Hey Runey, thanks for developing one of my all time favorite games. Problem - if you use the skip to end cheat, or reset Nia's love/slave route, her stuff online is unavailable for purchase and thus you cannot continue her story naturally.
First and foremost, beautiful game. I like how you have written in different personalities and presented a very intesting story along the way. As a writer myself, I know that this takes a great deal of time and imagination, which you clearly have, so well done!
I also have a few follow-up questions: 1) What inspired you to develop this game/story? 2) What are your long term goals with this game? Do you have a roadmap of your journey? 3) What are your thoughts about feedback and suggestions for improvement? Do you feel like the game is really where you like or would you be open for greater challenges?
I am happy that the game is free, there is so much trash online for adult games that its difficult to find a good one. That being said, I found this game worthy of being supported - what is the best way to support you (what does $25 do vs. $100 vs. $1,000 as an example)?
I can somehow run every other heavy duty game on my phone, but a renpy game? Naw man. Honestly, are androids just incompatible with most renpy games? Tried it with another and same problem with start up being bricked with a crash.
at the start i didnt really know what to expect and like in this types of games, but now when you can have this weird events and dialogues, dates and non-sex interactions game feels better
i m also impressed with world building its some extra mile to have in game like this, wish to have more bdsm options or maybe have them applied to all girls
I've completed the story several times. Allow me to elaborate on that!
Ash is annoying to some (including me) because of she being extraordinarily needy and clingy. Not only that, but she does some... questionable things to put it mildly (for example, when she pulls a knife on Maria) that would pretty much get her ejected from most reasonable settings realistically. Some of us get really annoyed at a clingy, needy psycho who seemingly has minimal if any consequences for all of her negative traits.
That being said, her personality does reform to an extent, and removing her would necessitate the rewriting of extraordinarily large amounts in other story lines as well, not to mention it is addressed that her behaviour is out of line at times (like the knife situation is addressed), so I'd rather keep and ignore her.
TL;DR is that Ash has a personality that clashes poorly with some players. And this could be said for every other character. (If I begin to rant about Autumn I'll burst a blood vessel, she is a very well written religious person, and I fucking hate religion, so it's a me problem, not a criticism.)
Though I usually hate yandere types and of course have a strong disdain for people who have a strong tendency for...unwanted sex, like Ashley, I disliked her at first as well but playing through the game she got a hell of a lot better and fits what Runey is trying to do. I see where he's coming from, if you look at the behavior of all the girls in the hotel as is, they all fit a certain personality, if we applied her personality to anyone else you'd feel the same way and like the "new Ashley".
tl;dr you don't hate Ashley, you just hate the personality she has but it's necessary part of the game as each girl stereotypes a personality.
This theme in Ashley's story certainly needs to be refined, especially the peak of her craziness. Her "mask" is a coping mechanism, and that's supposed to be something you don't like, and can see behind. As you advance her story she uses that mask much less as she has no reason to rely on it anymore.
Mercer, people are the personality they have, dumbfuck. Saying I hate Ashley and that I hate her personality is a distinction without a difference. Besides, no, you can't read my mind, and I don't appreciate self-proclaimed psykers. You just can't stand that people have different opinions about stuff so you must rationalize and strawman every dissenting opinion until you think you all agree. See how this mindreading through the internet doesn't work, dipshit?
What Runey does or does not attempt is less than irrelevant, it's a red herring right now. And it's not like Ashleys episodes introduce massive plotholes later like why didn't Android tore her arm clean off when she pulled that knife, or why doesn't Android save MC from literal rape, no, let's just bloody ignore that, because muh where she coming from, *BARF*
Rapeapologia twists my nipple something fierce, as you can see, I'm really not happy to talk to apes like you...
I'm having some trouble downloading this game. I downloaded the most recent update and the one it requires but the images dont show up, just the text. What am I doing wrong?
Did you download the entire game, or just the V. 0.16.2 patch? If you only downloaded the patch, then you downloaded the wrong file. The patch is to bring the previous version up to date. If you downloaded the full V. 0.16.2, then you may have accidentally gotten a corrupt download, and will need to try again.
Also, if you downloaded the full game, then tried to apply the patch, things can get wonky. You do not need the patch files if you download the base game from here, as the full game file is already updated.
I'm loving the game, it really surprised me that a game about a harem would be given such thought and detail. It goes beyond just a sexy game with a range of different styled girls. The stories of each girl are interesting, interconnected, and unique. Ashley's birthday had so much emotion. And then there's the lore, all the backstory on the elves and the religion is so detailed and thought out, as a writer I love the amount of care put into the world building.
