It should be soon, hopefully by the end of the month. Lot of things being added though, so its making sure all the new moving parts move correctly. On the Patreon they're up to Beta build 5, so I imagine the public version will be out soon.
Yup, apk has a 2gB limit and even at 90% compression the game is currently 10gB. Fan ultra compressions exist and Runey apparently is looking into ultra compressions himself, but keep in mind the image quality will be very bad.
History session with Nala makes no sense regarding the bows and draw strength.
Humans have/had no problem creating bows with high draw strength - especially with war bows you'd get a high draw strength (or weight). But the thing with draw strength is that you've got to actually have the strength to draw the bow! Being able to use a heavy war bow requires a lot of training. Otherwise there is a high chance to injure yourself and you couldn't even use the full potential of the bow.
Having the elves making bows with a higher draw strength than anything humans could create and then saying elves are physically weaker in every way compared to humans is completely contradictory. Elves couldn't even use human bows then!
It's good to point out mistakes, no matter what kind they are. That said, I don't believe this was a mistake. Nala is saying elves had better bow technology than humans at the same time.
No, they prioritized different technology. For a while elves had better bow tech, but worse arms tech. Elves couldn't make swords and shields like humans.
Same process as usual. If installing from scratch, read the instructions above. Make sure to move your saves over to the new game folder before deleting the old one. If updating via the patch, follow the Readme within the patch itself.
So just started playing and on start up I accidentally clicked continue without having any previous saves and the game insta crashes. Worked fine if I didn't do that though.
I already have. Take the hint from all the other pages you've spammed this to that it is really hard to get to work properly, and even when it does, users have a lot of issues with it.
Would love if it worked well, but it doesn't. Don't get upset with us about it, tell to do their job better.
Yes, Lust event 6/9 "Wordplay with Friends" with Ashley specifically. Runey mentioned in an earlier post on the same issue he might be adding an easier option at some point.
Interesting game, first time stumbling into here. If you had to guesstimate roughly how many hours of gameplay are in the current 0.15 build what would you say?
With many character on this game. Hiring a voice actor would be hard. Adding sound from other H video might not connect too. So if you just play a game developed by less than a few people, don't expect any voice. No offense btw.
Lo diré simple amo tu juego y tu trabajo, espero con ansias la nueva actualización cuando pueda conseguir un trabajo estable lo primero que haré será donar dinero a este juego como siempre e querido o ser parte del patreon jaja XD
It wouldn't be too hard, but a better system already exists. They're called traits, and they even unlock extra content like scenes, outfits, and dialogue.
Just wanting to say: Dude! This is such an amazing game!
The art, the scenes, the player freedom. I love it! The story building and plots even more! Even interesting plot-twists added to the mix! And so much content to explore!
You really did an amazing job there! Really love to see what else is in store for this game. And I haven't even cleared all of the current content! (at day 217 now and only just finished the current plot of the "clones" ^^) Aside from the money flow being a bit of a drag, I pretty much love and enjoy all of the game!
I hope the money income is scheduled to be boosted a bit, since all story plots I'm currently on right now need the expensive elves. I've been trying to collect the right amounts for about 4 or 5 ingame weeks of doing nothing but grinding. Since the one time offer of 10k was gone 2 days after, because of the 'forced' 4k android upgrade in her story, which doesn't seem to add much to the gameplay except story progress. That was slightly infuriating and felt like a stab. Just wanted to add that as some feedback. But what I wrote at the beginning of this comment, is legit really. I love your game so far and I look forward to what more of this game is to come! ^^
I got the bar though. Got it before I started farming the money. Even then it's a bit tough. But I see you boosted the pin-up rewards at least now. So thanks!
Hey Runey, any chance of releasing a beta or alpha access tier here on itch or some other platform that we could buy as a one time purchase? Like a paid early access pass or something similar? Would love the option to support you and the game's development without using patreon (which I did try to support you on but payments don't seem to work for me :c ).
There are no plans for that, but if you donate the same amount on as you would for a Patreon tier, I wouldn't mind giving you some of the rewards such as beta access manually. Just contact me on Discord.
If you've followed them all correctly, then the only possibility is JoiPlay's occasional broken build. Solution is basically to downgrade to a working one until they release a new working one.
For the record, THIS comment from you is pretty similar to the comment I made.
A complaint about compatibility for a platform, and a suggestion of potential reasons for the issue.
