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My game keeps crashing and saying this does anyone know how to fix this

did you load a save file?


You installed the update incorrectly. Make sure you follow the READ_ME exactly.


Hey everybody, I got a problem with the file of the game (Harem_Hotel/Harem_Hotel-32). When I open them they crash and then they disappear from the files. 

Can anybody explain me why does it happens and provide a solution about it ?

It sounds like your anti virus may be thinking it is a virus and deleting it.


I just updated to the new release from v0.14, but all my recent saves result in an immediate crash (python error screen) :( 

Known issue? Work-arounds? Thanks


Start a new game it worked after I did that

thanks… I hope I don’t have to, since I spent many hours completing the game already and training the girls 

There's an easy work around. You can try clicking Rollback, loading an Autosave and or clicking the Bar icon. Let me know what fixes it for you.

Much thanks, Runey. When I tried Rollback, it didn't seem to help, but loading a recent Autosave seems to have restored stability 🙂 Much thanks for being so kind here in the comments as well as a consistently great game dev


You may want to add a conditioned statement. In my game I've avoided doing anything in the cafe (exhibitionism) but Hazel says I've seen what you do here your nothing but a pervert.

(1 edit)

She could be referring to how you date so many women, which you bring to her cafe.

I hadn't done any of the other quest I did the minimum needed to get Autumn to that location, sides from what I've seen of the Hazel character she would have only judged if she saw things like kissing or touching, unless I misunderstood her character and she's really completely judgemental.

Deleted 1 year ago

there are no male love interests you only date women

What? There are no male love interests.


it kept crashing making me leave the game I cant even play it anymore and I hate it in the past I already played this and its all good but now there is so much wrong I dont know if its with renpy or the game


I can't help you unless you tell me exactly what's going on. The game works fine in its current state.

they say its because renpy doesnt work properly in android 11


@RuneyGames , Question.. is it possible to kick out Maria / play with out her, and give the room to Kali's Sister? or maybe 1 of the twins? or a completely new character. ?

*Not a fan of Maria's character (nothing wrong with it, just not for me), so I'd LOVE the option / ability to kick / remove / opt-out of the character & story

The rest of the characters & game are amazing! Keep up the good work.

No, she is a very important character to the main story. You can skip her content though, if you'd like.


Strange, I can't seem to download it, I get to the download page / download option when I press the download button for "Harem Hotel v0.15.1 PC/Android" it does nothing.. yet.. i downloaded another game from the site a minute before, so am guessing a possible broken link?


I need help. I know very little about computers so bear with me lol. I downloaded this game (my first on a PC) version 1.4 and have played all the content. When I downloaded version 1.5 I thought it would just add the update and let me play, but it creates a 2nd application (update file 1.5) that when started instantly crashes. But my old application 1.4 still works fine. What am I doing wrong? 

How did you install the update? Did you download a fresh copy of v0.15? (Not the update)

All you need to do is install it on to your desktop or whichever file you want, then click the .exe. Don't merge anything.


Why do you need to play on Android through JoiPlay? Before that there was a separate apk, why is it so now?

Sorry my english is very bad


apk limit is 2gB, the game is just under 10gB.

Great game! Unfortunately for some reason to progress lin's story it says I must raise Andriod's friendship but no matter what I try I cannot seem to raise her friendship. Any solutions? Andriod's current level is 25 and lin's is 26.


As it says on Lin's door, give Android the Human Kit.

is it really 9.81 gb???


Yes, there is a lot of content.

I got error occurred after I installing the v0. 15. I doing what exactly how is it supposed to be in READ_ME.txt

after I update it, and about to continue playing with my saves, this is what happened. Even if I try to start a new game or try another save files, it Will crashed.

Can someone tell me if this is one is a bug or something else?

I'm playing In Joiplay.

I'm not sure why it would be occurring when starting a new game, but this issue usually occurs when you load a save and can be fixed by clicking Rollback, or loading an autosave, or clicking the bar icon if possible.

I already try it a lot, maybe tthere'sa problem on 'renpy' folder that can make the system error.

I will try to figure it out myself,  Thanks for ur attention, Dev!

Bought all the clothes but for some reason when I tell Kali to wear the slut outfit it says I need to buy it first. I bought all her clothes at once. Is there a way to fix this?


Try picking them up from your door and giving them to her?

Its not in my mail

wait my bad i found it now


Why not just make a separate Android apk download instead of this complicated prosses?


Android apks have a limit of 2GB, the game at it's current size can't be compressed that much without losing a lot of its quality.

oh, ok. That makes sense. I still think it's confusing, though.

(1 edit) (+3)

Whose Sexual Content do you most look forward to? >

Whose Story Content do you most look forward to? >

(You do not need to be a patron to vote)

The fact that Autumn leads both polls with barely more than 10% of the votes is a testimony to your writing skills. You can write a lot of engaging characters.


How do i download the android apk? I downloaded what's posted but there's no apk anywhere


There's no android apk.

You need to download Joiplay [] and the Renpy plugin []

This will work like an emulator, after downloading and decompressing the game you go into Joiplay and select the .exe file to play.

Read the download section, Runey even made you a nice big flashy banner to make it more noticeable.

(1 edit) (+1)

This game is really amazing, I basically binged the game from start to finish and I'm pretty excited for the next update. Keep up the goodwork!

Thank you! :)


hey,do anyone have v14.1 saved??, ive lost it and will have to play the whole game again....

Is there a way to transfer game data to a new phone?

Yup, move it over, same as any file.


