I'll chime in and say that it would interesting for the MC to show up at college and go looking for either Ashley or Emma & Felicity only to walk into the girls locker room while Juliet is showering to find her masturbating as well. When she catches him looking he can try to excuse himself only to have her tell him to wait. That she's been horny for a long time and she's heard from the other girls that he's got exactly what it takes to satisfy her needs. He can bang her right there in the girls' shower.
If you have any future ideas of bringing her into the fold, perhaps this would be a good jumping off point?
A less sexual suggestion would be that she shows up at the hotel occasionally to check up on Ashley's school work progression as well as seeing how Maria's doing since the incident.
On a completely different note ....How about a short story involving everyone in the hotel, as well as maybe Kate and Juliet, go on a little excursion to get away from it all with no to little drama? A small vacation of sorts. MC could rent a large RV and they could travel to a National Forest to do a little camping and get some R&R for awhile. Throw in some lewd situations or a drunken orgy. 😈😁😎 LOL
I cannot get any exhibitionism for the android. In the coffee-shop the selection is not shown up. Neither the food not the lewd thinks, not even in grey.
Which requirements are to fullfilled? The obedience is 21.
So im running into a bug with lin, so far I have completed every task of the girls except Lin's because I keep getting the bug that I should buy Android human kit which I did and gave it to her, I've tried everything but nothing works.
I'm looking through the code now, the requirements for this event are as follows: Lin's friendship is exactly 26 Android's friendship greater than 25 Android's friendship is not 27 or 32 (when she's missing) and Android has the outfit.
Lin is 26, android is 31 and actively set to that outfit for me. Still getting that message too. I've tried switching Lin's outfits as well. Is there an... "experience" requirement for any stats?
Will we be seeing more fetishes any time soon like tit sucking by our MC? I'd love to wrap my lips around Emma's tits and milk her!! Maybe have more visually detailed anal creampies??
I have bought the human kit for the android, but every time I try to *talk* to Lin it says "I should buy the human kit". Am I missing a certain friendship level or Elf-related scene? "truestory" didnt seem to help anything after a few in-game days of playing
FYI I had this issue and it resolved after completing another task, but I cannot for the life of me remember what I had to do. I just assumed it was of the game so I dug my heals in and started levelling up the characters including Ellen. Maybe Ellen is the key here or Kali is the key here as they are both the most heavily involved characters with Android at this stage.
Yeah I did truestory and completed Lucia's but everyone else I think was maxed minus Lin, so I'm stuck in a limbo. Possibly I rushed the android because I bought a ton of stuff when I got tons of extra cash
I named her Diana because it's what I name any female character when I get a chance to do so. It's the best name.
But I can't be the only one who completely forgets that it's not actually her official name after a while... And trying to refer to her as anything else is just wrong!
hahaha yeah i get it. It's a nice option to have, but i think it was smart of Runey to add the answer when she says she grew too attached to the name. It's a good name indeed, which other games do you know where you can choose a characters name?
Out of curiosity, will we ever get to do any more with Ellen?
Will we eventually get to do as much with her as we can with the other girls in the hotel? I know she's an integral part of running the hotel, but I can't help but to think that I would love to bring her into my harem as well. I don't think she gets nearly enough lovin' and think of her as the Alpha Female of my harem.
Well ...Aside from the obvious answers of more varying sexual positions and encounters with her :lol:, I personally would like to really get to know Ellen more. Yes, we know a little about her past with the MC's grandfather, but we barely know anything about her personal life and background like we know the other ladies of the hotel. Again, personally, I'd like to see her open up (pun intended) to the MC. Perhaps grow closer to him because she sees so much of his grandfather in him? Maybe even she could visit him some nights when she's feeling lonely (and horny)?
It would also be nice to see her around the hotel more instead of just behind the desk. I'm sure she has her own routines to ensure all is well in the hotel.
How about seeing her outside of the hotel every now and again in more casual clothing? She must leave the hotel occasionally, right?
Those are just a few ideas floating around in my head.
I would have truly enjoyed making her the Alpha Female to my harem but, alas, this is your story. I will enjoy it no matter how you play things out.
Thanks for indulging my suggestions and opinions, Runey. Appreciate it!
Hugs. Lots and lots of hugs (i.e., repeatable interaction, like the other girls). She just lost the love of her life, after all, she deserves all the hugs.
You know ...I agree!! You're right. Ellen does deserve many hugs and genuine affection after having lost our MC's grandfather and the love of her life. Our MC should show her that he cares just as much for her as the others and, while he couldn't replace his grandfather, he could show her just as much love. Who knows, perhaps Ellen could eventually accept him as a younger more virile incarnation of his grandfather.
Maybe Nia would be interested with talking to Ellen, there is elf in her. She has the same eyes as Maria and we saw how pissed Nia was when they messed with the half-elf. Ellen would make an intelligent choice as the Nia's informant, Ellen is the brains behind the Hotel's operation and comes across as the matriarch. She would also have reason to fear the system might come for her one day so she has an interest in bringing it down.
Ellen has shown that when the chips are down and nobody knows what to do, she steps up and fixes it. Ellen kept quiet and worked behind the scenes to bring our girl back home.
YES! This is why I asked and implied that Ellen should be shown to be more than what she currently is. You said it, she comes across as the matriarch. That is why I think in a harem she would be the perfect "number one" or the Alpha female to the group. In a way ...I love Ellen more than the others because of her passive yet enduring demeanor, intelligence, calm nature and stoic ability to handle whatever is thrown at her yet still be sensual and sexual at the same time.
I'd love to see her let her hair down and give herself willingly and completely to our MC as the new master of the hotel, not just an employee and a casual evening fuck. She deserves SO much more than that.
Hey I really love the Game but I usually play such Games on my phone so I was wondering, why there isn't an Android version anymore? And if there will be one again in the next update?
I was also wondering when the next update will be released.
And I was also wondering, when you will include the pregnancy.
Runey, have you looked at doing an OBB install for Android? These installers have a very small APK, usually 20 or so MB and the rest of the game data is on an .OBB file that can be moved to the OBB directory once the APK is installed. The whole package is usually available as a ZIP file.
Made this account just to say that I'm a big fan of the game.
Bit sad that android version wasn't available from this official site, so I had to ask a modder to port the game for me, turned out to be 1.89Gb. PS: I'm not going to share it nor any information related to getting it ported, don't even bother asking.
