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(1 edit) (+1)

I'm going to be honest in this review and say that when I saw this game I only wanted to play it because I was curious,but once I really got into the game I can say that I came for the girls but remained for the incredible story,this game is honestly such a great game.I would love to donate to the developer but unfortunately I don't have the means or the funds to do so.Thank you for making this and I hope that you've been making high profits from the game so you can continue updating it!

I also wanted to add that this game genuinely made my days happier.

The only thing I regret about playing the game is not giving much thought into the story and the characters.I wish I could forget the story until now and pay more attention to the story,because at the start I really didn't realize how great the story is!


Thank you so much :) your review is payment enough

(1 edit) (+1)

Hey runey will .18 be the biggest update to date and what should we expect from it?

(1 edit) (+3)(-5)

Do not expect it to be bigger than usual. The update has taken so long because I have not had the time to work, with many many many personal issues and surprises getting in the way. It’s not ideal at all. But you can expect the garden expansion, which is a fully intractable farm.


Oh ok thanks goat dev 

Guys, Is there a way to translate the game into Italian or are only those three languages available? Please, answer me soon.


How is the latest version coming? Any ideas for a release date?


Thanks for asking, the only thing left to do is to finalize and polish the garden expansion. This work has been outsourced to an advanced programmer, so I am just waiting to get that. I am expecting to finalize everything within a week. Very sorry for the delay

Keep up the great work and take your time. This is a fantastic game, I am just excited for more content!

I should visit this dc <-discord channel more often and add some ideas 😛

How make Face Sitter with Lin, how i start the cunnilingus?

Will there be an option to ask Ashley to not be shy about her natural hair in the future?

Cuando sale la siguiente Actualización?


Have you thought about tickling as a fetish to add? Would be a good one


Wha-???? how is tickling a fetish bro


Hey don't judge

hmmm.... true... seems innocent anyway 

You'd be surprised at how many odd fetishes out there.


There are many harem games out there.  They are nothing like this game.  In fact there is nothing out there like this game.  As you play the game, you will not just have fun, but the characters come alive as you learn more about their individual life stories.   It may be impossible to not love these characters as the game progresses.  You hope for their future, even when things seem like they may be going wrong.  I have played many games (hundreds) and nothing can compare to this game.  It is also written in a way that it seems that the game can nearly go on forever without an actual end.  Individual stories will end but the game goes on.  This is due to the vast number of repeatable scenes, all of which are fun 🙂.


I'm going to be honest I deeply regret that I didn't take the game seriously at first,because now I've seen how beautiful and fun of a game it is.I seriously consider replaying the game just because of how intriguing and how captivated I got by it.Its one of the only game to actually give me a euphoric state 


It was during the Ashley storyline did I realized how great the dev is cooking. So I tend to savor every single bite after that


I would recommend restarting in v0.18 with the inclusion of the garden expansion, or after every few updates. I am constantly improving the early game and older events to be consistent with the quality of the latest content. So your playthrough will not be the same as it will be in a year

I was thinking of restarting,if even the dev says I should then I will!

(1 edit) (+2)(-5)

Thank you so much :) you put a huge smile on my face. 

HH is an odyssey, so while it has a destination in mind, the journey can go for as long as desired.  Most of the story is planned directly after the last was finished, all while maintaining that direction towards the end. Sometimes I don’t even know what will happen, or what the characters will do next. I think this style of writing keeps the story very interesting and alive


It would be cool to finally have a black person living in the hotel. I like the characters and love the storyline so far but we have only one dark-skinned character and that is Ann, whom we can't do much with, at least so far, and is an elf. I'm not complaining or anything but it would be nice to have at least a little more variety in the main cast.


Political Correctness  ???


It isn't "political correctness" to *request* more diversity of characters. 

And adding more diversity has never hurt anyone, unless someone chooses to let the existence of other types of people bother them.


"It isn't "political correctness" to *request* more diversity of characters. "

Yes, it is. And there is nothing wrong with it. 


I was mainly asking from a gameplay and lore perspective. I go more into in a comment further down. This has nothing to do with politics.


wtf is wrong with you srsly


How did that comment piss you off that much? Look in the mirror


Calm down man


This is a fantasy world. It does NOT represent the real world. And even if it would, there are areas in the world with little to no variety in skin colour. Like China. Or Japan. Or Saudi-Arabia. Or South Africa. Or Norway.

Is it OK to ask for a white character in a game set in South Africa? No? Well, same applies here.

Or, in other words, if I want the Iron Hills represented from Tolkien, I want no elves or krakens there. Because that's not where those belong. That's a dwarven territory, and they ain't welcoming.

Not everything must be a melting pot, most settings aren't. Go away!

(4 edits) (+12)(-7)

How did you get this triggered over a request for diversity? Syl’Anar is literally a melting pot of human races that colonized elvish land, this means ALL humans are not native to Syl’Anar, but you’re pissed off specifically about the black ones? Even just the request for it? There are even black elves in Syl’Anar already. Are you stupid or blind?


