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that very good game! iLike it!

is the pregnancy already implemented?

Pregnancy is supposed to be endgame content. We are not there yet.


how to update on Android?

Is the method the same as how to download it 

As far as I know, the game on Android doesn't work, Joiplay doesn't run the game and this is out of Runey's control, HH developers are trying to talk to Joiplay developers to resolve the situation

If, and only if, you have a working version of Joiplay (previous versions used to work, current version does not),  you can update by using the patch file, just like the PC players.

If you used to play with the APK... You have my sympathy. The current version of HH has too much content to fit in the APK limits. By, like, an order of magnitude. You can't fit an elephant into you cabin baggage. no matter how hard you squeeze it.


what software do you use to make the 3d models?

That would be Honey Select, by Illusion-dot-jp - after getting permission from the company.

Honey Select is sold as a game - which is weird, because it really isn't: it's basically Poser, hentai version, and it does that job stupendously well.


(1 edit)

Hi. Does anyone know how to remove  background from text box on Android? Or how to change its opacity?

If u r using JoiPlay you got two options, Set the letter H on any button of Joiplay's Gamepad (Go to settings/GamepadSettings), or open the Joiplay Keyboard and press letter H (to open Gamepad you'll ser an arrow on bottom middle screen, to change the Gamepad to Keyboard you tap on anothet arrow at topmiddle screen, tapping again on Keyboard Icon

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Thanks for reply. But  i wanted to permanently remove textbox. When u press H you remove text too. Or can you recommend another emulator with text settings?

(1 edit)

unfortunately idk how to do that, i believe textbox is modiffied directly on Renpy's code but i know nothing about it :c


if you know how to install and work with mods, you can find what you need among the modifications.

Unfortunately, i dont

Sorry for the question, did you put a Spanish translation in the game? I just downloaded it from here and to my surprise the game has the option to play it in Spanish... by the way I love your game, the story is sublime
(1 edit)

Edited to remove incorrect information.


Spanish has been added in v16, and it’s not the dev’s native language, there was a translation team that made it.

It hasn't been in the game that long? I must be confused with another game I have installed. So many games that sometimes it's hard to keep track. Thank you for the correction

I haven't been able to play the new update bc my pc broke🥲 but I got my old Mac book so ima see if it works,Hopefully.

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Oh my god Runey Im just play Lin story where we have fuck competition or something in our dungeon and I REALLY LIKE that Drow so would you please add her in to the story as a new elf on the next update please? also I really like this game and story so much keep up the good work sir our world need more people like you lol
also add more of Kate Moon and Jullet(or whatever her name is lol) too I really like them

I still didnt at the Sylvia story part yet but Iike her as much as I like Lin so yea please add more of her story too

I keep having problems playing Harem Hotel on Android, making and redoing the installation progress, searching, watching tutorials, but the end is always the same, Joiplay opens the loading screen and closes then, I don't know what else to do, as a huge fan of this game, I am sorry that Android users are experiencing this.

Maybe take it up with the Joiplay devs? No, seriously, post something on their discord or whatever, so that they know they broke stuff.

Runey is developing in ren'py, which is stupidly cross-platform, but he can't exacty increase Google's limits on APK size, or fix Joiplay to play nice with HH.

The problem is that Joiplay hasn't updated for over a year, and they almost don't respond to requests from people who complain about the game not working. So, it is not possible to create an APK to download on Android?

The game has long since passed the maximum size for an APK. The only realistic way to make it fit again into an APK is to remove all videos, and most of the still images, and essentially turn it into a text-only game.

You will notice that I am using a very loose definition of realistic here :P


please add more of kate she is best girl 


Glad you like her :)

(2 edits)

What do I need to do for slick hands for the android? I already unlocked everything else and I'm lost as to how to complete the final set of slick hands.

Handjobs unlock the Slick Hands trait.