Edit: Oh, and the fact that the issue comes from plugin issues.
But for YOUR platform, people work to resolve the issues so it works. For MY platform, people get mad at the idea of getting support for the issues, and demand that everyone use unsupported workarounds for the issue instead.
I brought it up on multiple pages because multiple apps appear to be dealing with the same issues. Whether it is the fault of the game devs or the itch devs, I do not know. Either way, it seems weird that people kinda just... expect such issues. Like, are people really that resigned to using a broken service?
We shouldn't HAVE to use external, unsupported sites, when the whole point of sites like itch is to have an accessible collection of apps, all in one place. If an app library is unable to keep the apps in one place, it kinda fails its entire purpose as an app library, doesn't it?
Edit: Almost forgot to respond to the main point of your last comment. The point I cad been making was that, like in my own comments, you were asking for support for a systemic issue.
I downloaded this game because I heard it was popular. I wasn't expecting the story to be so gripping. What started as a kinky, guilty pleasure has evolved into a riveting saga where the stakes couldn't be higher and my emotional investment is all-in. I really, really hate the humanity of this world, with the exception of the few good ones. You're doing an incredible job of stoking my sympathy for the elves. If I had the power, I'd reach into that game and counter-crusade the fuck out of humanity. I want revenge for the elves. I want to see human cities burn and the human race endure a dark age for every year they enslaved the elves. I'm on the bit right now with Jia's wedding, and that peppy newscaster line of "we've all been on the edge of our seats waiting to see who will become the next king of all elves!" left me feeling utterly appalled. You're portraying the rape and destruction of a society, and I cannot look away until I see the elves freed and the unfathomable tragedy that's befalling them come to an end. A certain part of Maria's story (and I think you know which) nailed my overall emotional reaction perfectly.
In short, this is a remarkable story you've created. Not only because of the elves, but because of the characters. Each of their stories pulls at me emotionally in a different way. Ash's nearly made me cry. Even the "side" characters are people I want to get closer to. My favorite might be Jin. I want to romance her just to see her shattered spirit mend.
As a sidenote, it's somehow incredibly powerful that I've never seen a single male elf up until this point. Just letting my imagination describe them being entirely separated from their females and worked to death is horrifying. The rage and despair I imagine in them ought to be able to tear apart worlds.
(Edit: And now I finished Lin's story, and Nia's story, and my emotional turmoil has reached new heights. Fuck... By the way, I want some serious catharsis by the end of this. I mean it. I want to see that newscaster and everyone connected to this plot to make half-elves the 'replacement' and genocide a whole species get sentenced to death by torture. Extreme? Hell. Yes. But given the crimes implied, if anything deserved it, this does.)
Thank you so much! Catharsis is one of the main emotions I want felt by the end of this story. It's not done often in media, but I think it feels really good. I think it's not done often because it takes a lot of time to get to that point but that's another conversation.
Thank you for the response! And for the reassurance that there will be a cathartic payoff at the end! Not gonna lie, I was starting to question whether it was healthy to keep following such an emotional story when I didn't know whether it would reach a conclusion I could live with. I don't put my heart through a wringer just for the experience, but rather because the pain allows for an even greater joy when we get that longed-for reversal. Now that I know you understand that, I feel safe to keep going. You're a great storyteller. Don't ever let anyone tell you otherwise.
"He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster. When you gaze long into the abyss, the abyss also gazes into you ..." - Friedrich Nietzsche
While it is understandable to feel moral outrage and a powerful emotional response to the plight and oppression of the elves, retaliation such as you're suggesting would make you far worse than the humans in this story. Remember that there are good humans as well, ordinary people with ordinary lives, and they'd be caught up in the indiscriminate massacre that you propose.
Seek to right wrongs and injustices, not create far more of them.
P.S. Keep in mind that you didn't have a problem reaping the benefits of elf/human relations early on. Lin was your slave from the start, and your first thought wasn't "I must free her at all costs!" You went into it with the mindset of "oooh, kinky harem simulator!" Your default state wasn't that of a moral crusader, but an average person. Suppose someone came along during that point in the story with your current mindset. Saw that you were a slave owner and instantly declared you to be irredeemably evil. They then sought to end your life or at the very least ruin it. You probably wouldn't have appreciated it very much.
I'm not saying that you shouldn't have a reaction to the story at all. Instead, temper it with some self-reflection and humility.
