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Are the events replayable? I missed the Kali and Lucy H scene because she didn't have enough sluttiness points iirc

You can't miss any events, only the rare bonus option within events that are completely optional. Almost all of them require Exhibition and/or Submission.
And yes, you can replay events in the Gallery, however it will play as default, aka assumes your stats are all the minimum.

yes, exactly that! So I have to restart it with the required points to unlock the bonus, then?

If you want, yeah. You could also just load a save before that event was played, raise those stats and play it.
If it helps, there's a save page to the left of the first page that has autosaves, in case you've already saved over your manual ones.

Yeah i love this game, especially Ashley, i love a cute yandere girl like her


Wait, there is no apk version? I think i played this game in the earlier year with apk version not emulated one


apk has a 2GB size limit. HH is over 10GB, and already compressed down from ~90GB.


At some point I may have missed an explanation to this, but I'm going to ask anyway ....

In the opening splash screen it appears that our beloved Harem Hotel has 5 levels.

The dungeon (which we don't see from the outside)

The Lobby

The First Floor

The Second Floor

and  in appearance it seems we have a THIRD Floor!!

And of course we have the roof which we haven't seen either.

Any comment on a third floor??



Current day modern hotels have the various machinery (heating, air conditioning, ventilation, fire suppression, server rooms, etc) in the top of the building, because if/when they explode, if they are in the basement, as traditional, the whole building might collapse, while the modern version, it'll only take off the roof (and some of these can be quite explosive). So if the hotel is taller on the outside than what you can account for on the inside, I think the various maintenance stuff is in there, it's just that Android is keeping an eye (and several cameras) on it, so we don't need to go there, ever.


its not working its always return home 😭😭 miss this game and now icant play it


Read the guide under the big "HOW TO PLAY ON ANDROID" image on this page.

Deleted 1 year ago
(1 edit) (+1)

Sounds like a JoiPlay issue then. This fellow has a workaround until they release a working version (sometimes they release a broken one, like now I guess).

I use it on joiplay no problem but if your playing via phone you have to take into account your phones processor

 You're so fucking dead.

(1 edit)

I'm still kinda new to the game although i've played for a while,do i need some req for exhibition to increase?i went out like dinner with Lin and Android but it didn't increase


As it says when you start the game, no stat is required to advance anyone's story. 

You must also actually do exhibitionism to increase exhibitionism as opposed to just clicking the button and eating together...


To put it simple if i remember correctly you need to get to a certain point in the story of maria to actually get the chance to upgrade exhibition in the main girls, o and a certain level with them of course, still i dont remember the exact moment

ty both,yeah i had to just play and once i focused more on one character those options and stats opened up.ty for responding

What do i say when Kate ask can I help you with anything because it's asking me to type and I'm so confused

Remember the four riddle sets you answered, each ending with giving a single letter, and when finished she said "you have gained knowledge that will be useful some day"?
Enter those letters. She will then give you a hint on how they're arranged.

If you just want the straight up spoiler:






Thanks for the help

Hey, I’m new to this game and have been playing for the past few days (amazing game btw) but I was wondering if I’d be able to transfer my save file over when the new update comes out?

On PC they automatically transfer because they are backed up on your C: drive.
On Android, simply move the saves from the old game folder to the new.

okay thank you for clearing that up for me

Will there be more content for Kate? Been waiting for more of her for so long hahaha 

No character's story is done, so yes.

Idk if i did something wrong the game just keep crashing on joiplay. Is there other apps like joiplay? I really wanna play this game

Make sure you are following the guide under the "HOW TO PLAY ON ANDROID" image on this page.

i can play the game its just keep crashing

I really love this game. Thanks to the team. Will the v0.16 patch includes pregnancy?

(2 edits) (+4)

Pregnancy will be included after the story is done. No main character is in the right state of mind or environment to raise a child right now.


That's a very mature way of going about it


Team? Confirmed, Runey has cloned himself, knew it :P


Really awesome game bro!


Must be patient, the update is soon
Must be Patient, the Update is soon
Must be patient...but I waaaaant it!! 

In all seriousness, I don't mind the wait, this is high quality content. That said, I'm still gonna check this daily cause I know that update will be soon. 

