Just wondering if you'd make two considerations for Harem Hotel
Consideration one give us the option of resetting the "default" breast size (or at least the option to set it during sex, since having to press a size every single time may be a bit repetitive)
Which brings me to the second consideration I'd like to request, as stated to Ashley when she says to Kali about breast feeding her kids "you know it doesn't work that way right?" (Referencing when Ashley basically said bigger boobs more milk for babies) so why can't the Lactation Module work with all of the breast sizes as well? So please add option to use lactation to the other breast size as well.
Thought of two random things that would be nice (probably won't be added but would be awesome)
Instead of Ashley only being willing to be topless if you have her as an exhibitionist she would actually be naked in the restaurant. Second similar to the first the beach when Maria invites everyone. I feel that the level of exhibition for each girl should come into play there (maybe even have it where the girls who have the trait go naked instead of in the swimsuits.
I mean for the Android. Which is why I mentioned lactation Module (sorry for not being more clear) though I do hope you'll allow the girls (once pregnancy is implemented) to lactate and also maybe have a exhibition (for each character containing it.)
Hello, can I make a little request please? Hana has been living with Maria for a while now, could they set up a privacy curtain and have a duffel-bag or something to make the space really look like it has been lived in? Thank you!
After a year of rest, I'm playing the game again and v0.16 is in development, right on time. But I'm thinking if I should play now or wait for 0.16. I've played version 0.9, 0.10 and 0.11, I can't wait for 0.16
New early game content you say? It looks like I'm going to be restarting the long journey back through the game. There is no way I'm going to miss out on some new story with the quality of the content you put out with each update.
I usually don't look at the content previews sent via email because I like going in blind but you really know what your doing! I've never been disappointed playing this masterpiece and the story really is amazing. Its like reading the best most raunchy book I've ever gazed upon and I absolutely love it.
Mot much we can do if you say you've read the wiki, as it has all the information you need. Regardless, what's her Relationship Level? (Click the "i" at the top of your screen and see the number next to her name)
I'm a little stunned. I've been looking forward to taking my existing harem into the future with new events and possibly new elves to purchase. The idea of having to start over is just disappointing. The expected completion date of October or November isn't even an issue now because I'm not sure if I'm looking forward to it. This has been my favorite game and now I'm wondering if you'll ruin it.
The outside world has largely been disappointing with the whole abolitionist movement. I would be an abolitionist in real life but I play games to escape real life! It would be easier to tolerate in a future context but a broke Manager again stuck having to wander streets. I might as well play every other game out there.
Perhaps I will vote with my feet as they say and never download the new version.
You don't have to start over, I never said anything about not updating the story either? There will always be more story content in every update.
Are you talking about the lack of an abolitionist movement? Or do you mean you would prefer if this story was all about enslaving people instead of freeing people? In that case, this game has never been that, and never will. The story is planned to have a happy ending.
You're also threatening to quit playing over just 1 update... 1 out of 15 so far, and many many more to go.
Perhaps I misread your post. I thought you said all of your w was going to be back at the beginning of the game. Maybe I was having a bad day when I was afraid that you were going to mess up my favorite game. I want to emphasize that again. Harem Hotel is my favorite game bar none. I tell other developers that they should look at what you've done to see the gold standard.
My favorite part of my favorite game is the master/slave relationship aspect. Part of me fears that you intend to remove that from the game or curtail it to a great extent. Why? Jin was essentially removed from the game when the MC did the right thing for her. She stands there and says that life is rough when she used to be a favorite character of mine. I'm drawing a blank on names because I'm a man in his late 40s in and out of the hospital but the programmer girl is my overall favorite and I look forward to seeing Lin f ree to some extent.
Fact is that I would move into Manager Smitty's life if I could. I can get a little too emotional afraid someone might mess with my vacation home. Please accept my apology for going too far. Obviously, I could always play version 15 of the game for years if I really wanted to do so. I am not such a newbie that I couldn't preserve my current game and try the new version. You are an artist who has given us this great world and you deserve a measure of trust in return.