Anyway just wanted to say, that I love the content, love every single girl in the story.
I wish that getting Maria back wouldn't have to be so easy, I'd be much more happy if she was sold off to some gangbangers (more pics for the computer) and I'd have to pay a huge amount of money getting her back, would have thought her a lesson. Her attitude, "I'm chilling, I'm not going to wear the clothes you desire", hey your an elf now and I'm your master.
The elf queen offered a marriage, what if I can marry her, topple Crownwell, become the king of elves and the governor, give elf/elf and elf/human children freedoms but keeping the status quo on current slaves or should I say low paid workers with rights. Maria would be free, Lyn wouldn't worry about the kid I'm going to have with her (I love her), liberator can be happy that she achieved something ...etc
My lovely android could become hiveminded and be the guardian of my newly created empire.
Bar could be upgraded to have a strip club so I could hire some slaves ahem I mean workers with rights to earn us some more profit, but mostly for some kinky content (girls with high enough stats could be doing it)
Bigger sanctuary and more freed elves ...for my amusement.
More kinky toys ... yea
But that's just my thoughts. Anyway keep up the good work Runey. You've done great I'm a big fan, and have been keeping an eye on it since the beginning. Thanks have a Great Day.
I think a theatre is more likely to come next as it was suggested by one of the characters, but making more profit makes sense if there was only more expenses to occur. I'm all for the idea of more hotel upgrades but it would be nice to see more financial costs too, such as Nia and Ellen giving updates on elves to buy for a super sanctuary and paying off corrupt officials to turn a blind eye. Basically adding a challenge factor.
Someone said this in a more rude comment down below, but I agreed with their opinion, so I wanted to make the same suggestion but in a more polite way. I feel like the story is becoming very elf-centric and all the main characters are starting to get swept into this elf story. Characters like Kali, Ashley, Android, and Autumn are all starting to get involved in this elf liberation storyline. In the most recent update, Maria got really involved. Personally, I really love the "simpler" storylines that occur earlier in the game, such as the issues between Kali and her family, Maria and her camgirl-ing, and the rivalry between Ashley, Felicity, and Emma. I wish you added more events and developments that are more "realistic" like these (realistic as in not fantasy-related AKA elf stuff).
This comment may be biased because I never went too deep into the elf lore. I know the basics but I've skipped over a lot. I'd just like to see some main characters have storylines that don't always have to intersect with the big political elf storyline that seems to be taking over. I took your poll a while back, and I was part of the "I like story but not to serious" section. I voted for that because of my opinions listed above, and seeing as how the large majority of people voted for that too, I'm sure many people agree with me.
No matter what I'm gonna play the fuck outta this game, but I'd like it better if changes are made. It's totally your call though.
The elvish situation is a huge part of the overarching story, but it is only one way the world oppresses people like those in the hotel. You're right that the characters are coming together, but all of these topics have been in the game since the very beginning, in the background. Lin is the very first main character you meet and she explains the situation and her fears.
Wholesome and or relaxing events away from the action are still things I plan on doing, but I won't be going over the same topics over and over again, and a lot of the character's personal issues have been resolved. Ashley is friends with the clones for example.
A semi serious story is what I'm already doing, so I'm glad most are happy with what I'm already doing. If memory serves, the second most voted on option was an even more serious story. But Harem Hotel has a decent amount of stretching you need to do for things to make sense. For example, MC never takes his clothes off. There are no stairs down in the first or second floor, and MC's room is lost in limbo. I also don't want to directly show super serious things, like self harm, rape, murder etc. Those things can be unseen or just heard of because there's a line I don't want to cross.
I take it you mean you want an even less serious story, one without any world issues that are addressed. Well, that's not Harem Hotel. Again, from day 1 you are introduced to the slavery issue through Lin, and the monopolistic greed issue through Kali. Then poverty with Ashley, and objectification with Maria. So I think it's safe to say you can expect these topics to be expanded upon and dealt with. The MC is a supportive person, one who helps his family with any personal issue they have. But he alone doesn't have the power to change the world that hates them.
But I would like to reiterate like I try to do in most situations like this, Harem Hotel is not only about the overarching story and will not always cover serious topics. There will be lighthearted moments, as this is still a dating sim. For example, in v0.13 I plan for Lin to have a well deserved lighthearted break after her win in v0.12. Something that focuses on the two of you.
I wanna ask how do you improve Lin's Footjob? Already maxed out everyone(i think) except Lin and Autumn(IK it's still in development, imma wait cause Autumn's the best)
You can only get a footjob during her kitchen scenes in the morning. In the morning, go down to the kitchen and (if Lin is there), tell her to put on her apron. If that option isn't available yet, then just continue her story and it will be available eventually.
This game puts way too much emphysis on elves, what started out good is quickly becoming a story centered around just elves. A few of the main characters outside of Lin are also now heavily involved with this plot.
This game is going from a hotel management harem sim to a lets shelter and save the dumb elves type of setting, which is annoying and completely deviates from the whole idea of the game. Nearly every single new event has been centered around elves in some way or fashion.
I'm going to take a wild guess and say the conclusion of this game is going to be heavily based on the entire elf fantasy idea, either some type of uprising or attempt at liberation, probably also find out the MC is also part elf, rather than just being involved with the harem that you have built.
Way to ruin and kill a perfectly good game. Truly well done.
LunarDeath had some good points, but this game has went headfirst into full blown wtf mode. One minute you have a harem and the next you are literally on a mission to end slavery of elves. What's worse is now that so many characters are involved, skipping these parts of the story is not an option and the whole elf and slavery plot is just silly because the focus has been taken completely away from the main point of the game.
I can tell you haven't paid much attention to the story haha, but I understand. If you want a game that's all about tits and ass, this isn't that game.
As the first descriptor in my game says:
Hello! I'm Runey and I'm making Harem Hotel, an Adult Visual Novel with Dating Sim and Training themes.
This is primarily an adult visual novel, meaning a story with adult themes.
I've looked through lots of comments here but didn't find an answer, is there currently no more content with kate after the running scene ? She's my favorite character so it's such a bummer that I can't seem to interact with her at all ;-;
If you're reading this, thanks for the amazing game Runey ! I know how time consuming game making is. Hope you don't forget about my girl in future update though !
