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I completed Maria's story before Moon's and now I'm stuck on Event 4 because Maria needs to work at the bar for it to trigger. Problem is, Maria doesn't work there anymore after finishing her story. Is there a workaround or something I can do to finish Moon's story?

Try it again. I completed Maria before moon too cuz mood don't have a room so i always forgot about her and was still able to complete her story. 


Maria never stops working at the bar.

I had the same problem, for me it was because I hadn't bought Maria's bartender outfit - not having it doesn't stop Maria's main story progressing, but it does prevent her appearing in the bar and so stops Moon's next event triggering.


Just tried to install this on android and the game doesn't run even with all the extra added apps. Even Google is cracking down on this as many have used such extra apps for nefarious purposes. . With Ren'Py having its own android development engine I don't see why you can't just make an android version without all the extra steps like the other game developers here do.
Even the reviews of JoiPlay are saying that it is a substandard app to play Ren'Py games and makes them lag worse than using Ren'Py itself to make all the needed changes to run on android.

(3 edits) (+2)

I'm not aware of any other way to release Harem Hotel on Android.

Feel free to ask questions though, like "Why can't you release an android version like all the other developers?"

The answer to that would be that Harem Hotel is over 90 Gigabytes. The game has already been drastically compressed down to 10GB, and even with that, your android phone will only run .apks under 2GB. As far as I know, it is still impossible to make an .apk bigger than 2GB. It would be nice if .apk caught up to the modern year, but since Harem Hotel is big, it must be emulated on Joiplay.

Please let me know when/if you can get Harem Hotel to run on your phone without Joiplay.

As far as I know some apps with more than 2gb space do run on android devices,like i played a 4.6 gb+ game years back on my android phone,so that thing of not supporting 2gb+ apps is new for android,i guess, maybe it will work in old android devices?

And one more thing i founded that if you compress your files and release them as .zip they can be changed into .apk files after being downloaded on any device and can be installed and run on any android device.


Thank you for clearing that up for me. At least now I understand. It is a wonderful game. I really enjoy playing it.

(1 edit) (+1)

What is better download the 0.16.2 or wait until 0.17 release? I'm currently using 0.16

Thanks in advance!

(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

The second number stands for the number of major updates. The third number stands for the number of bug fix patches. If you are on v0.16 and haven't run into any bugs, there is no reason download v0.16.2.


Okay thanks!

(1 edit) (-3)

Is it better to play it now?or you are planning to finish this avn anytime sooner,so i can wait and play it altogether later rather than waiting for updates after playing it now.


Updates happen roughly every 3 - 4 months.

(1 edit) (-6)

oh gosh,dude are you serious? I have asked this similiar question to you 4 times already, everytime some wierd answer, I ain't asking you the date you upgrade your avn on, I'm asking whether it's going to have an ending anytime sooner or not,if it's going to be going on for few years before having an ending,or it's near to having a proper ending,but you never understand the question, I'm tired of this site.

Good bye dude,best of luck for your avn.


If Runey did not give a straight answer to your question it is safe to assume that he does not want to say or he simply doesn't know.  Pretty silly to get angry over tbh.


Oh lol, okay.

Just downloaded the game on android and it keeps crashing when launching I have the plugin installed and followed all steps. I see some other people having this problem too. Plz fix

(1 edit)

It works.

how do i visit girls at night 

im replaying the game as my previous save did not work and im trying to fly through.  my level is high with many girls and lin and kali also sleep with me at night but i cant sneak around to visit them at night


Click any grey option to see why it is locked.


Is JoiPlay still working? Whenever I try using it, I get error saying game not supported.

(1 edit)

My joiplay crush at it's first time but when it's second time it works perfectly, I don't know you get an error though.

I'm also on android too.

Got the Renpy plugin installed?

It still appears to be working.

works for me

It's working for me. It does crash for me if I played it like 4 or 5 hours but that was at the beginning. I am using ren'py plugin joiplay to play this game. I am using Redmi 10 5G.


Could Android get some Futa mods in the future? I bet she would love to dp the girls with me, especially Maria. If so, I also wouldn't mind a few scenarios or events where the player walks in on the girls using Android's hardware :p

Deleted 1 year ago

wow you're so right! There has never been a consensual polyamorous relationship in the history of mankind!! Also, it's a fucking fantasy game, go play RuneScape if you don't have the mental fortitude for this kind of thing.


Yeah it's not like monagamy is much praised in past,on rare circumstances monogamy was done,else everyone enjoyed the fruit of polygamy in past and it's freedom,and what's sexist? It's not like girls don't fuck with more than 1 guy at same time,or they remain more faithful in a relationship than boys,it's goes both ways ,it's not about sexist it's about showing reality in face off fantasy.