Thank you for replying and helping relieve my fears at least a bit.
Every update is guaranteed to give every main character at least 1 story event. v0.16 is actually the exception where I state in the post that it is a balance update. Main characters like Lin and Ashley will get no story this update as they have the most, and other mains will get extra story. This has been requested for a long time so I figured I would dedicate at least one update to some balancing.
Jin's only content was sex in the dungeon, now she has story and is getting a lot more content. As this game is in development, you will experience the game in a way it was never intended to be experienced, since the game is intended to be experienced in it's completed form. This means there will be awkward moments like Jin feeling like shit for a long time in your game, when in reality, I just haven't developed her next event yet and would be over much quicker.
I am not sure if by "master/slave relationship" you mean an abusive power dynamic, that remains locked to slave route content within Nia and Sylvia's story.
Side characters will also be getting story of course, and there are more plans as well. The post above lists the new mechanic coming in v0.16, which is an optional expansion to the early game.
you just have to focus on relations with ashley. I had the same problem with lin but i just focused on relations with android and it worked. I hope it helps
Why do all these nsfw games have such dystopian themes and worlds I don't get it. Another thing why is it always the elves or "monster girls" or whatever that always get the short end of the stick and don't have rights or whatever?. aren't they just human but slightly diff.....wait a minute. even with those points I ain't gonna stop playing these games. Great work!
So yeah, wow. Honestly you did a great job and having burned through all available content over the last 3 days I'm filled with nothing but immense satisfaction that I gave this a try. There is so much depth to the characters and I actually find myself caring deeply for these people. It's a remarkable thing to shed a tear when dealing with some of the absolute heartbreaking twists and turns the story takes and I found myself "rewarding" the girls based on who was going through what. My partner overnight changed as the story ebbed and flowed. Seriously outstandingly work, you can tell these characters are more than just a means to an end. Of course the lewd content is excellent but the why I was playing changed drastically over the playthrough. Can't express how much I genuinely enjoyed the experience - keep it up...... please.....
Hi i have a problem im trying to progress in Felicity and Emma's story but it tells me i need to increase Ashley's friendship even though its at level 43 wich im pretty sure is her max level
Здравствуйте Runey, скажите пожалуйста над чем сейчас идет разработка и что нового будет в новой версии столь прекрасной игры? Если конечно не секрет))
Depending on how far you let it go you might have missed a bit more... There is actually a bit more to it past the screen full of "No" (don't give her the money). If you missed it sorry to hear that.
I actually figured this out awhile back... Lol I thought it funny which is why I shared it here. Thanks for replying to this btw. I'm still hoping the next update saves my broken game (Even using 15.1) I still get the linhasgoth error.
i downloaded this game and started playing on the .13 update, should i download the .15 update? and if so how do i do it in a way that wont delete all my progress?
i have an issue with the game a few others with the same issue i go to download the game and it says the title is hosted on an incompatible third-party website how do i fix this cause this looks like a good game and im on pc
Does your browser and/or region not like whatever server host you're choosing? Choose another one. The direct Patreon source has multiple links in case one isn't working for whatever reason.
im using itch launcher and its not my browser and i went to you patreon and didnt see any links other then to pledge i could be looking in the wrong place but thank you for responding
Haven't been able to figure it out yet but in Ellen's tutorial on how to make more money, she says that "sexy outfits are the way to go." Does buying the more expensive outfits and making the girls wear them make more daily money? Or is it just for the pinups?
Hey ! I have recently started the game and I love it !! I just wanted to ask if the days have any signification? For example, does smith happen on day 50 ?
I just finished Kate's route and was wondering if there would be additional content and scenes (vaginal and anal) in the relatively near future for her?