She's essentially a "side girl", and not a main character. You can talk to her when visiting Ashley at school, and go through all of her riddles to get another "final" (thus far) scene with her. Pay attention to the answers to her riddles that are only letters, that will be important later.
Well, her public urination scene seems to be the last one present in the game thus far. I understand your interest as she seems like she could be a very fun character to interact with further. Did you get the "secret" interaction with her after all of her riddles? It doesn't add a dedicated scene like some of the side girls interactions can.
I've reached the end of this version and now Maria does not want to go to the Dungeon anymore, after her story. She will return on the next update? Please? :)
She should be back on her feet in the next update, which is expected to be in 3 months or so based on past performance. She was hit hard, but she's a survivor, and the entire game is about fixing your girls, it would go against the grain of the story for Maria to become permanently broken.
Whether or not Runey will have the time or inclination to change the scenes in the dungeon to account for her new situation is anybody's guess. In the meantime, if you want to have some dungeon fun with Maria, you will have to load up an old save.
I was reading some previous posts here, at Patreon, and Discord, and I was wondering about those fans asking about marriage and pregnancy ....That got me thinking. Which isn't always a good thing in my case. LOL
So, I was curious about whether or not polygamous marriages are allowed in this world you've created? And then I started thinking about multiple pregnancies and starting a family, and THAT got me to thinking about where you would raise your family.
So NOW I'm wondering ...Would you consider having the MC having or possibly a goal within the game of building an out-of-the-way home separate from the hotel where you and your wives could move to raise your family in safety and peace away from the hotel itself? Towards the end of the game of course.
As a matter of lore, I can tell you that harems, at the very least, are allowed and even common in certain areas of the world. At least for those who have money. You are told so in a side character scene.
Stuck on the following characters on the very last progression level on the latest version 12.2. Ashley, Android, and Maria. I keep getting messages to raise Emma and Felicity but they are currently maxed out. Any ideas?
If you are at the second-to-last event with each, you should get them just bypassing time. For the last Android event, go tothe first floor, then go back to your room. If that doesn't work, try again on the second floor. Repeat on each time of the day and each day of the weekand you will eventually get a message alerting you that taking the last step will lock her out until the next update.
Maria is a morning event, and I think Ashley is as well, so they should trigger on their own in your room.
Hm... Ashley's max level is 40, so you seem to be missing a few events there. I can't remember how many relationship levels you get in the last event, but I don't think it's 4.
Did you use any cheats? Cheating friendship levels can and *will* come back to bite you, unless you know *exactly* what you are doing. And by that I pretty much mean "unless you are Runey", or at least acting under advice from Runey to fix a bug.
Otherwise, all I can think of is: did you get all the college events *and* the bar events for all of them?
Also, you might need the barista outfit for Maria as well.
Anything more than that I think needs Runey's attention.
(Edit: thinking about it, the cheat option is the most likely to have broken stuff, so I moved it up for readabilty)
I managed to get Ashley's birthday last event to trigger by using the max stat code on the twins, Maria, and the Android but was greeted by a recurring warning message so I'm going to say that is what you were referring to.
I hadn't used any codes before but having played around now with changing stats and friendship levels, I'm wondering if there are codes to reverse them, so you could say reset the friendship level or move it to a certain spot? I noticed you can do this indefinately with Nia and Sylvia, and this would be a great way to go back and run through things again on certain characters without actually restarting.
I believe there is a Patreon level that gives you access to the nuclear football, which I so dubbed because it has a good chance of nuking your save by setting friendship levels independently, to whatever index you want, with essentially no restriction (AFAIK).
The problem is that the game is complex. Like, MB upon MB of lines of code complex. There are interlocks in the girls' stories that can end up with a situation like the one you had, inconsistent states that make the game unplayable.
The "max-this" cheats are safe, because Runey specifically went to the trouble of making them safe: they cross-check that all the interlocked states are appropriately updated, so that, like in this case, if you are maxed with the twins you are also at the minimum required friendship with ashley. They also set whichever hidden variables need to be set to their appropriate values.
Going backward is a lot more complicated: even something as simple as setting all friendships to 0 isn't guaranteed to work, because there are other variables that have been set and need to be reset. The game does not expect you to see *unique* events *twice*, and so inevitably all those states are not meant to be updated twice, which, again, can leave your save in an inconsistent and unplayable state.
In better news, most events are replayable in the gallery, and you can even make different choices and see how they would have played out. These choices don't affect your save, for better or for worse, so you can go crazy.
I'm assuming you have Windows... 1) Download it. 2) Extract the files. 3) In the folder, double click Harem_Hotel.exe Note: You might have go to the folder within the folder depending on how you extracted it.
This has been rehashed a few times now... You may want to read the posts down below.
In short, the game has exceeded the limits placed on APKs by the android system. The only way to release it asn an APK would be to do so without any of the new images.
No, they cannot be compressed any further, they were altady compressed to hell and back in the preevious release and it was already close to the limits. With all the new events and the new animations that ship has sailed, caught fire, exploded, and sunk.
It is possible to play the game on android, using theworkaround explained at the end of the game's description, in the unimaginatively yet very descriptively titled section: How to play on Android.
If there's a will there's a way ... android system is somewhat open-source, similar to what windows used to be, with some knowledge few programs, scripts you can hack/tweak every single aspect of your system ... just saying.
There are no limits to human imagination and such to our creativity ... everything is possible.
I'll give you one example ... Once upon a time in a distant past I had a computer with original "bought" version of GTA SA (it's long been forgotten/lost with my computer). Feeling nostalgic and instead of paying twice for a game I once bought I required pirated modded ported version of SA (actually all GTAs) 4.68Gb apk. This game Harem Hotel (with a help of a friend) turned out to be 1.89Gb, many other APKs originally designed for computers modded/ported with various sizes 1,2,3+Gb.
But I will stand with the creator Runey, he can release this awesome game in form (windows, Android, Linux...etc) or size. What he needs is our support and if you're not happy with the OS, size ... etc then you find your own way as long as you come back and give the credit\support for its original creator. Thanks, have a Great Day.
Question with Lucia. I have already completed the game and was going back after any events that I had missed or left open. Lucia currently has 0/5 events and am wondering how to start them. I am using the last Android .APK version.
guessing you chose not to fuck her at their house? there are some events for her woven into Kali's story, a few are only if you fucked her the first time
I did choose to fuck her on the first encounter at the house, but her scene count is still 0/5 and I cant figure out how to progress. All she does is sit on Kali's bed. I am assuming this is due to a bug somewhere that nothing seems to trigger.