Now praise aside I ran into an issue, after a certain point I stopped being able to increase my android's lust, no matter what act I perform it stays at 0/9, which is really sad because I haven't seen any of her overwhelming lust scenes because I was focused on story completion before unlocking all of the sex awards, if there's a way to fix this I would love that, I'd hate to miss out on a part of this game.
Hi Runey! Love your game, keep up the excellent work! Sorry to bother you with a problem, but I seem to have run into a problem, I'm unsure if it's a bug or simply something I'm missing, but I've completed Android's story, but each time I try to continue Lin's story, it says I need to raise Android's friendship more. I've completed everyone else's story aside from Autumn's, which needs me to raise Lin's friendship. Is there something I need to do to fix this?
Personally, I prefer to work out the path myself, like I would IRL. There are clues dropped in the story line, trails of bread crumbs. Talk to each of the girls whenever you have the opportunity (menu when you knock on their doors), some like to gossip. Level up their stats. Events don't happen in isolation in HH; but it's not grind-ey. This is one the things that set this avn above others, IMHO. Excellent writing.
havent played in a few months and restarted with this update, but i cant seem to unlock visiting the girls at night, was it temporarily removed or is it just higher than i remember
Pregnancy is planned for when the games story is either ended, or very close to being ended. I can't say how far away that is, because I'm not the dev.
As far as other games with pregnancy, I do know of a few, but I don't like posting other games in the comments section without direct consent of the page owner. Cross game advertising is generally frowned upon, due to steering people towards possible competition of a dev.
Ok, let me try this again. Maybe I'm missing something. I'm trying to get the update to work but when I follow the READ ME, I get an error. Did I miss something or put the files in wrong?
hey so this may be a stupid question but im a huge fan of the game and i want to get every update possible, but is there any way to just update the game without downloading a whole new file and losing the save data?
Clarification on Runey's post. Runey provides a patch file option when updating so that you can download only the new files when updating. Above, it's listed as "v0.16.2 PC Patch (REQUIRES v0.15+)"
Inside the folder of the patch files, there is a README.txt file with instructions to update the game. Bear in mind, it works only if updating from the direct previous version of the game. In this instance, from V. 0.15 to V. 0.16.2. So if you ever miss an update, you will be required to download the full version again.
I left my feedback prior to this, yet, I was asked to leave you this feedback: "You are breathing blood, stay true to your path." I have no idea what they even mean, but eh, that's how things are at the moment. Good Luck out there!
does anyone know elvish? I don't know what the conversation between Lin and that blonde Elf is about, I need to understand so bad, "curiosity kill the cat"
So I dont really want to spoil but is the "situation" with Maria ever actually resolved? I mean back to how she was before? Cuz honestly that made me stop playing a few updates back cuz it kinda broke me and I didnt like the direction it went in, bit if it finally gets resolved I'm willing to play again.
I don't understand how unlock the next event with Maria after she was "taken". I've checked the wiki and it says "Android must be available in the morning", but I'm not sure what does it mean.
I was thinking back to the "happy" type of person she was before. As I don't know if I was just kinda doing things out of order but I do remember there were several events in the days after getting her back where everything was "normal" in others storylines and while I know that is because they're scripted and it would be near if not completely impossible to account for that it seemed really odd to me.
This is a known issue, but I don't know if it's on Runey's priority list of corrections. I personally believe that the flags of required progression to initiate that event are improperly set, due to the open ended nature of story progression with each girl.
In my first playthrough, I was locked out of progressing Maria's events for almost 2 in game months before getting her back due to progression requirements to initiate that part of her story. Needless to say, it felt really awkward when I finally did get her back and read through the next few events.
I admit I have yet to play this update, looking forward to it. My only nit pick and this is just me, is that the MC rarely bothers to actually undress for the girls, he just whips it out of his zipper. To me that's like he's telling them they aren't worth the effort. I'd like to see him be more demonstrative of how he feels for the girls. Especially Lin, Kali, and Maria. Over all I love what you've created.
I have to agree with connor on that one, it does nag a bit. I've never cared for navigating with zipper teeth while occupied. But ... MC is a busy guy. Some nights he's "exhausted".
Everything is handled automatically unless you're on android. If you're not using a phone, moving your saves has a high chance of breaking them permanently.
If you aren't playing on android, then just installing the patch as directed in its README file is fine. The game will not have problems locating or using your save files.
Playing on android you would have to manually move your save files before installing the new version, then replacing the save files in the correct folder.