Hey, you do realize that white people make up  a good chunk of South Africa, right? They make up roughly 7.27% of the population according to the 2022 census so it wouldn't be illogical or unreasonable to have white people in a game based on that area. I understand your point though but please realize that my opinion had no political meaning or anything to do with wokeness. It was simply an opinion and that is it. I did go more in depth about my reasoning in a comment further down so if that helps with understanding a bit of where I'm coming from then that is good. I had no intention of starting any drama. Have a nice day.


You should make your own game and instead of calling it concord. You can call it cuntcord.

(2 edits) (+10)(-5)

Thank you :)

Yeah, there isn’t a huge diversity of skin color in the main cast. It’s not something I prioritize, I just create a character until I’m happy with them. 

What you see in game reflects me and my upbringing, so it will naturally be biased to my experiences. What we need is more writers and developers from different backgrounds and cultures creating and writing stories. 



I honestly didn't ask out of "political correctness" or anything like that. I asked about it based on the observation of the characters in the game and the limited amount of human culture we experience other than a "lot of humans want slaves and think less of elves" and " and "some humans aren't so bad and like elves". It would also answer some questions about if you need to be at least related to a dark elves to have dark skin, which Maria and Ashley don't even though they have dark elf DNA and Maria being half a dark elf, and Nala is basically a campaign side character so we don't interact with her much. Nala so far appears to be human and is darked-skinned but does that mean she is fully human or is she mixed, things like that leave me with questions that I would like answered in the story and adding a dark-skinned character to forefront (I don't mean making the character the face of the game or anything like that but as another main love interest or a at least as a side story like Jin, Nia, and Hana) of the story will add a bit diversity to the game of course but It would give more opportunities to explore a bit more of the human side of culture in the game. I wasn't trying to make waves or call out the creator in any way but just stating an opinion about the game as a fan who has been playing for years. While it would be a nice addition to the game and I said something because thought it would be nice, I don't expect it to happen nor did i mention it to try to get Runey to conform to modern social or political standards. I honestly didn't expect this to go this far or for people to get offended by my opinion and I should have expected that. This is my first time commenting on something and I'd thought that I would do it for a game I really enjoy so it sucks that this is how it turned out. Runey, I love the game so far and I'm sorry for the chaos I accidently caused.


You didn't cause the chaos, it's inherent to this thing we call the internet and it just happens, just like stupidity happens in mobs. I'm sorry it happened too but it's whatever. Maria is obviously darker skinned so not sure what you're on about there. Nala looks like she might have story significance, not sure what status she'll be given in the future. I don't think there needs to be a black main LI to have your questions answered, although IMHO if there's a hot black chick in a harem game she'd better be fuckable.


I see what you mean. I'm used to hanging in the background of things so this is out of the norm for me.

I'll give her another look over because I'm not sure how I missed that. I guess I'm just to busy look at her eyes and facial expressions.

I did also say side character also works but having them be a main or side will still answer questions but main will mean more interaction with the character is all I was thinking for that part.

(1 edit) (+2)(-6)

You have nothing to worry about man, I know what you meant. It’s just the internet being the internet. 


I appreciate the understanding. Thank you.


Word =^^= and oddly enough just seeing what you have done made me think .. I could tell stories too

Deleted 203 days ago

So how i save my progres in android? I mean when i want to play with other phones, and use my current save, how?


Kate's my fav, so i do gotta ask. Do u have any intentions on fleshing her story out more? I wana see more of her 😭 🙏


of course! More Kate story coming in v0.18


I have been seeing this game all over itch but simply didn't have the time to give it a shot but eventually I bit the bullet and did it and let met tell you that was the best choice I did today.

I been binging this game the whole day of yesterday and enjoyed every second.

Very cool story I would say it's not really a hotel but more like a brothel but that's besides the point.

Great job and can't wait for the next update


If you see it as a brothel, I think you’re still very early in the story :) enjoy the story, lmk what you think further in

(1 edit) (+2)

Okay I have an odd request, and feel free to say no. I am a dev myself and I was wondering if I could use the lore you have created here and set my own game in the same world/universe? I see a lot of possibilities with the setting and may want to do my own project and expand on the lore you've already created. If anything I can send you any changes/expansions I want to make to the lore for approval. Nothing may come of this but if it does it could be a cool way to expand this universe!


Send me a DM on discord, I think we can work something out. 

Hey sent you a DM but haven't heard back. Making sure I sent it to the right account.



How to download in Android


Instructions are on the bottom of the description


The download is the same as the other versions but it needs Joiplay and Renpy Plugin to work on Android

Haven't played this for a year. Love all the new content and GUI tweaks.

i cant launch the game after extracting, tried adding it to antivirus exception, tried unplugging the internet, reinstalled multiple times too, any ideas?
I've played it on my old PC and really want to have it on this one too, great game btw

Okay, @RuneyGames

Question for you. Did you have something that inspired you to make this game? Like another game or games? Is there anything that you enjoyed that might help hold people over until the next update? Can't hurt to ask.

try eternum, doesn't compare to this one but its still good

i'll give it a  shot, thanks!