Addendum: In case you haven't come across it before, cheat codes need to be entered at the computer in your room. There is a "text editor" kind of icon that asks you to enter the code.
The Ashley event is not bad, honestly... Bittersweet maybe?
You do get a clearer picture of the lurking abyss that is her depression, but you also get something that you could call a happy ending, except it's not a happy ending because it's not an ending: her story is not finished yet.
The Maria event, OTOH, goes from confusing to enraging to confusing again (YMMV), all served with a large helping of soul-crushing sadness - and possibly with some fridge horror for dessert.
Pretty sure I read the answer in here before. Check a few pages down, I think the old folder was in data/something/something., Ctrl-F is your friend. The new saves should be in the same location as the PC ones under your exploded folder, I think.
Two or three pages down. Ctrl-F is very much your friend. Look for data/ (with the / at the end).
I'm on android so I got a problem with finding the file. Do you have any idea where it could be on android? If you don't it's alright and I appreciate the quick replies
A couple of pages down there is a post that has the paths for both the old and the new saves. Search for "data/" in your browser window and you will find it. It's 18 days old or so.
I checked again and all I see is live data and action data so idk which one it is if any of these. I also already saw the comment about the save files but I'm still struggling finding them
I found that the fastest way to start making money seems to be focusing on getting the bar out quickly, then training Moon (which is free) and getting the upgrades, starting with the cheapest, so that you have a steady income.
However, I have also read advice to focus on the Kali events, despite the initial investment, since a few of them actually give you money, and then you get the big payload.
Finally, you can literally turn Andy the Android into a cash cow to milk for money... But by the time you get there you probably won't need money anymore.
What is your favorite quickstart strategy? Other than the money cheats :P
The software he uses is this game Honey Select which is technically a scene creator. Here's the English version with screenshots. But he could also be using sequel Honey Select 2.
thank you KevinBlue18 for your answer , due to my poor english i think i didn't make myself clear . my question is which software did Runey use to create those characters ? (lin , kali, maria, android, ........)
Your question was clear... But so was the answer, I'm afraid.
If you would like it more technically worded:
- The 3d assets he used to design the characters are included in the game Honey Select (used with permission) - or possibly its marketplace.
- The tool he used to combine those assets, pose the characters, and export them into static images and animations is the game Honey Select.
- The ultimate source of the characters' *design* is Runey's own imagination - as limited by the assets available to him due to the toolset he is using.
I hope that answers the question, otherwise I am not sure what you are asking.
Worst case scenario, try asking in (I assume) French.
Sorry I am late, I rarely check notifications on here. I just wanted to add the assets he used were not permitted by Illusion, the developer of Honey Select, or there western retailer and publisher Fakku who released it under the name Honey Select: Unlimited. Here's the source: FAKKU Addresses Unauthorized Use of Honey Select Assets
It's not like anyone would report this game so it is safe.
And the workaround is to fit a massive 6.77GB file in a fucking cellphone? Welp... no more HH for me until I get a phone manufactured by NASA itself. Even if I did my own workaround using Mega to download HH to my SSD instead of the storage and THEN putting the game itself to roll, it would still blow up my phone in a matter of minutes.
* sigh * met only one dev so far who knew the method of saving himself and android players when shit got heated. Rather simple method from the looks of it, it just depended on the player saving on the right time and then on the dev to squish any bugs with one or two hotfixes but... yeah.
Just play on PC if your phone really doesn't have a spare 7gB, even my oldass like 2015 phone has that. And Runey can't change .apk limits, so here we are. Works fine for most people, mobile version was always buggy.
← Return to game
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Hey Runey.First of all i really liked your game.I played it for hours and i started again but i had a bug on my gameI bought this already.
This will be fixed in v0.12.4. You will have to give her the human kit in v0.12.4.
Honestly, I really want to see some Juliet scenes or maybe have her get added to the hotel.
What sort of scenes would you like to see specifically?
I'll chime in and say that it would interesting for the MC to show up at college and go looking for either Ashley or Emma & Felicity only to walk into the girls locker room while Juliet is showering to find her masturbating as well. When she catches him looking he can try to excuse himself only to have her tell him to wait. That she's been horny for a long time and she's heard from the other girls that he's got exactly what it takes to satisfy her needs. He can bang her right there in the girls' shower.
If you have any future ideas of bringing her into the fold, perhaps this would be a good jumping off point?
A less sexual suggestion would be that she shows up at the hotel occasionally to check up on Ashley's school work progression as well as seeing how Maria's doing since the incident.
On a completely different note ....How about a short story involving everyone in the hotel, as well as maybe Kate and Juliet, go on a little excursion to get away from it all with no to little drama? A small vacation of sorts. MC could rent a large RV and they could travel to a National Forest to do a little camping and get some R&R for awhile. Throw in some lewd situations or a drunken orgy. 😈😁😎 LOL
I second all of this
I cannot get any exhibitionism for the android. In the coffee-shop the selection is not shown up. Neither the food not the lewd thinks, not even in grey.
Which requirements are to fullfilled? The obedience is 21.
So im running into a bug with lin, so far I have completed every task of the girls except Lin's because I keep getting the bug that I should buy Android human kit which I did and gave it to her, I've tried everything but nothing works.
I have the same problem. I hope that it is not a broken event.
You must give her the human kit as well.
Problem is that I already have done, I gave her the human kit and yet the same bug keeps staying.
I'm looking through the code now, the requirements for this event are as follows:
Lin's friendship is exactly 26
Android's friendship greater than 25
Android's friendship is not 27 or 32 (when she's missing)
and Android has the outfit.
Lin is 26, android is 31 and actively set to that outfit for me. Still getting that message too. I've tried switching Lin's outfits as well. Is there an... "experience" requirement for any stats?
I have the same problem. Lin friendship = 26, Android Friendship = 31, Android has the human outfit
Will we be seeing more fetishes any time soon like tit sucking by our MC? I'd love to wrap my lips around Emma's tits and milk her!! Maybe have more visually detailed anal creampies??
I hope so! Actually I'd love to see her AND Juliet join my little harem.😎😁
Would be awesome if Kate moves into the last empty room and Juliet moves in with her or Ashley.
