By the way though, I'm not sure if I did something wrong, but I was unable to continue spanking Moon in the bar beyond a certain point. When I would try to continue, it would say that she needed some training that I think she already had been given. Maybe this was supposed to be done in a different order than what I did it (e.g., completed her training too early)? Also, I thus far have been unable to unlock the sex scene with Autumn in the cafe or invite Autumn to sleep in my bed, although I do not know if this is possible to do yet.
Moon's spankings need to say 10/10 for more options to appear when you click "Spank her". As for Autumn, she is at this moment still not able to have sex, nor do I believe she will let her virginity be taken so easily for the foreseeable future. Her religion has heavily hammered the "no vaginal sex before marriage" and while I believe the "Sleep with Autumn" option can be an innocent and very easy nonsexual addition, I already asked about it and did not receive an answer. She also currently cannot sleep with the MC yet. Speaking for Autumn's character I think maybe sleeping with the MC might be too intimate, but then again so is offering anal as a substitute for vaginal sex. However, there are moments where she says the urge to have sex is as high as it ever will be, and that it is difficult to not give in.
Thanks for responding. To clarify about Moon, however, she currently is stuck on spanking 2/10 for me, and when I try to do the 2nd spanking, it says that she first must complete a certain training, which I believe I already did. So that's why I'm wondering if this is a bug, or if maybe I did something in the wrong order, as I completed all of the potential trainings for Moon many in-game days ago.
Thanks for asking. When I previously checked, it did not show new training. However, when I just checked, the training I was told that Moon needed was an option. Perhaps I had checked too soon afterwards (needed to rest)? Whatever the case, that led to a new series of events, and I realized I had not engaged in other content due to not having raised Submissiveness or gone on a date with some characters enough. Even in its current state, this game has a lot of content, to where I have been pleasantly surprised. Loving it!
But you do not need to increase any stats, including submission or affection, in order to progress story content. If there's any confusion, please let me know
Wow, I'm impressed and decided to donate. This is one of the hottest and funnest AVNs I have ever played. Though I have enjoyed many aspects of it, my favorite aspect is the elven struggle storyline in general (centering on Lin and others), and I'd love to see more action involving Sylvia. However, the overall story is quite diverse, interesting, and humorous, making for an altogether deep and entertaining game that packs a lot of bang for one's buck. I usually like more sound effects to accompany sex scenes in AVNs, but the scenes in Harem Hotel are so varied and visually/verbally arousing that in this case I do not mind. I look forward to future updates and plan to donate more as I am able.
I loved the extra additions for .18 and am excited to see where it all goes. It would be fun to start making some of them pregnant if the player allowed it, even the Android, assuming it fit your story line. Keep up the great work!
I don't think pregnancy will happen anytime soon due to the fact that there is so much story left to tell. To do a pregnancy segue with how things are in 0.18.1 really wouldn't feel appropriate given each character's current situation. I asked about pregnancy recently and was told "We'll see when we get there." I suspect you will get the same response. As for the Android, she sort of has a child with.... herself? The Android doesn't have a womb; therefore, she cannot have children....and also because she's an android.
Pregnancy is not going to happen any time soon, many of these characters are still in danger. Pregnancy will most likely occur at the end of the story.
My point exactly. The atmosphere of 0.18.1 really turned things to 11. It doesn't feel appropriate to even suggest pregnancy to any character at this moment, spoiler especially the pregnancy hyped Ashley. That really got me in the feels.
unsure if anyone had this issue with the new update at all but I downloaded and had already finished the game. Loaded in and said "you've finished kates story" and then when i clicked it would give me an error and rolling back would do the same thing. I clicked on the door icon as i was in the lobby and it fixed it.
Did you play an unreleased beta state of any version? This is usually the cause of the random "You've finished X's story" lines. But this itself shouldn't cause any issues. Are you able to share the error report?