You'll understand when you're older :)


What shitty stuff, dude? Loving some guy is shit according to you? It's not like she is selling herself for money,fame like many praised celebrity women does or did in past,here most women shown in are fantasy and are million times better than what in reality praised celebrity, political women are. If anything it's men who is shown downgraded and shown as assholes,few are but not all like in these all avn shown.


I am so confused... If you think it's a shitty stuff then what are you doing here anyways??? Isn't this 18+/NSFW side of itch?


Maybe she's a feminist (who is itching for some sexual pleasure and secretly using these thing to get on) or more gross she could be a 11 year old girl with a 30 year old bf,and he force her to play these things to try new

(2 edits) (+3)

oh, i'm totally not like one of those people ...




I mean who would know much  about a group which doesn't exist in reality😂😂

How big is this game? Is there a lot of scenes


This probably has the most content out of any free (unless you want to pay) game out there.

(1 edit) (+3)

There is. New characters like autumn don't have that much scenes but old characters like Lin, Kali and Ashley have a lot of them. Maria, Android and Felicia/Emma have minimal amount of scenes. Side characters one is bit different. Side characters one counts as one page scenes. There is no individual pages for every side characters. So side characters don't have that much scenes. Scenes don't really matter. You can do many things in this game. That what makes this game extra good. There is also cheat code if you playing this game again on another phone or download it again (only if you finished the game on your old device or uninstalling the game). With cheat code you can unlock many things because of infinite money. So I recommend this game. It does take a lot of storage (especially not good if you play this game on mobile) but it's still amazing. I personally give 5/5 for the current version of this game. I am so excited for future versions.

(This game doesn't have NTR. So if you hate NTR, this game especially is for you.)

(2 edits) (-1)

My game keeps crashing and kicking me out when I talked to kail I'm on Android and I don't know what to do adit I figured it out it's not a Pacific dialogue glitch it just randomly crashes so does anyone know how to stop it or at least not make it happen as often


When is the pregnancy fetish coming? Thanks for an awesome game btw!


I second this!

Unfortunately I think it'll be a while. My guess is it'll require a new building (nursery) and a final quest for each girl. For the elves it may require a main quest update (half elves getting rights) before some of them feel acceptable with it (like Lin). Depending on how much content will be written and how much of a priority it is, it will probably take anywhere from a couple of weeks to many months.

It will take time because the dev have a lot things in their hands. They took rest and finally started to work on the new update. It might come this year.


Can please separate the llinks, is such a hastle to download really especially if it keep failing


Every Harem gotta have:

- The Slave

- The normal ass relationship

- The Yandere

- The one who will fuck everybody

- The one that's way too overpowered and is only kept in check because she likes you

- The siblings


- The one who has no idea she's in a harem

never forget, the antagonist.
the master cannot be the antagonist, he needs to be placed upon the throne, not take it for himself

What's use of antagonist in a harem? Would you sleep happily with a girl who killed your family and friends?if anything at Max forgive her,but having relationship with your enemy is not good thing.


Yeah. It's a normal thing especially in Isekai harem story.

And from my perspective of this game are:

The Slave: Lin

The Normal Ass Relationship: Kali

The Yandere: Ashley

The One Who Will Fuck You Everyday: Maria

The One that's way too overpowered and is only kept in check because she likes you: Android

The Siblings: Emma and Felicity

The One Who Has No Idea She's In A Harem: Autumn 

Is there a way proper to report small issues? I wont report gramma mistakes as I only had around 3 in the enitre game, which is pretty impressive for a game with so much text.

I had no game breaking issues so far, but it might be nice to have them fixed before the full release.

1. One small thing that I noticed: When Maria and Vanessa first met, Maria forgot to tell her name when she introduces herself. Neverthless knows Vanessa Maria´s name a few text´s after.

2. I am nearly at the end of the current content I guess and I have unlocked most of the girls to "sleep together with", however, from one night to an other only Lin is available.

No matter what I tryed to fix it, load all save games, restart the game, continue the storylines etc. it didnt work.

Also, I think it would be really cool to have more interactive/dynamic/lively ways to interact romantic with the girls. As for now, the MC often appears pretty ruthless and non empathic towards the girls. Doesnt damage the storys themselves, but for the gameplay between the storylines it would be nice to have the option to buildup more romantic realitionships towards the girls.

I really enjoy this high-quality lewd game, I thank you for the effort you put in this game. Your love to precise and detailed work, is feel- and seeable.