(1 edit) (+9)

Still a few weeks away. There have been some setbacks and some things may have to be delayed because of it. v0.16 turned out to be much more than I imagined it would be and is requiring 3x the work, if not more. I've created more characters, backstories, assets and environments than any other update, so that takes up a lot of time. On top of that, the amount of actors required for each event is increasing a lot lately. But I won't be half-assing anything!


Doesn't matter, for your content, the wait is worth it.

Deleted 2 years ago

I agree with anguisfuror, as much as I want v0.16, i'm sure the wait is going to be worth it.

A few weeks? I can live with that, and it saves me from a daily check XD. I'm sure most of us are happy to wait for the quality, and its wonderful to hear that there's gonna be a bunch of new content! 

Close to next update? I miss this game


Coming soon. Read my comment above this one for more info :)


Originally found this through vids on a porn site, great story.


Thank you!


Best game. Looking forward to the next update!


how  fix joi play when i lunching hotel harem on joi play its always return home how my  phone version android 9

Did you unpack the file with RAR

(1 edit)

Same i did unpack it with RAR android 11

yes i unpack it  i dont know its always return home when i press hotel harem

Could someone tell me specificly where can i find Nias list?


The computer.

what do i have to ask Kate in school?

vore. It's all ur typed answers but backwards.



i've played a lot of porn games and this is the best one i've played

i only wanted to beat my meat and here i am with tears in my eyes playing through some of these stories


check out eternum by caribdis, it's another really good story porn where u care more for the story as well. I love all these devs man. Back here just to see if 0.16 is out HAHA

I second this! Eternum and HH are the two best games on this site. 
If Caribdis and Runey work together on a game, it would likely be the best narrative experience this decade. And with Tits! Instant 3 star game right there XD

Deleted post

Choose another one, there are multiple for exactly such an occasion.

Deleted post
Deleted post

i cant play this game anymore bcuz when i lunch hotel harem on joi play its always return home my device is andriod 9


Why is there android tag there's only pc and fart?


Read the words under the big flashy "How to play on Android" above.

Joiplay don't work for shit 

Sorry to hear. This fellow has a workaround until they fix it.

Great game! Is there any way to make the dialog window transparent on android? The checkbox options in settings aren't working for me. (v.15.1)


I’m waiting on v0.16 to come out here to start this game.   I remember reading somewhere that this version will have some early game content that was removed.  Or maybe I’m wrong but that’s the reason I’m holding off.  Which leads me to my question, will the update be out here on Itch in the coming days, weeks, months?  My Steam Deck is ready 🤣


>Which leads me to my question, will the update be out here on Itch in the coming days, weeks, months?

There's no concrete date, but an approximation (from patreon): Sometime between October - November.

There are beta builds already available to 10$+ patrons.

Thanks I may support your patreon for a couple months and take a look at it.  


I've never mentioned that any early game content will be removed, in fact I mentioned a large expansion to the early game in my development announcement post which you can find on my patreon.

Hey so I got $10 subscription.  I went to Download the Beta version but I get this.  Am I missing a step?  I press “try again” but nothing happens. 

Never mind.  I was missing a step .  I needed to authorize my discord account.  Thanks 

Early game content will be added, nothing has been removed only to later be readded.

Yeah, I misunderstood.   Thank you for clarification.

Is there any point in doing kates riddles (is there a scene you unlock or something)


yes if you finish all of them including the "secret" riddle at the end there is a scene for it.


do you know what to say been stumped on it for a while

Check the wiki.

I've been playing on android using joi play, i bought outfits for girls, but when i playing repeatable scenes using outfit that i just bought, it always show another outfit. For example i use harem outfit for Lin's  repetable scene, but the game played the repeatable scene with vines outfit. Playing repeatable scene using lingerie on Maria's repeatable scene, but the game played the scene with red dress. Is this a bug or i've misplayed somthing?


This can happen when you load older saves on the new version. Just complete the action and replay it.


Nope, i just downloaded and played 3 days ago, so the save game is on v0.15.1 version. I played for entire weekend and reach the end game for this version. Btw this is game is superb, amazing story so i get too addicted to playing this game for entire weekends. Thanks for creating this superb game. :)

I accidentally opted not to continue Lucias story, is there a way to revert that?