How do I make her give handjobs, is it an event that only happens in certain areas or something else?


i found this on HH discord:
"Android Slick Hands: Handjob 10 times Either set her as alarm, or if she's unlocked her alternate form and that becomes a blowjob, her 6/9 Lust event With Friends, select Ashley"
hope it helps

My game crashes when I open it :( 
I had 0.15 before, so I installed the 0.16.1 patch and now the game doesn't open. Does aynone has this problem too?

Nope, but knowing the details of the crash may help.

I would suggest, assuming you still have the original zip file laying around, that you first revert to the old version, then check that it works, and then download the patch again and try installing that.

If you were using mods, you will need to wait for those to update.

when will the apple update be out?

(3 edits)

That's a good question, I'll forward it to Tim Cook and see if he'll finally allow porn on the app store.

Jokes aside, you can emulate it but I hear it's very tricky. The instructions are listed in discord, but I'm not even sure how well it works.

Hi, do I need the 0.16.1 version or 0.16 is good enough?

The 0.16.1 update is recommended, as it's a bugfix for 0.16. You can play the 0.16 if you want, but some of the bugs may ruin the experience.

I'm totally not freaking out that I have to make the choices and the game doesn't let me know the best route.....Help me lol

if you are on pc you can use the mousewheel to scroll up and go back to the choise

Runey isn't a fan of no-win scenarios, so either you cannot lose, or, in the rare case where you *can* lock yourself out of a certain route, there is a free code to "fix" that choice.

Help ! 

i cant make the nia quest because every time it get noon the game say's " I shoud get closer to nia" and i cant do annything but skip time 

Deleted 1 year ago

Thank you!

(7 edits)

Hm. Interesting. I hate Nia. Well, no, not hate, just... Despise? Find utterly worthless?

Edit: Nah, too harsh. I just... Think she's an idiot. 

More so because we later learn that she's actually very smart. 

She came this || close to killing the person she *needed* to help her.

I mean, I *would* cut her some slack - except, 

Edit: spoiler.


again, she's a fucking genius who can drive, pilot, or sail anything with an engine, on top of being a fucking ninja *and*, apparently, the leader of an entire revolution. 

And she almost killed the MC because she couldn't wait thirty fucking seconds for him to answer the door? 

What is wrong with you, biche?!

If it were up to me, I would take everybody else and leave Nia at the elf relocation center, or whatever it's called.

Come back in a year or two, see if she managed to get her brain back into gear.


Will pregnancy be added down the line? 

Pretty sure runey said it would be endgame content


From the description on this page:

Planned fetishes include:

  • Pregnancy

Thank you so much for the awesome game! I enjoyed your writing, and the character developments have been exceptional.  Also, Ally is so adorable :D

Maybe one constructive critic I could give is that there was at one point I was too lazy to spam delivery job just to earn enough money to upgrade the hotel, and it sort of feel like the story with the characters were time-gated in bad way. And it don't feel good when you're dying to push the story with a character further. I do not know if this was intentional or there are other ways to get money quicker, since I ended up using cheat code. 

But despite that, I get to enjoy the lovely-crafted characters you have created, and it was worth the time spent. So, I'll be leaving you with a 5 star :)

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Thank you!

It sounds like the first thing you did was try to buy everything you could, regardless of if it was important or not. You gain a lot of money passively and the deliveries/pinups give you far more than you'll ever need. As long as you don't buy everything ASAP, you'll never run out of money. And you won't even need to actively make money once you have the bar upgraded.

Yea, perhaps I did and was very impatient. And totally forgotten I can make money out of pinups.

Anyway, I hope you have a great day ahead! :D

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Just to clarify, when you say "deliveries"... What exactly are you talking about? Edit: Oooh, new feature. Me likes.

Also, is one supposed to sell one's girls' nudes to get money? As opposed to, you know, jealously hoard the nudes for one's own self? :P

But no, seriously, does the game assume a "sell pictures" income?

Edit: no, it does not. Because new feature. Me likes.


Bro, you got some creativity in this history, you caugth some tears, hope you finish the game soon, gonna donate when i got some spare cash.