I did everything what was available in release half a year ago and today casually I thought 'there is this Harem Hotel game which is awesome'. So I came here to say that, cheers!
I'm still waiting for any information to fix my game. I left a full error log it said something about Goth outfit, though I already had the outfit. I'm over 100 days in and I hate to start over only to have the same error occurring so if you'd be kind enough to look into it I'd appreciate it.
version 15.1 is the current version right? I ask because that's the version I'm currently running where the error occurs. Is it possible that it's a carry over from a save from a previous version? Or would the updates you mentioned have prevented the error anyway?
Because of the genre, a lot of people won't ever hear of this game, but those looking at this game should know that this is a masterpiece. Taking the porn out (which was very well done btw), players will find it hard to find fault with this game. The scenes, created very uniquely versus a lot of VN's, add so much to the immersion. It doesn't even feel like a VN most of the time (which I'm not a VN fan). The writing was so well done, leading to the reader wanting to know more. The characters (Maria and Moon FTW) and their stories are well thought out, to the point that you find an attachment with even the ones that you don't like. Would love to see more audio added to the game (bgm, characters, whatever), but even so, this is one of the few that the lack of doesn't take away from how good it is. Well done sir/madam. I can't wait for further updates.
Will there be more girls or a third and fourth floor added to the hotel? Some of these side characters, like the teacher and the fellow students are really cute.
Hi, great game. Just an issue though, i think i may have pressed something while playing and this appeared on the upper left of the screen, How do I hide this?
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Dear Runey42
Just wondering if you'd make two considerations for Harem Hotel
Consideration one give us the option of resetting the "default" breast size (or at least the option to set it during sex, since having to press a size every single time may be a bit repetitive)
Which brings me to the second consideration I'd like to request, as stated to Ashley when she says to Kali about breast feeding her kids "you know it doesn't work that way right?" (Referencing when Ashley basically said bigger boobs more milk for babies) so why can't the Lactation Module work with all of the breast sizes as well? So please add option to use lactation to the other breast size as well.
Thought of two random things that would be nice (probably won't be added but would be awesome)
Instead of Ashley only being willing to be topless if you have her as an exhibitionist she would actually be naked in the restaurant. Second similar to the first the beach when Maria invites everyone. I feel that the level of exhibition for each girl should come into play there (maybe even have it where the girls who have the trait go naked instead of in the swimsuits.
That feature may come.
The women can't have a breast size or lactation module because they aren't androids.
I mean for the Android. Which is why I mentioned lactation Module (sorry for not being more clear) though I do hope you'll allow the girls (once pregnancy is implemented) to lactate and also maybe have a exhibition (for each character containing it.)
Ah, the lactation module can work with any breast size. That content just isn't high on the list of priorities.
You are the god of games
Hello, can I make a little request please? Hana has been living with Maria for a while now, could they set up a privacy curtain and have a duffel-bag or something to make the space really look like it has been lived in? Thank you!
After a year of rest, I'm playing the game again and v0.16 is in development, right on time. But I'm thinking if I should play now or wait for 0.16. I've played version 0.9, 0.10 and 0.11, I can't wait for 0.16
You may want to wait until v0.16 is done. It will include many new early game content.
What is the early game content? I'm new to this, what did i miss that is coming back?
Check out the development post on Patreon, one is posted each time development begins for each version.
New early game content you say? It looks like I'm going to be restarting the long journey back through the game. There is no way I'm going to miss out on some new story with the quality of the content you put out with each update.
Enjoy! :)
We need Chinese, please.
Translation software can translate, no trouble.
Thank you!
By all means, go ahead :)
Development on v0.16
Ooooh f*k ye! The Hype is Real!
I usually don't look at the content previews sent via email because I like going in blind but you really know what your doing! I've never been disappointed playing this masterpiece and the story really is amazing. Its like reading the best most raunchy book I've ever gazed upon and I absolutely love it.
