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I can't buy Nia Supplies. She's in the Sanctuary and says "Please just order everything off that list..." but I go on the computer and I can't order it. It's there on the screen and I have enough money but it's not clickable.

Have you already ordered it? Check the Mail in case


There's some error with the position. In the store click the right side of "Nia's supply", the icon there is somehow unclickable. The real icon is invisible at the right.

Thank you! Got it now.

Hey Runey, just wanted to say I love this game and the story is really good. I really enjoy it and all the girls are so cute. 

I just wish I could make the texts bigger on my phone. Trying to read them for some time makes my eyes hurt cause it's so small. That's the only complaint I have . Thanks for your great work with this great game. 

having trouble downloading, it gets halfway through then restarts the download and it'll keep doing it. I have more than enough space. please help!

Try a mirror


Please sell it on steam....


This game will always be free, but you can still support the project if you would like :)

I really want to, however patreon and itch don't support my country's currency. And I have no choice but to wait 12 more days for the free version.....

why not go through paypal?

Dude, in my country there is no paypal in appstore.

To be fair, if you live in a country where paypal doesn't work, you probably don't want this game in your purchase history, and I hope you use a VPN to access this site, because those countries don't tend to appreciate adult entertainment much. I wouldn't want to even get on the radar of cops. Heck, I live in a relatively stable european country, and I don't want to get on the cops radar because of some bullshittery...

hey runey quick question have you ever thought about selling merchandise for this game?¿ 

Cuz I think that would amazing but totally up to you.

What would you like to see available?

maybe some plushies of the characters or just clothes (hoodies, shirts, Etc)


I've looked into plushies. Unfortunately, they would cost somewhere around $150 for a small sized one, and that's with me only seeing 10% of that, I don't think many would be willing to buy them at that price.

I also have a hard time thinking many would be willing to wear merchandise from this game due to the nature of it.

others might but not me lol

What about -cough- waifu pillows -cough-  oh man i think im getting a cold.


That is more of a possibility, but I'm not sure how much demand for this there would be. 


So, since Day 42, I suddenly can't click on "talk" when I visit Maria's room. It takes me to the Sanctuary/Mail door instead. Is this a known bug?

same happens with me

(1 edit) (+1)

Extremely well known, although it's not related to day count, it's specific to just one Maria event trigger.
Raise Android's Friendship to 3. She lives on the second floor, so you'll need to have built that.


found the solution... get the second floor done, progress a bit, and keep checking

After the relationship with Ashley reaches level 14 (v0.15), the button to view the girls information is immediately disabled. It says: global name 'lin_complete14' is not defined.


Please report beta bugs under the beta post on Patreon or in discord.

I get it


will there be any more updates to this

(1 edit) (+1)


(2 edits) (+3)

I post an estimated release date every time I announce each version >

Harem Hotel v0.15 Beta Build 5 has recently released! >

Preview >

Harem Hotel v0.15 will be entering the pre-release stages very soon.


is there any way to download the android ver only?


Yup, read the instructions above.


All i want to say is , this is great game.

Thanks :)

Gotta say, I'm very impressed with the game. Downloaded it a couple of days ago and got through all the content pretty quickly. Very enjoyable. Curious as to whether we'll get any content with that emo girl from school.

Also, is there any point to the vending machine in the lobby? The drinks dont really seem to be used for anything.

Thank you!

Juliet will show up in v0.15 content.

The vending machine and other features like drinking beer at the bar are for role playing.


Is this worth with the size?


I'm biased of course, but I can say that this game is as small as I can get it without sacrificing a lot of quality. This game is just that big, it has dozens of hours of content.


Considering that this is 8.36 gigabyte on my disk, and the frankly absurd amount of content in it... yeah. Sure, it's hefty for a visual novel, but for a modern game, this is pretty light, and let me tell you, you get more content (more story, and more porn) than a similarly sized movie. With games, as long as you want to keep graphical fidelity, art style and aim of the game the same to keep it fair, you are not going to get any better deal in terms of content/gigabytes. (Of course, this will never be a Fallout 4 style timesink where you can spend thousands of hours, but nor is it a Spec Ops The Line where you play it once, and you've seen everything on offer.)

Will the Love Routes also have sex scenes? 


Yes, Nia's already does.


She does? I have version 14.1 I haven't seen any. Is it in the next version?

You probably forgot, it's a one-time event, not repeatable. Check the gallery.


Is there a walk-through on how to patch an update on Android if possible? I have the patch downloaded but Joiplay can't see it apparently


I believe you need to patch it on PC, then add the whole game to your android device as you did the first time.

took Hana's virginity, and now I can't find the right way to progress Maria's story

Dunno what you mean by "right" way, but the only requirements are to have Autumn be at least 3 Friendship, then click "Talk" on Maria's door.
We have a wiki if you're confused on events thereafter :)

When I try to talk to Maria it takes me to the mailbox? Is this a bug?