I've already gone past it and played a bit; I do keep getting story finished with Kate and lin but I think it's supposed to be like that as it says it'll be in V0.19. if it comes up again ill make sure to give it to you. To add no I downloaded the newest update you put out and hit continue after previously uninstalling the game and redownloading it after seeing there was an update.
and a quick question, is this a smaller update because I feel like I've already completed everything in a day because no one has an icon anymore and it says I've completed story's I only have active icons for Jin Vannesa, and moon but for the life of me can't figure out how to progress with vanessa and Jin at the moment.
Hello, to answer your question: 0.18 is a major release, and 0.18.1 is a minor release. Major releases add new content or make 'major' changes, while minor releases primarily focus on things like bug fixes.
You can tell this sort of thing based on where the numbers in version change. X.1.1, for example, has X being the release or complete version, with, often times, 1.0 being the game being completed (or near) and coming out as a release. 0.Y.1, then, would see Y as a major release. And 0.1.Z, therefore, would see Z as a minor release. Hope this explains the system, it is my understanding of it, though, so apologies if I got anything wrong.
does anyone know what can be found at the beginning of eternity, the end of time and space, the beginning of every end and the end of every place question of Kate at school
I'm not sure why, I unistalled the game even cleaned my recycle bin clearing the game files and reinstalled this update expecting to have to play again but had my saves.
The save files are located in a different area than where the game files are actually stored, thus deleting them won't remove progress. I don't actually know where the saves are stored, as I've never looked for them - but this has been what multiple people have said and seems to hold weight.
Are you talking about the latest event in her story? She is not coded to leave at that point. The game mentions that it will act as though that event did not happen due to the in-development state of the game and to allow you to continue interacting with her.
Which character are you stuck on? And what is their level?
Most events begin at a character's door through the * Talk * options. Otherwise they typically begin in your room, or in the lobby. But if you're confused, clicking on a character's door should tell you exactly what you need to do.
Being away for so long from your game makes one become rusty. But if one starts slow and small again, one will snowball to gain his former skills back. I will support you always, Runey. Then, Now, and Later. 🙏🙏🙏
These v0.X.1 patches have always been for bug fixes and polishes. This time around I added new content as well, and addressed reports of stat grinding being too hard in a unique way. v0.19, the next major update, is still in development.
So the new update's not really working I downloaded it deleted it redownloaded it and Every time I open it black screens. Coincidentally All the games I had also deleted itself from JoiPlay Maybe I'm just having a bad day Lol
Hallo, RD Ace. Since the question seems to be lingering, allow me to shine some clarity on the matter.
Harem Hotel v0.18.1 PC/Android12 GB
Harem Hotel v0.18.1 PC/Android (Mirror)
Above are the names of the two links in which you'd want to concern yourself with. The latter link is simply a mirror, an alternative site to download the game from in case the first link isn't working for some reason. You can find them easy by the mark of "PC." I hope this helps.
To give an explanation anyways: that is an update patch file (as stated in the name). It allows you to download only the updated content and apply it to your already downloaded game, that way you won't have to download the entire game again. It'll have instructions within the downloaded files on how to apply it, too!
I just uploaded v0.18.1. These v0.X.1 patches have always been for bug fixes and polishes. This time around I added new content as well. You're looking for the v0.18 patch notes.
Hello, just downloaded because of the new 18.1 update, I keep getting the same crash error every time I boot up the game. Reason being a windows runtime error which I do not know how to fix.
+Added 6 new crops +Strawberries, Blueberries, and Raspberries can be constantly harvested without the need to replant. +Elvish Hops may be given to the bartender of your bar for very high profits +Lunarian Loops may be cooked into Lunarian Loop Soup and served to a character of your choice, giving them +3 lust +Elderbloom may be cooked into Elderbloom Tea and served to a character for a x3 stat multiplier on the next stat they raise. +Polished the game and fixed a lot of bugs
Very sorry for the huge delay with this minor update, I was ready to release it only a week after v0.18 was released, but I was unable to because the person offering their help on the garden was unable work but I was consistently told it would be finished in a few days. Very messy situation, but I plan to rely more on myself on the future.