Playing on Mac, I have no idea. My Mac died earlier this year, and due to apple's ridiculous repair fees, it's never getting fixed or replaced.
great game. I've read that the music will be improved, this will make the ambiente much better I think, especially at sad parts of the story.
I found 2 kind of bugs so far, both are with the cameras in autumn's and the android's room.
1. Not sure if its everytime, but when you want to watch autumn in the night via camera, it says she is somewhere in the hotel, but you can visit her in her room
2. at some point of the story the android is hiding (I dont want to spoiler too much), if you use cameras at this point it says the android is somewhere in the hotel or it shows the android in his room asking for you
btw I am still not done playing the story and I really didn't expect it to be that thrilling, but at some points it's a bit too cruel for my taste.
It's amazing how far this has come from v.4 (when I discovered the game) Although I am very sorry that I can't afford to financially support the game, I still hope me sticking around for every update is worth it. I am extremely proud of how far you have come from this game. And hope you continue until it is finished, and I hope I am still there to enjoy every moment of it.
I unfortunately can't get the new Mac update to open. Unlike my previous version of the game, it's as if it doesn't even attempt to open, or at least crashes before I can see it.
I don't have Sylvia, yet the scene with her and the cops (E&F L35->36) still happens. I don't think that is correct.
Of note: I upgraded from 0.15 rather than redownloading the entire game and restarting.
Edit: I also don't have Nia, but if I try to go back to my room I get told that I should get closer to Nia, and then sent back to whichever floor I was on.
Edit edit: if I visit Lin at night on a Weddingday, she is laying on the bed in leaf clothing and "getting ready for bed", then she stands up and switfly changes into a shirt when I clicik away her line, but then reverts to leaf clothing if I interact with her sister.
Edit edit edit: and then, if I interact with Lin, Jia is in leaf clothing, even though she was still in her normal clothing a moment before, both with Lin on the bed in leaf clothing and with with Lin standing and wearing a shirt.
The girls' levels are, in order: 28 32 43 30 37 36 36 22.
I have an idea for an easter egg in the game: penis mode. A mode where every character in the game has a penis. Another one is nudist mode, where all the characters are always nude.
Hey great game outstanding work truly. After the most recent patch I've encounterd an error that doesn't allow me to use the computer in "your room" preventing me from progressing certain quests is theire a fix to this issue?
Thanks For Making A Great Game And Making This Game Free, And Put Aside The All Sexuality Content, In My Opinion This Game Is A Really Good Visual Novel Game, From The Charater, The Relationship, The Story And All Of That. And Im Really Want More Femdom Content Because Is The Best (For Me At Least)
And How To Transfer The Data From The Previous Version To The Latest Version?
It's not really something the author or the community can help with. The usual advice is: clear your cache, delete all cookies, change browser, use a VPN, change internet provider, move to a different country.
You can always check the Patreon page. Game update posts aren't locked behind a paywall, and can provide multiple mirrors to choose from. The current update version post can be found here:
Not anymore, unfortunately. The game is too big for APK, and the engine doesn't really do "install and download" à la "The Sims Mobile".
There is a howto for Android users in the description (find in page -> 1. Download the PC version of the game.), but it's not guaranteed to work, because it relies on third-party software.
It's not really something Runey can fix, unless he starts making outrageous amounts of money, at which point he may or may not be able to talk the developers of Joiplay into making the "install, then download" option a thing.
Last update is realy good one, thank you Runey! :)
MC is still useless as hell (he cant even play a game of poker on his own... or he is not even there when His Own problem start to give problems to others). He just exists like manikin and leaves every serious work to others. But whatever, I already said a lot about this and do not want to bring this topic to disscusion again.
By the way, special thanks for Ashley's normal outfit that can be used everywhere, I realy like it much more than any other :))
I think you may have misunderstood the situation there. They weren't trying to play within the rules.
The player's character isn't a main character. The PC is you, while the main characters are the focus of this story and the "cool" ones. The player character is meant to be a normal every day guy.
We already had an argument about this (when? just checked and... wow, it was nearly a year ago, lol) and Im still convinced: even a normal every day guy can do much more than... PC in this game. I know for sure because I know what I would do. Im no one from nowhere and do not even own a hotel or bar, but even I would do much more if I would be in his shoes.
But this is just me and my opinion. Lets not bring this disscusion here again, there is no point to do so, as we already know each other opinions. As I already said, this is your world and it is only up to you to create your own story... and I like your story so much that I follow nearly every update of the game nearly for two years already, so doesnt matter what I say, you was and you are one of the best gamedevs on itch 😉
Even if I do not associate myself with PC already Im still determined to see this story until the very end (ahh... I said it, but... I will definetely do it if russian rocket will not kill me before) 🙂
Can anyone tell me how to install the update to the latest version if my game is a really old version(0.9.2) without losing all my record? I wasn't aware of the updating and now it is v0.16. I really want to play the new update but also want to keep my saves. Is there any way to solve? Thanks!
