play.

Without knowing what the error is we can't help you much. But it sounds like you've installed the game incorrectly. Try reinstalling.

Looking forward to the next update. Would love to see move content for the secondary cast, particularly Lucia who I'd honestly like to see promoted to main cast status. 

Keep up the amazing work Runey, this project is truly inspirational.

Thank you :)

I am waiting ever so impatiently for the next update. I downloaded the v.14 awhile ago  and I'm waiting until the v.16 before I play again to enjoy more content. Keep up the amazing work.

Thanks :) Sorry for the longer than usual delay between updates this time.

I'm not even stressing.  art takes time




Patreon, Twitter, Discord.


Hoping that Lucia get some more screen at the next update.


I've registered especially to leave this comment.

This game is truly a masterpiece. It has just astonishing models quality for a free indy game. Some of scenes I just wanted to print in large and hang onto the wall. And that Lin girl is absolutely awesome, thank you for her  =)

Also should note that even if I don't generally like novels, but the story here is quite pretty and almost not boring  :)

And I'd been laughing for a whole minute on that 'this statement is false' Ashley's try on Andy )))))    Most unexpected!

Thank you so much :)

I try hard to make some scenes stand out visually, so I appreciate you noticing that.


are there any plans to make Lucy a main character? Love the game so much, amazing characters, great attention to detail, and an in-depth story. I feel bad for not paying for the game initially, will definitely be supporting you via Patreon! Great work!!


funny story i got the Android before i met kali's sister. I conveniently named the Android lucy

Deleted post

I'd suggest to just turn on the skipping feature. You can get through the entire game in an hour. It's not like there are a lot of choices to be made. Just skip day until you can get the bar, build the bar, upgrade it to full, skip some more as you need money.


That's a ridiculous amount of work to play 15% of a game on my phone in hopes I'll pay for it.


1) It's a very simple process considering how finicky running these things on phone are
2) You can play on PC too
3) The game is 60% done
4) The game has always been, and always will be, free
Anything else?


when will pregnancy be added?

Still end of the game, that hasn't changed.

Hello, I'm having an issue increasing androids friendship. Is there a way to manually increase her friendship? 

Yes, play her story. Simply click "Talk" on her door. If you're stuck on a particular event, we of course need that particular number to help you.
There's also a handy wiki at the top of this page that has all her events and their requirements.


Hello guys, if you read this and want to play it on Android, Install the PC version. Then, Download Joiplay version 1.01.701 and Renpy plugin 1 01.701 . Remember: Only that version is playable in phone.

Hi, I am trying to play the game on my Steam Deck but it's not working. I tried running the linux executable .sh file and the windows executable .exe file (proton). I even tried the running the .py file using python. All lead to the game not booting.

Anyone having similar issues?

It's not been stated anywhere that the Steam Deck is supported. I'm not sure what would even be required to play on that, isn't that steam games only?

The game released before the Steam Deck was even out so of course it's not supported.j ust wanted to see if a fellow geek has already tried making it work. 

In the end I decided to install Windows on my Steam Deck. I have been enjoying this game in my bed :)

From what I understand you can DL the app in windows mode.  Then DL the game, then add non  steam game to your library and should be good.  

Or DL on your Computer, DL Steam link on your Steam deck and use remote play.


This game is great! Really great! But I have a problem with it.
When we find the cat and the vet bill is only 175 dollars? Thats hard cap. A stray with a broken paw who needs all the shots? thats at least 500. Then again, not the same universe but I doubt it would be much different.


It's not dollars, it's Syls.

Oh yes, I just assumed its a 1 to 1 conversion anyway. And the dollar sign is always there

It's 7 Syl for each 1 USD. The biggest giveaway here is that a room costs 5 Syls a day, which is 35 USD. Multiplied by 30 (for each day in a month) and that comes out to $1,050. About the price of a cheap apartment in a rural area.

This means the cat's bill was $1,225 USD.


Hye how do you update the game/upload the patch notes?


Read them.

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