Thanks for the response! I appreciate it. That's a good quote. (It's a testament to Runey's crafting of the story that people can actually bring up Nietzsche when discussing it.)
When I first started playing the game, it was just a game. The characters were pixels and code. I wasn't invested emotionally. There's a reason people indulge in fantasy: no one is harmed. For all I knew, Lin wouldn't be written as a sentient being, but as a shallow archetype. There are plenty of adult stories in circulation where females are written to gleefully adore their circumstances. Those stories aren't my cup of tea, but to each their own.
All I was doing with my previous post was trying to give expression to the depth of emotion the story evoked in me at certain points, to congratulate Runey on a job well done.
As you said: "Seek to right wrongs and injustices, not create far more of them."
To that I would add: "Do not hesitate to intervene when a wrong is being committed before your eyes, simply for fear that in rescuing the innocent, you do harm to the guilty."
I realize that is a very, very slippery slope to stand on. I could see that being extended to a philosophy of: "bomb the guilty, even if some innocents get killed as collateral damage." Which I do not agree with.
The actions I spoke of ('counter-crusade the fuck out of humanity' for one) were written in a state of extreme emotion. I'm a very reflective person by nature. Killing is terrible. It is always terrible, even if there are times when it is justified. For example, if I had the chance to rescue those elven rebel leaders who were hanged, even if it meant killing their executioners, I'd have done it without hesitation.
During World War 2, there was a debate over bombing Auschwitz. Some advocated doing it, even if it meant that some of the prisoners would die, in an attempt to deter the Nazis in their mass-killing. A way of saying, "We know what you're doing." It's an incredibly difficult quandary. One of many things Runey has done well is portraying that there is no simple, easy solution to what's happened to the elves. Yet the actions of the revolutionaries remain understandable, because they could no longer stand by and do nothing while their people were being raped, enslaved, and murdered.
And for the record, heh, my very first reaction to Lin was wanting to give her a hug and reassure her that everything was okay, that I'd never hurt her or get rid of her. It wasn't to berate her bad cooking.
That part of Maria's story made me go and clean my personal weapon collection. The rage that I felt at that particular story point had me wanting to legit go to war. Runey does a superb job of drawing out the feelings of the player, and I believe I'm not the only person who felt the urge to begin a crusade to free the elves.
That doesn't appear to be the case, as everyone else is able to do it without issue. Usually when people try to more closely follow the steps again, it works out.
It happens now and then due to JoiPlay sometimes releasing a broken version. Happened en masse awhile back, now it seems to be happening again. Just let em know to downgrade to a working one (we usually get some helpful fellow telling us which version) for the time being.
If you've followed them all correctly, then the only possibility is JoiPlay's occasional broken build. Solution is basically to downgrade to a working one until they release a new working one.
If you've followed them all correctly, then the only possibility is JoiPlay's occasional broken build. Solution is basically to downgrade to a working one until they release a new working one.
I thought that the game was only in its very early stage given the version number. And in the beginning, I though that this will just be a harem game solely for sexual fantasies. But I was wrong. This game is already filled with content and it has way more than just sex. Well, yeah it still got a fuck ton of sex frequently, but the character and their story are actually well written, albeit with obviously sexual fantasy mixed.
Please Runey allow me to blow up this government and take over the whole country just to end this stupid slavery shit I'm so sad after Maria got caught and Android had depression.
Ashley's story made me cry a lot i'm very emotional about Dating Sim:(
I know. It's not a popular opinion around here but no kink shaming, please. I'd love the chance to put a collar on a willing woman for an afternoon just to try it out. In games, the idea of hot unwilling slave girls is a turn-on.
That said, I wanted to rush out to save Maria as well. I was actually slightly disappointed when the receptionist beat me to it. :) Great game, Runey!
Bro, the collar thing is fine but, I was really mad at how they treated Android and the injustice to half-elves.
So, let's take over the country or maybe THE WORLD and at that moment the Bad Humans will turn to trash and the good Humans will live together with the Elves.(and the Sentient Androids too)
Glad to see your enthusiasm! But even the high elvish people are prosecuted by their leaders. I tried to show this off during the talk with the imprisoned high elf :)
Dethrone the High Elf Queen, liberating both her people and the fairies, and scoring us some lovely retirement islands with crystal mines and a castle :P Lin shall be the new queen.
