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Game is so much more fun with the guide mod from a 3rd party. Very first time playing I missed SO MANY h-scenes because I wasn't efficient? And unless you have 50 different saves you would have to restart to hit those scene requirements. Poor design.

(3 edits) (+1)

Optional fetish-specific H-scenes within story events are unlocked through training, such as exhibitionism. A character will not go nude in public if she is not trained to be an exhibitionist.

Mods may break your saves going forward, you won't be able to play without it. A free guide is available in the wiki, though harem hotel holds your hand through the story so it should never be a requirement.


Hi Runey, I hope you are feeling well. 

I have mentioned before how much I love your game and I will say it again: your game is amazing in every aspect. The only thing I would like to see changed and I hope it can be taken into account for future updates, is that you can have the option to have more contact with Moon, Kate, Sylvia and other secondary characters because outside of their events, there are not many things you can do with them, like ask them out, hang out, etc, with the multiple animations. And lastly I wanted to know if there will be more story with Ellen, I think she is a great character that deserves a little more in the story. I don't know if I explained myself well. For me your game is a 1000/10. Thanks for all the effort, Runey.


I'm glad you like them! They are side characters because I don't plan to give them the same love as the main characters. But they will absolutely be getting more content! Every side character and some background characters hang out in hot springs for this purpose, that's where you can get repeatable sex from some of them (Currently only Kim and Ami)

are there major differences between the beta version and free version?

Yes, every update includes content.

(2 edits)

what relationship is annie (android lol fml i forgot we could name her) SUPPOSED to be when reaching the bath house scene? because to unlock that alternate option i need to unlock and up exhibition, to unlock and up her exhibition i need to unlock and use +sluttiness scenes, and then to unlock and use +sluttiness scenes i need to up her relationship level, which is locked behind the need to *talk* to her, which initiates the bath house scene......

To increase sluttiness you just need to do lewd things, ex: go to her room and enter and there'd be a +sluttiness option. I probably explained badly but I hope it helps

(1 edit)

no it doesnt, i know exactly what allows me to raise whatever stats, my problem is i have a self locking loop.

to unlock an alternative scene to a once off scene i need to raise exhibition, this scene is activated through a *talk* interaction

exhibition is locked, sluttiness is too low

Slutty actions are locked, relationship is too low

to up relationship level i need to do that *talk* scene

what im saying is i have an alternative scene that is impossible to get to.

Paper beats rock beats scissors beats paper and im stuck in the middle

Stats like exhibitionism and sluttiness are never checked for during the story. Story is on a simple cooldown and sometimes requires other characters to be leveled up, and sometimes requires a certain time of day. When in doubt, you can check the WIKI/GUIDE listed at the top of this page.

If i'm not wrong the guy was asking about yellow/grayed out options in story, like Ashley taking her top off at the restaurant or Pixel going nude to the Hot Spring.

After Pixel 14 event (The one where she sleeps with the MC) you can ask her to be your alarm, 10 in game days afterwards you can go for exhibitionism at the cafe.

(1 edit)

Finished with the current content, was going to complain about some events taking too long (Specially Kali and Autumn ones), but realized while going through Ashley/Maria/Twins/Lin events that i don't have a problem with the length, i'm just not interested in technological/religious blabbing or school drama, but that may as well be someone's else cup of tea, that said would really appreciate some kind of library/book about the religious babbler, or maybe adding those to date topics with Autumn, really enjoyed most of it.

Question 1: ¿Is the rest of the story getting a complete makeover (Like previous events did)? There is a lot of stuff that just is now wrong or feel incomplete due to changes to previous events.

Suggestion: A lot of current continuity errors revolve around Moon and the bar, making the bar available let's say after a week in would easily fix that and wouldn't break the game since the barebones bar is more of a liability than an asset ecomomically speaking, the other way around it would be to link Moon's story progression to that of other characters (For example Kali, MC and Moon going bowling makes no sense before MC starts dating Moon), the same applies to Kate, her two/three last events (When she starts coming to the hotel to take the MC out) would make way more sense after Ashley expelling is lifted, the other way to go around both stories would be to create additional dialogue depending on when the events take place.

