Depends on how you play. Runey took a brief sample size some time back and averaged around 60hrs iirc. You could easily be quicker, or you could take your time, grind stats, etc.
Edit: I was just informed it was more like 40-45hrs.
Hey, this game is the best game I have played, it actually has a storyline not like some other games that are just some weird classical harem story, this one is definitely unique, I have completed the game like 5 times and I don't think I will ever stop playing again and again, looking forward to see the v0.16.
suggestions: more of kate, she is definitely a character that many people would like to see more of; and more of autumn, i know that you are probably already developing more of her story and I simply can't wait to see.
Anyways keep up with the work, I will donate any time if I get the money to do.
(forgot to mention): I didn't know I could download the game directly from this page, thought I needed to pay and didn't have the money to, so I downloaded from a random website, but now i see that I can download from here, I don't know if u actually get anything from us downloading from the original source but I definitely prefer to download from here.
Main characters are typically guaranteed at least one story event per update. Autumn will likely be getting 3 in v0.16. Kate may get something as well.
Please never download indie games from random websites, it's a very bad idea. Every indie dev, and I do mean every, has official blogs or a website where you can download their game. Mine is and, both of which you can download for free and have the option to tip me. Don't download any viruses!
Slightly addicted to this game. Actually played and older version and I'm currently replaying an updated version. My question is: is there an input code on the bedroom pc to add funds as I'd rather not have to grind for cash on a second playthrough, or is it Patreon exclusive?
Money codes are indeed Patron exclusive, but you don't need them. Buy and upgrade the Bar at your convenience, it will pay for anything and everything you need.
Thanks for the reply and advice. On another note, is there any plans to create an Apk conversion? My phone hasn't got the storage space for a 9GB file but 3rd parties have older versions (eg. V. 0.13) Apk files hosted on their sites.
APKs are locked to 2GB. I am looking into making a super compressed version (as HH is already heavily compressed), but the image quality will probably be horrible in any APK.
There used to be an apk before v0.12. Sadly, it has a limit of 2gB, and the game is currently 10gB, already at a 90% compression rate, the most that can be done without notable quality loss. Fan ultra compressions exist, with the expected quality loss. I hear Runey is going to do official ultra compressions himself for future updates, since the few extra steps involved in JoiPlay are complained about so often.
love this game such great work you put into this can’t even stop playing it would love to see more 3sums with different girls and more random events again love this game will donate again ☺️
you’re very welcome also am I Assman myself maybe get a girl that has a big big butt lol or Juliet lol 😄 oh and Kate more of Kate love her abs too sexy
I just have to say i am absolutly in love with this game, made an account with leaving this comment in mind, also to offer myself if youd like help with future story or something, ive worked on something similair but have no knowledge of coding or anything.
If you don't know how to unzip a file, you're likely not old enough for the game. Also, please report JoiPlay issues to JoiPlay. This fellow has a solution until they fix their most recent version.
"The game is crap" "Don't be rude" Funny how you say that.
To unzip a file, right click and choose unzip. You will need software that does that. You'll find you usually already have WinZip. 7Zip is also an excellent option.
As outlined on your other thread, JoiPlay sometimes released broken versions. This fellow advises you downgrade to a working one until they fix the more recent one.
Other games I have in my library have the same issues, the following is from the comments section of one of those games, but it should be a universal fix.
For MAC users:
If the game won't run, open the internal executable:
show package content on app - contents - macOS - open game executable file
Open the terminal.
Paste (with a space at the end): xattr -dr
Drag the app onto the terminal, so you get something like xattr -dr /Users/<username>/Games/"Game_Name_Here"/"Game_name".app
Run that command. The app should now open properly every time without needing to locate and run the internal executable.
EDIT: edited filepath info to remove the name of the other game to prevent promotion of a game without permission.
Basically simply downloaded, then opened, which unzipped the package. Running it opening download folder an clicking on the extracted package. Only using a Mac since about a month, so it can't be that hard.
I wanted to say that I really like the game and I wanted to ask because there is almost no game except the one with breast expansion. are you going to add more of these or that there are other sizes on android
Hey Runey, just wanted to enquire as to the status of the game... I finished everything there was to do earlier this year, probably around May-ish... I know you are likely busy, but I have really enjoyed this game from start to well, where it's at now... Just wondering if there's any updates on the horizon.
Hey runey! I’m happy to support, but I just wanted to confirm that there won’t be any loli/underaged stuff in the game at any point. I want to support but that stuff makes me personally feel icky.
I came for the porn, I stayed for over 16 hours and counting for the story, the yandere is my favorite character, I normally detest the yandere trope and there's so many other character tropes in this game that are up my alley so.. thats saying alot, keep up your work, you're an amazing writer, you've poured your love into this game, you have me hooked. I'm going to be keeping a close eye for updates, I'd pledge dedicator level if i could but sadly there's alot of circumstnaces as to why I can't, if this game ever hits steam though (idk if you're planning to) I'll 100% get it
Glad to see you're still active. I was just wonder if you had a roadmap in place for upcoming content, and a timeline for pregnancy in particular. Also, just out of curiosity, do you have any new girls planned, or if the focus is gonna be to continue to flesh out and build upon the existing crew?
Yep, there's a roadmap. Pregnancy has always been planned for the end. New characters have joined the game in every update. One more main character is planned.
Good to hear. I just checked out the post on 0.16 on the Patreon, and expanding the exploration and early game sounds like it'll be interesting. I know pregnancy has been planned for a long time, but I wasn't sure how far down the line it was from being added. Just to clarify, though, do you mean "for the end" from a narrative or a developmental standpoint?
Thanks for the quick answer, and I'm glad your taking your time in order to take care of yourself. I've been playing every now and then for a couple years now and it's still one of my favorites out there. I can't wait to see everything you've been working on and what's still to come!
Okay, first of all, great game. Second, I wanted to update to the latest version but I don't think that there is an update function. Am I blind or am I going to have to download the latest then move my save
If you're expecting some sort of system that updates the game for you, sorry, there never has been. You can download the new file and delete the old if you want. As listed in the download section above, you can also use a patch to apply just the latest update alone to the last version, if that's what you have.
As for saves, they are stored elsewhere on PC and will always be safe. On mobile, yes, move them from the old file to the new one.
Her 6/9 Lust event, Wordplay with Friends, specifically choosing Ashley, raises Handjob. That's the only way to increase the stat once her alternate form is unlocked.
Click "Talk" on her door. For more specifics, we'd need to know what event you're on. There's also a handy wiki linked at the top of this page that has all her events and their requirements.
does that mean that friendship and relationship are the same thing i want to unlock autumn's relationship level 23 for which it specifies "Lin's friendship must be at least 28"
This game is dangerous..... Be careful, because once you have played this game, a lot of other adult visual novels just won't stack up to the same level. You really start to sympathize and feel for the cast the more the game goes on.
When I first started playing this one, I did not think it was going to leave such an impression on me....
The Tsundere clones are the best thing since apple pie.
You're not allowing her to break down her own memory to create more androids. She did that without you ever knowing. The person who made android spent decades coding it. Kali can't just do that again, or copy/paste it.