I've read the wiki and everything and still can't get ashleys relationship up can you please help me out with this
Mot much we can do if you say you've read the wiki, as it has all the information you need.
Regardless, what's her Relationship Level? (Click the "i" at the top of your screen and see the number next to her name)
thats such a great idea!
I really like that there will be more overall lore added to the game (aside from H-scenes ofc)
I'm a little stunned. I've been looking forward to taking my existing harem into the future with new events and possibly new elves to purchase. The idea of having to start over is just disappointing. The expected completion date of October or November isn't even an issue now because I'm not sure if I'm looking forward to it. This has been my favorite game and now I'm wondering if you'll ruin it.
The outside world has largely been disappointing with the whole abolitionist movement. I would be an abolitionist in real life but I play games to escape real life! It would be easier to tolerate in a future context but a broke Manager again stuck having to wander streets. I might as well play every other game out there.
Perhaps I will vote with my feet as they say and never download the new version.
What in the world are you talking about?
You don't have to start over, I never said anything about not updating the story either? There will always be more story content in every update.
Are you talking about the lack of an abolitionist movement? Or do you mean you would prefer if this story was all about enslaving people instead of freeing people? In that case, this game has never been that, and never will. The story is planned to have a happy ending.
You're also threatening to quit playing over just 1 update... 1 out of 15 so far, and many many more to go.
Perhaps I misread your post. I thought you said all of your w was going to be back at the beginning of the game. Maybe I was having a bad day when I was afraid that you were going to mess up my favorite game. I want to emphasize that again. Harem Hotel is my favorite game bar none. I tell other developers that they should look at what you've done to see the gold standard.
My favorite part of my favorite game is the master/slave relationship aspect. Part of me fears that you intend to remove that from the game or curtail it to a great extent. Why? Jin was essentially removed from the game when the MC did the right thing for her. She stands there and says that life is rough when she used to be a favorite character of mine. I'm drawing a blank on names because I'm a man in his late 40s in and out of the hospital but the programmer girl is my overall favorite and I look forward to seeing Lin f ree to some extent.
Fact is that I would move into Manager Smitty's life if I could. I can get a little too emotional afraid someone might mess with my vacation home. Please accept my apology for going too far. Obviously, I could always play version 15 of the game for years if I really wanted to do so. I am not such a newbie that I couldn't preserve my current game and try the new version. You are an artist who has given us this great world and you deserve a measure of trust in return.
Thank you for replying and helping relieve my fears at least a bit.
Every update is guaranteed to give every main character at least 1 story event. v0.16 is actually the exception where I state in the post that it is a balance update. Main characters like Lin and Ashley will get no story this update as they have the most, and other mains will get extra story. This has been requested for a long time so I figured I would dedicate at least one update to some balancing.
Jin's only content was sex in the dungeon, now she has story and is getting a lot more content. As this game is in development, you will experience the game in a way it was never intended to be experienced, since the game is intended to be experienced in it's completed form. This means there will be awkward moments like Jin feeling like shit for a long time in your game, when in reality, I just haven't developed her next event yet and would be over much quicker.
I am not sure if by "master/slave relationship" you mean an abusive power dynamic, that remains locked to slave route content within Nia and Sylvia's story.
Side characters will also be getting story of course, and there are more plans as well. The post above lists the new mechanic coming in v0.16, which is an optional expansion to the early game.
I think they are meaning when you said you'll be adding early story content to the game so it might be worth replaying from the start. "
You may want to wait until v0.16 is done. It will include many new early game content"
Fine trolling sir, what's the bridge toll?
Forecast to come out the update in the month of my birthday. I will receive a great gift.
I cant progress with felicitiy and emmas story it tells me i need to increase Ashley's friendship even though its at level 43
Can someone help?
you just have to focus on relations with ashley. I had the same problem with lin but i just focused on relations with android and it worked. I hope it helps
Don't use skip codes, to start with. They give you a warning for a reason.
