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Amazing game - having a great time playing! Does anyone know what the exhibitionism/submission requirements are to get the girls to wear their rope/bondage outfits around the hotel?


You need the traits

On or above 10, depending on the character. In my playthroughs, Felicity & Emma needed about 14.


any idea when version 16 will be out


Have patients we all can't wait.... plus Runey drops estimates sometimes so just look back in the comments or the Patreon.


If you join the discord it'll tell you when alpha's, beta's and pre-releases are given to patrons. Usually after a few pre releases you'll get the next update soon after.

loving this game so far but I have 1 question, is there any way of switching paths for Nia? I bought Nia a while ago and chose the love path but only recently saw on the wiki that the slave path gives more content, is there any way of switching to the other path without having to load from all the way back when I bought Nia? ive progressed alot since buying her and id rather not play through hours of the same content again. thanks 

(1 edit) (+1)

They have equal content, and the wiki does not say otherwise. I should know, I wrote that page lol.
You can load a save from before the choice. If it helps, there is an autosaves page to the left of the first save page.

thanks for the response, on the wiki the only said lewd event is event 7 on the love path but for the slave path there are lewd events on events 4-8, are those events also going to occur on the love path as well?

The wiki lists 9 events on both routes.
Since you specified sex scenes, yes, Slave Route focuses more on treating slaves as sex objects rather than people, thus it has more sexual content than standard content.
You don't get the same events on both routes because it is a choice - treat them as a person, or as an object.
If you want to see both routes' content, simply make a save before the choice :)

Deleted 1 year ago
Deleted 1 year ago

Do not share Patron codes.

(4 edits)

Your Game is one of My favorites. I really like the story of every girl You put into the hotel. But i feel like in your last update, Autumn had a real fast progression. I mean every other girl had their time to Open up to Main char, but with Autumn it felt like You were in a hurry to fill her story 

Again, i really like your Game and i still want to follow your work. and if necessary, take your time to develop every girls story, I know you can make it, just take your time for the story of every girl, they worth every minute You take for them and i enjoy readin it too.     


Runey responded to someone earlier with the simple fact that Autumn was the last main character added (another will come eventually), so she has the least amount of events at the moment.
Personally I'm glad you found it a bit fast. Myself, I see it as very well built up to, but almost everyone is constantly nagging Runey to have us fuck her already, which if you've met Autumn at all, you know why we can't yet :P

Basically though, she has been somewhat strictly repressed by her family and religion, while being a very smart and curious person. She also has biological desires like anyone else, but because she's open minded enough to wonder why things are, when those barriers break down, she embraces experimenting.
Hell, she mentioned at the beach a while earlier that she wants to keep doing lewd things, and even suggested specific ones she's interested in trying.

I'm really proud of how she handled the Exhibition stuff, she oozed confidence. Now this big lore stuff is just fascinating, and she was given good reason to be in the position she's at.

no no, i mean. I know she is the last add. No, i was saying about her eventos, it's like parte of the story is missing. Like, he can add mire story about her before every new evento added. Because She's a religious girl, it's like a little hard to crack, but with dime extra dialogues, it could make more se se un her change of mind. Just like lyns story. It's a complex story and i like it, it has a lot of lore that majes sense why she is evolving, from a shy elf to a more secure, Mature and interesting character.

I was talking something like that because Autumn looks like some complex character to help her explore her secuality and the art of sex.

And because of runey is showing good lore for every girl, it felt like there could be a little more for her before coming to every evento with her.


Autumn's character takes a more traditional dating style route, so her sexual content will take the longest to get to. She's still a virgin after all, so things will be slow. I'm not in a hurry.

yeah all good things come to those who wait.... like that next update im always waiting on 

(no rush i been waiting since the day of the last update i have to much free time and get through content to fast) 

Deleted 1 year ago

yeah, thats what i mean, she takes more time for her sexual awakening. Thats what i mean when i said it feels kinda fast. 

The eventos with her felt like there could be more story before reching certain eventos. Because she is more tradicional, so she needs more atention, some more background and little bye little helping her knowing the pleasure in sex. 