(1 edit) (+1)

Please report any inconsistencies you find, it's the only way I can fix them.

Due to the bar cost, it should not be possible to buy it within the first week unless you cheat. It is also never a liability. Moon going bowling has nothing to do with her relationship with you. Same with any other character that appears there.

Kate's story timing does need adjustment, I've heard that a lot. Though I'm not sure how it should be adjusted at this point.

(1 edit) (+1)

In the bowling event (Part of Kali story) Moon already knows the MC name (Which she doesn't learns until after the 2nd bar event (After the training is over, where the MC introduces himself as Mr. Moon), there is also the possibility of her blowing the MC (Which then goes into conflict with the event where she invites the MC to her apartment and end ups blowing him for the first time).

What i mean about the bar is making it a part of the hotel (Not a buyable upgrade, but a free one) after one week or so of gameplay, that way the MC will at least know Moon before events involving her that make no sense with not meeting her (Pixel/MC taking Ally to the park, where they meet Moon) and the whole Kali thing.


Thank you

(2 edits)

how  do i get sylvia

Continue Lin's story and purchase her on the computer.

how do I raise Kali's lust?

All lust is increased alongside Sluttiness once the Mega Slut trait has been unlocked, and upon reaching a certain level with the character.

Runey knows something about when the update 0.17 in Spanish could finally come out? ^_^

They're working on it

Is there anything after the park scene with the book purple eye girl? (If her name was said I missed it)


Not yet. Were you notified with the "End of park content" message upon clicking the park again?

Yeah I just thought maybe they had changed locations like how they started in the cafe. I was just making sure I wasn't missing anything.


Aight, finally got to the end of the new content. This update was fantastic. Cannot wait for the next one. Take your time, there are so many moving parts and you put so much effort into it that I know each day I cant play the next update is another day you are improving the game. 


I bumped into a bug, and should have realized it sooner, so I might be a bit boned. I was unable to visit Kali at Uni aside from main story events. I attempted, and it would say "Kali is at uni now" but then the box would disappear. No options came up. At the time, I did't think too much of it, thinking I could visit later. 
I am now at the End of Kali's content for this update, so I think I've lost out on the uni content, which includes Vanessa. 
If I have to replay this game again, I dont mind, but is there a way around this bug?

Otherwise, I found it was a little too easy to get to the end of Felicity and Emma's story. They just don't seem to be locked like other characters are. For example, I got the scene where you meet the Dean before Ashley had gotten them back into school.

These two issues aside, this update was fantastic, and I can't wait for the next one. I also had a head cannon from v.16 that I got more evidence for in this update, and I'm all but certain that I'm right. I'm hoping that soon, our MC will also put these pieces together, but its hard for him to think with all the blood in the wrong head. XD


Thank you!

Yes unfortunately that bug did lock you out of Vanessa's content, I will try to include a cheat code or something to get her back for this reason. v0.17.1 (bug patch) should be released this weekend.


Sweet! Looking forward to it. And I'll happily play through the game again. Its kind like rewatching a favorite movie. 

Deleted 1 year ago

I'm glad you like it :)


Runey, I don't know if it would be possible but if it is, could you please (please) change ANY sex scenes with closed pussies to OPEN pussies?

As you can see below are 3 separate sex scene examples with closed pussies: (zoom in and look really close)

As those are just examples to "show" you what i'm talking about i'm sure there are more scenes similar to these with closed pussies.

Now, you might say that this is nit-picking and well, you would be half-right and the reason for that is because if you think about it ( and i mean, REALLY think about it) it from a realistic standpoint of view the pussies aren't really supposed to "appear" like that during "sexual penetration" and sure this ain't real life but surely you must understand where i'm coming from with this right?


Just played the most recent event at the dinner table. I had feelings. Even before the text about how the MC was feeling, I had that and was stopping regularly just to enjoy the scene. Then the twist; I was crying right along with Kali.

So much of this is relatable to the real world too. I know I was one of those people that came for the porn in like v11 or 12 and have stayed for the story and characters. I really hope that this piece of art brings in some close minded people for the sex, but then gives them a new perspective that they can apply to the outside world.