Redownloading on a new laptop. Time to begin the grind again. Hope I can get a good chunk of the game in before V.16 comes out. Then again I'll likely restart anyway.
May you please make a link "normal" (sorry i don't know how this kind of link is named ) it would be cool for me (for android ) even if you can't thank you for have try and sorry for the waste of time .
I had read but hadn't understand so I had ask but now I'm saying to me that maybe I would have better done to not ask thanks for the reply and I will do what it say on the how to play on Android and again sorry for the waste of time .
Hey RuneyGames (or anyone else here), how do i get the trait slick hands, for android? Im stuck at one and don't know how i got it? Any help would be appreciated thanks
that i know, its just finding that option to do handjob or where, cause ive looked everywhere, and unless im blind, i cant seem to find it (if its spoilers, i understand if you cant directly give me the answers, its fine)
Oh I see. Android's handjobs currently have an issue where you are unable to do them after a certain point in her story because the only way to increase them for Android is through the alarm system, which gets upgraded to blowjob. Repeatable handjobs will be added to her eventually.
You can still raise Handjob with her 6/9 Lust event "Wordplay With Friends" with Ashley specifically. Good to know she'll get a hopefully easier repeatable later though :)
I searched so many webs everyone says visit in lobby after 4 days of completing 7/9 and I did but noting happened so I cannot go to 9/9 from 8/9 of the event of Nia.
Please add more sence and more naughty option for the Elf slaves P/S : ain't no way you gonna release the 0.16 in the middle of NNN, you gonna make me lose it Also great game! i've been enjoy it so far
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Been waiting for the update quite some time really exited for whats to come and so i was wondering will pregnancy be added within the next update?
Pregnancy has always been planned for the end of the game, that has not changed.
When will the next update occur?
It should be soon, hopefully by the end of the month. Lot of things being added though, so its making sure all the new moving parts move correctly. On the Patreon they're up to Beta build 5, so I imagine the public version will be out soon.
This month.
Esse é um dos melhores jogos do estilo. Por mais conteúdos com a NIA (ela é linda)
i playing game in my pc and sometime a game is very lag. my pc used window 10. sorry for my english very bad.
A toaster should be able to run it.
Its odd but Ive experienced moments of lag too, notably whenever an animated section starts (the double bjs in the morning for example).
Its not a huge thing, only 1-2 seconds of lag, but it is notable. And I have a beast of a pc.
Is it really hard to make this game as an apk?
Yup, apk has a 2gB limit and even at 90% compression the game is currently 10gB.
Fan ultra compressions exist and Runey apparently is looking into ultra compressions himself, but keep in mind the image quality will be very bad.
unless having a potato crappy phone, ultra compressions is really helpful
But how about games like pubg, codm and Genshin Impact. They size even bigger than this game. Can't Runey use the same method they use.
Runey is one person, not a whole company.
came for the sex, stayed for the revolutionary action against an unjust and corrupt system
I thought the training and such was fun, a little mini-grind to unlock stuff.
Then Maria's story hit "that" moment and I became completely invested in it. Maria best girl <3
History session with Nala makes no sense regarding the bows and draw strength.
Humans have/had no problem creating bows with high draw strength - especially with war bows you'd get a high draw strength (or weight).
But the thing with draw strength is that you've got to actually have the strength to draw the bow! Being able to use a heavy war bow requires a lot of training. Otherwise there is a high chance to injure yourself and you couldn't even use the full potential of the bow.
Having the elves making bows with a higher draw strength than anything humans could create and then saying elves are physically weaker in every way compared to humans is completely contradictory. Elves couldn't even use human bows then!
It's good to point out mistakes, no matter what kind they are. That said, I don't believe this was a mistake. Nala is saying elves had better bow technology than humans at the same time.
There are different types of bows. Compound bows for example allow for more drawing power while still being easy to use.
Humans got nerfed for plot lol
No, they prioritized different technology. For a while elves had better bow tech, but worse arms tech. Elves couldn't make swords and shields like humans.
Since v0.16 is coming soon, may i know how to update the game if i'm using joiplay on android?
Same process as usual. If installing from scratch, read the instructions above. Make sure to move your saves over to the new game folder before deleting the old one.
If updating via the patch, follow the Readme within the patch itself.
So just started playing and on start up I accidentally clicked continue without having any previous saves and the game insta crashes. Worked fine if I didn't do that though.
