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Incredible game, I feel like this is one of the longest games on, but I could be wrong.


Average playtime to completion from feedback I get is 40 - 60 hours 

That is certainly a respectable size. Comparable to an average Japanese mid-size visual novel, which is saying a LOT for a western visual novel/ game.

Hi, loving the game so far, excited to see where the story goes. Just wanted to report, I got the stoneface juicy burger scene before ever knowing about him, might want to lock it behind ashley's scenes in in the tunnels :)

also is there a discord for the game? or just the patreon

is there a discord for the game? or just the patreon

It is near the top of this page. Next to the Patreon link.

so it is, i'm blind, thank you


Do you mean that you've never heard of Stoneface before meeting him? You've certainly seen him before. But I may need to adjust some things.

yeah exactly, obviously i've met him but the first time i saw the name stoneface was when the MC said it after meeting him, i hadn't done any of ashley's stuff yet so hadn't heard the name before

I think Ashley has content mentioning Stoneface before meeting them and you can't get to those parts without advancing Emma and Felicity.

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Hello, How am I going to the community college Every time I go to Ashley's door I go into her room with her and she doesn't give me the option to go to school. Please help

During midday on weekdays you can click on her door and the option will appear

Atleast it does for me

Are the subtitles only English?


The game is also available in Spanish and Simplified Chinese.


Why no apk for android? been trying and failing to download since version 15?

(2 edits) (+4)(-2)

.apk has a filesize limit of 2GB for whatever reason. Harem Hotel is 12GB.

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Are there any plans for that imprisoned elf during the Syl'iath event in the future? It kinda felt like she was being set up to become important later in the story.


I've had something in mind ;)


Hey Runey, do you think you'll need a Harem Hotel Part 2 due to the game's weight and the feeling that there's still a lot missing in the story? Thanks for your amazing work.

The Harem Hotel is not yet finished and is still being updated, it's too early to tell about part 2.


when can we expect the update

I can't seem to download the game on my mobile browser cause every time i do it ends up crashing my browser causing all downloads to fail


Have you tried using a different browser?


Both chrome and brave

Have you considered downloading to your PC first and then transferring to your phone/tablet?  

The other thing is, have you checked which memory and directory you are downloading to?  Because the onboard phone memory is pretty limited and you can change the download location to a microSD card if your phone/tablet supports it.

I don't have a pc i only have phone and the directory is correct


You need a PC to install the files, then you transfer to your phone.

Deleted 2 days ago

I will need to see the error to offer advice.

Joiplay is a PC emulator. You don't need to emulate a PC on PC.

Deleted 2 days ago

Like Runey tried to explain, if you are playing on Windows like you state, you do not need Joiplay and should not install it on your Windows PC for playing Harem Hotel.

On Windows, download the PC version of Harem Hotel, unpack it, then run it by clicking the .exe file.

Note there are two .exe files, one is for 32-bit Windows, the other is for 64-bit Windows.

You can even search google for Joiplay Windows installer and there isn’t one offered anywhere.

If you have discovered that, you should not expect a game developer to provide you with an installer that does not exist.

My guess is Joiplay on Windows is for developers testing Joiplay who do not want to do the testing on their Android phone.

Deleted 2 days ago

There are no instructions for PC. You're reading the "HOW TO PLAY ON ANDROID" guide.

I need to see the error you're encountering to fix it.

(1 edit)

If I understand correctly, you're saying that you are on Windows 7, which means you do not need Joiplay. Joiplay is only for phones.


Hi Runey - Thank you for making this! Just wondering if you have like a dev roadmap or anything? Also wondering if you have a rough date for v0.19 - Thanks again!


Only the roadmap in my head.

It's too early to give v0.19 a release date.

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is the mirror download up to date?

even tho it says 0.18.2 under it says july 16, 2018. is it old or is it just an thing


They're all up to date



Any plans for the last door on the second floor?


Of course


Guys,I downloaded the file,and extracted it,now how do i run the game 🤔?.. I'm on Android  ( -̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥᷄◞ω◟-̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥᷅ ) 


1. Download the PC version of the game.

2. Unpack the .zip using RAR or your desired unpacking tool.

3. Download Joiplay and the Ren'py plugins, up to date versions of both can be found on the joiplay website.

4. Launch Joiplay, when you're on the main menu click the "+" button on the bottom right. Enter game name, version and (optional) game icon.