This typically happens when the player cheats relationship levels.
Why do all these nsfw games have such dystopian themes and worlds I don't get it. Another thing why is it always the elves or "monster girls" or whatever that always get the short end of the stick and don't have rights or whatever?. aren't they just human but slightly diff.....wait a minute. even with those points I ain't gonna stop playing these games. Great work!
These themes begin to make sense if you think upon them long enough.
....yeah. sadly
what submission level or what to do to try anal on kali
As I said last time you posted: "Irrelevant, as far as I know. It's unlocked in her 23rd story event."
You can upvote yourself and downvote me all you like, I've answered your question twice now.
If you don't want help, don't request it.
It's not submission locked. It's story locked. She'll invite you to see a new outfit she has.
So yeah, wow. Honestly you did a great job and having burned through all available content over the last 3 days I'm filled with nothing but immense satisfaction that I gave this a try. There is so much depth to the characters and I actually find myself caring deeply for these people. It's a remarkable thing to shed a tear when dealing with some of the absolute heartbreaking twists and turns the story takes and I found myself "rewarding" the girls based on who was going through what. My partner overnight changed as the story ebbed and flowed. Seriously outstandingly work, you can tell these characters are more than just a means to an end. Of course the lewd content is excellent but the why I was playing changed drastically over the playthrough. Can't express how much I genuinely enjoyed the experience - keep it up...... please.....
Thank you!
Hi i have a problem im trying to progress in Felicity and Emma's story but it tells me i need to increase Ashley's friendship even though its at level 43 wich im pretty sure is her max level
I dont know how to progress in felicitiy and Emma's story can you please help me
We have a wiki linked at the top of this page that has all their events and their requirements.
I mean its way too confusing for me to follow thats why i use cheat codes
I'm sorry to hear that.
Здравствуйте Runey, скажите пожалуйста над чем сейчас идет разработка и что нового будет в новой версии столь прекрасной игры? Если конечно не секрет))
That scene about giving felecity the money was fucking hilarious. Great game man.
Thanks :)
Depending on how far you let it go you might have missed a bit more... There is actually a bit more to it past the screen full of "No" (don't give her the money). If you missed it sorry to hear that.
Hey everyone check out this (I got paid the day I opened my bar)
Note:It says We finished the Bar and by evening that day I got $80.
Bugs? No, only happy mistakes :)
I actually figured this out awhile back... Lol I thought it funny which is why I shared it here. Thanks for replying to this btw. I'm still hoping the next update saves my broken game (Even using 15.1) I still get the linhasgoth error.
Felicity and Emma's cheat code doesn't work for me does someone know why and what to do ?
We don't know of a Felicity and Emma-specific cheat code.
Are you referring to "truestory"? That changes their dialogue and unlocks some Lucia scenes.
I found some cheat codes that maximize the characters stats everyone of them worked except for felicitiy and emma
Ah, Patron codes, that specifically warn you they'll break your game. Self-explanatory.
i didnt know and as an autist i can be really impatient i just wanted to get to the good parts
Any idea when the next chapter of this awesome piece of software is available?
When it's ready. Check my patreon and twitter for updates.
I have version 0.15 how can i update it to 0.15.1 in android pls help
Read the download instructions above.
I have completed the extra content of version v0_15. When will it be time to have sex with Jin just like Hana and Lucia?
I'm also looking forward to having sex with Sylvia.
Great game. Congratulations to the developers and the entire team.
When she's recovered enough, relapse is a serious thing.
Yes. When Jin asked for half a pill, I refused to give it. Thinking about Lin and the detox process.
It's only Runey.... Runey is the developer and the entire team.... Really should read the top.
Looking forward to the next update!
Working on it now :)
i downloaded this game and started playing on the .13 update, should i download the .15 update? and if so how do i do it in a way that wont delete all my progress?
You absolutely should!