Stop using unsupported download sites
Here are Itchio's compatibility guides:
Please use a supported method, so updates can be downloaded directly through the app.
I would love to, unfortunately it doesn't seem like a good or available option.
Then talk to support, and try and have the issues resolved.
I already have. Take the hint from all the other pages you've spammed this to that it is really hard to get to work properly, and even when it does, users have a lot of issues with it.
Would love if it worked well, but it doesn't. Don't get upset with us about it, tell to do their job better.
No need to be rude, I posted it to multiple pages because multiple pages have the same issue.
You're looking at the solution, not the issue. Hopefully that changes though.
By far one of my favorite games
can it play in 32 bit ?
IDK if this is SPOILERS but I'll put it just incase.
I need help!
Is there a way to increase the android's "Slick Hands" after Lv30 and obtaining her default form 2?
I tried changing her outfit to default 1 and setting her as an alarm, its not working.
Yes, Lust event 6/9 "Wordplay with Friends" with Ashley specifically.
Runey mentioned in an earlier post on the same issue he might be adding an easier option at some point.
Thank you for replying!
Interesting game, first time stumbling into here. If you had to guesstimate roughly how many hours of gameplay are in the current 0.15 build what would you say?
Depends on your reading speed, but the most common numbers I see are 40 - 50 hours
I have been enjoying the game, I do have one question. Are there sounds that I should be hearing during sex scenes? So far all I have heard is music.
There's no sound for sex in this game imo I like it better this way
With many character on this game. Hiring a voice actor would be hard. Adding sound from other H video might not connect too. So if you just play a game developed by less than a few people, don't expect any voice. No offense btw.
Lo diré simple amo tu juego y tu trabajo, espero con ansias la nueva actualización cuando pueda conseguir un trabajo estable lo primero que haré será donar dinero a este juego como siempre e querido o ser parte del patreon jaja XD
Question, ¿How hard/complicated would it be to add some kind of trophies/achievements to the game?
It wouldn't be too hard, but a better system already exists. They're called traits, and they even unlock extra content like scenes, outfits, and dialogue.
I love your work so much the story, the girls they are so good <3. Sucks that I have to go to square 1 cause i got a new pc lol
Hope to see the new update :D
Just wanting to say: Dude! This is such an amazing game!
The art, the scenes, the player freedom. I love it! The story building and plots even more! Even interesting plot-twists added to the mix! And so much content to explore!
You really did an amazing job there! Really love to see what else is in store for this game. And I haven't even cleared all of the current content! (at day 217 now and only just finished the current plot of the "clones" ^^)
Aside from the money flow being a bit of a drag, I pretty much love and enjoy all of the game!
I hope the money income is scheduled to be boosted a bit, since all story plots I'm currently on right now need the expensive elves. I've been trying to collect the right amounts for about 4 or 5 ingame weeks of doing nothing but grinding. Since the one time offer of 10k was gone 2 days after, because of the 'forced' 4k android upgrade in her story, which doesn't seem to add much to the gameplay except story progress. That was slightly infuriating and felt like a stab. Just wanted to add that as some feedback.
But what I wrote at the beginning of this comment, is legit really. I love your game so far and I look forward to what more of this game is to come! ^^
Seems like you missed out on buying the bar. That's your primary source of income. Grinding shouldn't be a thing because almost all income is passive.
Thanks for replying!
I got the bar though. Got it before I started farming the money. Even then it's a bit tough. But I see you boosted the pin-up rewards at least now. So thanks!
Can't wait to try the new stuff!
One more thing.
I read you added new cheat codes. What are those about and how can one get them? Do they impact the game experience much?
Really good game. Any idea when next version coming out?
Hey Runey, any chance of releasing a beta or alpha access tier here on itch or some other platform that we could buy as a one time purchase? Like a paid early access pass or something similar? Would love the option to support you and the game's development without using patreon (which I did try to support you on but payments don't seem to work for me :c ).
There are no plans for that, but if you donate the same amount on as you would for a Patreon tier, I wouldn't mind giving you some of the rewards such as beta access manually. Just contact me on Discord.
I also have a subscribestar.
see this is why runey is one of the best devs. not only is the game top tier, but hes willing to work with people like this too!
JoiPlay is not wanting to launch the game on Android, aftet following all the steps the game refuses to load.
Are there any settings outside of the steps listed above that need to be adjusted?