Even if it doesn't, your characters made an impact on me. Thank you for all the feelings these past years. Cheers to many more!


Thank you so much :) I'm glad you understand what I'm going for


X2, everything in this game is awesome. Yeah, is art.

I know you've reworked some of Ashley and Androids earlier events, did you have plans to do the same for anyone else any time soon. Deciding whether I should wait on going back to the beginning.


Yes, story content is always remade in every update these days, but that won't last forever.

Hey runey, first time posting here but I've been playing your game since a long time. First of all, I love the game, the story and characters. I'm having a little problem with the last ashley story. When I go to the computer to buy the rasha's phone it says that i already bought it but I didn't so I can't continue the story. Thanks in advance!

That's strange, I'm not sure what's going on here. That item should only be purchasable when it needs to be.

Hey runey turns out the problem was that I updated the game instead of downloading full so something went wrong. I downloaded it full today and it works fine :) Thanks again for doing this game I really love it!

I don't know why but the download with mediafire is more than 7 hours! Didn't happen with the previous version of the game and my internet connection is very fast. I also tried to download it yesterday and it was the same. Anyone is having the same problem?

Try the other PC mirror. That is hosted by and not a third party site. You could also try the free links on my Patreon.

In my case it was the MacOs version. I used one of your other download links on your patreon and it went smoothly. Thanks!

do you have apple silicon Mac and does it run well if you do?

No, I have an Intel based mac from 2019.

(1 edit)

I have the last version of the game,  to download the new one do i have to delete the game and download the new version and can i somehow just download without deleting and update it? I play on Android by the way

Is there a video tutorial  on downloading this on andriod? Im having troubles with renpy and joiplay

There may be somewhere floating on the internet, but we also have a Help channel on discord if you would like to join.

Hi again. Just wanted to make a note for you on Moon. Since I have completed most of the game story lines to this point, I decided to concentrate on the couple of side characters who there was still some content on.

I was stuck on Moon so I looked up what was necessary to finish her story arc. It seems that  her arc is not completable for me past the ellen and maria drinking game. I gave Maria her bartender outfit prior to getting this far with Moon I believe.

The internet source said that you were to give Maria her outfit in the  evening in the bar, but this is not possible since  it was already given. Therefore I can progress no further on the Moon side story without starting a new game. I'm not sure if this is a bug, a conflict with different versions of game(I upgraded from v16 to v17) or the way its supposed to be, but I thought I would let you know.

Really a great game though. Thanks.

Have you checked Moon's page on the Wiki? The wiki includes in a guide on each character's page.

I did. Thats where I got the next step being to give Maria the bartender outfit in the bar to start the next scene.  Maybe I am mixed up on something though. I thought it was not completable at this point. But maybe I am missing something. I will re review wiki and try advancing again later tonight. Thanks for your quick reply!

I see... that is strange. If you need further help, you're welcome to join our discord.

(2 edits)

I probably will, thanks. I think a scene was played out of order and it mucked things up. I had the Kali, Moon Main character scene before having any of the Bar scenes. It talked about Moons history before I had ever discovered it in the game. I think its a "bug". I will still try to follow the wiki but I think the rest of the Moon scenes may be unable to play in my save.

Hey  I think I got the scene to kick off without giving the bartender outfit again. Sorry about the confusion. I just had to wait a couple gametime  days. Sorry again.

Deleted 266 days ago
(5 edits)

I love suggestions, I'm all for that, but I do not develop this game just for you.

There will certainly be more sex scenes, and I've absolutely added a lot more and remade them in much higher quality quite recently. You would see this upon a replay, the difference is night and day. And this is for every repeatable in a character's room. I've even added Freestyle. I love adding porn and continue to, these sex scenes are getting even bigger and more detailed.

This isn't a porn game though, the focus is not on porn, this is an Adult Visual Novel. That means story focus. Don't get me wrong though, I love adding porn, it's why I have added so much.

Most of your comment comes across as entitled. I do in fact plan to add a lot more to the dungeon, overhaul it even, add new systems, and all side characters. I would feel a lot better about telling you this if you asked or suggested.