Dates on the files on Harem Hotel v0.18.1 Patch Notes are old, from 2018 and 2021.
There is Patch 0.17+ -> 0.18.1 (Requires 0.17+), that seems to apply to patching 0.18 to 0.18.1, but the patch note says nothing about how to apply the patch. I play on Linux, is the patch only for Windows?
OK, I downloaded the patch file and in the zip there is file READ_ME.txt that tells how to install the patch. I think that works also on Linux.
I played last version, and I don't know if I have to do something to avoid my saves being overwritten, or does it prevent that and I can continue playing normally?
hi,Runey.While waiting for the new version, I played it again and found that the level difference between different female protagonists can lead to a significant gap in the story. Would you be willing to add more prerequisites to make the story smoother?
Can you provide examples of this? I make sure to take into account where other characters are in their story, and dialogue will change because of this, but it's very likely I've missed something. I would love to fix all these issues, but I'm not aware of any at the moment.
I'm glad you replied to me. Regarding the sense of separation, for example, from the time Maria reached level 30 to the time she recovered her mentality, her participation in the 3p incident and the wingman incident or Hana's incident all felt abrupt. Comparatively, there was also the period when Android was searching for herself and the other plots she participated in. Regarding this point, the setting of the plot of Ashley and the twins is very reasonable. Although the restrictions on conditions make people depressed, the linear story is more reasonable and comfortable. In addition, in some plots involving multiple heroines, the personality change of one of the heroines, such as the twins attending a birthday party before they reconciled, this sudden change is also a bit uncomfortable. Regarding this point, you may need to re-sort the plot to sort them out, which is undoubtedly a time-consuming and laborious task. Now the story is still developing, and you can do it when you feel you are ready or in your free time. Take care of yourself and look forward to your next update.
One funny misconception I had when I first saw this game it said "BDSM and Slave" tags, I thought it was a typo. Well within the first few minutes of the game I learned it wasn't a typo and was shocked but intrigued. Glad I didn't quit playing the game.
Playing update 18 (but haven't played any before). When I go to Mary in the park and go for the Food Drive Quest, the quest text overlaps with earlier text for Fertilizer and bug sprays. It gets all jumbled and unreadable. I've tried changing my settings from 1440 to 1080 but didnt change. Great game and mostly good charachters. My fav is Kate
I am very stupid with the joiplay stuff. I couldn't understand where the storage was searching, and I couldn't change where it was searching to the file location. If it isn't already an apk I can't use BlueStack's to find it. I just stick with the windows version. plus I heard from another adult content creator that certain apk files have a size limit that certain programs can't read.
hello ive been playing on 17.2 version gonna guess i need to download the 0.18 version for newer content but do i need to keep 17.2 version downloaded still or can i delete it?
I enjoy the porn bit of this game, if it's only a bit limited but honestly the story just sucks. Rewrite it or ditch it completely, focus on being a porn game then you can go make a storyline game...
Saying to a content creator, destroy over 6 years of hard work that gets on average high praise because one person disagrees with the story is a harsh comment. Making a game that people enjoy is not easy. The fact that we have Runey's game speaks volumes to the fact that he had a vision and felt generous to share it with his fans.
It takes admittedly a pretty long time but the story and character progression in this game is really good. I was shocked once I got to the later parts of some of the characters' storylines, and while sometimes it does flow strangely because of the sandbox nature of the game, it's all much deeper and better done than it comes off in the beginning.
I love the real one on one events like the level 41 event for Lin. It touched a few topics in the game that were important between the MC and Lin at the time. I'm glad there are many moments like that and love the "go on a date" feature. The pat, kiss, and embrace features are a great feature, and I love the changes the outfits add to them. The goth outfit interactions are very interesting *laughs* and a great choice. But one thing that I don't understand is why Maria's affection doesn't reduce in her casual outfit if you cum inside her?