I have bought the human kit for the android, but every time I try to *talk* to Lin it says "I should buy the human kit". Am I missing a certain friendship level or Elf-related scene? "truestory" didnt seem to help anything after a few in-game days of playing
I'm not sure what the issue would be here, I've never heard of this issue, sorry.
FYI I had this issue and it resolved after completing another task, but I cannot for the life of me remember what I had to do. I just assumed it was of the game so I dug my heals in and started levelling up the characters including Ellen. Maybe Ellen is the key here or Kali is the key here as they are both the most heavily involved characters with Android at this stage.
Yeah I did truestory and completed Lucia's but everyone else I think was maxed minus Lin, so I'm stuck in a limbo. Possibly I rushed the android because I bought a ton of stuff when I got tons of extra cash
I named my android Rin, Lin and Rin. I think it fits very well in the game, for anyone having difficulties finding a name
I named mine Atina for no particular raison. It grew on me.
sounds like Altina from another itch.io game "ScarletLaw", pretty name tho ngl
I like it
Thanks Runey haha, keep up the awesome work
Fuuuck not gonna lie, "Android" her latest design is sooo hot en cute, i did her last event, i hope everything turns out well for her
i suppose i have a thing for artificial love now, if that's the right word for it
For me it was Andrea. 😁
I named her Diana because it's what I name any female character when I get a chance to do so. It's the best name.
But I can't be the only one who completely forgets that it's not actually her official name after a while... And trying to refer to her as anything else is just wrong!
hahaha yeah i get it. It's a nice option to have, but i think it was smart of Runey to add the answer when she says she grew too attached to the name. It's a good name indeed, which other games do you know where you can choose a characters name?
Out of curiosity, will we ever get to do any more with Ellen?
Will we eventually get to do as much with her as we can with the other girls in the hotel? I know she's an integral part of running the hotel, but I can't help but to think that I would love to bring her into my harem as well. I don't think she gets nearly enough lovin' and think of her as the Alpha Female of my harem.
She won't be a main character, but she will get more content. If you have any suggestions, I'd love to hear them :)
Well ...Aside from the obvious answers of more varying sexual positions and encounters with her :lol:, I personally would like to really get to know Ellen more. Yes, we know a little about her past with the MC's grandfather, but we barely know anything about her personal life and background like we know the other ladies of the hotel. Again, personally, I'd like to see her open up (pun intended) to the MC. Perhaps grow closer to him because she sees so much of his grandfather in him? Maybe even she could visit him some nights when she's feeling lonely (and horny)?
It would also be nice to see her around the hotel more instead of just behind the desk. I'm sure she has her own routines to ensure all is well in the hotel.
How about seeing her outside of the hotel every now and again in more casual clothing? She must leave the hotel occasionally, right?
Those are just a few ideas floating around in my head.
I would have truly enjoyed making her the Alpha Female to my harem but, alas, this is your story. I will enjoy it no matter how you play things out.
Thanks for indulging my suggestions and opinions, Runey. Appreciate it!
Hugs. Lots and lots of hugs (i.e., repeatable interaction, like the other girls). She just lost the love of her life, after all, she deserves all the hugs.
You know ...I agree!! You're right. Ellen does deserve many hugs and genuine affection after having lost our MC's grandfather and the love of her life. Our MC should show her that he cares just as much for her as the others and, while he couldn't replace his grandfather, he could show her just as much love. Who knows, perhaps Ellen could eventually accept him as a younger more virile incarnation of his grandfather.
Maybe Nia would be interested with talking to Ellen, there is elf in her. She has the same eyes as Maria and we saw how pissed Nia was when they messed with the half-elf. Ellen would make an intelligent choice as the Nia's informant, Ellen is the brains behind the Hotel's operation and comes across as the matriarch. She would also have reason to fear the system might come for her one day so she has an interest in bringing it down.
Ellen has shown that when the chips are down and nobody knows what to do, she steps up and fixes it. Ellen kept quiet and worked behind the scenes to bring our girl back home.
YES! This is why I asked and implied that Ellen should be shown to be more than what she currently is. You said it, she comes across as the matriarch. That is why I think in a harem she would be the perfect "number one" or the Alpha female to the group. In a way ...I love Ellen more than the others because of her passive yet enduring demeanor, intelligence, calm nature and stoic ability to handle whatever is thrown at her yet still be sensual and sexual at the same time.
I'd love to see her let her hair down and give herself willingly and completely to our MC as the new master of the hotel, not just an employee and a casual evening fuck. She deserves SO much more than that.
how do you get autumn cumdump achievement?
Cumdump traits are achieved from cumming inside them.
Thank you
What was added in 0.12.3?
is there any chance for some small file with this? because I don't want to download the whole thing
Hey I really love the Game but I usually play such Games on my phone so I was wondering, why there isn't an Android version anymore? And if there will be one again in the next update?
I was also wondering when the next update will be released.
And I was also wondering, when you will include the pregnancy.
You can play on android right now. Check out the words above the Download button on this page.
Pregnancy will be included at the end of the game.
Well hopefully you bring back the Android version as joiplay keeps saying that the game type isn't allowed even with the renpy plugin
Runey, have you looked at doing an OBB install for Android? These installers have a very small APK, usually 20 or so MB and the rest of the game data is on an .OBB file that can be moved to the OBB directory once the APK is installed. The whole package is usually available as a ZIP file.
Is there a way to get Scenes of the Gallery that are missing?
I don't think i missed anything, but there is no further Story continuing.
(Are the scenes related to the timeline? I am missing the last on others, and the last on Ashley) Especially the 'others' are nagging me
Try using the code: truestory
Events in the gallery unlock after the required friendship level is passed.
where do i type in the code?
The notepad on your laptop
I'm a fan of the game.
Now I'm playing the Mac version 0.12.2. But I can't enter the bar anymore. When I klick the stairs, the Bar is not displayed anymore. What can I do?
Thank you :)
The bar can be accessed through the button at the bottom of your screen while you're in your room or the lobby.
Thanks :-)
I is always the same, the error is sitting in front of the screen.
Made this account just to say that I'm a big fan of the game.
Bit sad that android version wasn't available from this official site, so I had to ask a modder to port the game for me, turned out to be 1.89Gb. PS: I'm not going to share it nor any information related to getting it ported, don't even bother asking.
Anyway just wanted to say, that I love the content, love every single girl in the story.