If you've followed them all correctly, then the only possibility is JoiPlay's occasional broken build. Solution is basically to downgrade to a working one until they release a new working one.
Was not aware of a version requirement, but will try it later when I get a chance.
For the record, THIS comment from you is pretty similar to the comment I made.
A complaint about compatibility for a platform, and a suggestion of potential reasons for the issue.
Edit: Oh, and the fact that the issue comes from plugin issues.
But for YOUR platform, people work to resolve the issues so it works. For MY platform, people get mad at the idea of getting support for the issues, and demand that everyone use unsupported workarounds for the issue instead.
No it doesn't. This has nothing to do with anything you are crying about on a myriad of other game pages.
But like I told you on the other page you trolled and spammed with this garbage.
Get lost.
I brought it up on multiple pages because multiple apps appear to be dealing with the same issues. Whether it is the fault of the game devs or the itch devs, I do not know. Either way, it seems weird that people kinda just... expect such issues. Like, are people really that resigned to using a broken service?
We shouldn't HAVE to use external, unsupported sites, when the whole point of sites like itch is to have an accessible collection of apps, all in one place. If an app library is unable to keep the apps in one place, it kinda fails its entire purpose as an app library, doesn't it?
Edit: Almost forgot to respond to the main point of your last comment. The point I cad been making was that, like in my own comments, you were asking for support for a systemic issue.
I downloaded this game because I heard it was popular. I wasn't expecting the story to be so gripping. What started as a kinky, guilty pleasure has evolved into a riveting saga where the stakes couldn't be higher and my emotional investment is all-in. I really, really hate the humanity of this world, with the exception of the few good ones. You're doing an incredible job of stoking my sympathy for the elves. If I had the power, I'd reach into that game and counter-crusade the fuck out of humanity. I want revenge for the elves. I want to see human cities burn and the human race endure a dark age for every year they enslaved the elves. I'm on the bit right now with Jia's wedding, and that peppy newscaster line of "we've all been on the edge of our seats waiting to see who will become the next king of all elves!" left me feeling utterly appalled. You're portraying the rape and destruction of a society, and I cannot look away until I see the elves freed and the unfathomable tragedy that's befalling them come to an end. A certain part of Maria's story (and I think you know which) nailed my overall emotional reaction perfectly.
In short, this is a remarkable story you've created. Not only because of the elves, but because of the characters. Each of their stories pulls at me emotionally in a different way. Ash's nearly made me cry. Even the "side" characters are people I want to get closer to. My favorite might be Jin. I want to romance her just to see her shattered spirit mend.
As a sidenote, it's somehow incredibly powerful that I've never seen a single male elf up until this point. Just letting my imagination describe them being entirely separated from their females and worked to death is horrifying. The rage and despair I imagine in them ought to be able to tear apart worlds.
(Edit: And now I finished Lin's story, and Nia's story, and my emotional turmoil has reached new heights. Fuck... By the way, I want some serious catharsis by the end of this. I mean it. I want to see that newscaster and everyone connected to this plot to make half-elves the 'replacement' and genocide a whole species get sentenced to death by torture. Extreme? Hell. Yes. But given the crimes implied, if anything deserved it, this does.)
Same here, let's purify this world Comrade
I think everyone got mad about Maria's event, it was very stressful.
For me , all the stories have marked me a lot, i don't want to forget this feeling or this game.
I didn't like Jin so much because of the first impression, my favorite secondary was Kate:v I identified with her a little bit.
Thank you so much! Catharsis is one of the main emotions I want felt by the end of this story. It's not done often in media, but I think it feels really good. I think it's not done often because it takes a lot of time to get to that point but that's another conversation.
Thank you for the response! And for the reassurance that there will be a cathartic payoff at the end! Not gonna lie, I was starting to question whether it was healthy to keep following such an emotional story when I didn't know whether it would reach a conclusion I could live with. I don't put my heart through a wringer just for the experience, but rather because the pain allows for an even greater joy when we get that longed-for reversal. Now that I know you understand that, I feel safe to keep going. You're a great storyteller. Don't ever let anyone tell you otherwise.
Thanks :)
"He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster. When you gaze long into the abyss, the abyss also gazes into you ..." - Friedrich Nietzsche
While it is understandable to feel moral outrage and a powerful emotional response to the plight and oppression of the elves, retaliation such as you're suggesting would make you far worse than the humans in this story. Remember that there are good humans as well, ordinary people with ordinary lives, and they'd be caught up in the indiscriminate massacre that you propose.