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Hey Runey, thanks for developing one of my all time favorite games. Problem - if you use the skip to end cheat, or reset Nia's love/slave route, her stuff online is unavailable for purchase and thus you cannot continue her story naturally.
Thanks for the report
Hi Runey,
First and foremost, beautiful game. I like how you have written in different personalities and presented a very intesting story along the way. As a writer myself, I know that this takes a great deal of time and imagination, which you clearly have, so well done!
I also have a few follow-up questions: 1) What inspired you to develop this game/story? 2) What are your long term goals with this game? Do you have a roadmap of your journey? 3) What are your thoughts about feedback and suggestions for improvement? Do you feel like the game is really where you like or would you be open for greater challenges?
I am happy that the game is free, there is so much trash online for adult games that its difficult to find a good one. That being said, I found this game worthy of being supported - what is the best way to support you (what does $25 do vs. $100 vs. $1,000 as an example)?
Many thanks again, great job here!
Thanks for the comment
I guess you could say life inspired me to make this
Check the Dev Diary #1 for long term goals
I have a channel for suggestions and feedback. It's something I never get enough of
HH has a lot of issues so it isn't anywhere near where I want it
Patreon is the best way to support me, as that is where you can get some extra benefits
I'm glad you enjoyed!
Can't even start the game on mobile XD.
I can somehow run every other heavy duty game on my phone, but a renpy game? Naw man. Honestly, are androids just incompatible with most renpy games? Tried it with another and same problem with start up being bricked with a crash.
Follow the "How to play on Android" section of this page.
you need the plugin but it didn't work when I played a game by MITY once maybe it works now after 2 years or so
I run the game just fine on an older build of Joiplay and just the Renpy plugin active.
oh okay, weird
Using 1.01.07 Christmas Eve 2019 version.
is there any abdl content? any plans on adding it? thanks. downloading it right now.
That's diaper stuff, right? No, never.
btw game is getting better for me
at the start i didnt really know what to expect and like in this types of games, but now when you can have this weird events and dialogues, dates and non-sex interactions game feels better
i m also impressed with world building its some extra mile to have in game like this, wish to have more bdsm options or maybe have them applied to all girls
Thank you :)
How do i increase lustfulness of a person?
do i need to just accept event 3/9? or i must wait for 9/9?
Lust is gained alongside every sluttiness stat gain after a certain level, and once they have the Mega Slut trait.
i really hate ashley, she's so annoying, i hope there would be choises to reject some girls
I recommend continuing her story before passing judgement.
I've completed the story several times. Allow me to elaborate on that!
Ash is annoying to some (including me) because of she being extraordinarily needy and clingy. Not only that, but she does some... questionable things to put it mildly (for example, when she pulls a knife on Maria) that would pretty much get her ejected from most reasonable settings realistically. Some of us get really annoyed at a clingy, needy psycho who seemingly has minimal if any consequences for all of her negative traits.
That being said, her personality does reform to an extent, and removing her would necessitate the rewriting of extraordinarily large amounts in other story lines as well, not to mention it is addressed that her behaviour is out of line at times (like the knife situation is addressed), so I'd rather keep and ignore her.
TL;DR is that Ash has a personality that clashes poorly with some players. And this could be said for every other character. (If I begin to rant about Autumn I'll burst a blood vessel, she is a very well written religious person, and I fucking hate religion, so it's a me problem, not a criticism.)
Though I usually hate yandere types and of course have a strong disdain for people who have a strong tendency for...unwanted sex, like Ashley, I disliked her at first as well but playing through the game she got a hell of a lot better and fits what Runey is trying to do. I see where he's coming from, if you look at the behavior of all the girls in the hotel as is, they all fit a certain personality, if we applied her personality to anyone else you'd feel the same way and like the "new Ashley".
tl;dr you don't hate Ashley, you just hate the personality she has but it's necessary part of the game as each girl stereotypes a personality.
This theme in Ashley's story certainly needs to be refined, especially the peak of her craziness. Her "mask" is a coping mechanism, and that's supposed to be something you don't like, and can see behind. As you advance her story she uses that mask much less as she has no reason to rely on it anymore.
