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dose the saved data transfer over to the new version?


No extra steps are required to continue your saves.

Hey! really love the work. WAs wondering is there an ingame screenshot function? Because i think i managed to do it once but i forgot o.o

Or is there a way to remove the text panel for certain scenes? thanks!

Press H to hide the UI

Hey everyone! I'm going to be buying the Public release in about a week! Sooooooo awesome looking game for men! Thank you!!



Thanks but Harem Hotel is free, donations are appreciated though :) It's how I'm able to afford to do anything.

When will the full version come out? I want to buy it 1 time!

(2 edits) (+13)

Harem Hotel v0.17 Pre-Release has released. Public Release is one week away!


HOLY SHIT! YES!!! I just checked back expecting nothing again this is amazing!


Eyy let's goooooo can't waittt


omg.. I fucking love this game, I was expecting some half ass game but I didn't realize i got invested in this shit until I was playing for like 3 hours. I feel like I'm running out of content so I decided to look and there. v0.17 is coming out in a week LETS GO

(1 edit) (+4)

I see most people complete the game at 40 hours. You have plenty more!

Extra content is being added into the beginning of the game in v0.17 as well. 

(1 edit) (+1)

so like, is there by any chance gonna be new fetishes apparently according to the description. "Pregnancy".. because I still wonder how nobody is pregnant unless my character is infertile


It wouldn't make much sense to get a character pregnant mid story with everything going on, it would distract from the plot a lot.


I love your games, but why is there no French translation?

If you want, I'm happy to help you translate the game into French for free :) .

Good luck with further development.

(1 edit)

There is no french translation yet because french team hasn't finished yet

Send me a DM on discord, I'll see about putting you on the team

Hey Runey, The Last Room will be inhabited in version 0.17?

The last room will be inhabited when the next main character is ready to be introduced. Which won't be very soon.

Would it be an idea to have some kind of mini-events where girls move in the last room temporarily and you have like 3-7 days to complete their side story before they leave? This could even happen before the next main character moves in.

Funny Shower Thought: An April Fools event where the cast of Harem Hotel bump into a fictional cast of another harem game, kind of like that one scene from "Shawn Of The Dead."

I don't think that would actually be implemented, but with how well you write, I believe you could pull it off!


Haha, thanks for the suggestion


guys!!! I think this game has pre-marital handholding!!


Shhh :x


Ey Runey, what's the difference between a moron and a crazy person? A moron keeps doing the same thing expecting a result that never happens, a crazy person keeps doing the same thing but each time he expects a different result.

(1 edit) (+3)

It's actually the definition of insanity lol this dude keeps making accounts.


A moron is someone who can't get the fucking Vaas quote right.


Pyrocynical would KILL this guy


Bro, I am in love with this game please never stop updating it. When I get a chance to donate to you, I assure you I will.

Thank you so much!


Thanks for the game! Really enjoyed it.


Thanks for playing :)

(5 edits)

Hello, I was wondering if you have any plans for a future Steam release.  (If by any chance this is a sensitive topic; forgive my curiosity) (Maybe I should give more context. You see, I was pondering for some time now to support your Patreon page, but if I am going, to be honest, I have never used Patron before. Therefore, I was thinking if there is a possible future where the game does release on Steam.  

Perhaps it could even have different bundle sizes up to 100 USD(sorry this is my third edit)

If this matter is set in stone and a Steam release will not be possible. What Patreon tier would you recommend for a first-timer? (fourth edit ) 

(1 edit) (+1)

It's hard to say, I would like to put HH on steam, but at the end of the day, Harem Hotel will always be free somewhere, and that's how I want it to be. I live and die off of everyone's kindness through donations.

The $10 tier is the most popular and most worth for your money as it gives access to in-development builds when they're ready.


That is amazing to hear definitely going to get the $10 tier. 

But do consider a paid Steam release version I ,for one, am willing to pay triple A deluxe price(100-150) for this delectable experience.

You could consider this an extra income of sorts to help with development.

I also agree. I would gadly pay for this on Steam for a few bucks.

Will there be a better way to download through Android? Really love this game but when I try to download through Android it brings me to an app that's older and says I have too new of a phone for it.

Try getting Joiplay from the developer's Patreon page.

I wish there were a better way to release for android phones, but there doesn't appear to be.


love the game but do you think we will get a repeatable watersports from the girls and not from us punishing them? or at least a reviewable scene from them?


It's not really my thing, so I'm unlikely to think of anything myself.

ah well it is what it is, thanks for responding


Is or well there be a way to change what the girls call you in the dungeon. I would like the twins to call me something else other than master.


I plan to remake the dungeon content in the future, and that will include being able to set what they call you while in the dungeon.

Deleted 1 year ago

begin the quest to have every girl refer to me as a random IP address in the dungeon 

hey runey I made this account just so I could thank you for an excellent game and hopefully ask some questions. Btw once im able to i plan to support on patreaon soon!

1. When will v0.17 be released

2. Will it needed to be downloaded seperatly

3. Will there be more Kate content


Thank you :)

Under 2 weeks



Deleted 213 days ago

Use the free code: changename

I was playing on 1.15.1 and have downloaded 1.16.2. To update would I need to create a new game or would it apply itself? 


