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Is it normal that when I want Lin to change the new outfits and it said the contwnt has not been developed yet?


Yes. That content has not been developed yet. Those outfits can only be used for repeatable sex content right now.

Ok. Thanks.


I wanted to say i love the game and the world you create. The story lines are very interesting and engaging. Thank you and keep up the amazing work

Thank you :)


hey runey, been loving your games and characters and writing ! ive been playing this since 0.7 or 0.8 i forgot which but it ended with the introduction of the elves. im just wondering if you can answer me this, will the game be officially released soon and all storylines will be closed? or will there be alot more coming ?

A lot more is coming! I'd guess we're around 60% done. It's hard to give a solid estimate.

thanks for the reply runey. Dont have much time to play now. Will look forward to the complete game!


All Hail Runey!!!


\o/ /o\ \o/ /o\ \o/

I noticed some small points after installing the 0.15 (I did a clean install and copied the save games from the 0.14 version).

The font in the image directory on the pc is very fat now and hard to read.

Under the "Other" shop I have the option to buy Kali's Hard Drive for $20.00 - but it says "I already bought that" (that is completely true, as I finished the 0.14 story lines) - the other points are listed as "Sold Out" and I think this should be the same for the hard disk. I am not sure if this issue already existed
in the 0.14 version.

In the new Android/Ally-event the when the MC is talking about plans for the future, he is wondering about the Cyberspace. But as there has already been a Cyberspace event, I think that he should know about it? Maybe I'm mistaken here and only Kali knows about it? (I don't remember who exactly was part of that previous event, but at least Android talked with Kali about it, already in 0.14)

Then there are two points that already existed in 0.14:

I still don't get any progress for the "Slick Hands" with the Android. The morning blowjob doesn't count as a handjob. But maybe there is somewhere another dialog option that triggers a "real" handjob?

Also I noticed (but I think I didn't mention it here before) that when you ask Ashley to sleep with you, she will join you with her brown hair. When waking up, she will have her blonde hair again, which doesn't make so much sense. I would really like to see her also waking up with her natural hair. :-)

(1 edit) (+1)

The font will be fixed in v0.15.1

There doesn't appear to be an issue with the shop's other tab. Once you pick up the item, it will show up as sold out.

MC had no way of knowing about Cyberspace. He couldn't see what you saw during that event. Which is why MC says things like "What is cyberspace?" Kali didn't know about it either until she was told.

Correct, blowjobs do not count as handjobs. Only handjobs do.

Ashley doesn't have brown hair in that scene. The lights are off.

(1 edit)

Ah, ok. But for the Hard Drive: I just verified with the old 0.14 version that the hard drive was "Sold Out". After migrating the saves to the 0.15 version it seems to have reenabled the buy option for the hard drive. As I said it's saying that "I already bought that". But I cannot pick it up from the mail either as I am way behind that story line (and so already did that earlier in the game in the 0.14 version).

At which scene/dialog-option is it possible to get a handjob with Android? I already have 2 handjobs but cannot find (or remember) where to get more.

[Edit] Ah... I finally found it. It's one of her lust-options.

Hi Runey, I downloaded the new update but I can't load any of the saves at all. I've progressed too far into the game to start all over again. What can I do to fix it? I'm using a phone BTW. 


Load an autosave, or click the Rollback button.

Did won't work and is buggy as hell. Anytime I try to do anything it keeps giving me errors. 

Try loading a different autosave in a different location.

(1 edit)

I'm having the same issue, nothing works

EDIT: If there's a button on your screen, press it. Like the bar or door one, it's fixed for me

I get the same issue, may be because your windows account name has a non-UTF8 character (char like éèàùïü ... )

Best way to solve this is to use another Windows user with no special character, and put your save on this user. The folder with the save files should be here :  C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Roaming\RenPy\ (the AppData folder is hidden by default)

I literally said I use a phone to play. 

I have trouble with game after update

I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While running game code:

Exception: Could not find return label (u'game/lobby_script.rpy', 1610153011, 2).

-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------

Full traceback:

  File "script.rpyc", line 28411, in script

  File "renpy/", line 1567, in execute


  File "renpy/", line 710, in lookup_return

    raise Exception("Could not find return label {!r}.".format(self.return_stack[-1]))

Exception: Could not find return label (u'game/lobby_script.rpy', 1610153011, 2).


Load an autosave, or click the Rollback button.