My inspirations typically come from movies, books, and shows. I haven't played a porn game in probably 7 years, and I've never played any visual novels. I just wanted to make something :)

In regards to you making something, was there anything you thought would be more difficult than it was for Harem Hotel? Conversely, was there anything that was easier than you were expecting it to be?


Could we get the 0.18 update in this month, plz


it comes when it comes, man, chill


Yeah, I shall wait until it comes~

(2 edits) (+8)(-8)

The update is not done yet, specifically the garden expansion. Once everything is included, it's been thoroughly tested and the bugs have been removed, it will release. If you have any questions I would be happy to answer. At this point v0.18 is about 95% complete!


Any questions you say? Aight. I just got one.

Breasts or buttocks?


That's fine! Love you Runey. I have played your game for a long time, and I really like the hotel.  I've been excited for your update during several months, just want to tell you I'm a fan of you. And I shall support you when I apply for a Visa.(I dont use visa card now)  


I can not get the game to load on my Mac any suggestions ?

Plays fine on mine. What's the issue exactly (which version won't load and have you tried others?).


Greetings to one of my favorite game developer, I hope you have a wonderful half of the year. 


Thank you so much :)


How can I download it for Android?


Welcome, welcome. Here are the instructions for downloading on android, found above:

(1 edit)

It's the same as the PC version but it needs Joiplay and Ren'Py Plugin to function on android


Hello Runey, i played HH a while ago and just wanted to say that i love the game and characters and can't wait for the next update so i can replay the game (since i lost my save file). Also i have a question: i remember that the elves that you buy like Sylvia have two paths, if i choose for example a romance path do i completely lock myself from the other path and have to make a separate save to experience both or there is a way to do it without juggling two different save files? Do they have much difference between them? Also as a side note would love to have an option to have Ashley with her natural hair. 


Yes, you will lock yourself out of the other path. The love route is for story, the other for sex mainly.

(1 edit) (-2)





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(1 edit)


How do i unlock Lin's "Order with vibe" option?  She's doing everything else but the exhibitionism...

Did you progress her story and get her stats up? That's the first option for exhibitionism so if you can't do that yet then you haven't gotten other stats high enough.

Might need to max out Nympho first? Unsure. I feel like it tells you when you select the option what you're missing tho, and you always start from the top option.

Yeah, i'm still tinkering with it.  But since i can't actually 'select' an option that's greyed out, there's no feedback.


I think we can provide a tutorial on using Joiplay


I can't choose between the characters they are all hot and sexy


Do them ALL!


XD you don't have to tell me twice


I'm a big fan of this game. I enjoy the story so much, and the potential it has and already shows is amazing. I found this game sometime last year, around April or March, and I keep coming back to it. Keep up the good work Runey 


Hello, would you like to ask this game will add the beast woman?


damn hopefully the new update is gonna drop soon cant wait to play the entire game all over again plus with new content been patiently waiting more than a year now, never really complained since the creator did clarify that she was busy so yeah just really miss the game hopefully few days from now its gonna drop


Please help. I downloaded the game and the game refuses to launch. I even tried installing the patch to see if that would help but it still refuses to launch. Send Help!


Thoughts and feelings are inbound, brace for impact!


So, here i was, downloading what seemed to be yet another generic harem NSFW game. Boy how wrong i was

As much as i like the H-scenes ( allthough i would appreciate animated finish sequences ), the story is what eventially kept me hooked onto the game, no longer booting up the game just for a wank but to actually enjoy it

Amazing game, 9/10


Thank you so much :)




One question, why not make a translation into Spanish? I believe that by doing so the Spanish-speaking community would also provide some financial support, since several translators earn an income with their translations and the shorteners they add. I believe that with the paid version and the free version, the author would have more income even if it is translation with Google translator.

I am from the Hispanic community, that is why I make this opinion.

(2 edits) (+4)(-9)

Harem Hotel has been translated by the community's spanish team. You can change the language in Options

How can I play the latest version?

download the latest patch and put it in your hh's document


I really enjoy this game and am willing to pay for it. But I cannot operate it in China. Please forgive me for being a computer idiot and not knowing how to use things like a ladder.

The above comments are from a translator, I'm not sure if you can understand them


No worries, I appreciate your comment :)


¿Cómo desbloqueo a Kate?


I have been avoiding this game for a while, id see it pop up but a story based in a hotel didn't interest me plus the extra work required to play it on my android was to much. I finally caved in out of boredom and have spent well over 48 hours in this game and am mad that i like it so much. Obviously some good h scenes but also a story like that legitimately pissed me off at certain points because it gets you so immersed into the story and the unjust things that are happening in its world. Well written story, characters you can become invested in and of course hot Girls. Great game Runey. Already became a patreon supporter and can't wait until the next update.


Thank you :)

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