The Hot Springs is a location for side and background characters to visit the hotel for repeatable sex purposes. It is not where main characters get repeatable sex. But I just want to reemphasize that side characters and some background characters are going to get repeatable sex in the hot springs. Kim and Ami just got some relatively big sex scenes there in this very update.

And again, you seem to understand that we don't share the same vision, but you are still insisting I make a game that you want, not what anyone else wants. I love suggestions, but this is not that. This is not a porn game, it is an Adult Visual Novel. There are other games out there that will make you happier.

This is a game in development, a lot of features are missing, including features for many traits. I would love to hear suggestions, this doesn't help anyone.

(25 edits) (+1)

Game sometimes sends me to the university when visiting Kali, even though she hasn't gone there yet Pic 1:Current progress (No 2nd floor, no Android) Pic 2:Me at the university, i think it has to do with visiting right after requesting nudes, but it is kind of inconsistent (Sometimes happens, sometimes it doesn't).

Note 1: Also, i think there may be a small contradiction between what is shown in the introduction and what Ellen says in one of her events, 16 years ago Grandpa already had at least two elves refering to him as master, but Ellen mentions he buying Lin a few weeks before passing because even though he didn't see himself as a master he wanted someone who would not talk back or something like that, implying that Lin was his first female elf.

Note 2: Ellen used to say to Lin to cook something for "Your [Insert player name]" at the beginning of the game, this was corrected to just refer to the player by name, but there is also a similar phrasing in one of Ellen events (The one in the laundry room), which hasn't been corrected.

Note 3: MC mentions the Dungeon after adquiring Jinny even if the player hasn't unlocked it.

Note 4: Ashley mentions relationship with Felicity improving in one of Kate events (The one with the Hot Spring), even if at that point Felicity and Emma haven't moved in, side characters in general seem to advance at a higher rythm than others (If i am not wrong after the beginning of their story their events are timed to certain days, instead of being linked to either the hotel's progression or main characters relationship level).

Note 5: Hazel recognizes the MC as a creep even if you didn't do any exhibitionism there, i think the only time i was at the cafe was in one of Kali's story events.

Note 6: Kali 23 event was changed but she stills mentions something that happened in the old version of that event in the event 24 (The MC massaging Lucy's boobs).

Note 7: The change to Lin 19 (When she meets Sylvia) makes a lot of what she says in her next one make little to no sense (Sylvia is less mean, no mention of true elves, or calling Lin dirty), also, not a error (Who didn't play it before won't know that there was a option to free Lin), but you still take a hit to affection when interacting with Autumn for not doing so.

Note 8: One of Maria's early events (The blowjob one) was changed to state that her boyfriend dumped her, but the event 15 (When they meet again) the boyfriend states that she dumped him (Which before was true, but not now).

Note 9: I think there is something wrong Emma exhibitionism option, after getting the twins drunk the MC is able to go on beach dates with Emma while keeping Felicity mad (This allows the MC to kiss Emma before Felicity, which is a plot point later on), but also when suggesting Emma to go on a date it unlocks her exhibitionism option (Or drops the player there), even though the option is still grayed out.

Note 10: Cornwall makes mention of their previous first meeting/petty challenge with the MC, even though that was replaced/changed and their first meeting being now at some political campaigning thingy.

Note 11: After unlocking sleeping with Pixel all other options, besides Lin, disappear, they reappear gradually while progressing Pixel's story (Around event 16 they are all there again).

Note 12: After Pixel humidity accident, even if MC didn't ask Ellen for her swimsuit, she complains about Pixel using it.

Note 13: Cowgirl sex with Pixel is unlocked bugged (Music changes until you have fun with someone else) after event 18, but story wise it doesn't unlock after event 21, even mentioning something about Pixek mask being removed, and technically you can have sex with Pixel even before all that by taking her to the dungeon (Around event 13/15).

Note 14: Kali mentions Moon on her event 30 even if there's no bar yet.

Note 15: In "Lucy first delivery" she uses the name that Lin calls you, if at the beginning you decided that Lin should refer to the MC by name, Lucy uses the MC's name, which makes the conversation make no sense (Basically Lucy calls MC by his name and the MC ask her where did she hear that).