I feel like I'm just explaining the story I wrote to you again. I don't know if this is a troll or something, but it feels like you just looked at the summaries on the wiki and aren't applying any of the extra context the scenes give you.
One of android's biggest theme is humanity, as is often done with sentient androids. They're made in our image, so it's common for them to be a figurative mirror to humanity. This is partly why Android has to make sacrifices when she has a child, it taxes her body in the process.
You kinda feel like American Psycho. "Runey: It's not possible. Dimwit: Why isn't it possible? Runey: It's just not. Dimwit: Why not you stupid bastard?" Besides, there are valid criticism of both Runey and his work, but you just flat out lied here. Runey didn't insult you. Runey alluded that you are misrepresenting the story (and you do), but that's not an insult. He then wondered if you might be a troll, deliberately misrepresenting. Considering your grammar, I don't buy that idea. My idea is that you're not a troll, you just really, really did not understand Androids story. Kind of sad, but it is what it is.
For reference, I did insult you, and I won't claim otherwise.
What else do you expect from a visual novel about dating an entire harem? What else other than love?
I wouldn't call it "love and hope bs" knowing Runey builds up on the entire Elf slavery context, and it's pretty justified that Lin and you come in contact with some rebels like Nia and start from there. I get you and agree that there's a lot of story, and it becomes kinda exhausting, but I've gotten used to read a lot of VN's, and I've grown to like it.
You could try Lucky Paradox, Ripples or Eternum (more linear) or Freshwoman. But I think, story wise HH beats them. And is more deeply developed. But nice games nonetheless, I would suggest you start with Lucky Paradox.
But all of them are unfinished, you will be stuck in the same loop again ;D
Corrupted Kingdoms might be worth checking out. It offers the same non-linear freedom (as much as you get with these games that is), has a decent cast of main characters, and quite a lot of scenes. Also similar to how you invest in your hotel for more scenes/income, you invest in real estate for more scenes/income. Different art style though, more cartoony so might not perfectly scratch that itch.
Well it depends. If you aren't required to uninstall the previous version to update the game, just update it. Otherwise you have to back up "save" files before deleting/updating the game.
btw, you can find savings folder in android/data/[game_folder]
Thank you for creating one of the most memorable story games I've played in a while. I hope you earn yourself an at least OK living with it, you'd deserve it. This really isn't "just another H game" - you're putting thought into it, and it shows. Kudos!
Despite enjoying this game for quite some time, I cannot make any contributions in terms of money... but I hope I can at the very least give you some feedback that you can work with. As I am a fanfiction author, I know that sometimes, good criticism & feedback can be quite valuable as well. And maybe, you'll find another writer's perspective helpful, too.
Now, this will be a bit of a wild mix between praise, criticism and general comments, so please excuse my scattered brain. Anyone else: HEAVY SPOILER WARNING.
I think your storytelling is quite good, and I can see that all of the plots and subplots of each char are making sense for that individual char.
I want to especially praise you for moving Ashley away from the "yandere" role, which I just don't think would've worked out, and her new direction suits her much, much better. Generally, compared to a few updates ago & with your reworks, the chars seem to be a bit more 3D.
I am however a bit worried about the "slave" routes, especially for Nia. I wonder how you're gonna bring them back on track, especially since the last scene that you released for her seems a bit... "abrupt", given that it's the same one as on the "love" route.
I am not sold on the "flip" you've put on Cornwall, now Minister Cornwall. I personally would've preferred or gone with what was your original intent - a slaver, a powerful figure, who is on the edge however.
That being said, I have my suspicions about where you're heading with the "somewhat sudden" rise in prominence you're giving the Mafia, so I think you got that one figured out.
You're walking a fine line on making the world and the country seem both hopeless and spraying in glitters of hope - but given all the restrictions and everything you're putting into place, even with the latest Event for Lin, I am worrying that you're manouvering yourxself into a corner where any sudden change towards a "brighter world" seems... forced, not plausible, breaking immersion. Which would be a shame.
A society has an inherent resistance to change. Just look at how long it took the USA to get where they are now with racial injustice - and keep in mind that even now it still isn't completely fair.
The personality of the Manager puzzles me. He both feels like the players avatar - and decidedly not. It is a bit of a vague feel... but for the first one, you'd have to grant him more freedom, as most of his choices are rather linear. I don't think that's practical.
Example: During the Expedition to the High Elves' island, if Lin's obedience (and I hate that that's the word for her affection even later on, same with Android) is too low, something (even more) critical should go wrong, or that scene where you whisper her words of encouragement should fail.
Alternatively, you should make it clear that HE is his own person, and we players get to control a limited amount of dialogue and choices. In my opinion, this is where you're heading anyway (given how a lot of the Events and all of the stories depend on each other). Given how disconnnected at least I am often feeling from the choices HE makes over which I have no influence (e.g. the dinner with Kate - I would've never brought flowers)
There are a few ways you can do this. One option would be, for example, to add an option where the Manager can sit down in his room and "think" about the different chars, so that both HE and I are on the same page as to what he's planning.
Thinking about it, that wouldn't be too different from the "dates" you recently brought into the game. Which is a feature I LOVE, by the way. Thank you!
Also, he can be a bit more proactive with things like, for example, Ashleys Birthday party. I hate how passive HE is there. Also, the amount of less-than-energetic "sure" replies sometimes...
Too often it still feelss like the Manager gets just "dragged along". He often, especially in the earlier stages, lakes the 'drive' and the ability 'to lead'. If I were his sidekick - I'd honestly lack confidence. And isn't this one of the selling points of the Manager to the girls, that he helps them in their difficult life choices? More internal monologue please, if thats the way you wanna go. Especially when he 'tricks' Autumn and may, actually, genuinely feels guilty for it after he realizes what's going on (after all, the main instigators are Ellen and Android). Or, even more so, when 'breaking & remolding' Emma and Felicity.
I think you may be thinking in a similar vein, though. After all, HE apparently gained about 100 IQ in the last of Ashley's Events and the hunt for Ms. Ren. That makes sense, I follow his line of thought - and it's clearly HIM thinking. I like that a lot.
There are a few minor bugs & errors in the way the scenes are played, so please do be careful about that. You ARE bringing patches to fix them, but one potentially nasty one I encountered when re-playing is that, even before the blood test, Maria is already depressed about her... "condition". I knew what was coming, a new player might've been seriously put out.
Phew, that was a lot of text. Sorry about that. But I do hope that my thoughts & ideas are at least somewhat helpful for you! You have and still are creating something excellent here, so don't let me spoil it for you. Thank you a lot for the time and effort you've put into this. It's been excellent and, not joking, one of my favourite games.
Many of the same things will still happen in both routes. Such as Nia losing in that scene, and getting Peni, but the perspective will be different. In the love route, it's fairly normal to take care of Nia, but in the slave route, this shows that he still cares. He may be abuse his power in the slave route, but he's never a vengeful master. This keeps the player character consistent across the slave route and the overarching story.
Cornwall hasn't flipped, he has just become more defined. When he was first introduced he made vague hints that he was more than who he appeared to be. That from your words, he had to prove you wrong so publicly and immediately.