(1 edit) (+4)

There is no way to start someone's story again once you've ended it unfortunately. Unless you knew how to cheat.


Are you... willing to tell me how to cheat?


You can use a program called Unren to enable the in game console. Once that's enabled you can type in: lucy_friendship = 1. Alternatively, there are cheat codes and such for patrons on Patreon.

Alright, thanks a lot :)


Whitch one am I suppose to download? The 2022 version says  that: "Too many users have viewed or downloaded this file recently. Please try accessing the file again later. If the file you are trying to access is particularly large or is shared with many people, it may take up to 24 hours to be able to view or download the file. If you still can't access a file after 24 hours, contact your domain administrator." I imagine the 2022 version is the one we're suppose to download though... Am I missing something?

(1 edit) (+1)

Yes, read the downloads. You chose the mirror (a backup link). What you see is the date the download option was added, not when the build was uploaded.

Oh, thank you very much! I knew I had to be missing something (lol).


Harem Hotel v0.16 beta build 2 has released, here's a preview!


it looks like that game is no longer on phones because it shows pc at the end


Read the words under the big flashy "How to play on Android" above.


Hey great game, was wondering if there were plans to add futanari content?


That content isn't my cup of tea, so don't expect it. But stuff like that may pop in every once in a while.


Is this game still under development? Because it's been about a year sense the download links have been updated on here. I am aware that the creator of the game has a Patreon (that unfortunately I cant support at the moment) either way I have to say this is a really good game with a world that has a lot more depth then I was expecting when I first downloaded.

(1 edit) (+5)

in fact 0.16 is coming very soon.. and the last big update was in april this year.. the downloadlinks are just the originals which keep getting updated..


So they keep getting updated but the date says its 2021? If thats so then I apricate you explaining that to me :) im new to


Developing the game is Runey's full time job, and the download links were last updated 5 months ago (and just under 1month ago for the latest beta build).

I see the 2022 download now, idk why I didnt see it before.

Probably that thing does where it permanently shows the current download link date as the first ever download link date.

(1 edit) (+1)

I'm not sure why Patreon has a reputation for being for paying customers only, it's not that at all. You're free to check my patreon and the recent updates. Some are locked to those who support me, but any news is free.

The latest update is also listed right above this comment section, currently it September 16th so that makes it 5 months.


I see the patch notes now, I didn't know Patreon had anything at all that you could view for free. You're totally right in thinking that there is a reputation for it only being for paying costumers. I'm new to all of this stuff and im glad I know that now. 

Enjoy! :)

Just a simple question before i start downloading the game can i put the game data in a external storage? 

If you're talking about a microSD on your phone, no. It won't work.

1. When is version 0.16 more or less expected?

2. Is there any Christmas event in the game? Because I saw screenshots of Ashley and Violet in the "Santa Claus" girls' costumes somewhere on the net.


1) When it's ready. Read Runey's Patreon posts for date estimates and progress updates.

2) No, those are promotional art. Violet didn't have one though (as far as I know), she was old Patron reward content that has long since been removed.

Mudae (a discord bot game) shows that she did have a Christmas outfit after all 🤔

(1 edit) (+1)

Again, promotional art, not in game.
The outfit looks nice on them though.

(1 edit)

It's very strange that these images have been added to that bot, those aren't in the game anymore and were never canon. Could those be removed? Violet was never canon either, I'm not sure why she exists.

Apparently it can be removed, but I don't know how. But let them stay there. At least there's a character gallery. And possibly Mudae players may find their way into your game (as long as they don't turn off the game characters and hentai characters in the draw options). Such a "advertisement" of the game.
PS. Violet has nice red-vampire eyes :) She could hypnotize someone with them

just a quick bug report, when you sleep with the android the face icons at the bottom right don't show up when the new day screen comes up

Thanks for the report.


This game is so good, I'm playing for the storyline.

Not a fan of visual novels, so I don't know what inspired me to pick this one up. World-building is very well done. The only unrelatable boring character is the protagonist, but hey, it's called Harem Hotel, so it's not like I wasn't expecting Mary Sue.

Sex scenes are too grindy and repetitive and ironically for the genre less interesting than the story scenes, but story scenes alone are definitely worth playing for.