(1 edit) (-1)

Is there a way to convince the fake elf queen to come with you?

Edit: Nevermind.  I guess there's no choices to get wrong anyway.


Hey Runey love the new update, but iv found a bug with Lin's new outfits, when picking them in the H-scenes for some reason it defaults to the Slut outfit, just thought id let you know about it, keep up the great work.


I cannot reproduce this. Complete the action, it should fix itself.

thanks that fixed it, looking forward to whatever you have planned in the future.


small question: how can i know my current game version? some one please help, thank you very much!


In the pause menu, click the info button

thanks a lot mate! love your game, keep it up <3

having trouble downloading ver 15 with g drive and 15 mirrors with media fire please help you do amazing work that I check often for new updates. keep u the amazing wor


Try mirrors on my patreon if these links are giving you trouble.

got it downloading now


The new events (especially Kate and Autumns) definitely should go into the Gallery.


Glad you like them :)

(2 edits)

Why can't I give the new outfits to Lin, Ashley, Kali and Maria? They're already delivered.


You no longer have to give it to them. You get it through the mail, and you just ask for it in the appropriate menu, they automatically use it.

Deleted 2 years ago



As anguisfuror said, you don't need to give the outfits to them. I should probably make this clearer in the next update.

Deleted 2 years ago
(1 edit) (-2)

Hi, i'm on android and Ren' Py plugin keep crashing when i open the game, there's another app that i can download? 


Follow the android installation guide and it should work.

(1 edit)

Tried doing the update, with the main file being from 13.2 but updated to 14.1, but it's not letting me run it (on linux). Worked just fine for 14.1, but isn't working for 15.


Well, no crap, the update only explicitly say "REQUIRES 14+". If you skipped 14.X (and you did), you can't go straight for 15. You gotta download the whole thing again. I'd suggest asking around Discord, folks MIGHT (just to add emphasis, MIGHT, as in, not guaranteed in any way shape or form, but possible if you are lucky) still have that somewhere tucked around in their hard drive if you don't want to download the whole 15, and just want to upgrade to 14, then 15.


From what I understand they downloaded the whole game when it was in v0.13.2 and the patch framework was introduced.

Then they applied the patch to get it to v0.14 and it worked fine (so unless there's a difference between a patched v0.14 and a fresh one it should be fine to apply the v0.15 patch on top of it).

Finally comes the time to install the v0.15 patch and it doesn't work anymore. I can confirm that happens, Ren'Py gives an error.

The whole v0.15 download works though so I'm not sure what's wrong with the patch files (other than having a non-executable, but that's easily fixed).

Yup,  this.

The v0.13 > v0.14 patch can be found on the v0.14 post on my patreon.

I went 13.2 -> 14.1 update (worked without a hitch) ->15 update (didn't work). I ended up just downloading whole ver 15, which worked just fine.


Must. Impregnate. Lin.


Whenever I read dialogue from Mr.Trenaro I always 'hear'/imagine it in Typhon DeLeon's (Michael Cosner's) voice from Borderlands 3. Just kinda fits for me. Anyone else or just me?


PSA: If loading a save is causing an exception, load an autosave or click Rollback.

I have the 13.2  version and I'm wanting to get the new update so would the new patch work so i wouldn't have to re-download everything and if it will work how would i go about installing the new files

(1 edit)

If you want to just use the patches, you can do that. But not with the v0.14 > v0.15 patch (since you only have the v0.13 files). You would first need to find the v0.13 > v0.14 patch on an older post (likely on patreon), then apply the v0.14 > v0.15 patch.


Ok so i have the patch so how do I apply it to 13.2 


Read the READ_ME


am i the only who got confused on the installation part, to me it said either delete or remove it and put it back in the same folder/ merely taking it out and putting it back supposed to reset something or what, I'm so confused, if anyone could do ....something/anything to help my stupid ass it would help A LOT.....thnxs in advance (sorry if i'm any trouble)

(1 edit) (+1)

You are replacing the old scripts with the new scripts.

The old scripts being those in your v0.14 folder. The new scripts being in the v0.15 update folder.