I wish that getting Maria back wouldn't have to be so easy, I'd be much more happy if she was sold off to some gangbangers (more pics for the computer) and I'd have to pay a huge amount of money getting her back, would have thought her a lesson. Her attitude, "I'm chilling, I'm not going to wear the clothes you desire", hey your an elf now and I'm your master.
The elf queen offered a marriage, what if I can marry her, topple Crownwell, become the king of elves and the governor, give elf/elf and elf/human children freedoms but keeping the status quo on current slaves or should I say low paid workers with rights. Maria would be free, Lyn wouldn't worry about the kid I'm going to have with her (I love her), liberator can be happy that she achieved something ...etc
My lovely android could become hiveminded and be the guardian of my newly created empire.
Bar could be upgraded to have a strip club so I could hire some slaves ahem I mean workers with rights to earn us some more profit, but mostly for some kinky content (girls with high enough stats could be doing it)
Bigger sanctuary and more freed elves ...for my amusement.
More kinky toys ... yea
But that's just my thoughts. Anyway keep up the good work Runey. You've done great I'm a big fan, and have been keeping an eye on it since the beginning. Thanks have a Great Day.
I think a theatre is more likely to come next as it was suggested by one of the characters, but making more profit makes sense if there was only more expenses to occur. I'm all for the idea of more hotel upgrades but it would be nice to see more financial costs too, such as Nia and Ellen giving updates on elves to buy for a super sanctuary and paying off corrupt officials to turn a blind eye. Basically adding a challenge factor.
Can you be a girl?
Someone said this in a more rude comment down below, but I agreed with their opinion, so I wanted to make the same suggestion but in a more polite way. I feel like the story is becoming very elf-centric and all the main characters are starting to get swept into this elf story. Characters like Kali, Ashley, Android, and Autumn are all starting to get involved in this elf liberation storyline. In the most recent update, Maria got really involved. Personally, I really love the "simpler" storylines that occur earlier in the game, such as the issues between Kali and her family, Maria and her camgirl-ing, and the rivalry between Ashley, Felicity, and Emma. I wish you added more events and developments that are more "realistic" like these (realistic as in not fantasy-related AKA elf stuff).
This comment may be biased because I never went too deep into the elf lore. I know the basics but I've skipped over a lot. I'd just like to see some main characters have storylines that don't always have to intersect with the big political elf storyline that seems to be taking over. I took your poll a while back, and I was part of the "I like story but not to serious" section. I voted for that because of my opinions listed above, and seeing as how the large majority of people voted for that too, I'm sure many people agree with me.
No matter what I'm gonna play the fuck outta this game, but I'd like it better if changes are made. It's totally your call though.
The elvish situation is a huge part of the overarching story, but it is only one way the world oppresses people like those in the hotel. You're right that the characters are coming together, but all of these topics have been in the game since the very beginning, in the background. Lin is the very first main character you meet and she explains the situation and her fears.
Wholesome and or relaxing events away from the action are still things I plan on doing, but I won't be going over the same topics over and over again, and a lot of the character's personal issues have been resolved. Ashley is friends with the clones for example.
A semi serious story is what I'm already doing, so I'm glad most are happy with what I'm already doing. If memory serves, the second most voted on option was an even more serious story. But Harem Hotel has a decent amount of stretching you need to do for things to make sense. For example, MC never takes his clothes off. There are no stairs down in the first or second floor, and MC's room is lost in limbo. I also don't want to directly show super serious things, like self harm, rape, murder etc. Those things can be unseen or just heard of because there's a line I don't want to cross.
I take it you mean you want an even less serious story, one without any world issues that are addressed. Well, that's not Harem Hotel. Again, from day 1 you are introduced to the slavery issue through Lin, and the monopolistic greed issue through Kali. Then poverty with Ashley, and objectification with Maria. So I think it's safe to say you can expect these topics to be expanded upon and dealt with. The MC is a supportive person, one who helps his family with any personal issue they have. But he alone doesn't have the power to change the world that hates them.
But I would like to reiterate like I try to do in most situations like this, Harem Hotel is not only about the overarching story and will not always cover serious topics. There will be lighthearted moments, as this is still a dating sim. For example, in v0.13 I plan for Lin to have a well deserved lighthearted break after her win in v0.12. Something that focuses on the two of you.
when kate asks "can i help you with anything?" what do you type?
thanks and keep up the good work cant wait to see what you do next
did a search for 'harem hotel kate answers' the answers vore
been a few months since i played last just picked up from last save shouldn't have remembered that
I wanna ask how do you improve Lin's Footjob? Already maxed out everyone(i think) except Lin and Autumn(IK it's still in development, imma wait cause Autumn's the best)
You can only get a footjob during her kitchen scenes in the morning. In the morning, go down to the kitchen and (if Lin is there), tell her to put on her apron. If that option isn't available yet, then just continue her story and it will be available eventually.
Cool thanks so much
This game puts way too much emphysis on elves, what started out good is quickly becoming a story centered around just elves. A few of the main characters outside of Lin are also now heavily involved with this plot.
This game is going from a hotel management harem sim to a lets shelter and save the dumb elves type of setting, which is annoying and completely deviates from the whole idea of the game. Nearly every single new event has been centered around elves in some way or fashion.
I'm going to take a wild guess and say the conclusion of this game is going to be heavily based on the entire elf fantasy idea, either some type of uprising or attempt at liberation, probably also find out the MC is also part elf, rather than just being involved with the harem that you have built.
Way to ruin and kill a perfectly good game. Truly well done.
I personally agree, but it's a pretty unpopular opinion. Most people like it.
Read this : Post by waltercool in Harem Hotel (NSFW 18+) comments - itch.io
This discussion has already been had.
" Way to ruin and kill a perfectly good game. Truly well done. "
It's not that bad.
LunarDeath had some good points, but this game has went headfirst into full blown wtf mode. One minute you have a harem and the next you are literally on a mission to end slavery of elves. What's worse is now that so many characters are involved, skipping these parts of the story is not an option and the whole elf and slavery plot is just silly because the focus has been taken completely away from the main point of the game.
I can tell you haven't paid much attention to the story haha, but I understand. If you want a game that's all about tits and ass, this isn't that game.
As the first descriptor in my game says:
Hello! I'm Runey and I'm making Harem Hotel, an Adult Visual Novel with Dating Sim and Training themes.
This is primarily an adult visual novel, meaning a story with adult themes.
alguien me puede ayudar con la respuesta al acertijo de kate en la escuela
Here's a hint: google Kate riddle harem hotel.
