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i came for the sex but stayed for the plot. easily the best eroge i've played probably ever. and seeing how this is just v. 0.16 i'm very excited to see how this game will develop.

great job RuneyGames ^^

Thank you :)


I can't move forward with atum's story because when I go to his door he says that tuna is taking a bath but on the cameras he appears in his room. 

Try reinstalling v0.16.2

Ok so just got curious HOW many hours of gameplay does this game have is it really 1000+ hours like in the screenshot of the game ?


No haha, those are just my stats from my current save. I have more than that in other saves.

I usually see people at 30 - 40 hours once they've beaten the game.

57hr 55mins on my completion, will be a tad longer so I can get some of the girls stats maxed.  Not everyone will have the same time depending how fast they click through lol. Also, Sorry Runey, misclicked, was meant to reply to nope_69

57hr 55mins on my completion, will be a tad longer so I can get some of the girls stats maxed.  Not everyone will have the same time depending how fast they click through lol.

Working on my 3rd playthrough to see the reworked content at the beginning. currently about halfway through available content and am currently at just shy of 23 hours. I have been proofreading and compiling typos and grammar errors though, so I'm probably not a fair comparison.


As of writing this I've now finished all story content in v0.16, and oh my lord has it been a journey. Several times I've had to just stop playing to go away and process my feelings about certain events (looking at you, Maria), because all of the characters and their stories are so well written they evoke serious emotions.

The world itself is also so beautifully developed, with a surprisingly robust history and lore, as well as fleshed-out nations and peoples that don't even (currently) see much screen time. I could read about this world all day, honestly.

Really looking forward to the new developments, and learning more about the characters and the world they live in.

Genuinely an 11/10 AVN


While I have by no means finished playing, only on day 61 as of this writing, I wanted to express how impressed and amazed I was with the writing and rendering. Engaging characters, a setting that is not static, but dynamic with a sense of changing along with the characters as the story, their stories progress. Earlier comments kept mentioning how the bar has been raised and they were not examples of hyperbole. I am looking forward to continuing the journey in your game. 

I also want to say thank you, not just for the work you poured into this game, but also how you handled some of the subjects. I like how the protagonist did blink finding out slavery exists, even asking if the elf stewardess was alright with it. I found myself cheering Sylvia on to the point of thinking, yes Lin, go with her (supposing this was not a scam). Sylvia's first appearance was so unexpected, but very welcomed. 

My first thought with her colonizer (beyond a nod to a certain movie) comment was how ironic, and later I also thought, that should have been my line, but then I reminded myself the protagonist is not only an immigrant by a different color than the player. 

While I am not sure if the protagonist was just humoring Autumn with the one response option of blood boiling just thinking about it, I found I was in complete agreement, and curious, as well as hopeful, if something can be done about it. It added to my gaming experience (I guess obvious with 2 paragraphs on the subject).  

Going back to the subject of color, another big thank you for including characters of color in the game. From Zara to the Dark elf in the first beach visit, both of whom I hope become characters that can become part of the regular cast or at least side characters, as well as sprinkling them in the background. It helps to connect with a game that is more than a series of successive sex scene. You've crafted quite a gaming experience and I realize I have only just begun playing it. Again, thank you very much for it. 

Thank you so much! 

You are very welcome! Oh, even though I haven't finished the game yet, I do want to support it and have just joined your Patreon (as NFinity). I look forward to what you develop in the future and thank you again for all the great work you have done!


How to download this game for Android??

Read the "How to play on Android" section on this page.


Why can't I choose Turkish?

No one has translated the game into Turkish

La memo nediyon la

Lan Türk varmis


Just finished v0.16. Fantastic. Started playing this around I think v0.8 and thought it would just be a fun game. Now it also feels so deep and I have become so vested in how the story progresses. Every character now has a serious challenge and I look forward to seeing how their individual stories go on and if they intertwine in any way.

Also, I do get a kick out of it whenever something blocks the protagonist's face.

Great work.



I'm absolutely thrilled. Rating 100/10. Gorgeous story lines of characters (especially the android plot). Well, there are just no words to express how gorgeous it is.

Thank you! :)

Hey, I heard that a new version is coming up. Thing is, how will the update process work? I mean, once it's out I would like to get the new version but I'd also like to not lose any progress.  Thanks in advance :)

Simply download, launch, and load.

(1 edit)

I download the file and start the game from JoiPlay like usually and it should be already updated or do I need to set it up again and execute the new exe? I noticed that there is a saves folder with my saved games (duh), do I need to move the saved game from the file of the old version to the saves folder of the new version? Sorry if I am asking too many dumb questions but it's my first time working with files like this 😅. I just really love the game and what you did and I want to keep playing.