Simply download, install, launch, and click Continue.
i have an issue with the game a few others with the same issue i go to download the game and it says the title is hosted on an incompatible third-party website how do i fix this cause this looks like a good game and im on pc
Does your browser and/or region not like whatever server host you're choosing?
Choose another one. The direct Patreon source has multiple links in case one isn't working for whatever reason.
im using itch launcher and its not my browser and i went to you patreon and didnt see any links other then to pledge i could be looking in the wrong place but thank you for responding
I don't have a Patreon, I am not Runey.
Like I said, use an internet browser, not the app.
There are plenty of links on Patreon, here's a screenshot.
can you make it downloadable in the app?
It is already downloadable on phone, wdym?
im at laptop bruh
Click the download button on your browser. The app is known to have issues, Runey doesn't own itch.io.
a game greater than God
I can't live without this game
Haven't been able to figure it out yet but in Ellen's tutorial on how to make more money, she says that "sexy outfits are the way to go." Does buying the more expensive outfits and making the girls wear them make more daily money? Or is it just for the pinups?
She says it's for the pinups, and yes.
it is just for the pinups, but you can make some money by taking lewd pictures of your girls and selling them
Hey ! I have recently started the game and I love it !! I just wanted to ask if the days have any signification? For example, does smith happen on day 50 ?
Thanks !
Outside some main characters joining a short amount of days in, no, the day count is no concern.
Ok thank you very much !
I just finished Kate's route and was wondering if there would be additional content and scenes (vaginal and anal) in the relatively near future for her?
my download for mac keeps failing
Ensure your computer is connected to the internet while it downloads.
so what ever happened to the camgirl stuff? i feel like the further you got into her story and the game in general the less that aspect came through.
If you played her story, you know.
Are you asking for us to spoil it? Or remind you why she quit streaming?
honestly its been alittle since i played the game and i likely forgot. ill just replay it.
Any guesses when will be the completed version? Just curious
When it's done.
what submissive level does kali have to be at to train anal
Irrelevant, as far as I know. It's unlocked in her 23rd story event.
I did everything what was available in release half a year ago and today casually I thought 'there is this Harem Hotel game which is awesome'. So I came here to say that, cheers!
I'm still waiting for any information to fix my game. I left a full error log it said something about Goth outfit, though I already had the outfit. I'm over 100 days in and I hate to start over only to have the same error occurring so if you'd be kind enough to look into it I'd appreciate it.
Try installing the latest version of the game, that error was likely fixed in a bug patch.
i love ur work and wish to have more updates. i just wanna ask how long do u need to update the game T_T
Updates typically release 3 - 4 months a part from each other, unless something gets in the way.
Because of the genre, a lot of people won't ever hear of this game, but those looking at this game should know that this is a masterpiece. Taking the porn out (which was very well done btw), players will find it hard to find fault with this game. The scenes, created very uniquely versus a lot of VN's, add so much to the immersion. It doesn't even feel like a VN most of the time (which I'm not a VN fan). The writing was so well done, leading to the reader wanting to know more. The characters (Maria and Moon FTW) and their stories are well thought out, to the point that you find an attachment with even the ones that you don't like. Would love to see more audio added to the game (bgm, characters, whatever), but even so, this is one of the few that the lack of doesn't take away from how good it is. Well done sir/madam. I can't wait for further updates.
Thank you :)
A very good game, will wait for the new update!
Will there be more girls or a third and fourth floor added to the hotel? Some of these side characters, like the teacher and the fellow students are really cute.
I need to know! LOL
Those plans were scrapped some time ago.
Of course, the second floor's fourth room still has someone that's going to be moving in, as the game says.
nice game there will be the possibility to control the action yourself?
Hi, great game. Just an issue though, i think i may have pressed something while playing and this appeared on the upper left of the screen, How do I hide this?
This game is amazing, cant wait for the next update! And the music called "Chill City" really slaps, and the story is great
Definitely one of the goated ero games ive ever played