Mercer, people are the personality they have, dumbfuck. Saying I hate Ashley and that I hate her personality is a distinction without a difference. Besides, no, you can't read my mind, and I don't appreciate self-proclaimed psykers. You just can't stand that people have different opinions about stuff so you must rationalize and strawman every dissenting opinion until you think you all agree. See how this mindreading through the internet doesn't work, dipshit?
What Runey does or does not attempt is less than irrelevant, it's a red herring right now. And it's not like Ashleys episodes introduce massive plotholes later like why didn't Android tore her arm clean off when she pulled that knife, or why doesn't Android save MC from literal rape, no, let's just bloody ignore that, because muh where she coming from, *BARF*
Rapeapologia twists my nipple something fierce, as you can see, I'm really not happy to talk to apes like you...
I will not be including rape in harem Hotel.
man i just passed the scene where ashley drugs mc.... how can anyone defend that?
bruh it a porn VN either fap to the hot scenes or skip through the scenes.
My brother, you really need to make an exception for this game. There are no words in any language I speak that can describe the writing in this.
No i agree, story is great. I was more trying to say if you dont like a certain scene just skip through it
I'm having some trouble downloading this game. I downloaded the most recent update and the one it requires but the images dont show up, just the text. What am I doing wrong?
Did you download the entire game, or just the V. 0.16.2 patch? If you only downloaded the patch, then you downloaded the wrong file. The patch is to bring the previous version up to date. If you downloaded the full V. 0.16.2, then you may have accidentally gotten a corrupt download, and will need to try again.
Also, if you downloaded the full game, then tried to apply the patch, things can get wonky. You do not need the patch files if you download the base game from here, as the full game file is already updated.
I'm loving the game, it really surprised me that a game about a harem would be given such thought and detail. It goes beyond just a sexy game with a range of different styled girls. The stories of each girl are interesting, interconnected, and unique. Ashley's birthday had so much emotion. And then there's the lore, all the backstory on the elves and the religion is so detailed and thought out, as a writer I love the amount of care put into the world building.
Now praise aside I ran into an issue, after a certain point I stopped being able to increase my android's lust, no matter what act I perform it stays at 0/9, which is really sad because I haven't seen any of her overwhelming lust scenes because I was focused on story completion before unlocking all of the sex awards, if there's a way to fix this I would love that, I'd hate to miss out on a part of this game.
Lust is gained alongside every sluttiness stat gain after a certain level, and once they have the Mega Slut trait.
Hi Runey! Love your game, keep up the excellent work!
Sorry to bother you with a problem, but I seem to have run into a problem, I'm unsure if it's a bug or simply something I'm missing, but I've completed Android's story, but each time I try to continue Lin's story, it says I need to raise Android's friendship more. I've completed everyone else's story aside from Autumn's, which needs me to raise Lin's friendship. Is there something I need to do to fix this?
Check the wiki
Personally, I prefer to work out the path myself, like I would IRL. There are clues dropped in the story line, trails of bread crumbs. Talk to each of the girls whenever you have the opportunity (menu when you knock on their doors), some like to gossip. Level up their stats. Events don't happen in isolation in HH; but it's not grind-ey.
This is one the things that set this avn above others, IMHO. Excellent writing.
Can I add the v0.16 patch to the 15 on joiplay without losing progress?
Yes, but I'm not informed on how. I don't play HH on phones or mac.
havent played in a few months and restarted with this update, but i cant seem to unlock visiting the girls at night, was it temporarily removed or is it just higher than i remember
It should just unlock at a certain point in their story.
Does it has pregnancy. And cn u sugest me some good games with pregnancy
Pregnancy is planned for when the games story is either ended, or very close to being ended. I can't say how far away that is, because I'm not the dev.
As far as other games with pregnancy, I do know of a few, but I don't like posting other games in the comments section without direct consent of the page owner. Cross game advertising is generally frowned upon, due to steering people towards possible competition of a dev.
Ok, let me try this again. Maybe I'm missing something. I'm trying to get the update to work but when I follow the READ ME, I get an error. Did I miss something or put the files in wrong?
Sounds like it
hey so this may be a stupid question but im a huge fan of the game and i want to get every update possible, but is there any way to just update the game without downloading a whole new file and losing the save data?
New files need to be downloaded in order to play an update. And yes, you don't have to do anything and it works.
Clarification on Runey's post. Runey provides a patch file option when updating so that you can download only the new files when updating. Above, it's listed as "v0.16.2 PC Patch (REQUIRES v0.15+)"
Inside the folder of the patch files, there is a README.txt file with instructions to update the game. Bear in mind, it works only if updating from the direct previous version of the game. In this instance, from V. 0.15 to V. 0.16.2. So if you ever miss an update, you will be required to download the full version again.
