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Best game of this kind and i did play plenty of them. I just finished all stories. Keep up the great work , waiting for 0.18


Any idea when the next major update will be?


I downloaded the Win version, however i cant load the game after clicking the exe file


did you unzip it?


May I ask how to install this game on an Android phone


The instructions are listed above these comments


Does anyone know any fixes for the Maria bug? The one where she's stuck at level 30 no matter what. I recall there being some sort of workaround, but I can't remember what.


Found it


Yes, the Discord folks have a fix.

(1 edit) (+17)(-32)

Hello everyone! Small update. 

Good news! The Lin models are mostly ready!

I don't think I'll be officially selling these until v0.18 releases, but if you would like to get an unpainted model early you can send me a DM on discord and I'll see what I can do! The price for an unpainted model is planned to be $45, and $60 painted and both are planned to come with all $10 rewards including beta access or a 1 month upgrade to the $20 tier if you're a $10 patron. Only Lin will be available at first, but if 30 of these sell then I will also add Kali, then Ashley, then Maria, and so on. So this is just a test run for now. As always, thank you all so much for playing Harem Hotel and supporting me! :) You guys are the best, I hope to make it up to you with v0.18!

The bad news is that things are still unfortunately slow work-wise but it's coming along. I've had a few unexpected issues come up that has interrupted my work once again... I don't want to get too personal, but I've been in contact with three lawyers and have had to a lot of traveling over the past few months continuing to today, so finding the time to work has been really tough, especially quality work, I don't want to rush things either. But everything will hopefully be wrapped up soon. I never thought all of this would take so long... So thank you so much to everyone being so patient :) 

Hey! Love the game, think it is awesome. I cant make Maria's next plot trigger. She is currently level 30 and i bought Lin's supplies and everything else. Any ideas?

(1 edit) (+4)(-32)

It's bugged right now, sorry! Fixed in v0.18


I found that if you keep playing and adding days (may be a month in-game!), the logjam eventually breaks on its own and the event triggers (or option appears)


The Discord folks also have a fix.


I wish Truck-kun take me to this world.

All of the characters feel real, the love they show the main character is inspiring, and their universe feels very realistic and feasible.

I came here to spend some time watching erotic scenes, but I stayed because of the great visual novel work it has.

Ashley and Lin are by far my favorites, they are so lovely.

Pls, make Android story end well or i will need to go to the psychologist.

P.S: One question Runney, If i want to work on spanish translation, how do i do it? i never do it before. Just for fun, and for contributing something.


Thank you so much :) If you would like to join the spanish translation team, send me a DM on discord. You would be working with others on your designated (usually self designated) section of the story.

does this game have Chinese?


vale chavales, voy a probar el juego parahacerle una rewiew rapida para los nuevos, deseenme suerte

(1 edit) (+1)(-12)

Does someone have any idea when about when we might get the next update?


Very sorry for the long delay, a lot of personal stuff has gotten in the way of development. I recently made a new post


I'm truly grateful to see that this project is still alive and thriving. It holds a special place in my heart as it was the first visual novel I ever experienced, and I've been captivated by it ever since. Thank you for your dedication and hard work in creating such an incredible piece of art.


Is there any way we could get the android version back on apk because without an instructional video showing me step by step how to do everything im sadly not gonna be able to play


look up an app called joiplay. download and install it. download the windows version of hh. open joiplay. hit the + button at the top of the screen. go to your downloads folder, open the hh folder, and select the exe file. joiplay will prompt you to install a renpy add on to run hh. download and install it. (it will be a separate app, no need to ever open it. you will still open the standard joiplay and launch the game from there). from there youre set. if hh still isnt there, repeat steps starting from the + button, no need to install the renpy add on again


Really good game!

First of all the characters are well made and the game generally looks really good, the scenes are well made and are original for every character so progressing and repeating everything for the sandbox/training aspect is always enjoyable, especially with all the diferent themes you can interact with so all in all for a hentai game it's really good.