Or CTRL-F kate on this page. It's a fairly common question and has been answered multiple times.
The latest answer with the full solution (as opposed to a hint) was 23 days ago, placed under an image of Kate asking ???
I've looked through lots of comments here but didn't find an answer, is there currently no more content with kate after the running scene ? She's my favorite character so it's such a bummer that I can't seem to interact with her at all ;-;
If you're reading this, thanks for the amazing game Runey ! I know how time consuming game making is. Hope you don't forget about my girl in future update though !
She's essentially a "side girl", and not a main character. You can talk to her when visiting Ashley at school, and go through all of her riddles to get another "final" (thus far) scene with her. Pay attention to the answers to her riddles that are only letters, that will be important later.
Yeah I've done all that.
So the last scene was really just seeing her pee?
I knew she is sadly a pretty minor character but I expected the we'd at least have one actual penetration scene.
This game is still in development, that could happen.
Well, her public urination scene seems to be the last one present in the game thus far. I understand your interest as she seems like she could be a very fun character to interact with further. Did you get the "secret" interaction with her after all of her riddles? It doesn't add a dedicated scene like some of the side girls interactions can.
I've reached the end of this version and now Maria does not want to go to the Dungeon anymore, after her story. She will return on the next update? Please? :)
She should be back on her feet in the next update, which is expected to be in 3 months or so based on past performance. She was hit hard, but she's a survivor, and the entire game is about fixing your girls, it would go against the grain of the story for Maria to become permanently broken.
Whether or not Runey will have the time or inclination to change the scenes in the dungeon to account for her new situation is anybody's guess. In the meantime, if you want to have some dungeon fun with Maria, you will have to load up an old save.
I was reading some previous posts here, at Patreon, and Discord, and I was wondering about those fans asking about marriage and pregnancy ....That got me thinking. Which isn't always a good thing in my case. LOL
So, I was curious about whether or not polygamous marriages are allowed in this world you've created? And then I started thinking about multiple pregnancies and starting a family, and THAT got me to thinking about where you would raise your family.
So NOW I'm wondering ...Would you consider having the MC having or possibly a goal within the game of building an out-of-the-way home separate from the hotel where you and your wives could move to raise your family in safety and peace away from the hotel itself? Towards the end of the game of course.
Just me thinking out loud. 🤪😁
As a matter of lore, I can tell you that harems, at the very least, are allowed and even common in certain areas of the world. At least for those who have money. You are told so in a side character scene.
Hello! I wanted to know how much submission does Lin need inorder to win against Cornwall
10, Max Everything up to 10 till you get the specific trait, in that case need the "Submissive" trait
Affection will need 20 or 30 if im not mistaken
Technically it is "obedience" but we all know that Lin feels affection aside from obedience. :-)
You'll need most of the sex skills at 10. Anal, blowjob, vaginal. The feet one isn't necessary. Obedience is.
Stuck on the following characters on the very last progression level on the latest version 12.2. Ashley, Android, and Maria. I keep getting messages to raise Emma and Felicity but they are currently maxed out. Any ideas?
If you are at the second-to-last event with each, you should get them just bypassing time. For the last Android event, go tothe first floor, then go back to your room. If that doesn't work, try again on the second floor. Repeat on each time of the day and each day of the weekand you will eventually get a message alerting you that taking the last step will lock her out until the next update.
Maria is a morning event, and I think Ashley is as well, so they should trigger on their own in your room.
What is your friendship with the twins?
Felicity and Emma are maxed at level 30. The Android is at level 31. Ashley is at level 36. Maria is at level 30.
Nothing has been auto triggering at any time of day, and Ashley is still saying to progress with Felicity and Emma even though they are maxed.
Hm... Ashley's max level is 40, so you seem to be missing a few events there. I can't remember how many relationship levels you get in the last event, but I don't think it's 4.
Did you use any cheats? Cheating friendship levels can and *will* come back to bite you, unless you know *exactly* what you are doing. And by that I pretty much mean "unless you are Runey", or at least acting under advice from Runey to fix a bug.
Otherwise, all I can think of is: did you get all the college events *and* the bar events for all of them?
Also, you might need the barista outfit for Maria as well.
Anything more than that I think needs Runey's attention.
(Edit: thinking about it, the cheat option is the most likely to have broken stuff, so I moved it up for readabilty)
I managed to get Ashley's birthday last event to trigger by using the max stat code on the twins, Maria, and the Android but was greeted by a recurring warning message so I'm going to say that is what you were referring to.
I hadn't used any codes before but having played around now with changing stats and friendship levels, I'm wondering if there are codes to reverse them, so you could say reset the friendship level or move it to a certain spot? I noticed you can do this indefinately with Nia and Sylvia, and this would be a great way to go back and run through things again on certain characters without actually restarting.
I believe there is a Patreon level that gives you access to the nuclear football, which I so dubbed because it has a good chance of nuking your save by setting friendship levels independently, to whatever index you want, with essentially no restriction (AFAIK).
The problem is that the game is complex. Like, MB upon MB of lines of code complex. There are interlocks in the girls' stories that can end up with a situation like the one you had, inconsistent states that make the game unplayable.
The "max-this" cheats are safe, because Runey specifically went to the trouble of making them safe: they cross-check that all the interlocked states are appropriately updated, so that, like in this case, if you are maxed with the twins you are also at the minimum required friendship with ashley. They also set whichever hidden variables need to be set to their appropriate values.
Going backward is a lot more complicated: even something as simple as setting all friendships to 0 isn't guaranteed to work, because there are other variables that have been set and need to be reset. The game does not expect you to see *unique* events *twice*, and so inevitably all those states are not meant to be updated twice, which, again, can leave your save in an inconsistent and unplayable state.
In better news, most events are replayable in the gallery, and you can even make different choices and see how they would have played out. These choices don't affect your save, for better or for worse, so you can go crazy.
I'm new to playing this games on a laptop.
how do I play the game on pc/laptop?
I'm assuming you have Windows...
1) Download it.
2) Extract the files.
3) In the folder, double click Harem_Hotel.exe
Note: You might have go to the folder within the folder depending on how you extracted it.
thank you so much bro
Why file new Version 12.2 for Android is Nothing here.. Please release Link for Android Too.. Thank You..
This has been rehashed a few times now... You may want to read the posts down below.