The concept of Hope is something that has been on my mind since the start. Hope appears when faced with an insurmountable odds, and Lin's story especially has themes of hope for this reason. For the ending to be meaningful and impactful there needs to be struggle. The light shines brightest in the dark after all.
The player character is a self insert. I'm sorry you haven't been able to connect with him. I try to give the player as many different options as possible.
The manager wasn't passive, you just weren't following him. That day was from Ashley's perspective this time. It should be clear enough that he was doing things for Ashley.
I'm not sure where you would be getting the impression that he has no drive, or isn't able to lead. He has been shown to take initiative plenty of times, but the player character is also a supportive one, as the main characters are the 8 women. He is almost literally Nia's sidekick for example. But I don't know where this disconnect is coming from.
I'm also not sure exactly what you're pointing out in the Ashley event.
I haven't heard of that bug before, and because that content hasn't been touched in a very long time, it's likely this is a bug on your end and is a result of updating or something.
Fair, I'll try my best to clarify. Wall of text, coming up. Pardon in advance if things a worded a bit "roughly" - I am actively trying to sell to you that I am not insane.
If you can "sell" both routes as viable options - again, I have trouble believing Nias 'slave route' as much as her 'love route' - then more power to you, and I won't say anything further. After all, there is a reason as to why you present both options.
Perhaps my problem with Cornwall is simply that in the early game, yes, he shows certain signs, and Trenero's half-elf wife is another indication... but unless I am mistaken, ever since, the only role he's had is to further a reputation as ruthless politician who seeks election to a higher post beyond anything. With no sign otherwise. Which is irritating given how relatively "open" he was during that "slave training contest" - unless that's on your list of scenes to be reworked/rewritten, too.
A similar thing goes on with Trereno. I am not trusting you in any way-shape-or-form, that those "elf bots" are any good :P It's a bad triangle of Religion, Politics, Business in that world... Religion keeps the people stupid, Politics make sure to eliminate everything diverging from what it should be (removing people's right to vote), and business makes sure to profit from it, while feeding the other two. And with no sizeable public or other support to back up change (Vanessa says, while meeting Nia, that the pro-slavery-faction in Syl'vanar has dropped by, what, 8% - OVER 30 YEARS?)...
If I look at Lins story arch seperately, without connecting too much to the others, then I see some vague glimmers, too. But if I look at the whole picture... Hope can only arise if there is a hint of weakness in the system. If you hope beyond hope, you're not hopeful, you're desperate. To use Star Wars as a comparison, an unshielded venting duct that you can only see if you have the blueprints of the Death Star. You, the author, do have those blueprints. And you can say with confidence that you can make it work. I, as a player, cannot see any sizeable holes in what looks like the completey bulletproof system of Syl'vanar. You're giving far too many hints as to how effed Syl'vanar is, as a country and especially the human portion of said society. I see few-to-none promising points at which the Manager or his ""crew"" (take that term with more than a grain of salt) could actually use to better their situation - or how they would have any hope aside from something desperate. And as it stands at the moment, they've got their backs against the wall. Not much to inspire hope. Only a desperate struggle & gambit.
Then again, perhaps it's my cynisism that I don't see what's obvious? I'll trust your judgement, you hold and know all the cards, after all. If you can prove me wrong - likely: WHEN - I'll tip my hat. Perhaps we are not as far advanced into the storyline as I thought, and you have a few more tricks still up your sleeve. That's not me trying to belittle you, that's me being genuinely curious, and I am looking forward to what is to come. And what you've said about your plans with Cornwall does put my mind at ease.
The disconnect comes from me feeling as if I do not understand why the Manager is doing some of the things he does, whilst others make perfect sense. His behaviour is inconsistent to me, to the point that I do not feel as if I have much control over what is happening, at least during certain stages.
Have you ever played a Bioware RPG? I am a huge fan of Mass Effect, where you can really shape your Commander Shepard by the choices you make. I am not insane enough to hold you to the same standards as a full AAA studio; but it feels as if I am jumping from one end of the spectrum of behaviour to the next (Renegade/Paragon).
To give you an example, again using Ashley:
During the latter stages of Ashley's story arch, the Manager shows that he can indeed lead. He is making the suggestions he's bringing forth the clever ideas, depending on how you chose you seem to actually have an influence over what happens. Especially during the trip to the slums. I felt connected to what happened - even if that connection was to "HIM", not "MYSELF".
Contrary to that, when Ashley pulls her knife on Maria - no reaction? No: "Why did you just do that?" Not even an internal monologue about what happens, shock or curiosity? When Ashley drugs you - why can't you show anger? If someone tried to force a pill on me, I'd be PISSED, no matter who that was.
The difference, I think, is down to the fact that in these earlier scenes, the Hotel Manager has not many thoughts himself - while towards the latter stages, he develops a life of his own. I do not have only an elder sister, I certainly wasn't always helping around house to be able to fix the broken shower Autumn was in.
And at the same time, if Autumn had acted out of char, and you can see what's happening - there should be, in my mind at least, some sort of an internal reflection. If you intend on having a "little revenge" on Autumn due to her disrespect of the other girls (especially Android), it should be reflected somewhere.
And on the OTHER hand, it was THE MANAGERS, not MY, initiative that helped Lin back up on her feet after she crashed the car - and everything else.
That might sound cynic or strange - but you may actually have become a victim of your own success, in that the story parts are very interlinked with each other, so as the player, you CANNOT chose freely enough for it to be a full self insert. And at the same time, your chars are so wonderfully complex, that in order for the Manager to properly interact with each, he can't be a bland mirror anymore, so he either has to become a CHAR we play, or you would have to build in so many intervowen and complex answer options that would also have to be recalled later in the game so that the Manager can STAY bland and act as the player's mirror. So he's both leading and very much NOT leading, being simply dragged along by what is happening, being both "powerful" and "powerless".
Just my 50 cents in that regard... Because, while yes, the Manager is literally a sidekick in some occasions, he's also the reason the whole show is running at all. Which, I feel, is a bit ... not forgotten, but underappreciated.
One of the girls visiting HIM while Maria's gone, to offer (emotional or other) support, for example, would've gone a long way to show that both sides of the coin are connected.
It's possible that that bug came from upgrading an earlier version, as you say. I'll check if I can find anything and will let you know if something pops up.
So, there's that. Pardon me, again, if it sounds like I am trying to convince you to do things "my way" - I'm just trying to make my points clear, maybe to the point of overcooking them, so they are workable for you. My brain tends to wander, and perhaps I am overthinking certain things.
That being said, don't let this distract you from the fact that you've created something for me to actually CARE about. And that is simply excellent work.
Both the love route and the slave route are not equal. As the options you choose should make clear, the love route is for story, the slave route is for sex.
Yes, that slave training contest is planned to be remade into something else at some point, it doesn't totally fit with the flow of that arc.
The elfbots use elf blood as the energy source, I'm certainly not trying to present the concept as good. That's Trenero's job. If people only hear the good things, the project will get greenlit. Only a very few elite people, and you and his daughter, know the dark secrets of how the elfbot is made at the moment.