I left my feedback prior to this, yet, I was asked to leave you this feedback: "You are breathing blood, stay true to your path."
I have no idea what they even mean, but eh, that's how things are at the moment.
Good Luck out there!
does anyone know elvish? I don't know what the conversation between Lin and that blonde Elf is about, I need to understand so bad, "curiosity kill the cat"
I came to fap but I'm staying for the plot. Nice stuff.
So I dont really want to spoil but is the "situation" with Maria ever actually resolved? I mean back to how she was before? Cuz honestly that made me stop playing a few updates back cuz it kinda broke me and I didnt like the direction it went in, bit if it finally gets resolved I'm willing to play again.
I am not sure what resolving it would entail for you, but the story has continued, and conflict will continue to happen and be resolved.
I don't understand how unlock the next event with Maria after she was "taken". I've checked the wiki and it says "Android must be available in the morning", but I'm not sure what does it mean.
It means Android can't be occupied, or busy.
I was thinking back to the "happy" type of person she was before. As I don't know if I was just kinda doing things out of order but I do remember there were several events in the days after getting her back where everything was "normal" in others storylines and while I know that is because they're scripted and it would be near if not completely impossible to account for that it seemed really odd to me.
This is a known issue, but I don't know if it's on Runey's priority list of corrections. I personally believe that the flags of required progression to initiate that event are improperly set, due to the open ended nature of story progression with each girl.
In my first playthrough, I was locked out of progressing Maria's events for almost 2 in game months before getting her back due to progression requirements to initiate that part of her story. Needless to say, it felt really awkward when I finally did get her back and read through the next few events.
I admit I have yet to play this update, looking forward to it. My only nit pick and this is just me, is that the MC rarely bothers to actually undress for the girls, he just whips it out of his zipper. To me that's like he's telling them they aren't worth the effort. I'd like to see him be more demonstrative of how he feels for the girls. Especially Lin, Kali, and Maria. Over all I love what you've created.
Man has too many women to please, doesn't have time to undress.
Didn't mean to offend, like I said, that's just me.
I didn't think you were trying to offend.
I have to agree with connor on that one, it does nag a bit. I've never cared for navigating with zipper teeth while occupied.
But ... MC is a busy guy. Some nights he's "exhausted".
Quick question: If I download the update and move my save files, will that work?
yes as I always do this and it works. Everything is the same and you just continue
Everything is handled automatically unless you're on android. If you're not using a phone, moving your saves has a high chance of breaking them permanently.
That's not good, how do I update the mod? I don't think I used a mod.
I don't have anything to do with any mods.
If you aren't playing on android, then just installing the patch as directed in its README file is fine. The game will not have problems locating or using your save files.
Playing on android you would have to manually move your save files before installing the new version, then replacing the save files in the correct folder.
Playing on Mac, I have no idea. My Mac died earlier this year, and due to apple's ridiculous repair fees, it's never getting fixed or replaced.
Incredible game my friend! Sorry but what tool do you use to do character modeling?
great game. I've read that the music will be improved, this will make the ambiente much better I think, especially at sad parts of the story.
I found 2 kind of bugs so far, both are with the cameras in autumn's and the android's room.
1. Not sure if its everytime, but when you want to watch autumn in the night via camera, it says she is somewhere in the hotel, but you can visit her in her room
2. at some point of the story the android is hiding (I dont want to spoiler too much), if you use cameras at this point it says the android is somewhere in the hotel or it shows the android in his room asking for you
btw I am still not done playing the story and I really didn't expect it to be that thrilling, but at some points it's a bit too cruel for my taste.
found another bug:
in one mission you take moon to the hot springs, at that point you still hear the music from the tavern
It's amazing how far this has come from v.4 (when I discovered the game) Although I am very sorry that I can't afford to financially support the game, I still hope me sticking around for every update is worth it. I am extremely proud of how far you have come from this game. And hope you continue until it is finished, and I hope I am still there to enjoy every moment of it.
Cant exit the code section after entering the code. Help.
Try using Google Keyboard for android
I unfortunately can't get the new Mac update to open. Unlike my previous version of the game, it's as if it doesn't even attempt to open, or at least crashes before I can see it.
Bug report, because bug report.
I don't have Sylvia, yet the scene with her and the cops (E&F L35->36) still happens. I don't think that is correct.
Of note: I upgraded from 0.15 rather than redownloading the entire game and restarting.
Edit: I also don't have Nia, but if I try to go back to my room I get told that I should get closer to Nia, and then sent back to whichever floor I was on.