I updated my game to version 1.8, but after I updated, whenever I click on load the game shows the screen of my last save with a message that I finished a secondary story and then when I click to continue playing the game crashes and Go to the menu, then if I load another save it crashes the complete game, I wanted to know if there is any way to solve it so I don't lose my save
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As a completionist how does one max out Autumn's paizuri star achievement? If it's possible that is.
Every Sunday morning she is in the shower, there.
Ts so magnificent
Nice game. The characters look cute and the world design is excellent.
Thank you!
By the way though, I'm not sure if I did something wrong, but I was unable to continue spanking Moon in the bar beyond a certain point. When I would try to continue, it would say that she needed some training that I think she already had been given. Maybe this was supposed to be done in a different order than what I did it (e.g., completed her training too early)? Also, I thus far have been unable to unlock the sex scene with Autumn in the cafe or invite Autumn to sleep in my bed, although I do not know if this is possible to do yet.
Moon's spankings need to say 10/10 for more options to appear when you click "Spank her". As for Autumn, she is at this moment still not able to have sex, nor do I believe she will let her virginity be taken so easily for the foreseeable future. Her religion has heavily hammered the "no vaginal sex before marriage" and while I believe the "Sleep with Autumn" option can be an innocent and very easy nonsexual addition, I already asked about it and did not receive an answer. She also currently cannot sleep with the MC yet. Speaking for Autumn's character I think maybe sleeping with the MC might be too intimate, but then again so is offering anal as a substitute for vaginal sex. However, there are moments where she says the urge to have sex is as high as it ever will be, and that it is difficult to not give in.
Thanks for responding. To clarify about Moon, however, she currently is stuck on spanking 2/10 for me, and when I try to do the 2nd spanking, it says that she first must complete a certain training, which I believe I already did. So that's why I'm wondering if this is a bug, or if maybe I did something in the wrong order, as I completed all of the potential trainings for Moon many in-game days ago.
Have you done all of the training option for the bar/Moon at Ellen's desk?
Thanks for asking. When I previously checked, it did not show new training. However, when I just checked, the training I was told that Moon needed was an option. Perhaps I had checked too soon afterwards (needed to rest)? Whatever the case, that led to a new series of events, and I realized I had not engaged in other content due to not having raised Submissiveness or gone on a date with some characters enough. Even in its current state, this game has a lot of content, to where I have been pleasantly surprised. Loving it!
Glad to hear the situation is resolved :)
But you do not need to increase any stats, including submission or affection, in order to progress story content. If there's any confusion, please let me know
Wow, I'm impressed and decided to donate. This is one of the hottest and funnest AVNs I have ever played. Though I have enjoyed many aspects of it, my favorite aspect is the elven struggle storyline in general (centering on Lin and others), and I'd love to see more action involving Sylvia. However, the overall story is quite diverse, interesting, and humorous, making for an altogether deep and entertaining game that packs a lot of bang for one's buck. I usually like more sound effects to accompany sex scenes in AVNs, but the scenes in Harem Hotel are so varied and visually/verbally arousing that in this case I do not mind. I look forward to future updates and plan to donate more as I am able.
Thank you!
I loved the extra additions for .18 and am excited to see where it all goes. It would be fun to start making some of them pregnant if the player allowed it, even the Android, assuming it fit your story line. Keep up the great work!
I don't think pregnancy will happen anytime soon due to the fact that there is so much story left to tell. To do a pregnancy segue with how things are in 0.18.1 really wouldn't feel appropriate given each character's current situation. I asked about pregnancy recently and was told "We'll see when we get there." I suspect you will get the same response. As for the Android, she sort of has a child with.... herself? The Android doesn't have a womb; therefore, she cannot have children....and also because she's an android.
Thank you!
Pregnancy is not going to happen any time soon, many of these characters are still in danger. Pregnancy will most likely occur at the end of the story.
Android already had a child!