FUCK YEA, damn that made so much more sense, thnxs man ur awesome


Let's go playthrough # 8 😂😂😂


Let me know what you think :)

Deleted 2 years ago

ikr :( it should've been out like an hour ago. a couple is 2, a few is 3, many is 4, multiple is 5 and several is 6-7 hours. it should've been out like 1 hour ago


chill out, its comming :)


u mispelled cumming btw ;)

not yet.. still downloading haha :D 


Imagine getting upset over the definition of "a few."




i just noticed an inconsistency in what Sylvia says about the Moon day celebration thingy. Sometimes she says its every 12 years but i guess one time at least she says its every 3 years. just for you to know :)

love your VN so much <3



What time is it for you right now? I would like to know so I can know when it will release for me in my time zone. And will the next update release on Friday (today) or Saturday? Have a phenomenal day and once again, amazing game! :))


v0.15 will publicly release within a few hours!


Take care of yourself okay? And be safe! :))

Deleted 2 years ago

OMG. I am so hyped. I really love this game. :-)

(1 edit)

When i open the .exe its just a white screen with music :C


Sounds like you installed it incorrectly, or the download was corrupted.


hey, im having a problem with advancing kates sidestory. i guess the last thing i did with her was the fancy dinner, but then it ended. is there no more atm? the wiki says there is but there is nothing happening anymore. im on v0.14.1!


The wiki should also tell you what you need to do next.


It says this: 'Automatic via text

Choose "Visit Kate" from the front door'

but that never happened, unfortunatly.


Hey, I want Ellen to be the main character.


I believe what you're trying to say is that this game desperately needs a character with a huge mommy / dom vibe, but sadly you aren't getting anything with that tone.

Except Androids femdom mode.


Hey! Amazing game but I ran into a small issue. When I click on Maria's door and choose the talk option I get transfered to hotel lobby exit door. Any idea what to do?


Raise Android's friendship (buy the second floor)


Thanks a lot for help. The game is really amazing I will make sure to support it.


I think that means you need to push other character's story line first. Maybe Android.

I honestly real enjoy this game and am excited for future updates but I’m just curious if anyone has an opinion or anything about if the patron is worth it or anything:)

Thanks :)

You can check what each tier will get you and make that decision yourself. Once each version is in development, most patrons get access to weekly builds as they're in progress.

do you have any suggestions for me? I’m just generally curious and horribly impatient sometimes lol

For Patron tiers? That really depends on what you want. The $10 tier is what most go for.


and how does it work with the early access before I do and if you don’t mind me asking how long till the next update :)


Once each version is in development, $10 patrons get access to weekly builds as they're in progress.

v0.15 comes out tomorrow.

Can't download through itch desktop app as its hosted on an incompatible 3rd party software


I don't give any option to download through the itch desktop app, so I guess that makes sense. Use one of the available download links.


when you do updates, do you focus updates on certain characters, or is it more of a additions to each character, or is it just whatever is ready when you want to update. I am really enjoying the game, and I'm just curious about the process


Main characters typically always get 1 - 2 story events per update, guaranteed.

(1 edit) (-9)

If only there was a Sissification path with this MC in this game.


Show post...

The Andriod Looks Like Kakashi, But with Rinnegan. :D

(1 edit) (+2)

will the girls from the sanctuary  have more scenes and is kate going to have more i actually like kate as a character and would love a romance route  with her  also what is the fourth room on the second floor for?

thanks runeygames for making this amazing vn i find myself replaying it constantly


They will have more scenes, the game is still in progress. Runey seems to have cancelled plans for a third floor though.


thanks for clearing some things up still wondering about  about kate and the fourth room on the second floor


As mentioned above, Kate will indeed have more scenes.
The fourth room on the second floor is for a final main character that has yet to be added.


Absolutely love this! I'd have to say it's my favourite adult VN of all time, can't wait to see what the future has in stall. Keep up the amazing work!!


Thank you :)


Are there any more scenes with Jin after she is back from the hospital? I can't seem to find them.

P.S i absolutely love this game. With ease one of the best of the genre, i appreciate the effort you made to make this masterpiece. I thank you

(1 edit) (+2)

Thank you :)

You can look forward to more Jin scenes in v0.15

Here's a list of her events


Is it possible to ask if you could make a discord for the game since some can't afford patreon


I'm not sure exactly what you mean. Any content available for free on Patreon is available for free on the Harem Hotel community discord, which has been around for as long as this game has, and is linked at the top of this page.

ohhhhh I did not see it

May I ask what the max stats for each characters are?


Most stats have no max. The traits unlock at around 10 - 15 for the most part.

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