5. On the "Executable File" click Choose and go to the location where you downloaded the game, when inside the unpacked game folder choose the .exe game file and click Choose. When all information looks correct, feel free to click on the "Add" button.

6. You're now done and good to go. Have fun! (You may also want to move saves around)


What ever happened to the Goth Chick from the beginning or am I remembering a different game? I just realised she was a character and as far as I know there's nothing new with her is there? Is she ever coming back?


Eris was added relatively recently in v0.16 to Explore content, which is meant to be played in the early game. So it may feel like she was in the game longer than she actually was. But there are plans for her!


I miss her so much, really want to see her again, preferably as a new resident too ^_^ 
Please make it happen! Pretty please with a cherry on top! :)

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You'll need joiplay and its renpy plugin, you can download them at

As for the game, you need to download that Harem Hotel v0.18.2 PC/Android.

This game has Chinese, you just need to switch it in OPTION.


(1 edit) (+1)

Always glad to bend over backwards so that I can play on Android, tried what is recommended above to play, didn't work, so guess I'll never play the game because it will never have an Android version. Frustrated? Very! After enough attempts on that damn Joiplay to almost make me throw my phone I wish to NEVER EVER be required to touch Joiplay again, 0/10


This is the only way to play on Android as far as I am aware. APK files have a 2GB limit on Renpy for some reason, HH is 12GB.


You could try to do something similar to what Lucky Paradox does, although remember that your game is a bit heavy (it has too much history which by the way I love) the start of the app can be a bit slow (sorry my English I'm using a Google translate)


believe me when I tell you that it is much better this way because I play a similar visual novel and on Android it is very poorly optimized instead harem hotel in joiplay works wonders for me on my Nintendo switch with Android 10


Hello, is there any possibility of making this game accessible? I played it for a long time and I liked the story, but everything lacks alternative descriptions, so it is illegible with the voice or clipboard. I recognize that it is a free game, but it would be really great if someone made a mod, or a patch or something, with alternative text in the icons.


I'll have to look into that. I'm not quite sure what I would have to do though.

Well, I don't know about what you should do in a technical sense, I do not know Rempi completely. Being myself web developer, usually what is usually done is to put the images the alternative text attribute to be read by the screen reader. As I said, I don't know how that is done in Remppy, although I know you can because I have played visual novels in Remppy before.

The good thing about this is that the images are still there, so the people who see do not have to do anything new. A game that has applied this is recently Ravager by 4Minutewarning. He had the same problem, in this case with the map within the game, since everything was icons.

Hey all !

Anyone can help me ? I'm dowload the game for android, its perfecty run, but i want to change the language to hungaryan and i don't know how i can. :(


Grey options are unavailable. A team of volunteers is currently translating HH.

Thx for the answer :)


Happy Valentine's Day everyone

Help. I can't access the let's have fun to any character.


It looks like you may have skipped a patch. The v0.18 patch is meant for v0.17 builds only. You will have to reinstall the game as you are missing core files.


Will the upcoming patch contain more Kate progression? I’m dying for more content with her. 

Also, is there any where to help contribute to the project other than monetary donations? Would love to help contribute with coding and debugging if you need some help with that. 


I might have something planned for Kate :)

And yes of course. I'm always looking for volunteers to translate the game, and in depth feedback and bug reports are always welcome. This can be done best on discord.

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Do you plan to add in the future the option to caress the ears of the different elves that we can fall in love with in the story? P.S.: I love this visual novel


It's not planned, but maybe.

If in the future I can finally use Patreon without problems I will try to make it one of my requests (in my country it is a bit complicated due to legal issues) 


Do you think there might be maybe some futa content in the future?


No, sorry.


A goat fr


I asked this community what you would like to see as HH merch, and the winner by far was stickers! Thanks to artist @ZatArtwork, this can now be offered. Each purchase directly supports the artist and the development Harem Hotel.


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Harem Hotel v0.19 alpha has released!


Congratulations on Harem Hotel v0.19 alpha


Doing a random stop in the check and see how you're doing Runey! No rush and no hate!


Thank you :) work is progressing

I demand to know who down voted


I dont even know what to say, the game is just too good




I honestly can't sing the praises of this game enough. I am legit deeply worried for almost every girl once I got caught up to the content. This is NOT your typical Harem game.