My point exactly. The atmosphere of 0.18.1 really turned things to 11. It doesn't feel appropriate to even suggest pregnancy to any character at this moment, spoiler
especially the pregnancy hyped Ashley.That really got me in the feels.这个问题怎么解决
how to continue Sylvia story im at 3/5
unsure if anyone had this issue with the new update at all but I downloaded and had already finished the game. Loaded in and said "you've finished kates story" and then when i clicked it would give me an error and rolling back would do the same thing. I clicked on the door icon as i was in the lobby and it fixed it.
Did you play an unreleased beta state of any version? This is usually the cause of the random "You've finished X's story" lines. But this itself shouldn't cause any issues. Are you able to share the error report?
I've already gone past it and played a bit; I do keep getting story finished with Kate and lin but I think it's supposed to be like that as it says it'll be in V0.19. if it comes up again ill make sure to give it to you. To add no I downloaded the newest update you put out and hit continue after previously uninstalling the game and redownloading it after seeing there was an update.
and a quick question, is this a smaller update because I feel like I've already completed everything in a day because no one has an icon anymore and it says I've completed story's I only have active icons for Jin Vannesa, and moon but for the life of me can't figure out how to progress with vanessa and Jin at the moment.
Hello, to answer your question: 0.18 is a major release, and 0.18.1 is a minor release. Major releases add new content or make 'major' changes, while minor releases primarily focus on things like bug fixes.
You can tell this sort of thing based on where the numbers in version change. X.1.1, for example, has X being the release or complete version, with, often times, 1.0 being the game being completed (or near) and coming out as a release. 0.Y.1, then, would see Y as a major release. And 0.1.Z, therefore, would see Z as a minor release. Hope this explains the system, it is my understanding of it, though, so apologies if I got anything wrong.
100% I figured it was a minor update still has a decent amount of content i'm just a fast reader so I get through it quick lol.
does anyone know what can be found at the beginning of eternity, the end of time and space, the beginning of every end and the end of every place question of Kate at school
e, the letter e
what can be found at the beginning of Eternity, the end of timE and spacE, the beginning of every End, and the end of every placE. ;)
There should be an option to jump to the most recent update, I lost all my progess.
I'm not sure why, I unistalled the game even cleaned my recycle bin clearing the game files and reinstalled this update expecting to have to play again but had my saves.
The save files are located in a different area than where the game files are actually stored, thus deleting them won't remove progress. I don't actually know where the saves are stored, as I've never looked for them - but this has been what multiple people have said and seems to hold weight.
Hey there! Could you please inform us what version of Harem Hotel you’re running? your log doesn’t seem to say it.
Felicity never returned to my Hotel, i don't know what to do.
Are you talking about the latest event in her story? She is not coded to leave at that point. The game mentions that it will act as though that event did not happen due to the in-development state of the game and to allow you to continue interacting with her.
same here, now i can´t sleep with felity and their animation o shower or alarm dosent apear.
do i download normal v0.18.1 or mirror version
The choice is Yours. They are the same file, just stored on different download sites.
Which character are you stuck on? And what is their level?
Most events begin at a character's door through the * Talk * options. Otherwise they typically begin in your room, or in the lobby. But if you're confused, clicking on a character's door should tell you exactly what you need to do.
Being away for so long from your game makes one become rusty. But if one starts slow and small again, one will snowball to gain his former skills back. I will support you always, Runey. Then, Now, and Later. 🙏🙏🙏
Thank you :)
Crop update , great job :) @RuneyGames
Have you thought adding a to fruit trees.
I have, and grapes as well, but they don't really fit well due to the layout of the plots. Maybe some dwarf trees could be planted though.
Apple trees are great irl, but I don't know if it would fit in the garden feature. Using the grapes for wine in the bar or for food would be nice.
Crops update? Lame
These v0.X.1 patches have always been for bug fixes and polishes. This time around I added new content as well, and addressed reports of stat grinding being too hard in a unique way. v0.19, the next major update, is still in development.
looking forward to it!
So the new update's not really working I downloaded it deleted it redownloaded it and Every time I open it black screens. Coincidentally All the games I had also deleted itself from JoiPlay Maybe I'm just having a bad day Lol
I'm not sure what's up with JoiPlay, it seems to be buggy lately.
so i just download the new version every time and delete the old version? also do i download the normal or the one that says (mirror)
You can redownload the entire game, or apply the update to your already existing files.
okay thanks but do i download the version that says (mirror)?