P.S. Please let there be an opportunity to have the android use her gun to shoot Cornwall in the middle of his ugly pro-slavery face.

(2 edits)

Thanks, but the player character is meant to be a self insert, so he's not meant to have much character at all. I certainly wouldn't want to add any Mary Sue stuff, because that would be bad writing. Where have you noticed this?

There's no reason to grind sex scenes, they're totally optional and for your enjoyment. There's hundreds of them as well, so you don't have to repeat the same one.


>I certainly wouldn't want to add any Mary Sue stuff, because that would be bad writing.

Mary Sue stuff isn't bad writing per se, it depends less on the nature of the character and more about the writing of the story for it to be bad writing, i'm almost sure that all shonen protagonist are Mary Sues, Goku never grows, Naruto was chosen for greatness since he was born, Saitama whatever, Seiya whatever, etc, yet Dragon Ball, Naruto, Saint Seiya and One Punch Man are quite popular for some reason (Not a big fan of shonen, but i'm sure that the reason aren't the main characters, but the world around them, there are a lot of mangas that will never reach the popularity of those above even if they have similar main characters because they can't simply replicate the world building without getting sued).

He's talking about the player, ¿Got nothing? Here's a business, ¿Have no idea of how to manage that business? Here's someone to do it for you (Btw, she's hot and is into you), ¿Are you polygamous? Everyone else here is too, and they are hot and into you.

(He's a Mary Sue by definition, but doesn't counts because he isn't a character).

That said, Mary Sue traits can be found in almost every character in the game (Mostly because of the nature of the game), 

The elf: ¿Are you a slave in a world of shit where your kind is used and disposed of without consequences nor regrets? Don't worry, you will have masters that won't do as much as even scar your pretty skin and will go to lose your virginity with the person you love(? who will also listen to your dangerous ideas that could strip him of his life, and who will believe in you even after failure because dying and dragging everyone around him to their death or imprisonment isn't as important as saving you from a world of pain that so far hasn't even scratched you (The player here comes as the biggest piece of shit, no doubt that Autumn, the twins and the poor bartender at some point will also bet their lives for the little elf, but until that point the hotel is being the cover of a super risky operation that could throw all of its inhabitants and employees into reeducation camps with them not even knowing why).

Ashley: ¿Are you a little useless self absorbed kid with shitty parents and no talent whatsoever? Don't worry you can threaten your bad parents with a knife, steal from them and live off of them without repercussions (Like being thrown in jail) and when living off your parents is no longer an option, don't worry, you didn't need money all along, the guy you raped, drugged/tried to drug and almost dragged into issues with the police due to your reckless behavior will now look after you, btw, everyone likes you and the ones that don't are just jealous.

Nice job with Maria, worked hard without results, lived a life that wasn't hers to begin with and went into more than one depressive episode as her world came crashing over her twice (Within the game, bet that there were some more before it began), pretty human and the flaws associated to a super expensive and rare creature being bought in an AUCTION by some broke hotel's manager is part of the flawed system around the game is build in, you can't fail because if you fail the story is lost.

Android: Doesn't counts, your creator intended you to be flawed, so you are flawed, your system knows of your flaws and doesn't like your flaws, but can't just crash (like Windows) because you are somewhat sentient and can overwrite such attempts, also you can dump your memory and do repartitions of yourself, but that's what your system dictates you should do.

The twins, ¿Are they even characters? ¿See the person you have been mean to, the one that pulled a knife to you? Well, you are now living in the same place, and don't worry, pulling knifes or telling his now boyfriend(? to kick you out to preserve her own mental health (Which doesn't seems to be good) isn't something she would do, not even after being victim of your blackmail and abuses, also, ¿See your dad? The very controlling guy that doesn't accept nothing but perfection from you, instead of forcing you into confinement to fix your behavior (Like he apparently has done before) he will let you two off the hook and not interfere with you, not even after he starts getting blackmailed into doing stuff that go according to what you want him to do (It wouldn't take much to put the blame of the blackmail on the twins, regardless of if it was them or not), also, you don't need money either because of bananas, (The best beginning for the twins is to not progress in Ashley Story until after they join the hotel, but that only works as a beginning because went the player encounters them in the school it's like they don't know him at all).