Thank you :)


This game's writing took me by surprise, really am enjoying it and look forward to the updates. 


Thank you so much :)


You're welcome! Both Lin and Pixel's storylines especially have really been treated with a lot of empathy and thought, especially given some of the subject matter being written about.


It really is the best written game of the genre by a long shot


It's one of those games I see constantly in development with no real progress for very long time.

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This past year and a half has not been typical. A lot of personal things going on in my life that has admittedly slowed things down (and I started taking holidays off with family). Still talking with lawyers and such. But I post progress updates on discord and twitter. 

Here's a preview of v0.19. The alpha releases tomorrow.


Bro is complaining to a Completely Free Game.


Why should free of charge be free of criticism? I cannot see how those two relate. Only through valid criticism can a product improve. Unless you don't want this to improve. In which case, fair enough, but then the free part makes no sense how it comes to the picture? I'm so lost, man, help me understand your... ah... whatever you use instead of a train of thought?

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You're right, constructive criticism and feedback are very important and help me improve. The issue he is pointing out is that saying "development is slow" is not helpful and doesn't change anything. It's a complaint. A valid complaint, because it's true, but it is not going to help me improve anything, or make an update come out faster.



Chinese is in option.

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Hi! I just downloaded the game but when I try to open the .exe it wont even try to start the game, i tried either the normal .exe and x32, any solution?


Maybe your anti virus is being over protective?

Hello this game is truly a masterpiece, but I would like to ask if my save files from the older versions will transfer over to the new version? I played on an old version for months without knowing there was a new one out.


If old version is a beta version, save games probably will not work.

If old version is a released version downloaded from this website, save games should work.

You did not say are you playing on Windows, Mac, Linux or Android. Some Android users seem to have had problems with save files when updating. Other platforms should work without issues, if updating is done properly. I play on Linux, install new version to a new directory tree, copy save files from old directory to new and continue playing. If you use the patch file, read the instructions, they are inside the zip in a README -file.

Note that developer recommended starting game from beginning for version 0.18, since there is new content available in the beginning of the game.


Saves will always carry over to new versions, but beta versions do run the risk of breaking saves, so it's recommended to make backups. 

No extra work is required to continue a save, simply launch the new version and click Continue.

The only exception is with Android. Manual transfer of saves is required.



This is a free game, but if you want to support, you can support on patreon and just tie paypal with your UnionPay card.


Hey, Runey. I just wanted to say thank you. This game is truly amazing and it's very clear to see that every piece of the story and all the details are made with a lot of effort and love. Thank you so much for your effort.


Thank you so much :)

Hey, I can't seem to access the new garden content. There are no upgrades with Ellen and when I try to visit the Park it says "I should visit another Time". I don't understand what I have to do. I want to progress Jin's story but for that I need the garden.

What version are you playing?

Version is shown in startup screen, lower right corner, or in Info-screen.


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Maybe you need to progress with the other stories? Eventually you get the change to build garden.

In the game I played getting Jin to work in the garden happened very late in the game.

If all else fails, look it up in the Wiki.

The wiki just says to assign her to the garden wich is not possible. I have all other stories to the latest point.


I may need to find a way to make this clearer in game. But you have to discover the farmable area first, through the gate at the back of the garden.

OMG. Thank you very much. I did not see that door. It blended in soo good with the wall.


What is the difference between the normal version and the Android mirror version?



Same file can be downloaded from another place.

Hello Hello , downloaded the game recently but I have an issue , I am progressing trough the game but nothing unlocks in my gallery so I can't go back an view again any scenes , does anyone know why?


Gallery content unlocks based on a character's level, so you probably haven't started to see any important events yet.

It wasn't that , I restarted the game and after that the scenes were there so is all good now.

Also the game is amazing and I am enjoying it so far.

Hello. So , question. I looked it up at the wiki, but how do you  Trigger event 7 from Kate? Wiki said it'll trigger automatically, but haven't heard from Kate in ages 😂🤣


Wiki said it’ll trigger automatically,

What wiki? The Wiki that is linked to at top of this page says

Choose “Visit Kate” from the front door

If you do not get that prompt, time is not yet ripe for the event or some other event blocks it. Continue progressing with other paths.

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