Seek to right wrongs and injustices, not create far more of them.
P.S. Keep in mind that you didn't have a problem reaping the benefits of elf/human relations early on. Lin was your slave from the start, and your first thought wasn't "I must free her at all costs!" You went into it with the mindset of "oooh, kinky harem simulator!" Your default state wasn't that of a moral crusader, but an average person. Suppose someone came along during that point in the story with your current mindset. Saw that you were a slave owner and instantly declared you to be irredeemably evil. They then sought to end your life or at the very least ruin it. You probably wouldn't have appreciated it very much.
I'm not saying that you shouldn't have a reaction to the story at all. Instead, temper it with some self-reflection and humility.
Thanks for the response! I appreciate it. That's a good quote. (It's a testament to Runey's crafting of the story that people can actually bring up Nietzsche when discussing it.)
When I first started playing the game, it was just a game. The characters were pixels and code. I wasn't invested emotionally. There's a reason people indulge in fantasy: no one is harmed. For all I knew, Lin wouldn't be written as a sentient being, but as a shallow archetype. There are plenty of adult stories in circulation where females are written to gleefully adore their circumstances. Those stories aren't my cup of tea, but to each their own.
All I was doing with my previous post was trying to give expression to the depth of emotion the story evoked in me at certain points, to congratulate Runey on a job well done.
As you said: "Seek to right wrongs and injustices, not create far more of them."
To that I would add: "Do not hesitate to intervene when a wrong is being committed before your eyes, simply for fear that in rescuing the innocent, you do harm to the guilty."
I realize that is a very, very slippery slope to stand on. I could see that being extended to a philosophy of: "bomb the guilty, even if some innocents get killed as collateral damage." Which I do not agree with.
The actions I spoke of ('counter-crusade the fuck out of humanity' for one) were written in a state of extreme emotion. I'm a very reflective person by nature. Killing is terrible. It is always terrible, even if there are times when it is justified. For example, if I had the chance to rescue those elven rebel leaders who were hanged, even if it meant killing their executioners, I'd have done it without hesitation.
During World War 2, there was a debate over bombing Auschwitz. Some advocated doing it, even if it meant that some of the prisoners would die, in an attempt to deter the Nazis in their mass-killing. A way of saying, "We know what you're doing." It's an incredibly difficult quandary. One of many things Runey has done well is portraying that there is no simple, easy solution to what's happened to the elves. Yet the actions of the revolutionaries remain understandable, because they could no longer stand by and do nothing while their people were being raped, enslaved, and murdered.
And for the record, heh, my very first reaction to Lin was wanting to give her a hug and reassure her that everything was okay, that I'd never hurt her or get rid of her. It wasn't to berate her bad cooking.
That part of Maria's story made me go and clean my personal weapon collection. The rage that I felt at that particular story point had me wanting to legit go to war. Runey does a superb job of drawing out the feelings of the player, and I believe I'm not the only person who felt the urge to begin a crusade to free the elves.
I downloaded the game on Android gone through every step but it the game closes on its on when i try to open it
This would suggest that the steps have not been followed correctly. Without more information I can't help much.
Same issue, also went through the steps one by one but joiplay keeps crashing the game so I believe the problem lies within joiplay.
That doesn't appear to be the case, as everyone else is able to do it without issue. Usually when people try to more closely follow the steps again, it works out.
It happens now and then due to JoiPlay sometimes releasing a broken version. Happened en masse awhile back, now it seems to be happening again.
Just let em know to downgrade to a working one (we usually get some helpful fellow telling us which version) for the time being.
If you've followed them all correctly, then the only possibility is JoiPlay's occasional broken build. Solution is basically to downgrade to a working one until they release a new working one.
If you've followed them all correctly, then the only possibility is JoiPlay's occasional broken build. Solution is basically to downgrade to a working one until they release a new working one.
any plans for releasing it on steam?
Possibly. That's further in the future though.
I thought that the game was only in its very early stage given the version number. And in the beginning, I though that this will just be a harem game solely for sexual fantasies. But I was wrong. This game is already filled with content and it has way more than just sex. Well, yeah it still got a fuck ton of sex frequently, but the character and their story are actually well written, albeit with obviously sexual fantasy mixed.