And thats why i Say: take your time with her. Add more story for her, so the content feels more natural interacting with her. *_*)b

Thanks for reading and i hope not sounding so demanding. XD

And again, great Game, i'm waitung for the nect update. Its a vn im Goong to follow until the end. *_*)/

love this game, please make another update, maybe preg. Story is great, also the high elf and other elf slaves could do something other than just stay in the other outside room. 

Given it's his full time job, he's always making updates, this last one is just taking longer due to a lot of delays and always outdoing himself on the content.
Pregnancy is still planned for the end of the game, that hasn't changed.
The Sanctuary main room girls have events, in fact they differ between route choice. The side room girls, being not so subtly on the side, have simple sex options, two each.


make part for download pls, its too big. make every part is 1-2gb

(1 edit) (+4)

I would imagine it would be very annoying to download 10 1GB files.

Downloading via the launcher doesn’t work. Says “This title is hosted on an incompatible third-party website”. Could you fix that so that downloading newer versions is more convenient?

Runey does not own
I'd recommend just clicking the download link as normal, as I've heard a lot of bad things about the app.

Deleted 1 year ago

Its definitely better than most other sandbox games I've played and I've played quite a lot of them.

(2 edits) (+3)

As it says at the top of this page, Harem Hotel is an Adult Visual Novel with Dating Sim and Training themes. :) While the game certainly allows you to move around the hotel, I've always considered it a visual novel because story is the focus. In Harem Hotel, you control the pace of the story.

Deleted 1 year ago

Harem Hotel v0.16 Beta Build 4 has released! Here's a preview >

Deleted post
(3 edits) (+6)(-1)

Lin is the first character you meet and Autumn is the newest to be introduced, so of course there will be a difference, that will always exist. Some events could be reorganized as well, because while characters like Ashley have a high number of events, a lot of them are incredibly short and probably aren't worth calling a story event anymore. Those will be remade.

v0.16 is actually the update I've decided to do some balancing in. Lin and Ashley won't be getting any story events in v0.16, while Autumn will get 3 story events, and F&E and Android will get 2. (Rest get 1). This won't entirely fix the level gap, but the level number isn't as important when some of those early story events for Ashley last 1 minute.

There's tons of meaningful player choices in Harem Hotel. I think you're confusing that with branching story paths, which I will never include. It would completely detract from the story I'm trying to tell and essentially make it impossible to finish the game. Even if there were 100 of me I wouldn't do it though because I'm not trying to make a story of all stories, I'm just trying to tell one.

Deleted 1 year ago

Fun and amazing game to play, well written story with hot and of various type content.
Thank you so much for this public release !
Waiting for the updates (when it's ready)~

(1 edit)

Man, it's been a while since the last update and any word on the progress. I hope the developer didn't lose interest in this game, haha.

Edit: Oh, I see he replied to another comment about it. Alright, that's good to hear that he's still working on it. 😁

It is his full-time job after all, delays don't change that


Looking forward to the next update. Ive been following this game for a couple years. Updates always have so much content i love it!

(1 edit) (+1)

I love this game, it is in my top 5 Novels (I played a lot of them), the plot is interesting and the characters are cool!

Thank you


Hi Runey, I love the game and you've probably answered this before but when is the next update please, I'm sooo looking forward to it  <3 <3 <3


I always post an estimated release date whenever each update begins development, which you can find for free on Patreon.

I am hoping that v0.16 will be done in a few weeks.

Eyy can't wait and also how to i updated the game?if there's an update incoming

Same was as usual. You can download from scratch or use the patch on an existing previous version (instructions are within).

I'm at Lin level 20, she has indicated an event that can raise her level, but I can't get it, why?


The wiki was made for questions like these. Check it out! It's listed at the top of this page.

they say, i need to raise android relation, but this stats is not enough for that?

Stats have never been tied to the level of a character.

Deleted 1 year ago

One of the best games I've ever played, so many twists and turns regarding storylines, the ending on the current build is just *chefs kiss* beautiful, can't wait for the next update

Thank you :)

Deleted 1 year ago
Deleted 1 year ago

Ahh, thank you very much! she is my favorite character


I deleted those comments because they contained big spoilers, but I'm glad that was cleared up for you :)

Ah i forgot bro. I so sorry haha, thanks for this game, I loved. Sorry my English haha

To be honest, i should have marked my reply as a spoiler.