Holy cow, what is this game?! I fucking cried! Cried! At a porn game! Game is too light a term here. This is an experience. Soooo much content, more than you could possibly assume and world-building. It baffles me how many people would love these characters and the setting, but will never know because it has dungeon porn and the male main character cannot avoid collecting a sexual harem of young women. Unreal, standing O (do I mean ovation?) to the creator. Next, make a PG version under the same setting and let me Stardew Valley with my girls. 10/10


Thank you! I totally understand why you would call it a porn game, but I've always considered it a visual novel for adults. I definitely lean into the porn aspect a lot. I focus on the story, characters, and world, not the porn, and I think that's what you're noticing :)

I actually do plan on releasing a version without any porn in it, but it is a long way down the road and not a priority at all.

Well, I'm sold when you get to it :)


I hope Runey doesn't mind that I mention this, because I'm not at all involved in the development of the game I'm about to mention, so this isn't self-promotion, and I'm not at all telling anyone to get this other game instead of Harem Hotel, just wanted to say that if you liked the writing of this game, you should ALSO give "Our Red String" a try as well. The writing in that game is also really good to the point that I wish they had a SFW version so that it can be more mainstream and easier for me to recommend to others to try. Another good one is Eternum by Caribdis. I would easily say that those two games and this game, Harem Hotel, are like the 3 best h-games on itch right now by far.

I was a bit hesitant to try this, maybe due to a disappointing experience with an unrelated but similarly titled game? But must say this was very surprising in a positive way. I can’t say that Harem Hotel is the best game in the genre story wise, but I for sure did not expect it to turn in the direction it does and then double down on it. Politics wise I do feel it’s still somewhat “confused” in a few ways (who isn’t, really) but it’s got its heart in the right place, for sure.

I guess one of my only regrets here is that I didn’t think to keep open a document to collate typos and missing flag checks as I DID have a handful of events that ended up coming in a bit of a weird order.

Overall, though, I still have some feedback that may be useful [v0.16.2] [spoilers ahead, though I try to be somewhat vague]:

  • I feel early progression is a bit wonky. The game leads you to exploring the city but content there dries up almost immediately. This ended up giving me the impression that this was going to turn out somewhat barebones (that was an extremely wrong impression, lol, and always felt weird given the package size).

  • For repeatable church content, the Seer could be used to give the player hints for how to trigger upcoming events, since the girl menu doesn’t seem to have any sort of tooltips or anything of the like. gamey but would work

  • Additionally, it feels like the game is uncomfortably constricted until the event where you <acquire many moneys>. It’s a stage of the game where you’re presented with a load of things to spend money on but you don’t really make money in any significant way. Active ways of making money could use a lot of boosting, honestly. Even the best option, which only unlocks way late into the game doesn’t give you much (also at that point my expenses were already a bit weird since they where largely event related). This makes it a bit too awkward when you need to suddenly spring 7500$ to progress, or get hit with a surprise 4K expense

  • I believe the super expensive premium elf has a quest tracking issue on her slave route. I was 4/4 progress, saw the scene with the dildo but the tracker still showed the “event available” flag which I couldn’t find on my own and is not listed on the wiki

  • For the dungeon competition event I think the game ended up making me more scared than necessary. I ended up worried I might miss up on content there and it caused me to delay that event until I could train the relevant girl no more. This turned out to be very overkill, I believe.

  • Still on training, if unavailable options got greyed out it would be quite nice. I believe there’s at least one that is listed and is not even currently obtainable

  • The dungeon comp also stuck in mind during the hospital event. We get an option to call Cornwall there and the MC is just super mad and screams at him but that felt odd. At that point in the game, after the dungeon comp, we actually have a good relationship with Cornwall, who has a high opinion of the MC as a slaver. I kind of expected the phonecall to be a bit more along the lines of leveraging that relationship and respect to ask Cornwall for a favour in securing the purchase of this slave that is just about to hit the system. Also given the reason they go to the hospital in the first place, the MC being as aggroed as he is still turns out a bit weird, but that one contributes to the drama and theme more directly so it bothered me less

All in all though, this game surprised me greatly and I’m excited to see where it goes. I feel like even characters whose story/theme/trope I wasn’t super excited at first (hello, Android) ended up delivering interesting moments and getting me invested in the end. When it comes to horny, shoutout to pair scenes in the dungeon, I guess. 2/2 on those. Looking forward to the next update and the continuation of the very expensive elf being educated in her new position

(1 edit)

– bug report with minor spoilers I guess

Not sure how to better report bugs; the last Felicity&Emma story chapter (cops) happened while both Maria and Sylvia were unavailable. Also the event in school with cheerleaders happened before the event that actually unsuspended them.