Lin started out as a hopeless slave who now has a former royal and Nia following her. I won't go on, like you say, you can see the glimmers already. Kali has went from a lazy girl with no accomplishments to a somewhat ambitious one at the moment, she's beginning to strive for great things and her level of skill has improved vastly in a short amount of time. Ashley started as a depressed girl who refused to express herself honestly out of fear, now she's quite happy and gaining confidence and has been shown multiple times to help others when they're down now. She saved Android from getting any worse for example. She went from helpless to helpful, and is now trying to save another person's life (Ms. Ren). Maria is probably the best example from recent events. The hospital shook things up a lot, but Maria very quickly found a new purpose in rebelling and finding her mother.
It's always been my goal to take these broken people, get them healed, and have them use their experience to help the world. These characters would not be able to turn into the great ones I know they will be at the end of this story without being forged in fire so to speak. I think the hope is there, but it's not exactly where you expect it to be.
I would guess that Harem Hotel's story is about 60% done. More than half of the main characters have moved into the stages of "Helping the world" or are moving into that stage now since many of their isolated personal problems have been dealt with and they've been able to grow as a result.
And there are many holes in Syl'anar's system! Which I would love to talk about. The biggest may be the most obvious, yet the one that may go most unnoticed as well. Slave workers. Every single vital part of Syl'anar's society is run by elves, from farmers, to cooks, delivery drivers, etc. Just about everything that isn't scientific, artistic, or political. If it involves labor, it's probably done by an elf. (But they've revolted 3 times before, so this is shown to be not enough) Another weakness, which is much more subtle, is that the bulk of Syl'anar's military can be disarmed with an extremely cheap and available material. Paint. Vanessa points out that throwing paint on a droid's head (Such as the police droids) will block their sensors. Or just spray paint will do the job. EMPs would also work, but that's not as available. The rest of their strength is in the police force, which is definitely substantial, and always has been in their history to control slaves. I should also point out that you have the only sentient android(s) known to exist, so that has to count for something. You're also in bed with Kali, and she has a lot of potential to do some damage with her skills and who she is as a person. And another weakness, which is much more subtle, is that the humans in Syl'anar are in constant fear. They're fed both lies and truths about the imminent collapse of their nation/economy if elves are freed, or treated equally. The hate all serves a specific purpose, and that is to keep elves as slaves on a cultural level. But a nation built on fear is a very internally fragile one. (But we are just now starting to see the main characters effect the world after all) There's more, but I don't want to keep flooding this post.
Most of the events you mentioned about the player character's character are from some of the oldest events not yet remade, which is the same case with Cornwall's slave training orgy event. I think what you're noticing is my less than stellar writing at the time.
As for how the manager acts, well, this isn't a sandbox game, this is a very linear story. The choices you make are flavor only. The choices you make help shape the character you insert to. You are still playing as a character, but that character is meant to be you, not the hero of the story. So of course he will help Lin, you don't need to click a button to do that. It's impossible for any game to be a completely full self insert, at least with current tech. In every self insert story, the character has some of their own agency. Oh, I guess aside from D&D! Unless you have a bad DM, haha.
I wouldn't be able to write every possible action to make everyone happy in every moment, but I don't think I need to make him a fully fledged main character either.
Fair. You've made your points in response to mine, and I respect your reasoning. YOUR game, YOUR story, YOUR calls to make.
Last set of replies, won't bother you any further.
As long as the slave route doesn't inherently break the story, no argument from my side. But you seem very much aware of that, so, I don't need to worry.
That's excellent news, because I thought we were beyond 75%, frankly. But yeah, with some reworks to earlier scenes (and I know the pain of having to rewrite supar early chapters, trust me...) and knowing that there ARE more twists and turns to come as I expected, then I think you got this.
One last warning, if I may: Keep in mind that the Syl'vanar you created is noted as THE singular most powerful nation in your world. And as the prior uprisings and their consequences (like chipping the elves) have shown - it MUST be resilient to change, even if only from institutional inertia and the simple MASS of forces at its disposal, political, military, judical, religion etc. etc. You'll only break such a regime with either a singular, but devastating blow, or by slowly chipping away at its fundamentals. And the system WANTS to keep it together, so reprisals are to be expected, no matter how fragile the system is. For an extreme example: 3rd Reich, or even the Soviet Union (the final throes of which we are experiencing right now with the War against Ukraine).
(Speaking, for example, about the paint attacks - change to another way of detection, and the attacks are nullified. Just so far, noone bothered. Just as far as the mercenaries attacking Night Owl Clan haven't tried overwhelming force, or at all, since the 3 (!) old model mechs arrived.)
That being said, your talks about the fragility of a nation in fear are entirely correct. Take the entirety of the former Eastern Bloc as an example. So, I rest easy knowing you know what you're doing.
And as far as your comments about the manager are concerned... You are also entirely correct, and I am/was probably overthinking it. That being said, I'll respectfully disagree regardless - if the main choices are linear, which they are, flavour can only do so much to make HIM the player avatar. So I will stick to it - in that case, having an established persona to assume right from the get-go would be my preferred choice, so that the player always knows what to expect. But as I said, the "char" of the Manager is starting to become somewhat established later on, without the need to make him a "real" char at all. And if that's the case, I won't be able to immerse myself in him - but that hasn't stopped me before from playing this game, and judging by all the other comments, nobody else cares much either. So, to be blunt about it, if you're reworking some of the earlier parts later anyway, with just a bit more polish this'll work just nicely. :D
Thank you for taking your time to read & reply to what I had to say, and I hope that, regardless, it was somewhat useful for yourself as well. Once again, thank you a lot for creating this game. I'll look forward to further releases.
Very serious question here, why would you give us an awesome elven woman like Jin, and then take her away forever? According to the game dialog she was only supposed to have to abstain for a few weeks after her "cure" but it has been way over a month in-game and she is still an unavailable character. I find that very disappointing and don't understand the logic behind it. Why lock-out what has to be a popular character? Outstanding game overall though, very well done in all respects.
She is already back per-se, in Lin's room, has been for over a month (in-game), but she is no longer interact-able with except for "how are you" and she can no longer be summoned to the dungeon. Yes she still "exists" but we are "locked out" from any physical interaction with her. Thus my question to the creator, why add her appreciable talents to the harem only to then take her away? In other words, why turn an excellent fun sexual partner into a glorified mannequin?
As should be clear, Harem Hotel is still in development. Every character will get content eventually.
It should also be clear in game that her mind was forcefully altered and she was loaded with drugs that changed her body in ways she did not want. It is the main character's goal to heal her, and get her off those drugs.
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Hi, I just started downloading this game and I want to ask how many hours it has, it looks really good and I can't wait to play it.
Depends on how you play.
Runey took a brief sample size some time back and averaged around 60hrs iirc.
You could easily be quicker, or you could take your time, grind stats, etc.
Edit: I was just informed it was more like 40-45hrs.
Well something tells me I am gonna have a lot of funn
is it voiced?
Nope, sorry.