Edit edit: if I visit Lin at night on a Weddingday, she is laying on the bed in leaf clothing and "getting ready for bed", then she stands up and switfly changes into a shirt when I clicik away her line, but then reverts to leaf clothing if I interact with her sister.
Edit edit edit: and then, if I interact with Lin, Jia is in leaf clothing, even though she was still in her normal clothing a moment before, both with Lin on the bed in leaf clothing and with with Lin standing and wearing a shirt.
The girls' levels are, in order: 28 32 43 30 37 36 36 22.
I have an idea for an easter egg in the game: penis mode. A mode where every character in the game has a penis. Another one is nudist mode, where all the characters are always nude.
Hey great game outstanding work truly. After the most recent patch I've encounterd an error that doesn't allow me to use the computer in "your room" preventing me from progressing certain quests is theire a fix to this issue?
Please report any errors you come across.
There are any lesbian only route?
Considering the MC is male... I would say no.
Thanks For Making A Great Game And Making This Game Free, And Put Aside The All Sexuality Content, In My Opinion This Game Is A Really Good Visual Novel Game, From The Charater, The Relationship, The Story And All Of That. And Im Really Want More Femdom Content Because Is The Best (For Me At Least)
And How To Transfer The Data From The Previous Version To The Latest Version?
Overall, A Really Really Great Game
(Sorry For My Bad English)
For what I've played so far the game is great, and good job
But is there gonna be more foot centered scene, with some character having a "foot fetish" thing I think that there's not that much
So is it planned to do more of it ? (or is it enough ?)
And if there's more...where ?
The download gets to where there only 4GBs left to download it then it cancels the download and says "Forbidden" help, please?
It's not really something the author or the community can help with. The usual advice is: clear your cache, delete all cookies, change browser, use a VPN, change internet provider, move to a different country.
Well, maybe only the first three or four :P
You can always check the Patreon page. Game update posts aren't locked behind a paywall, and can provide multiple mirrors to choose from. The current update version post can be found here:
Why haven't there been any updates on Mac? I really loved this game but there is no more things to go through.
All versions update at the same time.
Is there any separate apk file links only?
Not anymore, unfortunately. The game is too big for APK, and the engine doesn't really do "install and download" à la "The Sims Mobile".
There is a howto for Android users in the description (find in page -> 1. Download the PC version of the game.), but it's not guaranteed to work, because it relies on third-party software.
It's not really something Runey can fix, unless he starts making outrageous amounts of money, at which point he may or may not be able to talk the developers of Joiplay into making the "install, then download" option a thing.
(Just to be clear, I would not hold my breath.)
Last update is realy good one, thank you Runey! :)
MC is still useless as hell (he cant even play a game of poker on his own... or he is not even there when His Own problem start to give problems to others). He just exists like manikin and leaves every serious work to others. But whatever, I already said a lot about this and do not want to bring this topic to disscusion again.
By the way, special thanks for Ashley's normal outfit that can be used everywhere, I realy like it much more than any other :))
Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed \o/
I think you may have misunderstood the situation there. They weren't trying to play within the rules.
The player's character isn't a main character. The PC is you, while the main characters are the focus of this story and the "cool" ones. The player character is meant to be a normal every day guy.
We already had an argument about this (when? just checked and... wow, it was nearly a year ago, lol) and Im still convinced: even a normal every day guy can do much more than... PC in this game. I know for sure because I know what I would do. Im no one from nowhere and do not even own a hotel or bar, but even I would do much more if I would be in his shoes.
But this is just me and my opinion. Lets not bring this disscusion here again, there is no point to do so, as we already know each other opinions. As I already said, this is your world and it is only up to you to create your own story... and I like your story so much that I follow nearly every update of the game nearly for two years already, so doesnt matter what I say, you was and you are one of the best gamedevs on itch 😉
Even if I do not associate myself with PC already Im still determined to see this story until the very end (ahh... I said it, but... I will definetely do it if russian rocket will not kill me before) 🙂
Can anyone tell me how to install the update to the latest version if my game is a really old version(0.9.2) without losing all my record? I wasn't aware of the updating and now it is v0.16. I really want to play the new update but also want to keep my saves. Is there any way to solve? Thanks!
Simply download, install, launch, and load.
I having a bit of trouble playing the update. I downloaded the patch and followed the instructions in the README, but when I tried to start the game .
While running game code:
Exception: Could not load from archive options.rpyc.
-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------
Full traceback:
File "renpy\bootstrap.py", line 314, in bootstrap
File "renpy\main.py", line 373, in main
renpy.game.script.load_script() # sets renpy.game.script.