Autumn: Doesn't counts, i don't get Autumn, ¿How ignorant is Autumn supposed to be? Hard to judge her as a character when she seems to be so far removed from everything else, Autumn story feels like it is in a whole different world than the rest.

Kali: I'm almost sure that she has the same or more content than the elf, yet she's so bland that really nothing sticks, she's an Ashley, but by choice, and everyone is happy with it, really smart with a big future that throws it all away due to laziness, but wait a moment, everything comes back again to her because of reasons and she isn't lazy anymore and everything works out or something, Kali is tasteless bread, the elf has the slavery, Maria has her struggles, Ashley has her shitty parents, don't really know about the android, the twins or autumn, but by default they are more interesting that Kale because one is an Android, the other are a couple of characters which stories evolve together and the last one is a religious zealot, by default they are more interesting that i had a perfect life which i did throw away and now it is back, Kali is lame, the best bits of Kali come as part of someone's else story and that does her no favors as a character.

You are able to tell a story because your characters can't know failure (Except for Maria) since they don't have anything else outside of that story in which they could fail without it stopping the story, if Lin losses the support of the main casts, the story is done (We know that everyone will always be on board with little Lin's plans because if they are not the hotel would fall apart and Lin has no other aspirations in which she could fail), if Ashley gets sent to a mental hospital, the story is done (We know that Ashley mental issues will banish alone and be lost with no actual treatment because treating them would remove Ashley from the story and that won't happen, reason why i liked Maria/Android being actually removed, even if briefly to deal with their shit), if the twins are taken by their parent, the story is done, if Android doesn't fix its shit, the story is done, don't really know about Autumn, again, Autumn seems to be really disconnected from what appears to be the main story, she could move out of the other because she wants to be a full time nun or something like that and so far doesn't seems like the story would stop because of that, same applies to Kali (specially with the introduction of elf-Kali, just as smart and way more interesting), Maria will probably be in deep shit again at some point (Being bait seems to be risky), but we all know that if the player or Maria are killed while playing spy the story would be done, so it will work out.

I'm not complaining about the Mary Sue thing, don't get me wrong. I get that he's a self insert. I just mean he's got no history besides being an immigrant from another country with no family to speak of besides a grandfather who owned a hotel. Despite this, every nubile woman he meets finds him super interesting and attractive and wants to have sex with him. He might as well be Isabella Swan from Twilight.

However, as I said before, I'm not complaining about it. I'm not even marking you down for it. People don't play Half-Life because Gordon Freeman is super interesting.

It's the encounters your protagonist has with interesting, complex people, in a dystopian society on the brink of a civil rights revolution that makes this game interesting.

As for my gripe about sex scenes, maybe I'm just bothered that there's not enough variation in positions in repeatable sex scenes, although I like that anal is optional. Not kink shaming, but massive turn off for me.

All in all, easily the best Ren'Py visual novel I've ever played.


Windows mirror (google drive) message: "Too many users have viewed or downloaded this file recently".   can we get a reup?


Suggest releasing official .torrent file?


Choose another download option then. The Patreon source always has plenty in case your area's servers have problems like they currently are.
MediaFire, UploadHaven, GoFile, whatever.

oh, for sure. but google drive has always been far more reliable for me. perhaps not in terms of availability, but as long as it is downloadable, i've never had it fail. most other mirrors have failed me on occasion.

Download limits are why mirrors exist :) The other links should be working.


Hey so... i downloaded this game when it was only 2GB. I am not sure when that was but i enjoyed it alot. Every character had personality and there was alot of freedom of what player wants. Unlike alot of games i wasnot restricted to avoid some girls or play in different pattern. I broke my old phone before i got to finish the game. Now i downloaded it again. 9GB apparently. I want to say that every single improvment is on point. And best part has to be backstories of each girl, them having bad mood from nostalgia or trying to change themselves. Unlike any other game characters here actually change overtime according to their personalities and i think this game is only one that manages to bring it's girls in life. graphics are good and scenes are amazing quality. Still there are tons of beautiful games that make u want to delete them in few minutes just bcoz characters feel like they were just dumped in with good body and no mind of their own. In short... it's amazing game with immaculate storywriting, character design and CGI.

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