Maria broke up with me on my birthday. 10/10 realism.


I feel so much bro XD


I fell in love with everyone storylines and game flow i found runs very smooth even tho im on a older pc. Im really looking forward to where you will be taking everyones individual storys as well as the overall storyline witch i hope ends with all sylvari half elf and drow being accepted as equals. I love the fact that there is simple stat or money grinding to be done and that it can actualy make a difference in some events me person i got some bad luck need to spend the 4k for androids new body a few days after spending the 10k to get sylvia nia and ann but was nice and easy to deal with it. I love the fact that it took me 70+ hours to get to the end of this version's story its amazing. Id loveto be able to support your more than just playing the game if i could unfortunately its not in the cards currently. One ting i would like to know if you willing to share it is the % of story thats in the game currently my guess is that its around 35% to 45% but thats also me just hoping the game ends up being on average a 200+ hour game counting all side characters current and future. Im really hoping that near the end of each main character's story they all get togeather to help deal with sylvari problem each using their own connections and talents leading into the final major story arc. Thank you soso very much for making this have a proper and indepth storyline unlike other games i have played.

I agree with you that it's an amazing game but 200+ hour would be too much i think. Now i don't say this cuz I don't want too but looking at the current development rate my fear is high that the developer won't finish it if we're not even halfway atm. From what I've seen most characters story is about 80% done already and for the final conclusion some miracle must happen which will shorter down the ending, which i think would be the best idea. I'm only saying this cuz I saw dozens of amazing erotic vn game developer quitting after years of making the game but got bored before finishing it cuz they wanted too much. Sometimes less is more especially if that means the game will have an actual ending.

I recently upgraded to a new android and when i went to reinstall this game i lost all of my progress with the game. I had it fully complete with all the characters maxed out. Any idea on how to get my save back? I dont mind playing again becauseit is a great game but just want to know.

Don't delete them in the first place is all I can offer. When you delete the game folder, you delete the saves. On PC they are luckily backed up on the C: Drive, but on Android they're gone.

I didnt delete anything though i just transfered all my data to my new device and my progress was gone. None of my other games did that just this one.

It sounds like the save data folder didn't transfer to the new device. If you can hook your phone up to a computer, you can manually move the save onto the computer, then hook up the new phone and transfer it into the same folder location. If not, then bluetooth the two phones to each other, locate the save folder on the old phone, and send via bluetooth to the new device and relocate to the appropriate filepath.

This worked! Thank you, i used your Bluetooth idea and placed it correctly. Its good to have my original save back.

No problem man. Glad I could be of assistance.


The last version i played was v0.8 back in 2019 or 2020. Was really really impressed by the game back then. I was thinking about this game today so i wanted to take a look at the latest public build. But the download doesnt work for me for some reason. Maybe some kind of google drive limit was reached? 

Click another download link, Runey set up multiple for exactly such occasions.


cant play to many error's 

I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While loading <'Image' u'images/Hotel.webp'>:

IOError: Couldn't find file 'images/Hotel.webp'.

-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------

Full traceback:

  File "renpy/common/_layout/screen_main_menu.rpym", line 28, in script

    python hide:

  File "renpy/", line 928, in execute

    renpy.python.py_exec_bytecode(self.code.bytecode, self.hide,

  File "renpy/", line 2245, in py_exec_bytecode

    exec(bytecode, globals, locals)

  File "renpy/common/_layout/screen_main_menu.rpym", line 28, in <module>

    python hide:

  File "renpy/common/_layout/screen_main_menu.rpym", line 35, in _execute_python_hide


  File "renpy/", line 298, in interact

    rv =, **kwargs)

  File "renpy/display/", line 3325, in interact

    repeat, rv = self.interact_core(preloads=preloads, trans_pause=trans_pause, pause=pause, pause_start=pause_start, **kwargs)

  File "renpy/display/", line 3839, in interact_core

    self.draw_screen(root_widget, fullscreen_video, (not fullscreen_video) or video_frame_drawn)

  File "renpy/display/", line 2565, in draw_screen


  File "render.pyx", line 492, in renpy.display.render.render_screen

  File "render.pyx", line 263, in renpy.display.render.render

  File "renpy/display/", line 826, in render

    surf = render(child, width, height, cst, cat)