There is a readme instruction on how to install new update. Check it out

Where is it? I've searched for it here but I couldn't find anything related to it at all...

Oh sorry, I'm not quite sure how to do it on Android, but I know it is possible. I wish I could help further but I don't play HH on the phone.

(1 edit)

Dw, I'm bound to find someone who plays in Android like me. Worst case scenario I could manually switch the saves or something like that


been a while for me, are sex scenes with autumn  available? thanks again for this awesome game!


I wish I could wipe my memory to just play this again as the first time, thats the level of this game. 11/10

you can, go to your save in game, hover your mouse curser over the save file and push DELETE on your keyboard. or select NEW GAME and overwrite that save.

To fully wipe the save, you may have to go into you RENPY files, locate the title and delete the saves in the folder


i want to play this game on my phone but isn't there a separate download link for android? the one listed above is kinda confusing for me.

Read the guide


thank you for making this game youre the best !!

Thank you for playing!

Regarding the huge file size issue for Android, is it not possible to make a small apk file and the rest of resources be downloaded as obb file?

I've seen this done on some other games but maybe the limitation is with the visual novel engine used and not with Android itself?

What kind of engine do you use? I'll try looking into the issue.

I use Renpy. Harem Hotel's original filesize is 90GB and has been compressed to roughly 10GB

Just "finished" the game

Gah damn that was an experience, basically one of those "came for the girls, stayed for history"  didnt knew it was going to be so deep, all the elf slavery and revolution is soo good holy. Oh i forget to mention the world-building too

And ofc the girls do not dissapoint too, them all have so much differences from each other its simply amazing

Crazy game homie straight 10/10

Im kinda hoping that juliet be a main character too 

Thank you!


Best PayPal donation I have made ever

LOVE the story as much as I LOVE the women.  Great, Keep it comming.

I must confess, initially I thought it was taking too long to get the actions scenes, but the slow burning story was worth it.

Important point.  This story has some strong themes, The writing IS GREAT.  This is not your standard Visual Novel/ dating sim, The story in combination with the scenes sets the bar at HIGH.

Well done.  Can't wait for the city to be fleshed out and some of the potential storys to be discovered like the first encounter in the coffee shop.

I assume Ashley's story arch used personal experience, It was handled very well.

I also like Kate health questionaire, very well fit in with her character ;) 

PLEASE, give me more KARI, KATE, JULIET.  MOAR.  You are Gods amount Visual Novel/ dating sim developers.

I am not finished yet, assume I am 2/3 finish.  No hesitation to say its GREAT.  No hesitation to say I will replay it at next update.

Glad you're having fun!

Is this game finished yet?

Far from it.

this is awesome i love it! Is it possible to add audio to it though?

There is plenty!
I assume you mean voice acting and sound effects though? That won't happen.

Deleted 316 days ago

if pregnancy does get added will it be towards the endgame? and will it be optional?

when do the new update come out?


10 gb? I have no idea how you survive making this, you must be working and fapping simultaneously.

Deleted post
(1 edit) (+3)

I've never seen anyone with less than 30 hours of playtime beat the story.

Deleted post

My first play session of this game was quite literally 12 hours straight of a mix of skipping and reading, didn't even get close to half way in v0.14.1


These are compressed files as well. Harem Hotel would be closer to 90GB if it weren't compressed.


Bruhh 💀💀

(1 edit) (+3)(-1)

Try making a new game on anodroid thought joi play and it crashes before the warning that j have to 18 to play thing goez away

I made sure ti follow what it says and it still doesn't work


When are you adding in pregnancy? I would love to see the risk of pregnancy rather than just do you want to get so and so pregnant, like almost a consequence.  Any thoughts? 


At the end of the story.

(1 edit)

Is there an ETA for v0.17 or an estimate of what content will be added in it? 

Didn't expect to get invested in these characters since things start so simple for each of them, but you've done a good job adding nuance as things go along.

Some of Maria and Android's scenes have left me kinda speechless TBH. 


All of those questions will be answered in the Development Announcement post when that is ready to go up.  I make those posts before every update on Patreon, but I will start putting them here as well I think.

hi! could you tell me what the file path for saves on MAC would be?

Can I take my current score into the new version? If so, how does it work?

Saves automatically transfer between versions on PC and Mac

Hi! Had a few questions. Why are there no sexual interactions with lin's sister now? 


I haven't developed the story necessary to lead into sex without it being forced.