Now for what i didn't expect going forward was just how in depth the worldbuilding actually is and the story and progression are actually well writen imo (or at least i do enjoy it) so much so that i ended up caring more for the story than my initial reason to actually play the game xD.

It truly shows the more you progress the story with everyone and I really hope that everything can be tied together at some point cause enven though there are sometimes bits and pieces mentionned from another girls story (info you may have learned) it remains anecdotal and the MC himself makes educated guesses like "oh it could be that, but that's not the focus rn" and so each story still feels a bit detached from eatch other... Now admittedly i just haven't finished lins story but i did finish with every other character.

TL;DR: I really do recomend playing this game and supporting the dev if you can because it's really well worth it and there really is a lot of good content and there's more to come.

P.S: I've also seen some people saying the game is abandonned but i don't think so? I mean the last dev update at the time of writing this was 2 montsh ago so there's still communication going on so it doesn't seem abandoned to me y'all need to chill, real life can be a pain and i think we all can understand that '-'


Thank you so much :)

Work is still being done, just very slowly. Sorry!



Thanks for the confirmation, really stoked for what's coming :)

And don't worry about the work being slow as long as there's still work done it's all good for me ^^ the most important is for you to be able to balance your personal stuff and your work, life can be a bitch as i said ^^'


Does this game has sound effects or something like that. (Background music doesn´t count)


Nah because why the start gotta use music I hear in roblox bro? I'm fucking dead XD. But I'm not hating on it, it's actually pretty decent at first glance

por favor, más esclavitud con mordaza de bola


Viva la revolution, motherfucker


Здравствуйте, могу ли я попросить вас добавить эту игру в магазин Steam так как поддержать ваш проект из России невозможно, а магазин Steam даст вам такую возможность

Deleted 62 days ago

It is a known bug, but does not happen every time. I did not see it, for example.

See older discussions on this comment forum, it discussed often. There was some kind of workaround, I think.


If Runey would be working on this, a hotfix should be trivial. Runey does know about this, since he addressed it earlier. I'll leave thr conclusion to you.


It's been fixed in v0.18 for months, but v0.18 is still under development

Deleted 1 year ago


28 to 29 go to the bar in the evening,29 to 30, have a conversation in her room,30 to 31 are automatic departures, in the morning Maria and Hanna will come to see you for the hospital check-up after Maria is taken away after buying the Elves, she will be released

Deleted 62 days ago
Deleted 62 days ago
Deleted 62 days ago

30 to 31 are automatic departures, no need to buy Elves,31 to 32 is what needs to be purchased,Skip a few more days and take a look.If it is 31 to 32, it will automatically trigger after you purchase the Elves, and then release Maria

After triggering this, it will be upgraded to level 31, and the level that requires Elves is level 32

If it still doesn't work, please take a look and see if there are any saves before level 30 to try, because I unlocked all the characters before elevating her to level 30


When Maria was at level 29, save a file and try doing Maria's tasks. If it still doesn't work, you can try changing the language to try it out.I am using Chinese


Maria's highest level is now 37


Hey Runey, when will the official announcement of the cancellation be published?


Cancellation of what?



Cancellation of lunch, obviously.



It seems a little strange to me to conclude that the game is abandoned or cancelled simply because it's been a little while since the last update. Life happens, and has clearly been happening to Runey. We just need to be patient and we'll see the next release eventually.

There's a small team working on this, pretty much just Runey, which will increase the amount of time required per update. Real world complications can increase this even more (just check out the dev logs for more information there). Also, Runey has also been active in the comment section recently, which makes the assumption of game abandonment even more baffling.


"A little while"? Stop simping you repulsive bootlicker. Your argument wouldn't even hold water if Runey would not have proven with clear as day paper trail that he can in fact do updates in a reasonable timeframe, but guess what, he did. He absolutely proved beyond any reasonable doubt that he CAN. Also, unluckily for both you simp and the object of your sickening pampering, Runey, Patreon is fairly transparent when it comes to posting times. The updates has been out for months. No update before was out for months in "beta". 0.18 is the final version, let the sunken cost go, my dude, it will only increase. Or, prove me wrong with the same challenge I offered to another. Make Runey post the update, make him publish 0.19 in less than 3 months, and I'll apologize, if Runey doesn't ban me for daring to call his abandonware what it is.