Thank you very much for the work done, my game worked perfectly and flawlessly. I look forward to continuing the storie lines on the locations.


where are the save files for android and pc


Hey, I did catch the bug.

And here is the save file:

(1 edit) (+1)

Thank you for the detailed bug report! I can fix this easily. The save file isn't necessary though.

Are there sounds during the H scenes? If not are there plans to add them in the future?



Right after you rescue Cira, and you're in the dormitory with Maria and Nia, it looks like Nia's ears are round. I think that's an error. :)


a game packed with super hotties  that also fights racism? count me in

hell yeah fuck rasicm, all my homies hate racism!

When my laptop blew up in October, I lost my copy of this and every other game. When I tore open the packing of my temporary replacement today, this was the second site I visited after replacing my word processor. Unfortunately, I don't  see a way to download the full game again.

I hope U am mistaken because this was my favorite  game. If U'm missing something obvious and the download is available, please point it out to me.. All jokes about too much porn aside, I also lost much pf my vision over the same time period so I do have trouble picking up some things that might seem obvious.

Thanks ib advance.


Nevermind. My temporary laptop has a hard drive with the metaphorical heft of a matchbook,

Smythy who sits looking longingly at Lin through the window

I use an external drive for the vast majority of my games. These days a good 4 TB external is fairly cheap, or if you have an even more limited budget, even a 1 or 2 TB drive works wonders.

Click on "Download Now", then on link "No thanks, just take me to the downloads"

Deleted post

I <3 THIS GAME!! Is there any way I can transfer my android savestate to the joiplay? Ive played this game for months & recently downloaded it to play on joiplay


Okay, i love this game and I still play it once and a while even though I'm all caught up just to keep stacking money so I'm ready for new content. I've got alot to say but it's from a standpoint of being caught up and it is positive feedback too.

First off, it's crazy that even though it's a herem type game, it's still a better dating sim than any other game I've ever played. Maybe i'm playing it wrong but that's the way i been treating it; i got to know all the girls and honestly; Lin is my favorite and I know it's crazy because she's an Elf so it would be complicated to be with her but Mr. Trenero is married to an Elf  so i feel like I should be able to too. Which i did find facinating because slaves are prohibited from marrying because, as long as they are in a state of bondage, they lacked the capacity to enter into any legally enforceable civil contracts. But if by some crazy law change they come free or if it works like a greencard situation where a married elf becomes free and then can divorce their master and stay free; then Kali is my second choice but after that i have no interest in the others. So i would hope that Lin would stay with me because i feel like I'm good to her but if she chose to leaves cuz she's free then i can accept that cuz i just want Lin to be happy. 

I am absolutely comfortable with marrying Lin and friendzoning all the other girls. Like i don't think i've done anything with any of the elves in the sanctuary unless the story made me.  And i saw another comment where someone said something about the characters being pregnant and that would be something i would interested in with Lin even though i know it would take a long time because i think either Syvia or one of the books in the school library said Low land Elves have a hard time conceiving and that's why they have a day dedicated to procreation and relaxation.  

And i did notice that Lin has no affection stat like the others, so i was worried that kids and marriage with her wouldn't be an option with her.

I also think it would be cool if i could get Lin and the other elves human outfits like the android has so we could go hang out places like regular people, like a simple hats and contacts. Also those 5 elves in the sanctuary bring in no profit and i don't think Ashley pays either, Maria helps out in the bar so that helps make money but i think it would be interesting if the android got more powerful to the point of being able able to make fake IDs and identities (which would bring in more money) and get an upgrade that would give her medical knowledge to clip ears for elves that want to try to live a normal life and no one would know unless they got their blood tested but also to fix up Nia when she gets hurt and be a Doc to the elves with fake identities. 

Also if there's any way Maria could at least meet her mom, i know breaking her out would be impossible but like if maybe the android hacks the cameras and security for like just an hour, i know it's not much time but i think it'd be cool to at least let Maria meet her mom cuz family is important. 

Well, i got lots of ideas cuz i love the game, but i don't want to tell you how to do your job lol i was just saying alot so you know how much i like the game. 


Thanks :)


Hi there, great game so far :)

A few questions/suggestions though:

1. Any chance of adding more men into the mixture for bukkakes, dp for some group sex with only one/a few girls?

2. Please let us name our save files, or maybe I am just dumb to find out.

3. Are the "overflowing lust" only currently available for girls with the corresponding stat?

1. There will be no sharing.

2. You can name the save pages.

3. Lust Events occur at 3, 6, and 9.

(1 edit)

I have downloaded the game according to the Android instructions, but everytime I open the game via JoiPlay it crashes and opens my home screen. (My phone has 6GB RAM)

Edit: I unpacked the files a second time and it worked

Hey! I started playing the game from the beginning, because I forgot many things, since I started my current save several years ago, so I mention, that Ashley have had a good memories about Ms. Ren, so, maybe that would be a good idea for Ashley to try to find and rescue her?