Hey, this game is the best game I have played, it actually has a storyline not like some other games that are just some weird classical harem story, this one is definitely unique, I have completed the game like 5 times and I don't think I will ever stop playing again and again, looking forward to see the v0.16.
suggestions: more of kate, she is definitely a character that many people would like to see more of; and more of autumn, i know that you are probably already developing more of her story and I simply can't wait to see.
Anyways keep up with the work, I will donate any time if I get the money to do.
(forgot to mention): I didn't know I could download the game directly from this page, thought I needed to pay and didn't have the money to, so I downloaded from a random website, but now i see that I can download from here, I don't know if u actually get anything from us downloading from the original source but I definitely prefer to download from here.
Thank you :)
Main characters are typically guaranteed at least one story event per update. Autumn will likely be getting 3 in v0.16. Kate may get something as well.
Please never download indie games from random websites, it's a very bad idea. Every indie dev, and I do mean every, has official blogs or a website where you can download their game. Mine is and, both of which you can download for free and have the option to tip me. Don't download any viruses!
Slightly addicted to this game. Actually played and older version and I'm currently replaying an updated version. My question is: is there an input code on the bedroom pc to add funds as I'd rather not have to grind for cash on a second playthrough, or is it Patreon exclusive?
Money codes are indeed Patron exclusive, but you don't need them.
Buy and upgrade the Bar at your convenience, it will pay for anything and everything you need.
Thanks for the reply and advice. On another note, is there any plans to create an Apk conversion? My phone hasn't got the storage space for a 9GB file but 3rd parties have older versions (eg. V. 0.13) Apk files hosted on their sites.
APKs are locked to 2GB. I am looking into making a super compressed version (as HH is already heavily compressed), but the image quality will probably be horrible in any APK.
There used to be an apk before v0.12. Sadly, it has a limit of 2gB, and the game is currently 10gB, already at a 90% compression rate, the most that can be done without notable quality loss.
Fan ultra compressions exist, with the expected quality loss.
I hear Runey is going to do official ultra compressions himself for future updates, since the few extra steps involved in JoiPlay are complained about so often.
love this game such great work you put into this can’t even stop playing it would love to see more 3sums with different girls and more random events again love this game will donate again ☺️
Thank you!
you’re very welcome also am I Assman myself maybe get a girl that has a big big butt lol or Juliet lol 😄 oh and Kate more of Kate love her abs too sexy
I just have to say i am absolutly in love with this game, made an account with leaving this comment in mind, also to offer myself if youd like help with future story or something, ive worked on something similair but have no knowledge of coding or anything.
Help is always appreciated! I recommend joining our discord.
Sorry you suck. If you want help, let us know
Bruh 😂 😂.
Download rar to unpack the zip and it run perfectly in joiplay.
If you don't know how to unzip a file, you're likely not old enough for the game.
Also, please report JoiPlay issues to JoiPlay.
This fellow has a solution until they fix their most recent version.
"The game is crap"
"Don't be rude"
Funny how you say that.
To unzip a file, right click and choose unzip.
You will need software that does that. You'll find you usually already have WinZip. 7Zip is also an excellent option.
If you want respect, be respectful. If you wanted to play my crap game, you could have used your crap brain to google how to unzip a file.
I'm having trouble openning the game on m1 mac? Is there a way to solve this? THanks!
Follow the android installation guide under the "HOW TO PLAY ON ANDROID" sign.
Works for everyone else.
This fellow advises you downgrade to a working one until they fix the more recent one.
Hmm, unfortunately I don't have a mac and can't test it out. Sorry.
Other games I have in my library have the same issues, the following is from the comments section of one of those games, but it should be a universal fix.
For MAC users:
If the game won't run, open the internal executable: show package content on app - contents - macOS - open game executable file
Open the terminal. Paste (with a space at the end): xattr -dr
Drag the app onto the terminal, so you get something like xattr -dr /Users/<username>/Games/"Game_Name_Here"/"Game_name".app
Run that command. The app should now open properly every time without needing to locate and run the internal executable.
EDIT: edited filepath info to remove the name of the other game to prevent promotion of a game without permission.
M2 Mac owner here. Game running flawlessly.
Basically simply downloaded, then opened, which unzipped the package. Running it opening download folder an clicking on the extracted package. Only using a Mac since about a month, so it can't be that hard.
Btw. awesome game!
I'm trying to run this game but it tells me there's not enough space on the disk. Is anyone else having this issue?
Help would be very appreciated
That error means what it says, literally. You need to clear up space on your disk.
love this game too bad my craptop couldint handle the last update. keep up the good work
Sorry about that, the game shouldn't be too intensive though.
Ita pretty much a old potato with a screen needed to be replaced ages ago.
I wanted to say that I really like the game and I wanted to ask because there is almost no game except the one with breast expansion. are you going to add more of these or that there are other sizes on android
That's not a fetish I plan on expanding a lot.
Was that a fuckin pun xD
Did something happen to the discord? The link would not let me on :(
It's possible your account was banned if it was hacked.
Hey Runey, just wanted to enquire as to the status of the game... I finished everything there was to do earlier this year, probably around May-ish... I know you are likely busy, but I have really enjoyed this game from start to well, where it's at now... Just wondering if there's any updates on the horizon.
10/10 on what is there already though.
Yes, there are updates on the horizon. I have been actively posting them.
sweet, thanks mate
Hey runey! I’m happy to support, but I just wanted to confirm that there won’t be any loli/underaged stuff in the game at any point. I want to support but that stuff makes me personally feel icky.
Absolutely not. Never.
that is a great relief. Keep up the great work!
I came for the porn, I stayed for over 16 hours and counting for the story, the yandere is my favorite character, I normally detest the yandere trope and there's so many other character tropes in this game that are up my alley so.. thats saying alot, keep up your work, you're an amazing writer, you've poured your love into this game, you have me hooked. I'm going to be keeping a close eye for updates, I'd pledge dedicator level if i could but sadly there's alot of circumstnaces as to why I can't, if this game ever hits steam though (idk if you're planning to) I'll 100% get it
Thank you :)
Hi Runey!
Glad to see you're still active. I was just wonder if you had a roadmap in place for upcoming content, and a timeline for pregnancy in particular. Also, just out of curiosity, do you have any new girls planned, or if the focus is gonna be to continue to flesh out and build upon the existing crew?
Yep, there's a roadmap. Pregnancy has always been planned for the end. New characters have joined the game in every update. One more main character is planned.
Good to hear. I just checked out the post on 0.16 on the Patreon, and expanding the exploration and early game sounds like it'll be interesting. I know pregnancy has been planned for a long time, but I wasn't sure how far down the line it was from being added. Just to clarify, though, do you mean "for the end" from a narrative or a developmental standpoint?
Thanks for the quick answer, and I'm glad your taking your time in order to take care of yourself. I've been playing every now and then for a couple years now and it's still one of my favorites out there. I can't wait to see everything you've been working on and what's still to come!
The end, narratively.
Thanks for playing :)
we know at MINIMAL one other character as there's a door that isn't implemented yet on the second floor
so is their gunna be more added to this cause there's no ending.
also would love more side quests with the elves.
The game is in progress, as you can see both here and in the game itself, so yes.
How many times will i have to go to coffee with android to unlock the exhibitionist trait?