Deleted 1 year ago

Hey I've been playing this using JoiPlay on android (0.14.1) and my 'automatic saves' (like when you click continue) that I've been using got reset when I put it in the background once. I've unfortunately not used the save slots. Nothing happens when I click the 'continue' option. I'm far into the story and would not like to start over again (but I might have to). My save files seem empty and I can't seem to find where the 'auto save' files would be stored. Any advice where to find it / what to do?

How to buy human kit mr dev?

Your room > Computer > Store (top bag icon) > Others > Android Human Kit
Buy and wait for it to arrive, then give it to her.
Of course, I hope you're doing this as instructed in Android's 25th event, not at Lin's door, which fittingly tells you to raise Android's Friendship.

oh i get it thanks


I've finished seika's story (0.14) and I must say her's unlike others have not much solution, but rather it went to a different path instead. I'll try to give my opinion w/o spoiling. 

In my fictional opinion her way of a different species is very concerning even tho she already had said that she will avoid any duplicates because it might cause the two to kill one another and will guide them as a trial and error or parent and child kind of thing, but it's really scary if I think about it in a long run.

 She already has thought of not causing harm to the humans and replacing them with her own, but rather she already has decided to let her kids to the adapting and question one another for it, yet what about the humans tho? surely the humans will think that this is nothing more but another machine BUT as days, weeks, months and years pass humans will probably start questioning this get suspicious of it.

Anyways her story became more deeper and will probably get more deeper unlike the slavery or politics one. So I won't be surprise if we end up getting a small sequel that revolves around her progress of partitioning and the future where Mc is already dead.

Hey im on like day 44 and theres this bug where I go to *Talk* to Maria at her door but when I click on it it just sends me to the hotel front door How can I fix this?


Buy the second floor, raise Android's friendship level.


Hi, I remember from an earlier version of the game. Players can go to a cafe with Kali (there are a lot of exhibition content). There is also a Sex incident at Kali's workplace (related to Kali's colleagues). Has this content been removed? Are there other ways to experience these events in the new version of the game?


Kali's exhibitionism was remade and is now at the beach.



However I like the older version more. It would be better if we can experience both old and new content at the same time. 

The incident at her workplace, if you mean the pizza place, is related to her lust and is one of the options to Finish.

Deleted 2 years ago

Please read the android installation guide.

I'm a mobile user here, I followed everything "How to play on Android" and it works too, but my problem is, I can't pick my game file from my External Storage, instead it will copy the file to my Internal Storage and makes my Internal Storage full, I'm on Android 11 so i think that's makes the problem too, but is there any solution to that?

And yeah btw, as i mentioned I'm using Android 11, the renpy plugin crashes everytime i start, so the solution to that is to use the legacy version right? But is there any fix to that?

It sounds like you need to clear some space on your internal storage?

I think something's wrong with the event order for the side character Hana. I had an event in the bar where she was talking with Marie and MC about their adventures like "buying" lingerie - but at that time this (and I think the third point mentioned by her) didn't happen yet.

Nice game btw. I didn't expect so much character development/background story. So I am positively surprised. :-)

The only instance of Hana mentioning her lingerie happens in her first event, which can only occur after she has moved in. The event where she moves in is the one directly after going to the lingerie shop.

Hmm. Hana didn't move in at all (yet) and I have 0/4 of her points and 7/12 bar events.

But you are right - after searching for it by loading different save games, I finally found that it was Maria mentioning it, not Hana. The day (Sunday) before the day of the lingerie event Maria talked about it with the MC while being with on a date (asking her in the hotel room, MC and Maria then went to the Hot Springs). That date increased the affection with Maria to 20 (could be important).

Do you need a save game to look at the issue?

One other thing I noticed (but maybe I just forget it) is the kiss with Hana that Maria mentions in the bar just before going to the lingerie store. I cannot remember that kiss happen in the first place (maybe it's just an off-screen thing?). But I will try to replay the saves, it could be that I just overlooked it.

Oh, this was in an affection date for Maria? I think I fixed it, thanks.

The only mention of kiss in an event for Maria or Hana is Maria saying "MC, maybe you can be her first kiss!"

Yes, one of the affection dates. :-)

The kiss that I mean is mentioned in the same dialog a little bit later, when Maria says: "What, we kiss? We get leeeeewd...?" and Hana says "Ehhh... I was hoping you forgot about that...". Maria then says "Of course not! That night was so fun, I would never forget it. I even got to kiss my childhood friend"

I am not sure if that kiss has happened (and I may just have forgotten about it), if it is something that happened off-screen or if it should have happened and it didn't.

I found the first meeting with Hana in my saves, then the rom-com cinema with MC, Ashley, Maria and Hana and then the travel to the beach with Maria, Hana and the MC, which seems to be the only point Hana got drunk (I am not sure why, but I don't get the beach-visit to trigger on that day again and I cannot return so many steps from the save after it, only read parts of the visit in the history, so I am not completely sure that the kiss was e.g. only visible and not readable).

(1 edit)

I am just curious, how long do you think the next update will take? I've been waiting for more Lin content so bad. I am not trying to rush or anything, I know this process takes awhile and you will provide the best for us, just wondering if you had a desired ETA of the update to be out of Beta. Thank you for an amazing game BTW!