If you get banned, then it isn't because of you "spotlighting his abandonware," dood -- and, yes, I've read your other messages. If you get banned it's because you're being an ass. I fail to see how you benefit from blatantly insulting me, but whatever. You do you, kid.

I fail to see how your logic in this works, and frankly I don't wish to know. I also won't try to stand against your challenge, it's nonsensical. I've spent no money on this project and I know little about Runey, I've simply read the dev logs a couple months ago and then the comments today.

I don't feel like rehashing information with you, as that's all it'll come down to. You're not willing to engage in civil discussion, so I see no reason to hold a continued conversation beyond this point when you're so clearly being vile -- for no reason, might I add. I'll even apologize for calling you a kid, whether you are or aren't, I couldn't say; but you come off as immature, entitled, and bratty, so if the impression you give off isn't correct. I'm sorry.


Failure to see obvious things is a recurring theme in your life, isn't it? That was, what, two failures to see and one simply not seeing? I'd say the metaphorical optometrist (that being some sort of mental health professional I imagine) must be living rich off you, but you strike me as the pretentious twat who doesn't try to improve. Don't get me wrong, I'm an arrogant dickhead alright, but I do believe since I've provenly compiled more info and more accurate info than you admittedly, since I also considered the update times, patreon messages and certain stuff on the discord that I won't mention, my standpoint in the game being abandonware is still more supported.

Oh wait, I must be an immature entitled moron, or you are just a lying sack of rotten cabbage, erm, answer me or step on a lego you boomer, fr fr mid whatever else random zoomer nonsense words instead of English.


Nice to see you haven't changed. Is it really too much for you to be cordial, or at the very least civil? Anyways, it's impressive that you can send that amount of text and be so vapid; over half of what was sent in that reply holds nothing to do with what's being discussed. And the rest? Well...

Fine, let's talk about this data and conclusion of yours. Yes, you've provided more data than I; but I haven't had any relevant need to do so, as it isn't necessary for my point in this discussion. I'll restate my point once more, in clear wording: life happens, have patience. Your data has been good; listing out dates for the release cycles of other updates. The information provided hasn't been the issue against your point. The problem thus lies in your conclusion and examination of said data: it's superficial and based on assumption. Why? The situation surrounding this update is unprecedented for the game, which means the normal cycle is currently broken. But that is by no means an excuse to come to this wildly outrageous assumption that the game is canceled (secretly canceled?).

I don't have any reason beyond curiosity to hold this discussion with you, I have even less reason to stand the flagrantly insulting attitude of someone unwilling to hold a reasonable conversation; however, I didn't want to step on a Lego with my fossil of a body. I'll be looking forward to your response, however, you've burned through much of my remaining goodwill, so you won't be entitled to a response unless something interesting comes up. I hope you have a lovely evening.


An optometrist does not treat people with mental health they are a type of eye doctor. You should look up words before using it as an insult.




Ey bitchboy, do you have any other retorts than banning? Because it seems like you can't show evidence of you working on anything. So I am right. You are a scammer.


Wow. Impressive. Another - or perhaps "another?" - individual with an account made just before commenting. Your cadence and approach are similar to the other account that shares a close handle. Are you the same, are you different? I couldn't say, if only because I have no means of confirming.

Your trend of comments tend to say the same thing, at least in regards to Runey, that being that he isn't working because he's banning people on Discord (and here?). However, that's just silly. Discord servers operate with moderators.

Do you have any proof of the game being a scam?


We want to be able to impregnate our beauties


I had really high hopes until Vanessa shows up. Then everything gets depressing and shitty. Coincidence? I think not.