She makes a remark about doing lewd stuff, and then when she's ready to start doing Exhibition events, raise the stat to 10.
Okay, first of all, great game. Second, I wanted to update to the latest version but I don't think that there is an update function. Am I blind or am I going to have to download the latest then move my save
If you're expecting some sort of system that updates the game for you, sorry, there never has been.
You can download the new file and delete the old if you want.
As listed in the download section above, you can also use a patch to apply just the latest update alone to the last version, if that's what you have.
As for saves, they are stored elsewhere on PC and will always be safe. On mobile, yes, move them from the old file to the new one.
How to score handjobs with Android? Being that setting an alarm she gives blowjobs? Is there another way?
Not yet. Her first alarm was handjobs, and that's currently the only way to increase that stat.
Her 6/9 Lust event, Wordplay with Friends, specifically choosing Ashley, raises Handjob.
That's the only way to increase the stat once her alternate form is unlocked.
Thank you very much.
how to increase friendship with lin?
Click "Talk" on her door.
For more specifics, we'd need to know what event you're on.
There's also a handy wiki linked at the top of this page that has all her events and their requirements.
does that mean that friendship and relationship are the same thing
i want to unlock autumn's relationship level 23 for which it specifies "Lin's friendship must be at least 28"
Yes, Friendship was renamed to Relationship Level in v0.15, and all instances in game have yet to be renamed.
what is the definitely update ?Can you update before September? Because it is my new school term day . qwq
Ps :Good news for you that you have a lot fans in China!
This game is dangerous..... Be careful, because once you have played this game, a lot of other adult visual novels just won't stack up to the same level. You really start to sympathize and feel for the cast the more the game goes on.
When I first started playing this one, I did not think it was going to leave such an impression on me....
The Tsundere clones are the best thing since apple pie.
Agreed. Definitely one of the best there is
Are you ever going to make this available for the app. If not doing it old school is fine but it would make it more convenient.
I don't believe it's possible.
That's cool the some other games I have install but dont play I still have to old school them too. Can't wait for the next update.
Midway through the game I had to let go of my cock to grab my reading glasses. 10/10, masterpiece.
Haha thanks
do you guys have a walkthrough
We have a wiki, linked at the top of the page.
Harem Hotel v0.16 Alpha has released for testing. Here's a preview
Oh boy, these are some good news!
it looks like a great update i cant wait
It's about the girls... The guy is the vessel to tell the story. Is what Runey42 said
Constructive criticism is always welcome, but bitching will change nothing.
The protagonists are the 8 main characters. You are playing a self insert.
You're not allowing her to break down her own memory to create more androids. She did that without you ever knowing. The person who made android spent decades coding it. Kali can't just do that again, or copy/paste it.
I feel like I'm just explaining the story I wrote to you again. I don't know if this is a troll or something, but it feels like you just looked at the summaries on the wiki and aren't applying any of the extra context the scenes give you.
One of android's biggest theme is humanity, as is often done with sentient androids. They're made in our image, so it's common for them to be a figurative mirror to humanity. This is partly why Android has to make sacrifices when she has a child, it taxes her body in the process.
You kinda feel like American Psycho.
"Runey: It's not possible.
Dimwit: Why isn't it possible?
Runey: It's just not.
Dimwit: Why not you stupid bastard?"
Besides, there are valid criticism of both Runey and his work, but you just flat out lied here. Runey didn't insult you. Runey alluded that you are misrepresenting the story (and you do), but that's not an insult. He then wondered if you might be a troll, deliberately misrepresenting. Considering your grammar, I don't buy that idea. My idea is that you're not a troll, you just really, really did not understand Androids story. Kind of sad, but it is what it is.
For reference, I did insult you, and I won't claim otherwise.
Anyone found the insult yet...?
the end game story i so long and dramatic, i skiped the android story and lins at the end TLDR
Make sad girl happy
Stop heckling. Have you even played the game?
Visual novels tend to have long stories, kinda sounds like a personal problem if you downloaded it expecting otherwise
it started al great but the endgame, too much story you go from managing a hotel to leading a revolution with love and hope bs
What else do you expect from a visual novel about dating an entire harem? What else other than love?
I wouldn't call it "love and hope bs" knowing Runey builds up on the entire Elf slavery context, and it's pretty justified that Lin and you come in contact with some rebels like Nia and start from there. I get you and agree that there's a lot of story, and it becomes kinda exhausting, but I've gotten used to read a lot of VN's, and I've grown to like it.
You could try Lucky Paradox, Ripples or Eternum (more linear) or Freshwoman. But I think, story wise HH beats them. And is more deeply developed. But nice games nonetheless, I would suggest you start with Lucky Paradox.
But all of them are unfinished, you will be stuck in the same loop again ;D
I liked Mythic Manor a lot, and Heroe's Harem Guild is slow but solid. :)
Corrupted Kingdoms might be worth checking out. It offers the same non-linear freedom (as much as you get with these games that is), has a decent cast of main characters, and quite a lot of scenes. Also similar to how you invest in your hotel for more scenes/income, you invest in real estate for more scenes/income. Different art style though, more cartoony so might not perfectly scratch that itch.
If i play in android and then upgrade i can save my progress?
Well it depends. If you aren't required to uninstall the previous version to update the game, just update it. Otherwise you have to back up "save" files before deleting/updating the game.
btw, you can find savings folder in android/data/[game_folder]
ty gentleman
ummm when will the next update come out
Check my patreon.
Greetings Runey!
Thank you for creating one of the most memorable story games I've played in a while. I hope you earn yourself an at least OK living with it, you'd deserve it. This really isn't "just another H game" - you're putting thought into it, and it shows. Kudos!
Despite enjoying this game for quite some time, I cannot make any contributions in terms of money... but I hope I can at the very least give you some feedback that you can work with.
As I am a fanfiction author, I know that sometimes, good criticism & feedback can be quite valuable as well. And maybe, you'll find another writer's perspective helpful, too.
Now, this will be a bit of a wild mix between praise, criticism and general comments, so please excuse my scattered brain. Anyone else: HEAVY SPOILER WARNING.
Phew, that was a lot of text. Sorry about that. But I do hope that my thoughts & ideas are at least somewhat helpful for you! You have and still are creating something excellent here, so don't let me spoil it for you.
Thank you a lot for the time and effort you've put into this. It's been excellent and, not joking, one of my favourite games.
Thanks for the feedback :)
Many of the same things will still happen in both routes. Such as Nia losing in that scene, and getting Peni, but the perspective will be different. In the love route, it's fairly normal to take care of Nia, but in the slave route, this shows that he still cares. He may be abuse his power in the slave route, but he's never a vengeful master. This keeps the player character consistent across the slave route and the overarching story.
Cornwall hasn't flipped, he has just become more defined. When he was first introduced he made vague hints that he was more than who he appeared to be. That from your words, he had to prove you wrong so publicly and immediately.
The concept of Hope is something that has been on my mind since the start. Hope appears when faced with an insurmountable odds, and Lin's story especially has themes of hope for this reason. For the ending to be meaningful and impactful there needs to be struggle. The light shines brightest in the dark after all.