I've been trying to update this for months, but it appears I no longer have access to downloading this any further. I was about to make a purchase earlier, but not sure if that will make a change on the current issue?


Donating to me will not change the files you get. All you need to do is click the download button. Or try a mirror on my patreon.

Deleted 179 days ago

Other languages are being worked on and planned to be added to the base game. No one has come forward to offer make a chinese translation though. I only speak english, so can't add what I don't know.


Hi Runey 

Can you make girl on girl ( Lin & Olivia )


Assuming you mean Android, that's already been done.
As well as Ashley & Maria, Maria & Android, Ashley & Felicity, Lin & Maria...
You get the idea lol

Yes Olivia my android

But I mean more girl on girl ^_^


Harem Hotel v0.15 Beta Build 5 has released! >

Preview >

Deleted 226 days ago

Yup, it's never had them, and it would be a monumental task at this point to add them (not to mention money and yet more time & effort for the highly desired female "sounds" lol)

Deleted 226 days ago
(5 edits)

is ashley's fourth exhibitionism option bugged? because  the option is gone after I did the third one.

What is Ashley's level and affection level at?

36 and around 30

I don't see any issues regarding this at these stats. If anyone else has this issue, please let me know.

(1 edit) (+1)

Level 42 and affection 36 here, honestly I forgot there even was a fourth option for her until I read this comment. I don't have it either.


the fourth option is gone after the third option came up, whether you choose the third option or not

Deleted 1 year ago
(1 edit) (+3)

After looking into it more, I believe I have found the issue and fixed it. Thanks everyone!

(1 edit)

woah nice and thanks!

Had to create an account just to leave this comment, but I absolutely LOVE this game. I've replayed it from start to finish multiple times for two years and it's a blast everytime. Haven't played the latest version yet, so cheers to this next playthrough. Thank you for all your hard work, Runey!

Thanks :)

(1 edit)

Hello. I've purchased your game but it keeps failing to DL. I had this problem with another visual novel game.  Do you have a Google drive link? For some reason that fixed my problem before. Thank you. I hope I get this working. This looks really good.

(1 edit) (+1)

The PC mirror is a google drive link.

You can also find more mirrors on my Patreon.

hmmm. Thank you. That's not very promising then. I'll try again thanks and then try your Patreon.

Did you try the google drive link?

yes. I keep trying and no luck

yes I've tried the PC mirror as well. Uhhh. I've signed up to your Patreon to access your mirrors there. I'm completely lost. Where do I go for the DL link in there.

So hey I did every step to play it on Android but it's not working what can I do? :(

The only advice I can offer is to follow the steps exactly. I don't know what you've done differently, but it works for everyone else.

It isnt working for me either after following the steps, shows an exception has occurred while loading images/hotel.webp

You're missing images, this means it was not installed correctly.

Thanks! Turns out it was only extracting half the files, got it sorted and all working now :)

Hey so I double checked everything and it's now working perfectly I already love the game.  :)

Glad to hear!

I've been having a blast on this and I've grown addicted to it. I re-checked the patch and it seems the next fetish will be pregnancy right? I can't wait. One quick question, but does the side characters like Kate will have more interactions (romantically or sexually) cause I really fell inlove with Kate's character.


Pregnancy isn't the next fetish, it's the last fetish to be added.

All side characters will continue to get new content.

Thank and btw If you still remember the part where Mc took Lin and Jin to a restaurant and had that very deep talk. It was very appreciated even if this was an eroge18+ visual novel. It was still very cool to see a heartwarming realization scene for jhin. Great work Runey and I hope further updates there are still gonna be some (even if its short) heartwarming scenes.

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Is it possible to share using something more reliable then MediaFire? It shows me 53.2 KB/s - 39.7 MB of 8.3 GB, 2 days left. Even with payed account

(1 edit) (+3)

Absolutely, just choose a different server. may make authors pick only one server, but Patreon does not - Runey has links for Mega, Google Drive, UploadHaven, etc.
There's a link to Patreon right above this comment section. Or if you want to save one mouse click, here:

Deleted 2 years ago

As always, Runey estimates in every post he makes.
If you really can't be bothered, here's a rough idea for every update: typically 4 months apart, depends on the amount of content added. 0.14 was the biggest at a full gigabyte, the current 0.15 beta is even bigger already.
As you can see directly above this comment, the last update was 3 months ago. Runey was also very sick for a week, could factor that in.
Soon. You can relax my dude.

hey runey with all the bata builds how many hours of game play is there now in total?


That highly depends on your reading speed. From all the feedback I've seen, I can assume around 40+ hours in total.


Dayum.. having Ashley's Clock tower event outfit available in her room and interaction menu would be frickin awesome. That scene got me real good, great work! *more headpats for Ash*

Is that a new outfit available in v0.15 ?

Ah. What I meant was it would be great IF she had the outfit. Just started playing v0.14 a few days ago so idk what's in v0.15. Hope this clear things up for you.

Yep, that outfit will be available in v0.15! Specifically the version with the combed hair. Though it will only be implemented in her repeatable sex scenes for now. Adding outfits is a tedious and time consuming process.

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