Glad you're enjoying the story :)
Please Runey allow me to blow up this government and take over the whole country just to end this stupid slavery shit I'm so sad after Maria got caught and Android had depression.
Ashley's story made me cry a lot i'm very emotional about Dating Sim:(
"Oak's words echoed... There's a time and place for everything, but not now."
I know. It's not a popular opinion around here but no kink shaming, please. I'd love the chance to put a collar on a willing woman for an afternoon just to try it out. In games, the idea of hot unwilling slave girls is a turn-on.
That said, I wanted to rush out to save Maria as well. I was actually slightly disappointed when the receptionist beat me to it. :) Great game, Runey!
Any updates on the upcoming update? :)
Bro, the collar thing is fine but, I was really mad at how they treated Android and the injustice to half-elves.
So, let's take over the country or maybe THE WORLD and at that moment the Bad Humans will turn to trash and the good Humans will live together with the Elves.(and the Sentient Androids too)
BUT the High Elves are not welcome. (My opinion)
Glad to see your enthusiasm! But even the high elvish people are prosecuted by their leaders. I tried to show this off during the talk with the imprisoned high elf :)
Dethrone the High Elf Queen, liberating both her people and the fairies, and scoring us some lovely retirement islands with crystal mines and a castle :P
Lin shall be the new queen.
Plenty! You can keep informed on my twitter, discord, or patreon. isn't a great site for posts unfortunately.
Just wondering does anybody know when the next update gonna be?
I always have and always will post an estimated release date in the Development Announcement post on patreon, so you can rely on that for an estimate.
TLDR: Soon
Redownloading on a new laptop. Time to begin the grind again. Hope I can get a good chunk of the game in before V.16 comes out. Then again I'll likely restart anyway.
V.16 when?
Sir all the scenes are 3d model renders. Coding also takes time for a extremely large game like this. SO WAIT.
Our king has spoken
Okay i will wait :'>
¿En algún momento de esta actualización tienes sexo con Autumn?
Nope, sorry. If you've met her you know why we haven't yet.
(No. Si la conoces, sabes por qué no lo hemos hecho todavía.)
hello game creator, able to check with you i’m able to side load this game in iphone?
Instructions on how to do so are on discord.
Thank you so much!
I`am so laughed in felicity easter egg thank you for make this masterpiece
Thank you :)
when v0.16???
when ready
May you please make a link "normal" (sorry i don't know how this kind of link is named ) it would be cool for me (for android ) even if you can't thank you for have try and sorry for the waste of time .
Please read the "How to play on Android" above.
I had read but hadn't understand so I had ask but now I'm saying to me that maybe I would have better done to not ask thanks for the reply and I will do what it say on the how to play on Android and again sorry for the waste of time .
All stats on the left correlate to the traits on the right. Since you have 1 in handjobs, and 1 pip in Slick Hands, that should give you a hint.
that i know, its just finding that option to do handjob or where, cause ive looked everywhere, and unless im blind, i cant seem to find it (if its spoilers, i understand if you cant directly give me the answers, its fine)
Oh I see. Android's handjobs currently have an issue where you are unable to do them after a certain point in her story because the only way to increase them for Android is through the alarm system, which gets upgraded to blowjob. Repeatable handjobs will be added to her eventually.
You can still raise Handjob with her 6/9 Lust event "Wordplay With Friends" with Ashley specifically.
Good to know she'll get a hopefully easier repeatable later though :)
If the latest version is released, do I need to delete the old one? I'm new to the game so I don't know much
I don't think so, huh? I deleted it and redownloaded and it still kept my saved game.
You don't need to do anything special or take any precautions.
I'm hoping that the release is here during halloween, and that we get some naughty halloween content :P Great game, thank you for creating it :D
v0.16 won't release within the next 4 days, sorry.
Lol thanks for letting me know it's going to release after 4 days !
What is the 8/9 Nia quest? I stand in lobby every day and weeks but no events come.
The wiki can help.
I searched so many webs everyone says visit in lobby after 4 days of completing 7/9 and I did but noting happened so I cannot go to 9/9 from 8/9 of the event of Nia.
As the wiki says, enter the Sanctuary.
Please add more sence and more naughty option for the Elf slaves
P/S : ain't no way you gonna release the 0.16 in the middle of NNN, you gonna make me lose it
Also great game! i've been enjoy it so far
I would love if they released this in NNN