  File "render.pyx", line 170, in renpy.display.render.render

  File "render.pyx", line 263, in renpy.display.render.render

  File "renpy/display/", line 826, in render

    surf = render(child, width, height, cst, cat)

  File "render.pyx", line 170, in renpy.display.render.render

  File "render.pyx", line 263, in renpy.display.render.render

  File "renpy/display/", line 826, in render

    surf = render(child, width, height, cst, cat)

  File "render.pyx", line 170, in renpy.display.render.render

  File "render.pyx", line 263, in renpy.display.render.render

  File "renpy/display/", line 688, in render

    child = renpy.display.render.render(self.child, w, h, st, at)

  File "render.pyx", line 170, in renpy.display.render.render

  File "render.pyx", line 263, in renpy.display.render.render

  File "renpy/display/", line 826, in render

    surf = render(child, width, height, cst, cat)

  File "render.pyx", line 170, in renpy.display.render.render

  File "render.pyx", line 263, in renpy.display.render.render

  File "renpy/display/", line 501, in render

    return wrap_render(, width, height, st, at)

  File "renpy/display/", line 307, in wrap_render

    rend = render(child, w, h, st, at)

  File "render.pyx", line 170, in renpy.display.render.render

  File "render.pyx", line 263, in renpy.display.render.render

  File "renpy/display/", line 733, in render

    return transform_render(self, width, height, st, at)

  File "accelerator.pyx", line 187, in renpy.display.accelerator.transform_render

  File "render.pyx", line 263, in renpy.display.render.render

  File "renpy/display/", line 625, in render

    return cache.get(self, render=True)

  File "renpy/display/", line 287, in get

    surf = image.load()

  File "renpy/display/", line 706, in load

    raise e

IOError: Couldn't find file 'images/Hotel.webp'.



Harem Hotel v0.15.1

Sun Oct  9 00:35:25 2022

(1 edit) (-1)

pls need fix

I'm no python scripter, but with my limited knowledge my guess would be that the main-menu images for buttons and so on are missing.

I would hazard another guess, there has been some error during the download and/or unpacking of the files. If you can, make sure the archive is intact and unpack again. 7-zip logs errors, if there are any.

Also, please mention the OS you're playing on and if it is Android, check the FAQ-Guide to make sure there weren't any mistakes on your end.

AND: Patience! Realistic is and answer after a day or three ;)


This error says you have a missing image file called Hotel.webp. To fix this error you will need to reinstall.

Deleted 1 year ago
(1 edit)

Thank you! 
I try to keep things relatively realistic, but this is definitely a low fantasy type of game set in a contemporary world, so logic is stretched. Just hopefully not too much.


Can you add the google drive again? Mediafire cancels the download for some reason 


It hasn't been removed.

how do i raise friendship


Play the game
Friendship is the pre-v0.15 term for Relationship Level, aka a counter for events


Could anyone suggest more websites like For mobile more specifically that can download this type of game?


There's a handy "How to Play on Android" above.


No actually i ment website similar to that can download adult styled ggames like this

(1 edit) (+2)(-3)

No idea, do some Googling
Edit: oh, downvoted my replies. You're welcome I guess.



I try not to use it too much though because people can pirate a copy of a patreon/subscribestar release and post it without dev's consent. Kind of rips off the dev's work and hurts development, which is never a good thing.

Its kinda looked down upon there though and most pages are just the public releases. Unless it's translated games where it's just kinda the norm to pirate it. 

(4 edits)

I just use but I make it so it only shows me android games.

I guess Newgrounds also works, but not perfectly.

I also use Google to find forums of people suggesting games, since that's how I tend to find really good and finished games. You can also follow groups on social media sites, look into hashtags, or follow people that share these games.

There's many games that are pc only but can be played on mobile if you used Joiplay. If you have a computer but want to play on a portable device, you can use steamlink to remotely control your computer and play a computer game (tip: PC and Phone should be closed to the router for best performance. You can also just buy a cheap router that you can carry anywhere and both your pc and phone can connect to)

You can find some mobile games on my collections on my profile.