File "renpy\script.py", line 271, in load_script
self.load_appropriate_file(".rpyc", ".rpy", dir, fn, initcode)
File "renpy\script.py", line 686, in load_appropriate_file
raise Exception("Could not load from archive %s." % (lastfn,))
Exception: Could not load from archive options.rpyc.
I tried re-downloading the game and moving my saves into the new copy of the game but ended up getting an error with that too.
While running game code:
File "renpy/common/00start.rpy", line 273, in script
File "renpy/common/00start.rpy", line 273, in script
File "renpy/common/00start.rpy", line 277, in <module>
File "renpy/common/00action_other.rpy", line 537, in __call__
rv = self.callable(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
Exception: Couldn't find a place to stop rolling back. Perhaps the script changed in an incompatible way?
-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------
Full traceback:
File "renpy/bootstrap.py", line 331, in bootstrap
File "renpy/main.py", line 662, in main
File "renpy/main.py", line 148, in run
File "renpy/execution.py", line 922, in run_context
File "renpy/common/00start.rpy", line 273, in script
File "renpy/common/00start.rpy", line 273, in script
File "renpy/ast.py", line 928, in execute
renpy.python.py_exec_bytecode(self.code.bytecode, self.hide, store=self.store)
File "renpy/python.py", line 2245, in py_exec_bytecode
exec(bytecode, globals, locals)
File "renpy/common/00start.rpy", line 277, in <module>
File "renpy/game.py", line 344, in call_in_new_context
return renpy.execution.run_context(False)
File "renpy/execution.py", line 922, in run_context
File "renpy/common/_layout/screen_main_menu.rpym", line 28, in script
python hide:
File "renpy/common/_layout/screen_main_menu.rpym", line 28, in script
python hide:
File "renpy/ast.py", line 928, in execute
renpy.python.py_exec_bytecode(self.code.bytecode, self.hide, store=self.store)
File "renpy/python.py", line 2245, in py_exec_bytecode
exec(bytecode, globals, locals)
File "renpy/common/_layout/screen_main_menu.rpym", line 28, in <module>
python hide:
File "renpy/common/_layout/screen_main_menu.rpym", line 35, in _execute_python_hide
File "renpy/ui.py", line 298, in interact
rv = renpy.game.interface.interact(roll_forward=roll_forward, **kwargs)
File "renpy/display/core.py", line 3325, in interact
repeat, rv = self.interact_core(preloads=preloads, trans_pause=trans_pause, pause=pause, pause_start=pause_start, **kwargs)
File "renpy/display/core.py", line 4160, in interact_core
rv = root_widget.event(ev, x, y, 0)
File "renpy/display/layout.py", line 1102, in event
rv = i.event(ev, x - xo, y - yo, cst)
File "renpy/display/layout.py", line 1102, in event
rv = i.event(ev, x - xo, y - yo, cst)
File "renpy/display/layout.py", line 1102, in event
rv = i.event(ev, x - xo, y - yo, cst)
File "renpy/display/screen.py", line 727, in event
rv = self.child.event(ev, x, y, st)
File "renpy/display/layout.py", line 1102, in event
rv = i.event(ev, x - xo, y - yo, cst)
File "renpy/display/behavior.py", line 983, in event
return handle_click(self.clicked)
File "renpy/display/behavior.py", line 918, in handle_click
rv = run(action)
File "renpy/display/behavior.py", line 330, in run
return action(*args, **kwargs)
File "renpy/common/00action_other.rpy", line 537, in __call__
rv = self.callable(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
File "renpy/loadsave.py", line 771, in load
log.unfreeze(roots, label="_after_load")
File "renpy/python.py", line 2200, in unfreeze
self.rollback(0, force=True, label=label, greedy=greedy, on_load=True)
File "renpy/python.py", line 2014, in rollback
File "renpy/python.py", line 1932, in load_failed
raise Exception("Couldn't find a place to stop rolling back. Perhaps the script changed in an incompatible way?")
Exception: Couldn't find a place to stop rolling back. Perhaps the script changed in an incompatible way?
If anyone has any idea how to help me I would very much appreciate it. (Sorry for the long comment)
This may be due to an outdated mod, or installing the update incorrectly.
I got the same issue. Is it due to the money cheat?
No, the cheats only change your stats, not the game's code.
Is there a way to fix this? I've tried reinstalling different ways
You would need to update the mod.
I haven't played with any mods so ill keep trying the update and hopefully fix it. Thank you!
Let me know what you do. I need help.