Note 16: In Lin's 27 event Kali is working as a delivery girl, even after she moved to the university.

Note 17: Misspelling error in one of Lucy's events, there are a few of those, most of them related to the new content (Which for me is anything introduced after 0.15.1).

Note 18: In Pixel 31's event the MC now has the option to call off the hacking, but the dialogue afterwards still doesn't change (Pixel mentions that she was the one who hacked and shared their pictures, even though that technically didn't happen).

Note 19: Pixel 32 event takes place at the bar with Maria as bartender, even if the player hasn't bought it.

Note 20: In Pixel event 36 they run into Moon at the park, even if the player doesn't have the bar yet.

Note 21: Pixel event 37 with no bar and no Moon makes no sense.

Note 22: Maria's 32 event story wise is supposed to take place after meeting Sylvia's queen (Nia and Sylvia have some words about the queen and the end of it), but it can be accessed before that.

Note 23: Emma/Felicity 32 event is supposed to take place after their suspension is lifted (Ashley 33 event), but it can be accessed before that.

Also, ¿Wasn't Juliet name purple or am i missremembering? 


Thank you for all of the reports!


Hi! Just wanted to say that I downloaded this game on a whim to try something different. I probably wouldve gotten bored within the first couple days without the superb story element. I am very surprised at the quality of the story in this game.  I felt uncomfortable with a monthly sponsorship, but did make the 15 dollar donation to keep the content coming. Really looking forward to continued updates on this game. Superb job in all areas. Thanks so much for this game. It's excellent. May make future contributions to keep updates coming. Really looking forward to them. I'm hooked! A little sad that I am done with story progression up to v17. Hope to see more soon! Great work!

Thank you so much! I'm glad you enjoy and I hope you continue to :)

I don't want to give any spoilers, but Autumn's most recent story chapter really hooked me. Excellent job.

Thank you


I hope no spoilers but the art and craft of the Story Teller involves the reader (!) becoming immersed enough to care about the characters. All I will say is the Lin arc left me on the edge of my seat. I just wanted to arm myself with Android and go rescue. Anyone who wanted to sail away with Lin and live happily ever after - well for the human - will be in tears.

Well done

That's awesome! I'm glad you enjoyed :)

Made a account to specifically say that I love this game ^^. Had a question though, in the 0.17 patch notes it says a repeatable scene with Kim and Ami at the hot springs, if the player is up to the current story is it missable? Secondly, in the gallery under other, there are two that are locked for me in the bottom, any idea what those are? 

These two bugs are actually linked. You're supposed to be able to unlock Vanessa by visiting Kali's university. Vanessa unlocks more content with even more characters like Kim and Ami. At some point during the story, Vanessa, Kim, Ami, and Nala begin to visit the Hot Springs every week, this is where those new repeatable scenes are.

hmm, but I am unable to visit Kali in the university anymore I believe story wise, does this mean if I wanted to unlock that I would have to start a new game? Would loading a waaay older save possibly fix it?

Yes, to both. 

(3 edits)

Just started a new game, and wow, Lika was one of the MC's grandfather's maids! Ellen would remember her! I can't wait for that to come up in the future! Is Sophie that same one-eyed elf that's also in the lineup in Autumn's event?

(1 edit) (+1)

Good eye! On both parts.

I'm curious about the updated events for the Android; I'm not sure if there's any way to replay previous events without replaying the entire game again? Aside from the Gallery, but the options in there don't seem to be enough to cover everything that says it was updated in the patch notes. 

Remade content can only be experienced by replaying the story. There are features for those in the betas to quickly jump to remade content to provide feedback but otherwise, sorry.

Deleted 1 year ago

If you're on PC, you don't need to take any extra steps.

What should I do to update?

If you have at least v16 you download the Patch and copy the content into your "game" folder, overwrite files if needed (of make a separate backup if you're extra careful).

If you have an older version, you'll have to download the full release.

Sorry I'm totally new to this.... Is there a way to download the patch file itself? My version is 0.16.2

Read the READ_ME file in the patch.