The player character is a self insert. I'm sorry you haven't been able to connect with him. I try to give the player as many different options as possible.
The manager wasn't passive, you just weren't following him. That day was from Ashley's perspective this time. It should be clear enough that he was doing things for Ashley.
I'm not sure where you would be getting the impression that he has no drive, or isn't able to lead. He has been shown to take initiative plenty of times, but the player character is also a supportive one, as the main characters are the 8 women. He is almost literally Nia's sidekick for example. But I don't know where this disconnect is coming from.
I'm also not sure exactly what you're pointing out in the Ashley event.
I haven't heard of that bug before, and because that content hasn't been touched in a very long time, it's likely this is a bug on your end and is a result of updating or something.
Fair, I'll try my best to clarify. Wall of text, coming up. Pardon in advance if things a worded a bit "roughly" - I am actively trying to sell to you that I am not insane.
If you can "sell" both routes as viable options - again, I have trouble believing Nias 'slave route' as much as her 'love route' - then more power to you, and I won't say anything further. After all, there is a reason as to why you present both options.
Perhaps my problem with Cornwall is simply that in the early game, yes, he shows certain signs, and Trenero's half-elf wife is another indication... but unless I am mistaken, ever since, the only role he's had is to further a reputation as ruthless politician who seeks election to a higher post beyond anything. With no sign otherwise. Which is irritating given how relatively "open" he was during that "slave training contest" - unless that's on your list of scenes to be reworked/rewritten, too.
A similar thing goes on with Trereno. I am not trusting you in any way-shape-or-form, that those "elf bots" are any good :P It's a bad triangle of Religion, Politics, Business in that world... Religion keeps the people stupid, Politics make sure to eliminate everything diverging from what it should be (removing people's right to vote), and business makes sure to profit from it, while feeding the other two. And with no sizeable public or other support to back up change (Vanessa says, while meeting Nia, that the pro-slavery-faction in Syl'vanar has dropped by, what, 8% - OVER 30 YEARS?)...
If I look at Lins story arch seperately, without connecting too much to the others, then I see some vague glimmers, too.
But if I look at the whole picture...
Hope can only arise if there is a hint of weakness in the system. If you hope beyond hope, you're not hopeful, you're desperate.
To use Star Wars as a comparison, an unshielded venting duct that you can only see if you have the blueprints of the Death Star. You, the author, do have those blueprints. And you can say with confidence that you can make it work.
I, as a player, cannot see any sizeable holes in what looks like the completey bulletproof system of Syl'vanar. You're giving far too many hints as to how effed Syl'vanar is, as a country and especially the human portion of said society.
I see few-to-none promising points at which the Manager or his ""crew"" (take that term with more than a grain of salt) could actually use to better their situation - or how they would have any hope aside from something desperate. And as it stands at the moment, they've got their backs against the wall. Not much to inspire hope. Only a desperate struggle & gambit.
Then again, perhaps it's my cynisism that I don't see what's obvious? I'll trust your judgement, you hold and know all the cards, after all. If you can prove me wrong - likely: WHEN - I'll tip my hat. Perhaps we are not as far advanced into the storyline as I thought, and you have a few more tricks still up your sleeve. That's not me trying to belittle you, that's me being genuinely curious, and I am looking forward to what is to come. And what you've said about your plans with Cornwall does put my mind at ease.
The disconnect comes from me feeling as if I do not understand why the Manager is doing some of the things he does, whilst others make perfect sense. His behaviour is inconsistent to me, to the point that I do not feel as if I have much control over what is happening, at least during certain stages.
Have you ever played a Bioware RPG? I am a huge fan of Mass Effect, where you can really shape your Commander Shepard by the choices you make. I am not insane enough to hold you to the same standards as a full AAA studio; but it feels as if I am jumping from one end of the spectrum of behaviour to the next (Renegade/Paragon).
To give you an example, again using Ashley:
During the latter stages of Ashley's story arch, the Manager shows that he can indeed lead. He is making the suggestions he's bringing forth the clever ideas, depending on how you chose you seem to actually have an influence over what happens. Especially during the trip to the slums. I felt connected to what happened - even if that connection was to "HIM", not "MYSELF".
Contrary to that, when Ashley pulls her knife on Maria - no reaction? No: "Why did you just do that?" Not even an internal monologue about what happens, shock or curiosity? When Ashley drugs you - why can't you show anger? If someone tried to force a pill on me, I'd be PISSED, no matter who that was.
The difference, I think, is down to the fact that in these earlier scenes, the Hotel Manager has not many thoughts himself - while towards the latter stages, he develops a life of his own.
I do not have only an elder sister, I certainly wasn't always helping around house to be able to fix the broken shower Autumn was in.
And at the same time, if Autumn had acted out of char, and you can see what's happening - there should be, in my mind at least, some sort of an internal reflection. If you intend on having a "little revenge" on Autumn due to her disrespect of the other girls (especially Android), it should be reflected somewhere.
And on the OTHER hand, it was THE MANAGERS, not MY, initiative that helped Lin back up on her feet after she crashed the car - and everything else.
That might sound cynic or strange - but you may actually have become a victim of your own success, in that the story parts are very interlinked with each other, so as the player, you CANNOT chose freely enough for it to be a full self insert. And at the same time, your chars are so wonderfully complex, that in order for the Manager to properly interact with each, he can't be a bland mirror anymore, so he either has to become a CHAR we play, or you would have to build in so many intervowen and complex answer options that would also have to be recalled later in the game so that the Manager can STAY bland and act as the player's mirror. So he's both leading and very much NOT leading, being simply dragged along by what is happening, being both "powerful" and "powerless".
Just my 50 cents in that regard... Because, while yes, the Manager is literally a sidekick in some occasions, he's also the reason the whole show is running at all. Which, I feel, is a bit ... not forgotten, but underappreciated.
One of the girls visiting HIM while Maria's gone, to offer (emotional or other) support, for example, would've gone a long way to show that both sides of the coin are connected.
It's possible that that bug came from upgrading an earlier version, as you say. I'll check if I can find anything and will let you know if something pops up.
So, there's that. Pardon me, again, if it sounds like I am trying to convince you to do things "my way" - I'm just trying to make my points clear, maybe to the point of overcooking them, so they are workable for you. My brain tends to wander, and perhaps I am overthinking certain things.
That being said, don't let this distract you from the fact that you've created something for me to actually CARE about. And that is simply excellent work.
Both the love route and the slave route are not equal. As the options you choose should make clear, the love route is for story, the slave route is for sex.
Yes, that slave training contest is planned to be remade into something else at some point, it doesn't totally fit with the flow of that arc.
The elfbots use elf blood as the energy source, I'm certainly not trying to present the concept as good. That's Trenero's job. If people only hear the good things, the project will get greenlit. Only a very few elite people, and you and his daughter, know the dark secrets of how the elfbot is made at the moment.
Lin started out as a hopeless slave who now has a former royal and Nia following her. I won't go on, like you say, you can see the glimmers already.
Kali has went from a lazy girl with no accomplishments to a somewhat ambitious one at the moment, she's beginning to strive for great things and her level of skill has improved vastly in a short amount of time.