Saves will always be there unless you delete them from %appdata%.

By the way, v0.17 will release in less than 2 weeks!

Thanks about the saves, will the new 1.16.2 version transfer onto my old 1.15.1 save though? Because I believe there are certain pieces that weren't allowed before as the content wasn't out yet.

New version is always good to hear!


hey, i just got to the point were Maria gets taken, and i was wondering if there is way to get her back in this current version of the game, im also curios as to how to unlock more scenes with Lucia? I've already done the scene with her in the hot spring and her sister watches, but im curios as to if there is more content for her, and if there is any way to unlock it, any info on this would be greatly apricated, oh, and one last question. is there any way to get into a relationship with the first refuge elf that you buy, the one that is the cheapest for the sanctuary, this concludes my questions, but i would like to say that the work being done on this game is incredible, most games like this either have really shitty animations and a great plot, or vice versa, but this game has it all, thank you for the hard work that your putting into the game and i hope you continue to nurture and grow the game even more.

                         A slightly addicted user of the game


All of this is answered in the wiki by the way.

Yeah, Maria will be back. It won't take long.

Lucy does have more scenes. Just keep playing.

Depends on what you mean by relationship, and who do you mean. A romp in the sheets? Sure. A relationship as in emotions? Dude, you can't even remember the characters name, how invested are you exaclty? Like 2? 5? Out of a 100?


well, im trying to wane myself off of the game, my girlfriend isnt the happiest rn because of it, but im talking about possibly getting nia to the point of like going out, or smth, and i was like maybe 50% invested a while back, but again, girlfriend, so im somewhere around 15/20% invested right now, thanks for the info man


You have a girlfriend, and you are here. Jesus christ man, get a grip, and not of your cock or mouse...


We started dating about 2 weeks ago, I was playing the game before we met, and I'm currently in the process of quitting the game, it's a good game don't get me wrong, but nothing is more important to me right now than my girlfriend Tracie

(4 edits) (+4)

Don't let him get to you, it shouldn't be shameful to consume adult content alone or with your partner. Even pornhub can be enjoyed with your partner if they're into that. Whatever works best for you two :)

(2 edits) (+4)

Don't be an asshole man, maybe if you get a girlfriend, you'll be able to enjoy things with her too.


Ruthlessness is the kindness of the wise, I'd hear a single harsh and truthful rebuke than a thousand song of praise. I can improve the things I fuck up. I cannot improve the things I do so well I get no negative feedback. This walking on eggshells around people's feeling is really not my jam.

(1 edit)

how to download on linux been trying for like 5 hours no info how got linux manjaro on my mac 

(1 edit)

If you're on mac I think you would want the mac version. Linux works on Linux and Windows. You would just download it and run the program.

ok yeah I was wondering on that it's a Mac that runs Linux 

Deleted 1 year ago

Hey Runey, just finished all the available content and really can't wait for the new update, great work! I wanted to ask where the in-game music is from and if it's available for download, probably listened to city chill a thousand times now :)


Thank you! Yeah, it's some great stuff. Give the artists some love if you can (but mentioning where you found it from may be embarrassing for them). Most of the music is credited in the info tab under the pause menu. Some artists have requested to be uncredited due to the nature of this game.

Understandble, and much appreciated


Keep getting the notice to increase my relationship with Nia, but i don't remember meeting a Nia

What is everyone's level?

Between 21 and 30

If you don't know who Nia is, you most likely need to continue Lin's storyline.

Thats what im trying, and when i click on the door, it says i need to speak to nia


Either you haven't yet encountered Nia (Progress with Lin), you need to build the Sanctuary (See Ellen), you need to purchase Nia (Your computer), or you just need to go to the Sanctuary and interact with Nia (Front Door).  

Hopefully that helps.

How i install the game

Deleted 1 year ago

is there a cheat menu ingame?

There are patron-only cheat codes if memory serves, which, while I am aware of most of them, they can 1) brick your save if you don't know what you're doing 2) are patron only for a reason, so I'm not going to reveal them.

What I will tell you though, that if you simply skip everything (by either holding down the control key or enabling all skipping options in the menu and toggling it on on android/pc) you'll get through the entire game in less than 3 hours, unlock every scene and every repeatable scene with every character. So that's what I advise you to do.

If you want to still read the story, just get more money, spam the hourglass icon on the top left of the screen, that's the skip time button, and sleep. You get a minimal amount of money for every day passed, and you can reinvest it into the hotel, and then get weekly money from the upgrade in addition to the daily money, which does increase with each additional girl.

ty for ur reply

There are cheat codes, and a cheat menu has been designed for patrons.


Where can i find it??


Honestly, it's a very well written story. All of the background from each character had me either crying or laughing alongside the characters. I absolutely applaud your world and character building.


I'm glad you enjoy :)

Hello tell me what will come out before the end of June this month is my birthday and I really would like to play it thanks

0.16.2 is already out. Unless you become a supporter, playing 0.17 before July is unlikely. In my opinion at least, I'm not Runey, but Patreon supporters get early access to beta builds (which is the stage 0.17 is in) and already done builds (depending on how much you pay, it can be weeks).


