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Is the next update going to be out at the beginning of the next month or mid or end of the month?


Probably closer to the end of next month, but certainly when it's ready.


Honestly I think we should just wait and give Runey his time to make the update, a game like this takes a lot of time and effort to be made, so I would recommend not asking for ETAs… and just wait patiently, if you want you can become a Patron to get exclusive access to the Beta Builds… it’ll be ready when it’s ready, simple as that. :D

is there going to be any way to bring my save file over to the next version? im on day 268, i dont want to lose all progress on next update. thx!

(1 edit) (+1)

Saves always automatically transfer. This is default for every game made with Renpy.

Deleted post

Check out the most recent dev diary or my patreon/twitter.

Deleted post

Uh, sorry guys, I have to ask. I downloaded the game on Android and did all the necessary steps with RAR and joiplay, but it keeps crashing a minute into the game. I have android 12, so is this just a problem with Joiplay? If so, please recommend alternative apps.

Thank you

Something seems to be broken with Joiplay, I'm not sure about a workaround at the moment.

Hi quick question does anyone know how to install this game for android version 10

There's a bug in the wedding "game" 

In one of the sex scenes the background turns black until the scene change

I'm the only one with that problem?

(I play in android)

just a quickie, I have 4/4 scenes with sylvia but a "!" icon is showing like there's still an event for her. Am I missing something or is it just a bug?

I think this is an old error that has been fixed for v0.17. It's just a visual bug.

I'm wondering if it's because she had 5/5 events in love route and 4/4 on slave route. Thanks anyway =)

Deleted 1 year ago
Deleted 1 year ago

Do not share patron codes or you will be banned.

(1 edit)

When release of  Beta 3, is it on 5th week April.

Hello, i saw something really really funny with code image. I have to tell you it was amazing really amazing funny thing. First time i saw something like this. Good job with this game!

Can't open this game with Joiplay

Anyone got the ipa file to play this game on iphone? :o

there is no iphone version of the game.

I'm very confused on where to buy some of the items/outfits it mentions and I can't seem to find the information anywhere..


go to you room in the Hotel. click on the Desk top( Computer) you should have a Screen with many Icons on the left side, you want the top one ( the Shopping Bag ). click it and Look for outfits, Sex toys, Elves, others and Gifts. Gifts are for when you have made the Girl/Woman mad and want to be back in her good grace. that should solve your Problem!!
Have fun and Please have a good Day

Hoping the update be soon i just recently finished the game for the 3rd time😂


Only 3  i have played it 10-14 times if you follow the Walkthrue you should have a great time. if you change some things you get more things to see and experience. sometimes following the walkthrue Limits you but gets you the best action for a very good game. after you finish a few time try something different and you may get a Surprise or three

Will Ellen win more sex scenes? Who knows how to crave Creampie? It would be interesting for her to take a shower, just like the other girls.

Thank you i have been wondering that My self

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All the music used in the game is registered under a Creative Commons license iirc so it should be safe to use/hear whenever and wherever you want

Most music is credited in the pause menu,

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Damn i really love Kate, it's sad to know that she's just a side character

Glad you like her :)

hope the gallery of replays in the next update will include most of the scenes especially the side characters


There are nearly 1,000 scenes in the game. I can't add them all to the gallery.

how can i play it in android i already download 10GB+

Read the "How to play on android" section on this page.

it is compatible in any phone ?, my phone is Xiaomi Rednote 9s


Perdon por responder en español pero me es mas facil explicarlo asi

Si puedes descargar "joiplay" entonces tendrías que poder jugarlo

Si tu celular tiene menos de "4gb de ram" entonces te sera dificil

Deberias usar el archivo que tiene un 32 y un .exe al final para evitar problemas

(Sorry for answer in Spanish but it's hard to explain this in english. Hope this help)

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Great Game
tho wish when a Girl or Girls Sleep with the MC the MC could Take Charge and Have sex with One or Both If more than One. It is Not Rape Just a Bit of Control If the Girls are Submissive Enough.  Tho Player would Not be able to take Charge More than 2T/W (2 times a Week)

u r weird

thank you!!

Can some one suggest me some good game which have already been completed


Sisterly Lust is basically completed and Once in a Lifetime is finished. Both are good, i liked the latter a lot.

bro thnks for your suggestion but i have already played once in a life time already any other games u suggest


like the other guy said Once in a Lifetime is very good and the guy who made it is making a new game called Eternum its also very good

Game is absolutely amazing.  Hands down the best erotic VN I've played.  I appreciate all the work you put into this Runey, simply amazing.  So far the only thing I can think of that would be nice to have added is a random alarm if that isn't something I just haven't unlocked yet.  Other than that, keep up the amazing work!

Just downloaded the game, and already super into it. I did not expect Lin to have special dialogue for having her call the mc by name. Great detail!!