I recommend you catch up with Ashley's story ;)


Absolutely amazing, incredible game. Runey has done SUCH a good job. It's no wonder why this is one of the top rated games on itch. The sex scenes are amazing, and although it's a "porn game," it is so much more. I know it might sound cheesy to say a porn game has a great story, BUT THIS ONE LEGITIMATELY DOES. Everything from the story, to the dialogue, to the character development - it is all top-notch. It's still in early development (currently in v0.16, at the time of making this comment), and even STILL, the game currently has, what I estimate to be, 50+ hours of content if you 100% the game, and read every line of text (without skipping/skimming through). 

The year has just begun, but this is already my "Game of the Year, 2023," because I'm pretty sure there's not gonna be another game that tops it for me for the rest of the year. The game is free, but I already plan on donating/joining the Patreon, because I'm so appreciative that a game like this exists. Keep it up, Runey - you're doing an amazing job :)


Thank you so much :)

I think a part of the reason why you think it's more than just a porn game is because I never intended on making one! I have always considered Harem Hotel to be an Adult Visual Novel. I think "porn game" might give one the impression a game is about porn. But HH is a book in video game form, written for adults.

While I put in a ton of effort for each line of dialogue in the story (making sure it's important and not just fluff) I actually think I'm not very good at writing sex dialogue at all. But tits are great, so why not? Sex is mostly optional, or will be.

(1 edit) (+5)

"I came for the lewds but stayed for the story." 
— Itch Classics

Deleted post

Thank you so much :)

So like, i followed the download instructions and  its finished. Now, whenever i want to play, it just keeps crashing. I dont press anything but it still crashing.

This would seem to imply that the installation wasn't done correctly, or maybe you have a very old phone.

I have a oppo a12, with 4gb ram and 64 gb storage. Is that not enough

I don't think so honestly. Unless your extracting elsewhere and have nothing else on your phone. The zip and raw files are 10 gb each. Your phone uses virtual memory so unless you have nothing else on your phone I suspect you ran out of space.

have you tried the compressed version? if not try that


All versions are the compressed version, the original size of Harem Hotel is ~90GB.

(2 edits)

ah makes sense, just a little too big to have on a phone, and on pc for that matter


Dude amazing game, no wonder its the highest ranked adult game on itch. Superb character writing and worldbuilding!

Is there any plan to include soundeffects? The 3 music channels are fine, but i miss some soundeffects specific during sex, like monaing etc.

That be the only major thing I'd missed, except of more anal scenes which arent doggy, but thats just major for me i guess ^^.

Cant wait for the full game, you should put it for at least 20$. Too great a game to sell cheap

Thank you! Harem Hotel will always be free, but tips are always appreciated :) This game is the only way I make a living.

I don't have any plans to include sound effects like moaning but I do plan to include more music, specifically themed music for locations, events, and emotions. 


I know this sound stupid and pathetic but thanks for not making me lonely Runey


Not stupid or pathetic at all, my friend. Everybody gets lonely, and most everybody needs to feel a sense of connection to someone else. :)

I could say the same :)


Runey I tried downloading the game on mobile but I've done putting it in renpy and I try to play it just crashed I can't even get in the game

(1 edit) (+1)

Hello I want to play this game on android and I followed the steps but I have no .exe file in the unpacked folder. Pls help

Try downloading from PC and then Transfer to your phone. I downloaded from My PC because some troubles executing it after downloading from My phone. But i like the Game, si i tried downloading from PC and transferibg to My phone. It worked nice

It's 1 layer deep in the name version -pc folder not the main folder.


Hi Runey, I was wondering how you animated your scenes because I wanted to try to make a game myself and I want to use honey select but as it's my first time making a game and using renpy I was wondering if you had any tips? Also Harem hotel has become one of my favorite games and is one of the many reasons I wanna make a game and get into coding.

It called HoneySelect.

It's actually a game itself, but nobody playing it. Usually it using for image generation for vn's or comics as it contains a proper editor. You could find a version packed with modes and assets here, also a huge community where you could find any answer is here. The engine for making visual novels is RenPy.

I wish you to be the next top-notch artist on Itch and will be happy to test and play your games :)


is there stuff like thighjobs any kind of edging or rubbing scenes? Just curious





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