It will likely release to everyone before the end of June

Colour me impressed, I stand corrected, 0.17 will in fact drop for everyone before July.

(1 edit) (-1)

when i double click to launch the game it doesnt launch


Reinstall it

Im looking forward for Android remade i feel bad for her because people cant accept her as human espcecially Ashley tried to kill android then, Kali have a doubt if shes a danger and i think she hate her which see android talking like a human it looks like showing emotion while she feel sad, it seems its hard for her to accept herself for being an android though.

And is there an hotspring lewd fun content in 0.17 side characters

I don't think Kali hates Android, I think she moderately fears Android, which, to be fair, is still a comical understatement of the danger, as an emotional robot capable of perceiving through half the bloody internet, being able to lift a car, and shoot her from over the horizon with a rifle living next to her, and being involved in the harem, is not exactly a safe and stable sounding combination. I mean, for all intents and purposes, they are one glitch or one tempertantrum away from having the kitchen sink literally torn from the wall and be chucked at their noggin. This, combined with Android being almost as impulsive as Ashley when it comes to rejection, would leave me scared shitless too if I was in the same zipcode as this ticking Skynet waiting to happen, let alone sleeping regularly literally in front of cameras watched by it.

Does downloading a newer version mean I'll have to restart the game to see any events I may have missed, or does an older save file work at all?

An older save is perfectly fine, and will be fine for any future updates (excluding an engine change), since the Renpy engine works like that. And an engine change at this point is... unlikely to put it mildly.



(1 edit) (+12)

Since Patreon is where I post news, I'll also mention it here. Harem Hotel 5th anniversary happened recently and v0.17 has entered the final stages of testing!

Hey Runey! I love your game! I was curious to know if you are looking for volunteers to help with any development! I am a SW Dev and I would love to volunteer my services and join your team.

Maybe! Send me a DM on discord and we'll  talk

Sent! I'm Nacho!

Deleted 1 year ago

Who knows


That is not quite how the creative process works. It is done when it's done.


I hope it's never done. I love the game. 


Me too It's a hidden gem 😭😭

Well, He did say when he did finish it, there was gonna be a Sequel made in Unreal 5, which i feel would be pretty groundbreaking. So until than, im excited for the future

Link or didn't happen.


Well, fuck me running and call me a spacecab, it's real. My tearducts and lube is ready.

Here you are friend, it was a comment on my initial post for this game after I sunk like 60 hours into the game

Deleted 1 year ago

How and where am I supposed to buy elves because whenever I try to go to beach it say no beach content... For now.... What is this supposed to mean? Please help me

(1 edit) (+2)

You buy them from the shop that's on the PC in your room


I cant play it cause joiplay is for the older Android version.


Try getting joiplay from the developer's patreon, that may work. Report back if it does please.

Yes you can,Thank you for ur Help.

(1 edit)

Where is it on the patron

When u open his newest post then there it is.

Is it the $10 mothly or am i just blind


I've been looking for a game like this for a long time. 

I just love your game. 

That you can "run" yourself and choose where you go is just great. 

I like the BDSM part with the dungeon the best. 

I'm looking forward to the update and hope it comes out soon.

(5 edits)

I am glad to see there are another 83 updates to go after version 0.17 before you reach v1.0. :-)

Hopefully it will run longer than Coronation Street. I can see so many whole story paths you can follow without going stale. You have really managed to have so many interesting story threads to follow and weave between each other. I suspect your biggest issue is not the writing but all the rendering and coding to keep a frequent update pace (whip cracks ... work harder ... work faster ... i'z kneez mi phix!!!)  :-)

Your story and artwork are very compelling. I love your sense, or maybe nonsense, of humour.  :-)

May you be blessed with even greater success as the story progresses.

To all the fans out there it will be ready when it is ready. Be appreciative that the developer tries to give frequent progess updates and he is using an older, scratched, and foggy crystal ball which he can't upgrade until there are MORE generous donations!

Hey Runey, if the guilt trip above increases donations make sure to send one of the big bags of money my way.  ;-)

Again, great work, thank you, keep it going. 

(1 edit) (+1)

I am not counting up to 100. It would be impossible to plan a game out to be finished in 100 updates. The version number counts the amount of updates. There have been 16.

Deleted 1 year ago
(1 edit)

I have a doubt regarding the end of Android´s story so far  (which btw is my current favorite route so far)

What is her current relationship with the protagonist? It was not very clear to me if she still loves him, she only sees him as a "good friend" or as the "father" of All-Y

Great game btw, I´m  really enjoying it


Holy hell I haven't been playing this for 3 years, what can I expect as new?

(1 edit) (+7)

Since 3 years ago, I would say 75- 90% of the content would be new to you. I remake content in every update so playing from the beginning would be a new experience :)

Though in your case, I recommend waiting until v0.17 is done as that will include even more content and remakes of older content.

The main content for v0.17 has been finished, so it will be done soon :)


oh what a tease, will TRY to wait then :) I am just happy to find this gem again


this game has lovable characters like the background on them is amazing im playing for the plot now

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