Edit: If you google search "android porn games" you will find some websites. Don't knock them until you try them


F95zone, Spicygaming, adultgamesworld. f95zome best u will find all the games there


Loving this game, I do wish Kate had a more main girl story option.  Looking forward to the next update.


Um just wondering is there any update to the game really wondering when the pregnancy will be finally be added just asking.


Updates to the game are roughly every 3-4 months, although there have been various delays for this one as well as loads of content in the works and much more fine tuning within that content.
Pregnancy is still endgame content, that hasn't changed.


HOPEFULLY cant wait for more updates in the foreseeable future 

Kali and Kate best girls <3 wish the 'marriage with Ashley' arc wasn't so heavily pushed though. Top-notch writing, can't wait until the next update!


Marriage isn't possible.

perhaps i haven't  progresses down the path far enough (I've only played 10 hours) but all of the characters bring up marriage with Ashley. It just feels slightly forced as if she is the (true ending)

I'm not quite sure what you're talking about. Ashley is just crazy about you. I don't think any of the other characters are talking about you marrying Ashley.


I think he means the non-canon VR events.

>I don't think any of the other characters are talking about you marrying Ashley

Maria and Lin kinda do, with Lin is when she and Ashley talk about kids (Dunno if it's a Lin or an Ashley event), and with Maria is it kind of a regular bit whenever Ashley is around, one of the most obvious is when Ashley and Maria are talking about their intentions towards the MC (after Ashley pulls out the knife), Ashley mentions how three people can't get married and Maria answer that she has no intention to marry the MC, so Ashley is free to do so.

(2 edits)

They have talked about it, yes. Once. Maybe twice. That's not quite what I thought was being implied though.


W Game.. thoroughly enjoyed.

hey i'm playing on android and have a saved game from version 14.1. Can I take the save from version 15.1 with me or is that not possible?Hey i

Of course, just move it to the new game folder before deleting the old one. Simplicity itself :)


So... is it gay if I kinda want a guy in my fantasy harem even though I don't want to have sex with him? I just want a lancer type of bro

Not sure what a lancer bro is, gonna assume a wingman.
If you mean romantic but not sexual interest, that's still either gay or bi depending on your other interests, which is not wrong at all and shouldn't be seen that way.


great game

Will new content be added?
if so, when is it expected?


New content is always being added. Read Runey's posts for release estimates.


very soon. end of this month i'd suspect


is this available in android? 


Read the words under the "HOW TO PLAY ON ANDROID" image.


thanks for the reply, now I realized how lazy I am

Did joiplay work for you?

Mine wont work

They sometimes release broken versions. The solution is to downgrade to a working one for the time being.

Sadly that didnt work tor me so i got some bootleg apk


I love the game i love the story and the concept of the game it would be nice if there would be sound effects but still really enjoyed the story


Proper sound effects are hard for an indie dev like myself to create in high quality, so more often than not no sound effects are the better sound effects. Maybe for a future game of mine though :)


Ah sorry about that because i really think the game pretty much perfect for its kind its just missing sound effects but no worries your statement quite understandable 


is the game still alive?


Yes, why?

curiosity is all theres been quiet a few ive come across lately that are so i ask every nowand then


There have been a lot of posts explaining that, but I'll sum it up as delays due to health, delays due to writer's block, and just plain old Runey working his ass off harder every update.


I hear the dev died 2 years ago.

Aye, dead folks tell no tales......  except the undead

RIP in peace Runey :( 

Runey don't scare us like that :

I messed up installing the v15 patch and just decided to delete and do a fresh install, my saves are still there thankfully but the game keeps crashing every time I try to continue the story? Any help would be appreciated.


This would suggest the install broke something somewhere.

Yes I think that may be the case. Is there anything I can do?

1. What's with that exclamation mark next to Moon's bartender?
2. I wonder how much should he raise the stats for each character before the next update?
3. How to increase happiness points for Sylwia and Nia? They both have a set loveroute. So far, their maximum happiness level is 3 points


1) It means her next event is ready.

2) Raise them to whatever you want.

3) Talk to them. Although your screenshot says their story is maxed and you just explained their Happiness is also maxed.


Why some events don't show up in gallery for eg autumn and maria garden scene from v15


Because I haven't had a chance to add that one to the gallery yet.

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