Nia and Vanessa are both incredibly dimwitted and short sighted for what they get away with. The writing around their stories lacks the depth of all of the rest of the characters, despite both of them ending up being major players. Nia's story is a bit better written, mostly because there's some actual motivation and a little bit of character development. But Vanessa is almost entirely redundant and forces the plot forward at an unnatural pace, with pointlessly long lectures about things that the player (presumably) already knows, agrees with, or is actively trying to accomplish, and renders large swaths of the story moot.

The PC spent nearly 3/4 of the story gaining social standing and political positioning, for what? A giant plot hole? Law enforcement androids exist all over the city, the protest should have been quelled immediately with one order from the mayor that couldn't be disobeyed. And then they just get deus ex'd out of there by Android, who they could have used to safely get the message out to begin with.

Cornwall knows Lin, the only logical continuation of the story is that the hotel gets raided by the military, everyone gets arrested and charged with seditious conspiracy, the elves get hung, Android and Ally get powered off and liquidated, Autumn's father and sister get excommunicated from the church, and the PC gets deported back to the Capitol where he's executed for attempting to start a revolution.

Too much current day social commentary with no nuance and not enough babies with Ashley.


That being said, I think their stories and characters seem so much less polished or fleshed out compared to the other characters because everyone else is so well written and have engaging character development. While Nia and Vanessa, but Vanessa specifically, just appear and almost immediately start putting the hotel at risk with their own carelessness. Kali seems to even address this within the story with her annoyance with Vanessa's zealous lecturing.

I just don't understand what all the political posturing through most of the story is for if it's seemingly got thrown out so easily. The trajectory of the story up to that point places the PC in a position to actually be able to have some sway on Mr. Cornwall (and the church) and Mr. Trenero (and the human politicians) opinions towards living as equals with the elves.

I hope that the slow progress of v0.18 is a restructuring of the story up to this point to set it up for a more meaningful, long term story. I would rather see the story span 10-20 years, where the change is the result of character development and support than through divine intervention in less than 2 years.


Amazing story and characters. Please don't lose motivation, there's a number of beautiful stories here that deserve closure.

Also, give Ashley babies already!


IMO this is mostly a garbage take - but you have a point with Cornwall knowing Lin.

I'll be very surprised if there is a decent explanation for why they arent just arrested immediately. 


You don't have to agree with me, that's fine.

Like I said, the story just seems to get pushed along at an unnatural pace once Vanessa is introduced, perhaps she appeared later for me based on my progression with the other girls, although I tried to do them as evenly as possible without spoilers. But I would rather see her character get fleshed out or have her attitude towards you change based on choices made earlier in the story. Maybe by having some scenes with her the first time you meet Cornwall at the rally or at the beach auctions which could have an impact on her opinion of the PC once you meet at the university.

Even Nia gets more pushback about the things she says about the PC than Vanessa, and Nia isn't nearly as insufferable or abrasive.  My biggest issue is that Vanessa just lays out the entire plot in such a boring, unnecessary way. I mean, you've already learned more about the Elves and the rebellions, the church, the government, and Nero Inc than she knows when you meet her. The podcast is another major plot hole, surely it would be monitored by the government since she's always speaking out against them and broadcasting from a major University, and once Nia makes her appearance on the podcast, then it would definitely be monitored.

I don't know, she just comes across as a major liability that puts everything you've been working for in jeopardy without being even remotely likable while never really addressing the shortcomings of her own personality.

Deleted post

When will the new update be


Last update was 9 months ago in June 2023, the one before that was November 2022, that's when the frequent updates stopped, over a year and a half ago. Supposedly the 0.18 patch has been in beta for what, a quarter of a year now, previously if an update was in beta for 3 weeks that was already odd. Make of that what you will, suffice to say, I wouldn't hold my breath.