In short, the game has exceeded the limits placed on APKs by the android system. The only way to release it asn an APK would be to do so without any of the new images.
No, they cannot be compressed any further, they were altady compressed to hell and back in the preevious release and it was already close to the limits. With all the new events and the new animations that ship has sailed, caught fire, exploded, and sunk.
It is possible to play the game on android, using theworkaround explained at the end of the game's description, in the unimaginatively yet very descriptively titled section: How to play on Android.
If there's a will there's a way ... android system is somewhat open-source, similar to what windows used to be, with some knowledge few programs, scripts you can hack/tweak every single aspect of your system ... just saying.
There are no limits to human imagination and such to our creativity ... everything is possible.
I'll give you one example ... Once upon a time in a distant past I had a computer with original "bought" version of GTA SA (it's long been forgotten/lost with my computer). Feeling nostalgic and instead of paying twice for a game I once bought I required pirated modded ported version of SA (actually all GTAs) 4.68Gb apk. This game Harem Hotel (with a help of a friend) turned out to be 1.89Gb, many other APKs originally designed for computers modded/ported with various sizes 1,2,3+Gb.
But I will stand with the creator Runey, he can release this awesome game in form (windows, Android, Linux...etc) or size. What he needs is our support and if you're not happy with the OS, size ... etc then you find your own way as long as you come back and give the credit\support for its original creator. Thanks, have a Great Day.
Question with Lucia. I have already completed the game and was going back after any events that I had missed or left open. Lucia currently has 0/5 events and am wondering how to start them. I am using the last Android .APK version.
guessing you chose not to fuck her at their house? there are some events for her woven into Kali's story, a few are only if you fucked her the first time
I did choose to fuck her on the first encounter at the house, but her scene count is still 0/5 and I cant figure out how to progress. All she does is sit on Kali's bed. I am assuming this is due to a bug somewhere that nothing seems to trigger.
Try using the cheat code: truestory
Will try that. Thanks.
Addendum: In case you haven't come across it before, cheat codes need to be entered at the computer in your room. There is a "text editor" kind of icon that asks you to enter the code.
Thanks. I had already been using it for money.
I cant seem to continue Kali or Ashely's story's, no matter how many days pass
advance others' stories
i've never seen this hosting site but here we go
hope i dont get cyber HIV...
been using it for years, it's fine
Insert Despicable me meme here:
Get hyped for new Version
Play new Version
Get depression
Get depression?
Had to look up the appropriate image but... Yeah. Yeah, I hear you.
so more of the same as before or cranked to 11?
cranked to 22
The Ashley event is not bad, honestly... Bittersweet maybe?
You do get a clearer picture of the lurking abyss that is her depression, but you also get something that you could call a happy ending, except it's not a happy ending because it's not an ending: her story is not finished yet.
The Maria event, OTOH, goes from confusing to enraging to confusing again (YMMV), all served with a large helping of soul-crushing sadness - and possibly with some fridge horror for dessert.
Does anyone know how to get the save files from the apk over to the newer version on joiplay.
Pretty sure I read the answer in here before. Check a few pages down, I think the old folder was in data/something/something., Ctrl-F is your friend. The new saves should be in the same location as the PC ones under your exploded folder, I think.
Two or three pages down. Ctrl-F is very much your friend. Look for data/ (with the / at the end).
I'm on android so I got a problem with finding the file. Do you have any idea where it could be on android? If you don't it's alright and I appreciate the quick replies
So am I my dude :p
A couple of pages down there is a post that has the paths for both the old and the new saves. Search for "data/" in your browser window and you will find it. It's 18 days old or so.
Okay can I ask what are you using to view the files?
I checked again and all I see is live data and action data so idk which one it is if any of these. I also already saw the comment about the save files but I'm still struggling finding them
I found that the fastest way to start making money seems to be focusing on getting the bar out quickly, then training Moon (which is free) and getting the upgrades, starting with the cheapest, so that you have a steady income.
However, I have also read advice to focus on the Kali events, despite the initial investment, since a few of them actually give you money, and then you get the big payload.
Finally, you can literally turn Andy the Android into a cash cow to milk for money... But by the time you get there you probably won't need money anymore.
What is your favorite quickstart strategy? Other than the money cheats :P
Runey42 which software did you use to create those characters ? (lin , kali, maria, android, ........)
hello runey42 !!!
i wanted to ask which software did you use to make those personages ( Kali, Andro, helen, maria, ...
The software he uses is this game Honey Select which is technically a scene creator. Here's the English version with screenshots. But he could also be using sequel Honey Select 2.
thank you KevinBlue18 for your answer , due to my poor english i think i didn't make myself clear . my question is which software did Runey use to create those characters ? (lin , kali, maria, android, ........)
Your question was clear... But so was the answer, I'm afraid.
If you would like it more technically worded:
- The 3d assets he used to design the characters are included in the game Honey Select (used with permission) - or possibly its marketplace.
- The tool he used to combine those assets, pose the characters, and export them into static images and animations is the game Honey Select.
- The ultimate source of the characters' *design* is Runey's own imagination - as limited by the assets available to him due to the toolset he is using.
I hope that answers the question, otherwise I am not sure what you are asking.
Worst case scenario, try asking in (I assume) French.
it's clear ! thank you so much Lucky19
Sorry I am late, I rarely check notifications on here. I just wanted to add the assets he used were not permitted by Illusion, the developer of Honey Select, or there western retailer and publisher Fakku who released it under the name Honey Select: Unlimited. Here's the source: FAKKU Addresses Unauthorized Use of Honey Select Assets
It's not like anyone would report this game so it is safe.
"HH has grown too big to fit on .apk"
And the workaround is to fit a massive 6.77GB file in a fucking cellphone? Welp... no more HH for me until I get a phone manufactured by NASA itself. Even if I did my own workaround using Mega to download HH to my SSD instead of the storage and THEN putting the game itself to roll, it would still blow up my phone in a matter of minutes.
* sigh * met only one dev so far who knew the method of saving himself and android players when shit got heated. Rather simple method from the looks of it, it just depended on the player saving on the right time and then on the dev to squish any bugs with one or two hotfixes but... yeah.
Just play on PC if your phone really doesn't have a spare 7gB, even my oldass like 2015 phone has that.
And Runey can't change .apk limits, so here we are. Works fine for most people, mobile version was always buggy.