Ashley started as a depressed girl who refused to express herself honestly out of fear, now she's quite happy and gaining confidence and has been shown multiple times to help others when they're down now. She saved Android from getting any worse for example. She went from helpless to helpful, and is now trying to save another person's life (Ms. Ren).
Maria is probably the best example from recent events. The hospital shook things up a lot, but Maria very quickly found a new purpose in rebelling and finding her mother.
It's always been my goal to take these broken people, get them healed, and have them use their experience to help the world. These characters would not be able to turn into the great ones I know they will be at the end of this story without being forged in fire so to speak. I think the hope is there, but it's not exactly where you expect it to be.
I would guess that Harem Hotel's story is about 60% done. More than half of the main characters have moved into the stages of "Helping the world" or are moving into that stage now since many of their isolated personal problems have been dealt with and they've been able to grow as a result.
And there are many holes in Syl'anar's system! Which I would love to talk about.
The biggest may be the most obvious, yet the one that may go most unnoticed as well. Slave workers. Every single vital part of Syl'anar's society is run by elves, from farmers, to cooks, delivery drivers, etc. Just about everything that isn't scientific, artistic, or political. If it involves labor, it's probably done by an elf. (But they've revolted 3 times before, so this is shown to be not enough)
Another weakness, which is much more subtle, is that the bulk of Syl'anar's military can be disarmed with an extremely cheap and available material. Paint. Vanessa points out that throwing paint on a droid's head (Such as the police droids) will block their sensors. Or just spray paint will do the job. EMPs would also work, but that's not as available.
The rest of their strength is in the police force, which is definitely substantial, and always has been in their history to control slaves.
I should also point out that you have the only sentient android(s) known to exist, so that has to count for something. You're also in bed with Kali, and she has a lot of potential to do some damage with her skills and who she is as a person.
And another weakness, which is much more subtle, is that the humans in Syl'anar are in constant fear. They're fed both lies and truths about the imminent collapse of their nation/economy if elves are freed, or treated equally. The hate all serves a specific purpose, and that is to keep elves as slaves on a cultural level. But a nation built on fear is a very internally fragile one. (But we are just now starting to see the main characters effect the world after all)
There's more, but I don't want to keep flooding this post.
Most of the events you mentioned about the player character's character are from some of the oldest events not yet remade, which is the same case with Cornwall's slave training orgy event. I think what you're noticing is my less than stellar writing at the time.
As for how the manager acts, well, this isn't a sandbox game, this is a very linear story. The choices you make are flavor only. The choices you make help shape the character you insert to. You are still playing as a character, but that character is meant to be you, not the hero of the story. So of course he will help Lin, you don't need to click a button to do that. It's impossible for any game to be a completely full self insert, at least with current tech. In every self insert story, the character has some of their own agency. Oh, I guess aside from D&D! Unless you have a bad DM, haha.
I wouldn't be able to write every possible action to make everyone happy in every moment, but I don't think I need to make him a fully fledged main character either.
Fair. You've made your points in response to mine, and I respect your reasoning. YOUR game, YOUR story, YOUR calls to make.
Last set of replies, won't bother you any further.
As long as the slave route doesn't inherently break the story, no argument from my side. But you seem very much aware of that, so, I don't need to worry.
That's excellent news, because I thought we were beyond 75%, frankly. But yeah, with some reworks to earlier scenes (and I know the pain of having to rewrite supar early chapters, trust me...) and knowing that there ARE more twists and turns to come as I expected, then I think you got this.
One last warning, if I may: Keep in mind that the Syl'vanar you created is noted as THE singular most powerful nation in your world. And as the prior uprisings and their consequences (like chipping the elves) have shown - it MUST be resilient to change, even if only from institutional inertia and the simple MASS of forces at its disposal, political, military, judical, religion etc. etc.
You'll only break such a regime with either a singular, but devastating blow, or by slowly chipping away at its fundamentals. And the system WANTS to keep it together, so reprisals are to be expected, no matter how fragile the system is. For an extreme example: 3rd Reich, or even the Soviet Union (the final throes of which we are experiencing right now with the War against Ukraine).
(Speaking, for example, about the paint attacks - change to another way of detection, and the attacks are nullified. Just so far, noone bothered. Just as far as the mercenaries attacking Night Owl Clan haven't tried overwhelming force, or at all, since the 3 (!) old model mechs arrived.)
That being said, your talks about the fragility of a nation in fear are entirely correct. Take the entirety of the former Eastern Bloc as an example. So, I rest easy knowing you know what you're doing.
And as far as your comments about the manager are concerned... You are also entirely correct, and I am/was probably overthinking it.
That being said, I'll respectfully disagree regardless - if the main choices are linear, which they are, flavour can only do so much to make HIM the player avatar.
So I will stick to it - in that case, having an established persona to assume right from the get-go would be my preferred choice, so that the player always knows what to expect.
But as I said, the "char" of the Manager is starting to become somewhat established later on, without the need to make him a "real" char at all.
And if that's the case, I won't be able to immerse myself in him - but that hasn't stopped me before from playing this game, and judging by all the other comments, nobody else cares much either. So, to be blunt about it, if you're reworking some of the earlier parts later anyway, with just a bit more polish this'll work just nicely. :D
Thank you for taking your time to read & reply to what I had to say, and I hope that, regardless, it was somewhat useful for yourself as well.
Once again, thank you a lot for creating this game. I'll look forward to further releases.
Does it playable in android? If Yes can u give me the link?
Read the big flashy "How to play on Android" above.
Okk Thanks
Very serious question here, why would you give us an awesome elven woman like Jin, and then take her away forever? According to the game dialog she was only supposed to have to abstain for a few weeks after her "cure" but it has been way over a month in-game and she is still an unavailable character. I find that very disappointing and don't understand the logic behind it. Why lock-out what has to be a popular character? Outstanding game overall though, very well done in all respects.
Runey didn't take her away, nor lock her out. You sent her to the hospital for a week and have yet to pick her up. Enter Lin's room.
She is already back per-se, in Lin's room, has been for over a month (in-game), but she is no longer interact-able with except for "how are you" and she can no longer be summoned to the dungeon. Yes she still "exists" but we are "locked out" from any physical interaction with her. Thus my question to the creator, why add her appreciable talents to the harem only to then take her away? In other words, why turn an excellent fun sexual partner into a glorified mannequin?
As should be clear, Harem Hotel is still in development. Every character will get content eventually.
It should also be clear in game that her mind was forcefully altered and she was loaded with drugs that changed her body in ways she did not want. It is the main character's goal to heal her, and get her off those drugs.
Ah ok, so you just mean you have finished her content for this version. That's not locked out either, the game is in progress, as Runey made clear.
is it possible to download the new version without losing your save data?
Always. Saves automatically transfer, you don't need to do anything extra.
where are the save files located? i tried deleting them in game/saves but it had no effect. Thank you!
To add on to what Runey said
Specifically C:\Users\<your name>\AppData\Roaming\RenPy\Harem Hotel
thank you!
I play this game to get horny but the more i play,the more depressed i am throughout the story:<
I'm sorry to hear that.