The Dev went through some really tough time last year, so just be patient

(1 edit) (+8)(-22)

To be fair, not only is Runey going through some personal life troubles, but (he/she/they? Anyone know Runey’s pronouns?) are working on improving the complexity/writing of the story with each update. I think most people agree that the game has consistently gotten better with more obvious effort put into it the further you go. Initially I thought it would just be a lighthearted, fun harem game to play but now I think it’s gone beyond just being considered a harem game. The tonal shift isn’t for everyone but I’d say most of us have liked the game more and more as it has progressed. So with the personal problems and increased complexity of the writing I’m not surprised this is the longest update. I do feel you though, I’m eagerly awaiting it too, but good things come to those who wait.

I just hope we get a good amount of content with this update. I haven’t been around for prior updates so I don’t know how many hours they usually add, but I’m hoping to get at least a few more hours of content out of this. Beggars can’t be choosers though and I understand if it won’t be that long.


The last news was 63 days ago. You can stop complaining now.


Dev went through some hard stuff, might take a while


Best game i ever see in this genre, i wish you update this game more frequently. Have a good day :)

No esta en español ya las ultimas actualizaciones?


Game crashes on windows version if I go to Lin’s bedroom at night on a Wednesday. The error happens after the dialogue Lin says about being sleepy. The day at the time of this error: 612.

Error Message: [Error message reached the character limit and I didn’t want to cut anything out of the message because it could be important]


An image was deleted somehow, redownloading the game will fix that

(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

I can’t find my old copy of the game and I’m pretty sure that it was on 0.15, how do I get the new version if I didn’t have the windows version installed previously?

nvm I had 0.16.2


All you need to do on PC is download the latest version


Yeah but if I had lost my version of the game which has the exe file and other required elements then how would I have been able to play the game just by downloading the latest version? [Sorry if this sounds stupid, I know nothing about RenPy]


By downloading the latest version, or any version of the game, you get all the files.


This is one of my favorite R18+ Games out there. The character design (from art to personality) is great. The dialogues are witty and the world is interesting. 

Is it over the top and unrealistic? Sure. But it's an R18+ harem game featuring elves. I doubt realism is the target to aim for here. 

Runey managed to accomplish something I personally thought to be impossible, an oxymoron even: a lovable yandere. 

Deleted 1 year ago

Reply to the one that thought my post was a reply to them, who unfortunately decided to delete their actually not-at-all disrespectful comment. I wanted to reply, but you had already deleted, so here for context my theoretical reply:

Oh, did I post that as a reply to you? Sorry, that was not meant as a reply, I just finished the current content, after having been away from this for about two years and wanted to give my opinion and support for Runey. 

I have not looked into Mythic Manor, thanks for the tip, I might look into that. My favorites next to this are probably Nothing is Forever and Superhuman.


Thanks for feedback :)

I try to keep things relatively grounded within the framework of the fantasy genre. But consistency and believability are still cornerstones for any story. Everything needs logic and laws, even magic

Deleted 288 days ago

I've wanted to create games and build worlds since I was a child, but being somewhat poor, I was not able to afford much in terms of setting that up. Programmers, modelers, assets, etc, require money to acquire and that's not something I had, so I decided I would do it all myself. Honey Select and Renpy are perfect for beginning this. So while it wasn't my first choice, passion and ambition got me here :)

Deleted 288 days ago

Are the saves from android compatible with windows?? I thought so because on android it's literally just the windows version but on an android emulator.


Yes, they should be stored in the same place as on the PC version, if you're using JoiPlay at least. Just transfer them over and boom.

Thanks man


Dead game already.. Updates not coming anytime soon




Why would you think that??

It's getting updated quite frequently.


Admittedly slower than I would like, but I have an incredible amount of things to deal with IRL at the moment. I wish I could focus on work but it's hardly possible with all the other stressors in my life right now


Mental health is also important, so is the danger of overworking! Be careful....