Got a question, just found this game but I have no idea what link to click to download the game
Do you have a PC? Mac? Or Android?
Hallo, RD Ace. Since the question seems to be lingering, allow me to shine some clarity on the matter.
Harem Hotel v0.18.1 PC/Android12 GB
Harem Hotel v0.18.1 PC/Android (Mirror)
Above are the names of the two links in which you'd want to concern yourself with. The latter link is simply a mirror, an alternative site to download the game from in case the first link isn't working for some reason. You can find them easy by the mark of "PC." I hope this helps.
Thank you for the answer. Yes I was still lost. But my question is mostly about
HH v0.17+ > v0.18.1 PC Patch (REQUIRES v0.17+)
I didnt understand if I should download this first or nah. But I think I got it now, thanks to your explanation
To give an explanation anyways: that is an update patch file (as stated in the name). It allows you to download only the updated content and apply it to your already downloaded game, that way you won't have to download the entire game again. It'll have instructions within the downloaded files on how to apply it, too!
"I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.
While running game code:
File "renpy/common/00start.rpy", line 207, in script call
call _gl_test"
whattahell? mb i did something wrong?
I tried to start app on PC and everytime open notebook with much of same text
What notebook are you referring to?
That's not the correct part of the error to send to me, it doesn't tell me anything.
"oh man, havent played this game in like 2 years, wonder whats new!"
*Added 6 new Crops*
"What the hell did i miss?"
I just uploaded v0.18.1. These v0.X.1 patches have always been for bug fixes and polishes. This time around I added new content as well. You're looking for the v0.18 patch notes.
Write error in file /storage/emulated/0/Download/harem-hotel-win/Harem_Hotel-v0.18.1-pc/game/v09.rpa
Hello, just downloaded because of the new 18.1 update, I keep getting the same crash error every time I boot up the game. Reason being a windows runtime error which I do not know how to fix.
That's strange. Are you using the patch?
I have been, deleted and downloaded the files 3 times now, will try again rn
v0.18.1 has released!
+Added 6 new crops
+Strawberries, Blueberries, and Raspberries can be constantly harvested without the need to replant.
+Elvish Hops may be given to the bartender of your bar for very high profits
+Lunarian Loops may be cooked into Lunarian Loop Soup and served to a character of your choice, giving them +3 lust
+Elderbloom may be cooked into Elderbloom Tea and served to a character for a x3 stat multiplier on the next stat they raise.
+Polished the game and fixed a lot of bugs
Very sorry for the huge delay with this minor update, I was ready to release it only a week after v0.18 was released, but I was unable to because the person offering their help on the garden was unable work but I was consistently told it would be finished in a few days. Very messy situation, but I plan to rely more on myself on the future.
Development of v0.19 has begun quite a while ago, I have been writing the next events for each main character.
Dates on the files on Harem Hotel v0.18.1 Patch Notes are old, from 2018 and 2021.
There is Patch 0.17+ -> 0.18.1 (Requires 0.17+), that seems to apply to patching 0.18 to 0.18.1, but the patch note says nothing about how to apply the patch. I play on Linux, is the patch only for Windows?
OK, I downloaded the patch file and in the zip there is file READ_ME.txt that tells how to install the patch. I think that works also on Linux.
Those are the dates of the first upload, not the latest update. The links are constantly updated. I understand the confusion though
I played last version, and I don't know if I have to do something to avoid my saves being overwritten, or does it prevent that and I can continue playing normally?
hi,Runey.While waiting for the new version, I played it again and found that the level difference between different female protagonists can lead to a significant gap in the story. Would you be willing to add more prerequisites to make the story smoother?
Can you provide examples of this? I make sure to take into account where other characters are in their story, and dialogue will change because of this, but it's very likely I've missed something. I would love to fix all these issues, but I'm not aware of any at the moment.