Deleted 1 year ago

I don't know why but the game isn't opening anymore🥲.... It happened after I restored the quarantined file. Tried restarting and troubleshooting but still haven't solved

Patch File is called... "HH v0.16+ > v0.17 Patch" Instructions are as I wrote earlier and there is a README file in the Archive with more detailed instructions if need be.

As for the Quarantine... either your Virus scanner is a bit of a drama queen, or did you download from somewhere else and not Never had my scanner hit on a file I downloaded from itch so far...

As for the game not opening, without knowing at least what the filename was, we can hardly recommend any course of action other than tabula rasa. Meaning clean slate, as in delete your game folder and download the full version.

Or you provide a bit of further information, maybe we can help if we knew what file got quarantined and for what reason.

Can you make an apk version

apk has a filesize limit of 2GB and I'm not sure how to get around that. The original size of HH is closer to 100GB.

I followed the Patch instructions, but when I run it on my PC, I get this error:

I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

Before loading the script.

error: Error -5 while decompressing data: incomplete or truncated stream

-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------

Full traceback:

  File "renpy/", line 331, in bootstrap


  File "renpy/", line 427, in main


  File "renpy/", line 244, in index_archives

    index = handler.read_index(f)

  File "renpy/", line 129, in read_index

    index = loads(zlib.decompress(

error: Error -5 while decompressing data: incomplete or truncated stream




This is the important part

error: Error -5 while decompressing data: incomplete or truncated stream

It sounds like you canceled some data transfer during extraction.

Can't find farmable garden i search it on Ellen upgrade no thing to buy and the door in Garden is not accessible.

The farmable garden has not been added. Check the patch notes for a list of added content.

(1 edit)

Please note that dates on a download page here are buggy. Maybe it'll be of some interest to you.

And thank you for making a patch 16-->17    <3

(1 edit) (+1)

Those are the dates of when each download was first added, not when it was updated last. This is the Development Log

Can I delete older "rpa" files? I updated the game without downloading the whole game, just using the patch

No, that is content.

idk if thats a thing u can fix but mediafire just dosnt really work for me its taking like 10h to download the patch i would be great if u could upload it to like mega or smt 

There are two PC links, you're using the second mirrored link. Use the other one.

so first love the game im invested but i have a problem i just downloaded the latest version and the game wont open at all so what am i doing wrong please help

I have a problem with the new update, when do some older scenes, while doing the sneaking around option, some actions give me an error screen saying, “couldn’t find file ‘Lovin_Ladies.mp4’.”

I was just wondering how I can fix this

Thank you

This seems to imply that the patch was not installed correctly.

I can't seem to get this to work on Android using the steps u provided as I think those apps have stopped working with the new Android version. Is it possible to release this version of the game as an APK again?

Игра не запускается,


Ты напиши хотя бы какая версия у тебя: ПК, Мак или Андроид  :)

(2 edits)

ПК, там даже нет что скринить просто игра не запускается и все , я уже все ехе файлы запускал и ничего, даже в процесах  ничего  нет

А другие RenPy игры запускаются?

тут хз , вроде да

(2 edits)

Боюсь, не могу ничего содержательного посоветовать  :(

Если Вин10 — можно попробовать убедиться, что есть всякие разрешения, на exe-шник и на папку. А то она любит не давать запускать новые программы просто так. Но она об этом должна внятно говорить, по идее.

Ещё можно попробовать отключить всевозможные антивирусы, включая тот же виндоус дефендер.

Если подумать — когда просто не запускается, молча и даже без процесса — это похоже на то, что Винда не разрешает. Но это вилами по воде, конечно.

и скриншот бы не помешал

Hey Runey!
Just wanted to ask if saves made on v 0.16.0 (no patches) are supposed to be compatible with the new version?  If it is supposed to be than I guess there is a bug where it skips a few events in the android's storyline.

If it helps I used the patch file to update from 0.16.0 to 0.17.
(Or maybe that is the problem? Because the patch says v0.16+ needed so maybe the version without patches is not included?)

Anyway really nice update based on what I've seen :)


(2 edits) (+1)

No extra steps are required to load previous saves, and updating doesn't adjust any stats. I'm not sure what happened there.


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