Much respect for this - part of why the scenes feel better when they happen is the level of writing you've put forth for each of the characters - legit great stuff. Can't wait to see more. 

Can i download this thought mega?

Mega has a 10GB filesize limit. Harem Hotel is over that limit.

Playing through Joiplay - can saves from 0.16 be kept/backed up to use on 0.17 and onward? And how do I update the game if I'm using Joiplay?

(1 edit)

Is there any difference when choosing a option when nia say are you with me? Do we become heartless killers 

There is no consequence for that option.

(1 edit)

Cool and i wish you great lick with the game and everything else I hope we can save the elves and everyone and finally get autumn

(1 edit)

amazing game can't wait to see more of the story and everything

can i change back to android big tiddy form in cutsenes?


just copped a new pc finally ab to play the new up date  

great game, had much fun, but it took some time to understand the gameplay, i am not a native english speaker

Rest assured, there are multiple translations being worked on :)


needed a futa and trap version xD

(1 edit) (+3)(-1)

Don't hold your breath for it


Ummm what you mean by that? You will add it in future,if you are going to,one small req keep it optional and minimum.

(1 edit) (+2)(-1)

I mean that if you were to hold your breath for it, you would die.  Because it's not coming, or will be incredibly rare.

You added that scene with the elf boy in a dress and I can't fuck him? Travesty
Still love you <3

Deleted post

I completed Maria's story before Moon's and now I'm stuck on Event 4 because Maria needs to work at the bar for it to trigger. Problem is, Maria doesn't work there anymore after finishing her story. Is there a workaround or something I can do to finish Moon's story?

Try it again. I completed Maria before moon too cuz mood don't have a room so i always forgot about her and was still able to complete her story. 


Maria never stops working at the bar.

I had the same problem, for me it was because I hadn't bought Maria's bartender outfit - not having it doesn't stop Maria's main story progressing, but it does prevent her appearing in the bar and so stops Moon's next event triggering.


Just tried to install this on android and the game doesn't run even with all the extra added apps. Even Google is cracking down on this as many have used such extra apps for nefarious purposes. . With Ren'Py having its own android development engine I don't see why you can't just make an android version without all the extra steps like the other game developers here do.
Even the reviews of JoiPlay are saying that it is a substandard app to play Ren'Py games and makes them lag worse than using Ren'Py itself to make all the needed changes to run on android.

(3 edits) (+2)

I'm not aware of any other way to release Harem Hotel on Android.

Feel free to ask questions though, like "Why can't you release an android version like all the other developers?"

The answer to that would be that Harem Hotel is over 90 Gigabytes. The game has already been drastically compressed down to 10GB, and even with that, your android phone will only run .apks under 2GB. As far as I know, it is still impossible to make an .apk bigger than 2GB. It would be nice if .apk caught up to the modern year, but since Harem Hotel is big, it must be emulated on Joiplay.

Please let me know when/if you can get Harem Hotel to run on your phone without Joiplay.

As far as I know some apps with more than 2gb space do run on android devices,like i played a 4.6 gb+ game years back on my android phone,so that thing of not supporting 2gb+ apps is new for android,i guess, maybe it will work in old android devices?

And one more thing i founded that if you compress your files and release them as .zip they can be changed into .apk files after being downloaded on any device and can be installed and run on any android device.


Thank you for clearing that up for me. At least now I understand. It is a wonderful game. I really enjoy playing it.

(1 edit) (+1)

What is better download the 0.16.2 or wait until 0.17 release? I'm currently using 0.16

Thanks in advance!

(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

The second number stands for the number of major updates. The third number stands for the number of bug fix patches. If you are on v0.16 and haven't run into any bugs, there is no reason download v0.16.2.


Okay thanks!

(1 edit) (-3)

Is it better to play it now?or you are planning to finish this avn anytime sooner,so i can wait and play it altogether later rather than waiting for updates after playing it now.


Updates happen roughly every 3 - 4 months.

(1 edit) (-6)

oh gosh,dude are you serious? I have asked this similiar question to you 4 times already, everytime some wierd answer, I ain't asking you the date you upgrade your avn on, I'm asking whether it's going to have an ending anytime sooner or not,if it's going to be going on for few years before having an ending,or it's near to having a proper ending,but you never understand the question, I'm tired of this site.

Good bye dude,best of luck for your avn.


If Runey did not give a straight answer to your question it is safe to assume that he does not want to say or he simply doesn't know.  Pretty silly to get angry over tbh.


Oh lol, okay.

Just downloaded the game on android and it keeps crashing when launching I have the plugin installed and followed all steps. I see some other people having this problem too. Plz fix

(1 edit)

It works.

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