I'm glad you replied to me. Regarding the sense of separation, for example, from the time Maria reached level 30 to the time she recovered her mentality, her participation in the 3p incident and the wingman incident or Hana's incident all felt abrupt. Comparatively, there was also the period when Android was searching for herself and the other plots she participated in. Regarding this point, the setting of the plot of Ashley and the twins is very reasonable. Although the restrictions on conditions make people depressed, the linear story is more reasonable and comfortable. In addition, in some plots involving multiple heroines, the personality change of one of the heroines, such as the twins attending a birthday party before they reconciled, this sudden change is also a bit uncomfortable. Regarding this point, you may need to re-sort the plot to sort them out, which is undoubtedly a time-consuming and laborious task. Now the story is still developing, and you can do it when you feel you are ready or in your free time. Take care of yourself and look forward to your next update.
One funny misconception I had when I first saw this game it said "BDSM and Slave" tags, I thought it was a typo. Well within the first few minutes of the game I learned it wasn't a typo and was shocked but intrigued. Glad I didn't quit playing the game.
Playing update 18 (but haven't played any before). When I go to Mary in the park and go for the Food Drive Quest, the quest text overlaps with earlier text for Fertilizer and bug sprays. It gets all jumbled and unreadable. I've tried changing my settings from 1440 to 1080 but didnt change. Great game and mostly good charachters. My fav is Kate
Hey thanks for the report. Can you provide a screenshot so I can better address this issue?
Yes, I can.
The game keep crashing on joiplay everytime I open the game,even tho I followed step by step guide for Android.
I am very stupid with the joiplay stuff. I couldn't understand where the storage was searching, and I couldn't change where it was searching to the file location. If it isn't already an apk I can't use BlueStack's to find it. I just stick with the windows version. plus I heard from another adult content creator that certain apk files have a size limit that certain programs can't read.
I got a question for the commenters.
Why do y'all think that the custom name to give to the android is automatically understood by everyone?
hello ive been playing on 17.2 version gonna guess i need to download the 0.18 version for newer content but do i need to keep 17.2 version downloaded still or can i delete it?
You can redownload the entirety of the game, or just the new update files and apply them to v0.17.2
so if i download 0.18 i can get rid of 17.2 also dumb question i did download the 0.18 files but how to apply them to 0.17.2?
You don't. If you download the UPDATE ONLY from 0.17.2-0.18, then you would need to apply, but I strongly suggest just download 0.18 and play.
It's a shame to dont have a port for android
It is still possible to play on Android though, check the "how to play on android" section of this page
Yeah I know but still being much less convenient and practical that a port as such with adapted touch controls
I enjoy the porn bit of this game, if it's only a bit limited but honestly the story just sucks. Rewrite it or ditch it completely, focus on being a porn game then you can go make a storyline game...
Nah. You can go elsewhere though. No one is forcing you to read a story you don't like.
Saying to a content creator, destroy over 6 years of hard work that gets on average high praise because one person disagrees with the story is a harsh comment. Making a game that people enjoy is not easy. The fact that we have Runey's game speaks volumes to the fact that he had a vision and felt generous to share it with his fans.
It takes admittedly a pretty long time but the story and character progression in this game is really good. I was shocked once I got to the later parts of some of the characters' storylines, and while sometimes it does flow strangely because of the sandbox nature of the game, it's all much deeper and better done than it comes off in the beginning.
I love the real one on one events like the level 41 event for Lin. It touched a few topics in the game that were important between the MC and Lin at the time. I'm glad there are many moments like that and love the "go on a date" feature. The pat, kiss, and embrace features are a great feature, and I love the changes the outfits add to them. The goth outfit interactions are very interesting *laughs* and a great choice. But one thing that I don't understand is why Maria's affection doesn't reduce in her casual outfit if you cum inside her?
Thank you :)
Once Maria has the cumdump trait, she doesn't mind being creampied.
In terms of updates and game saves, it is rare for a previous version save to work with an updated game.