Bug report: telling Lin that anal isn't your thing somehow still counts as anal sex with Lin, stats-wise.


What are the chances of the Drow going to Sanctuary? It would be a great buy. I mean... To be rescued by getting freedom.

I used to play on PC and now i play in macos., i wonder how to move my saves to macos.plz

And I wonder will there be the Chinese translation!

I am not sure if it's possible to transfer save data between PC and Mac. But a chinese translation is being worked on.

Is there Any way to download an APK Not a zip file im getting frustated cant Download Zip's (im on Samsung) 

Nope. APKs have a size limit. I play it on Samsung note 20 just fine.

Could you say me who i could download it 

I downloaded it from the link on this page.

Its a zip file who did you download a zip file im Not really into that stuff 

This web page. What are you asking?

Are u download it on phone?

well, try download it from externall browser like uc browser or else. U can refresh the download link if it start to fail.

But if the ur problem is file size when extracting i cant really help but make free spaces or just download it on pc and extract then transfer it on ur phone.

Then add it to joiplay.

First dont got a PC why else Do i want it to play on mobile second its Not anything of All of that cant use joiplay because its to old for my Phone thats why it wont work 

First dont got a PC why else Do i want it to play on mobile second its Not anything of All of that cant use joiplay because its to old for my Phone thats why it wont work 

Ah i see, i have this problem when play other games after updating my os.

Have u try using  the newest version of joiplay? The one on play store are out dated they have problem update it.

Join joiplay discord server or find his (or her? Idk) patreon to get latest update, its free tho.

Btw im prefer vn stuff on mobile even when pc have better performance

Where can I find the music to this game?

How can i play this in laptop?



I noticed a bit of a continuity error in Maria's 29th relationship level scene.

When Maria is speaking to Hana in the bar about when they were last drunk at the beach, she brings up that they had kissed each other, except that part didn't happen. The scene in question only contained them feeling up each other's bare tits, but there was no kissing in that scene. Both of these scenes are right next to each other in the gallery in case you'd like to verify.

Not a huge inconsistency, just a piece of dialogue I caught that didn't quite add up right.


I'll look into it thanks!

(2 edits)

Hello Runey There's a way to make Android port working well which Apk and Game files are separated, the files locate to the Android/data/com.haremhotel, that could possibly work the size of Apk is small and game file over 4-10gb like that:)

Sounds promising. How?

Deleted 1 year ago
(2 edits)

Jikei and Stawer knows how to split up into 2 packages  Obb Data and Apk file.

i think stawer knows too the one who makes luckys paradox

when will the next update be released to the public

Next month maybe

(3 edits)

i would suggest umm dungeon content for Side Characters and Sanctuary Elves, theres a lot of thing to do in dungeon not yet implemented like carrying a girl while fucking, tied up on a Y object with a twist with another girl wearing dildo and teasing her penetrated, 

Anal but MC is Standing carrying 2 legs of girl that would be epic satisfying to watch his head might hidden or wearing mask

Dungeon Content🤔 HandJob heres a twist MC biting girl nipple while the girl caressing his penis. 

Missionary Scene🤔 im thinking if MC Holding 1leg of girl and she faced sideward 


what’s with the tf  there are a lot of scenes  in this games and this scene explain above seems normal but I will prefer runey doing everything on their own as the way they want.


Found the game about 3 days ago. I did all of the current story for the main characters and all of the side characters, got all of the stat things for each main character, and all of the pinups. Only took me 30 hours, I do not regret it, very good game. Excited for v0.17!


don’t play that fast lol you will have to wait for like 4 to 5 months btw each update


Are you still looking for people to make soundtrack? I would like to give it a try if possible

Sure, send me a DM on discord :)

where can I find your discord link

On the top of this page. CTRL+F "Discord"


How long would It take if i completed all tasks with this current update?


45+ hours, or roughly there.

Hello !

I finished all riddles with the girl at school but don't understand what to tell her after... Any hint or soluce 


The single letter riddles. They spell out "E-R-O-V"

Backwards, it's "vore". The secret riddle.

In the Dungeon we can see last option “Others” will you put others in the future updates?


Can the game be played on 4GB RAM Mobile ?

It's a Visual Novel pretty sure it can run on low spec phones


4GB of ram should be enough.

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do you think it Will run smoothly on 4GB Ram or it will be a little laggy ? 

And how many sex scenes are approximate ?

And after unpack the game what is the full size it will be ?

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thank you My phone is 64GB so the game won't be installed on my phone due to the lack of storage


Dont Don't worry it won't pass the 24gb even if you keep the zip file in your phone 

90gb would be the complete game and that will be in like 10 years (it's a joke.... maybe)

abdullah, this is haram game

yeah I know

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