Hi, does anyone know the solution to my problem? 

I've been trying to play the game on joiplay (and yes i have the renply add on installed), however it keeps forcefully closing itself after a few seconds of the loading screen. Ive read over the guide on how to install on android multiple times and I'm certain I'm following it step by step. Ive even tried downloading a previous version of joiplay (1.01.701) since i read another comment stating that this previous version is more compatible with phones.  Sadly that doesn't seem to able to work too, as it dos the exact same thing. 

If any of you reading this have anything that could solve my problem, please do say!!

I see three possible reasons for that: 

1) Your game files are corrupted. It seems unlikely, since they are protected by the zip checksum, but try re-extracting the archive. This is the only reason I can see that may be fixable.

2) Your phone cannot handle the size of the game. This seems... Improbable, as the loading screen is not that big, memory-wise, but then again, it is kinda big screen-wise. Yes, it should resize automatically, but see below.

3) Your Android version is not entirely compatible with some of the features required to run the game (too old, too new, too many updates, not enough updates). There may be missing libraries, or libraries of the wrong version, or bugs, or bugfixes that introduced new bugs. For example, the game resizes a lot of stuff on the fly. This requires CPU or GPU power, and more importantly CPU or GPU calls, which may not be entirely cross-platform.

Or, something else entirely, but then I wouldn't know.

What languages are currently available in the game?

English and Spanish

In 0.16 U noted that u remade lots of old scenes, that means we have to restart game from the very very beginning to see those? : ( 


Yes. I remake old content in every update these days. v0.16 specifically added a lot of content to beginning of the game, so I recommend a fresh start and fresh download.

I get it. You have the option to tweak thing you believe will be better so why not

Are there any scenes in the updates that cannot be reviewed from the gallery?

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I have an issue with Moon. I started a new game after 1.16.1 and can't get any of her events past 4/12 to start. It just says "You should come back near closing time." but doesn't start the event in the evening.

Check the wiki

Not sure if new Maria events remove her from the bar but I can't get the event to work. I did check the wiki and it said Maria had to work there


Maria can work at the bar you just have to progress her story up to that point, so until you have her story there, Moon's story will be stuck where it is

I'm well aware. I've gone well past that but after a certain point i.e when she learns to fight, she no longer works at the bar. Thanks but that's not what I was asking.

You are right, I have the same problem. Stuck at Moon lvl 4 and can't get through it, because Maria no longer works in bar. It's the only thing I can't complete.

I have a bug. I can't select a person to sleep with after getting Android-Maria (beads) event. Previously, my available choices were Kali and Felicity. This persists after updating to 16.1. Is it safer to just start anew? (I'm on Day 80+ btw).


Click on a grey option to see what you need to do to unlock it.

There are no grey options or any options at all. After clicking "sleep with someone" the bug is that all options but "back" disappeared.

This bug is still persistent 176 days later. After Maria puts the beads in Android's anus, all of your sleep-with options disappear. There is no greyed out options. Your only option is "back".


love this game, i dont even like it for the sex, i love the character interactions and feel im invested in growing my actual relationships with characters

Kudos on an excellent game!
I have tried a couple dozen AVN games here over the past year, and quickly eliminated most. Poor game design was usually the reason - unfriendly UI, or incomprehensible story lines.  Lack of updates was the other major issue. You have managed to avoid both. Only two other games have made the grade.
The character development here is excellent, and the attention to detail is superb. The story line is intriguing, and free of dead ends; also, you don't need a walk-through to navigate it.
I have noticed some costume change issues, (addressed by other posters below), but no major glitches or bugs.
Keep up the good work. I probably won't be moving to Patreon anytime soon, but will support here as I am able.

Thank you! Those bugs should be fixed in v0.16.1

The Autumn story is not my favourite.
But it fits the game.
My favourite is Ashley.

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I really like how each new chapter adds more depth to the characters and world. When I started the game, I thought the story was just a thin excuse to put a bunch of girls in a hotel but now I care about the characters, android lifespans, and the robot/elf revolution.