Getting updated frequently? Are you ok? Last update was 9 months ago in June 2023, the one before that was November 2022, that's when the frequent updates stopped, over a year and a half ago. Supposedly the 0.18 patch has been in beta for what, a quarter of a year now, previously if an update was in beta for 3 weeks that was already odd. Game's dead. Runey can run from the truth all he wishes, but this project will never be done, at best he'll gather up the courage to toss out the 0.18, but none of us will ever see 0.19. Except if Runey simply changes the update number out of pure spite I guess. But then it would be easier just to cancel the pregnancy fetish, slap a 1.0 on it and fuck right off into the sunset never to return.


You do realise that that Runey life doesn't revolve around the game right? They have important stuff IRL aswell.


You do realize that as an end user I don't care, right?

You do realize that the frequency of updates in one large time period compared to a similar period is quite indicative of a projects health, right?

You do realize that lying to the potentially paying customers may be considered a crime, right? Like saying there will be further updates, when there is a nearly-yearlong hiatus, and merely pretty promises to the contrary.


Yep, I heard that Runey is making excuses about his stress and problems just to prolong the updates. I don't know if it is true but the updates taking way too much time..

Deleted 288 days ago

the game is free to download you entitled clown


You do know that he's developing this by himself and doesn't have a team working for him. He is the sole person that makes the scenes and writes the story.


I agree this guy's a troll crying over things he can't control. Here's a grammar tip the phrase aswell is always written as separated by space as well (an open compound) the same goes for the phrase each other instead of eachother.


So i'm on my... 4th? date with kate and we're talking about her disability and when I asked wat it was, her response was "I'm Autistic" And I'm like, Yooo!! I'm autistic too!!!


what to do with this error?


picture missing I guess.


I want to make a game myself. I have basic understanding about coding but I have no idea how to make characters / animations / background. Any tips or guidelines YT videos you can recommend for this newbie?


yo runey, is there any chance u can tell us when there could be a new update coming?


Work is being done, just slowly for the moment. I'm extremely busy with life stuff


Make sure to take breaks and get plenty of sleep. Mental health is important!


any chance this game gets a port as an apk? I hate using joiplay since it takes up way too much space.


apk has a size limit of 2GB IIRC. This game is about 11GB and already compressed


Runey my lord, what limit are you talking about? I've download other lewd game that has more than 2GB size? So why are you having that problem.. 


I use the built in renpy APK builder, it tells me the limit is 2GB. If anyone knows a way around this, I would be grateful to know

(2 edits) (+1)(-8)

Most do it by seperating the rpa file inside the "game" folder and having the apk install everything else. As long as the file location isn't inside android's data folder and somewhere else like the document folder (which is how most devs are doing it now since android is denying access to data files) it's fairly easy for the users to just move or copy the rpa file into the game folder themselves. Just zip the apk and the rpa files together with maybe a txt document for installation instructions and post it up on itch to download. Although I'm not sure specifically how to do any of that since I've never personally done it myself, the method is there you just might need to ask around a bit.


Setup a server to host the game's files. Then create an APK with just a title screen, this title screen app is just there for the user to receive the game's files from an external server. Then have the app just overwrite its files with those downloaded from the external server. Or you can reference/use RADC. RADC should give you an idea of where to start, or you can use it as is while buggy does what is needed.

(1 edit) (+1)(-6)

if its already compressed then i guess there's not much that can be done about file size. But either way joiplay is prone to crashing in my experience and I lost a ton of progress the last time I tried playing your game to a crash. Since then I unistalled and just refuse to use it.

• Ao escolher-mos a rota de amor de Sylvia e Nia não há eventos repetíveis, né?


How do I do cunilingus on Lin?


its one of the last few events with her


I downloaded this thinking it would be just cheap, silly, horny fun, but I was surprised to find true depth... in addition to silly, horny fun.

Ashley's past is brutalizing my emotions.

I also generally dislike sandbox games, because so many have so much fruitless repetition, but this game keeps that pretty well in check.

I'm enjoying it so much that the only (advertized) cheat I'm using is occasionally changing the time of day to earlier.

As far as the spicy concepts go, I've been pleasantly surprised.  Many disappoint. This game has not (yet. Still unfinished).


Thanks for the feedback

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