Excuse me can i ask you something? Which version you will add pregnancy? Or it will be add soon? I'm just curious because i see that you planned to add pregnancy i am so excited.


>Which version will pregnancy be added?

Runey mentioned that it was going to happen in the final update. Currently the game is around 60% done [Also mentioned by Runey], which means that pregnancy will take a while, unless a sample/what if is added in the DreamScape VR thingy of the MC's PC.

Thanks you so much ಠ◡ಠ

(1 edit)

Hi! Great game. Only one issue is that i can't give Nia her stuff. it says it already bought, but i don't have dialogue to give her stuf

Are you on the latest version?

yeah. I am

Hi. Can you help me on the updating part? I followed the instructions on READ ME notepad but it doesn't wanna run.


This would imply the READ_ME wasn't followed correctly, try again.


This title is hosted on an incompatible third party website. Not letting me download on Itch client.


Download from the website or my Patreon. I can't upload this game to the itch client, it's too big.

Any other games like this ? Enjoyed every second of this game

Why i can't talk with bartender for level 3 bar moon quest? Or I'm doing wrong? Pls help me someone ಠ_ಠ

Check the wiki if you ever find yourself confused

Oh thanks you very much this is very helpful <( ̄︶ ̄)>


For some reason every time my download gets to 4GB/9.8GB it crashes and won't download any's clearly not an issue with the download as many have already downloaded with success...I just have no idea why I can't get the download to cooperate...

(1 edit)

MEGA has this problem (It usually warns you at the start), others may be due to losing internet connection or download limits, my advise is to use a download manager (There are a lot of those for PC, JDownloader being the most used) and for android i highly recommed ADM [] It's the one that i use to download anything above 4GB.

I will try those options, but it's downloading from Mediafire, not MEGA and this is the first time I've had trouble downloading a game and I'm fairly certain some have been more than 4GB...hopefully your suggestion fixes it nonetheless


Gotta stop making me cry with Ashley and Lin storylines. I'm here to wank, not cry. Really enjoy the game and it's story. Looking forward for the next future update.


Hey how do i update on android i have 0.14 but do i really have to download the whole version or just patch notes

I have downloaded patch notes of 0.15 where to put them now please reply

The way that i did it was to decompress the patch, copy everything inside and paste it in the game directory, overwrite anything that you're asked to.


You downloaded the patch notes but haven't read them?

man i am dumb as fuck bro


Tried to Install on AAndroi, like discribed. But IT doen't work.  Joiplay tells me "Not supported"


is the game finished


No, it's on v0.15


Bruh there's a problem occurance everytim when i open the game (i play on windows pc) 


This sounds like an issue on your end, I'm not sure how to fix your issue.

Hey! Loving the game so far!

Two quick questions, I'm loving the look of the harem outfits, will the girls be able to wear them in the next update? And will the others (such as Felicity and Emma) get some too?

Yep, they will be able to wear them in the next update.


please bring back the solo android version i dont have the space to download the pc/android in it's entirety or please add a mega link


Unfortunately, adding content adds filesize.

Hi. I really love this game. Its a great job! And i have same suggestions. I think the money in this game have a lot of potential. Can add more things to buy/upgrade and more ways to earn. Example. You can take photos to the girls and in early sell them "manual" like right now. But with a bit more of different pics open a girl web  like onlyf for each girl to sell them and recibe the money each weak like the bar. 

In the pc a section to see each girl stats

Another thing. Maybe you can add a hard mode when the game was finished once. And add limited time for same events. 

And there are 2 things I dont know what do or are for. 1 ice cream machine in lobby. 2 the head icons in new day screen (same tines some girls head are gray) 

Im dev and I know this things need time. I hope see more of this game. And again, Great job. 

idk about the icecream machine but the heads are for oh x girl event can be done today so you don't have to check the whole time

Thank you for coming up with this game. I am still in the middle of the game but I'm really enjoying it so far.

Just a question, there were some scenes that I really liked. Turns out I cannot access them for repeat viewing. I'm talking about scenes in the shower or the first sex scene in front of Maria's stream fans. Is there a way to access these scenes later in the game? If not, could you please come up with that feature where we can replay scenes with the girls? Thank you and keep up the awesome work.


The shower sex scenes are all repeatable.

Maria's sex scene in front of the fans is the same animation used for the repeatable sex option in her room.

Yeah. Just figured out about the shower scenes. As for the Maria scene,I was talking about the creampie scene she has for her stream fans at the beach. Maybe there is one in her room with a similar animation that I haven't gotten to. If so, I'm more excited to reach it now. Thanks.


i really enjoy your game,lin is the best girl 

i'm happy w/ the updates and i recognize your effort and dedication making HH. 

thank you,runey 

i hope that you keep going w/ this

Thank you so much! :)


i donloaded evry version but i always get the same error code, dont know what to do ?[code]

I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While running game code:

Exception: Could not find return label (u'game/lobby_script.rpy', 1610153011, 2).

-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------

Full traceback:

  File "script.rpyc", line 28411, in script

  File "renpy/", line 1567, in execute


  File "renpy/", line 710, in lookup_return

    raise Exception("Could not find return label {!r}.".format(self.return_stack[-1]))

Exception: Could not find return label (u'game/lobby_script.rpy', 1610153011, 2).



Harem Hotel v0.15

Sun Apr 17 21:24:33 2022



Try loading different autosaves, clicking Rollback or Ignore, or clicking the Bar icon if that shows up.

Thanks, clicking the bar icon helped

can Kate’s questline still be started after Ashley’s suspension?


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