I made it a goal to give the player something to care about, something to protect. And I mean really, actually, care. Not just told to care. Those connections hopefully make the player invested in their well-being and goals, which should in turn make the player more invested in the story and world. I'm glad you like it :)

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U rly did a fantastic job ngl i love every character (well ash will always be in the first place (in my case) but the others aren't that far behind) and im rly exited to see where the story goes

i hate joiplay

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Joiplay is the solution. Hate android for limiting us to 2GB per file in 2022.

Better yet, if people annoy them enough, I'm sure they would upgrade it. 2GB was low 10 years ago...


Hey Runey love the new update game is great as always also i love Ash new drip xD

Haha thank you

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Sorry for asking but do i need to extract archive. rpa to make it work if not how can i play, i already used joiplay but it seems it cant find the file where i extracted it cause its in. rpa... pls help.. btw im using android.. Thank u in advance 

Make sure you are following the guide.

So because of the update, there's a bunch of new stuff at the beginning! This is actually my third playthrough, and its awesome to see all of the minor changes. 

Question for Runey: Was the alternate dialogue there before this update? Doing events in a different order has led to different dialogue this time around, which is faakin impressive! Like, its such a subtle thing and people likely wouldn't notice it on a single playthrough, but the fact that its there is awesome! 

I realize we cant really nominate this game for award or anything due to themes, but it is easily the best game on

(3 edits) (+1)

Early/bad events are always remade during each update (This is my first project so my skill level has increased a lot over 4 years), each event remade comes with better visuals and rewritten story in some cases. Android's early story got a lot of love v0.16, and a lot of her early story was even rearranged. (Boobjobs now happen before vaginal).

If you're looking for ways to support, this page acts as a tip jar, or you could review the game here, that always helps :)

sorry for asking Runey..i just wanna know where to put my previous save file..i've check every single file and not find it..can you help me?

I am not sure where you put your save files, but they are stored in %appdata% by default.

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So where to put the old save file on android?

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how do I update my already existing game? my save file has over 20,000$ on it and is past day 500, and I don’t want to lose it

edit: nvm just download the patch folder and read the file titled “read_me” then follow the instructions.

It was the first harem game that I played and it was surprisingly very good. I enjoyed building relationships and learning more about each girl. The game itself has a lot of content, it feels more like a 0.96 rather than 0.16. 

A couple of bugs: Maria's outfits in scenes seem to be bugged. No matter what I select she usually wears only 2 outfits - the one with red socks and succubus.

The last available Felicity/Emma story uses Sylvia even if she is not freed yet

By the way, I have finished many storylines and in my opinion the price for Sylvia is ridiculous. I have invested most of the money from the gift into the hotel hoping for future returns, but it left me no money for Sylvia. And it seems that the game at certain point starts expecting that I am supposed to have her. I can't progress Autumn's story for a month or so, and my money is close to zero.

These bugs have been fixed in v0.16.1

There are many ways to make money, both passively and actively. I recommend those methods when you need more money.

Thanks, that answers my question about whether I need to download .16.1 (just installed .16 last week).
And to the previous poster - upgrade the bar for cash flow.


where does the save data get stored on MacOS? I have V.015.1 and would like to carry over my save data to the new dl.

Really enjoyed the game and story. I just noticed that we can replay all the stories in the gallery. However there are only gallery for main characters. Will there be gallery for the sub characters as well?

The gallery is in need of a huge update, it will come.

The "Others" tab is for Side Characters, and as Runey mentioned, could use a lot more existing events in there.

anyone got lucia's second event to play out? still getting the issue where nothing happens after clicking on the door and the tracker updates to 2/8. no repeatable scene unlocked and the third event plays after going back to own room

Check the wiki at the top of this page, it may help you.

I played through this game a couple times, have been following the wiki since my first playthrough, but have never gotten the 3-some scene (2/8), always skips to the car keys (3/8) 

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