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hello i have a question. I'm trying to choose Turkish language in language selection, but I can't choose it, haven't Turkish language support come to the game yet or will it come?

It's greyed out because it has not been made.

I'm on day 90, When I want to do the garden event with the android, she says I need to upgrade it even if I already did it. Do I need to wait? Is it something not implemented yet?

Might it be talking about another upgrade?

I don't have any other upgrade to do in the garden area, I've already made the 500$ one


totally one of the best game, the plot was quite interesting


Hi, I just wanted to congratulate you on your game, I had as much fun on it as on ddlc, congratulations.

I'm glad you had fun :)

I hope you had the same pleasure in making your game as I did in playing it. have a nice day :)

how can I get a code to use???


You don't know what you did to me the best game in the world it's really the first game that I love the story dialogues everything you really did something great waiting for you to finish it

Thank you!

Thanks to you


Harem Hotel v0.17 Beta Build 3 has released for supporters! Here are some previews.

Will data from 0.16.2 be transferable to the new version? Especially since it will take a considerable amount of time for the game to be replayed from scratch.

Yes, it is all automatically done.

After the new update comes out, do I need to redownload the game from here? If so, how will it transfer my data.

Simply download, install, launch, and load :)


do you want to add more accessories and clothes?

do you want to put new characters in preview?

(1 edit)

Hi Runey , i want to ask if you have plan to put the RPA Android Version in this game in  itch io? 

I see DahliaRose Post in Harem Hotel Discord Server about RPA Android Version  (3gb+) she/he made

Love ur Game, 

Working on it!

When .17 comes out how do you update it?

do I just download the game again?

Yes, or you can download just the update.

Abra un parche para ponerlo en español?

En ajustes podes cambiar el idioma

Esta abajo a la derecha la opción (en android tenes que arrastrar básicamente toda la pantalla para verlo ya que la pantalla no es suficientemente grande para todas esas opciones)

Just finished my first time playing. Hopping on the "We Love Kate" train. Honestly really well written, and excited for 0.17! Thanks for all the work you have put in! 

Thank you!

Is the next update going to be out at the beginning of the next month or mid or end of the month?


Probably closer to the end of next month, but certainly when it's ready.


Honestly I think we should just wait and give Runey his time to make the update, a game like this takes a lot of time and effort to be made, so I would recommend not asking for ETAs… and just wait patiently, if you want you can become a Patron to get exclusive access to the Beta Builds… it’ll be ready when it’s ready, simple as that. :D

is there going to be any way to bring my save file over to the next version? im on day 268, i dont want to lose all progress on next update. thx!

(1 edit) (+1)

Saves always automatically transfer. This is default for every game made with Renpy.

Deleted post

Check out the most recent dev diary or my patreon/twitter.

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Uh, sorry guys, I have to ask. I downloaded the game on Android and did all the necessary steps with RAR and joiplay, but it keeps crashing a minute into the game. I have android 12, so is this just a problem with Joiplay? If so, please recommend alternative apps.

Thank you

Something seems to be broken with Joiplay, I'm not sure about a workaround at the moment.

Hi quick question does anyone know how to install this game for android version 10

There's a bug in the wedding "game" 

In one of the sex scenes the background turns black until the scene change

I'm the only one with that problem?

(I play in android)

just a quickie, I have 4/4 scenes with sylvia but a "!" icon is showing like there's still an event for her. Am I missing something or is it just a bug?

I think this is an old error that has been fixed for v0.17. It's just a visual bug.

I'm wondering if it's because she had 5/5 events in love route and 4/4 on slave route. Thanks anyway =)

Deleted 1 year ago
Deleted 1 year ago

Do not share patron codes or you will be banned.

(1 edit)

When release of  Beta 3, is it on 5th week April.

Hello, i saw something really really funny with code image. I have to tell you it was amazing really amazing funny thing. First time i saw something like this. Good job with this game!

Can't open this game with Joiplay

Anyone got the ipa file to play this game on iphone? :o

there is no iphone version of the game.

I'm very confused on where to buy some of the items/outfits it mentions and I can't seem to find the information anywhere..


go to you room in the Hotel. click on the Desk top( Computer) you should have a Screen with many Icons on the left side, you want the top one ( the Shopping Bag ). click it and Look for outfits, Sex toys, Elves, others and Gifts. Gifts are for when you have made the Girl/Woman mad and want to be back in her good grace. that should solve your Problem!!
Have fun and Please have a good Day

Hoping the update be soon i just recently finished the game for the 3rd time😂


Only 3  i have played it 10-14 times if you follow the Walkthrue you should have a great time. if you change some things you get more things to see and experience. sometimes following the walkthrue Limits you but gets you the best action for a very good game. after you finish a few time try something different and you may get a Surprise or three

Will Ellen win more sex scenes? Who knows how to crave Creampie? It would be interesting for her to take a shower, just like the other girls.

Thank you i have been wondering that My self

Deleted post

All the music used in the game is registered under a Creative Commons license iirc so it should be safe to use/hear whenever and wherever you want

Most music is credited in the pause menu,

(1 edit) (+5)

Damn i really love Kate, it's sad to know that she's just a side character

Glad you like her :)

hope the gallery of replays in the next update will include most of the scenes especially the side characters


There are nearly 1,000 scenes in the game. I can't add them all to the gallery.

how can i play it in android i already download 10GB+

Read the "How to play on android" section on this page.

it is compatible in any phone ?, my phone is Xiaomi Rednote 9s


Perdon por responder en español pero me es mas facil explicarlo asi

Si puedes descargar "joiplay" entonces tendrías que poder jugarlo

Si tu celular tiene menos de "4gb de ram" entonces te sera dificil

Deberias usar el archivo que tiene un 32 y un .exe al final para evitar problemas

(Sorry for answer in Spanish but it's hard to explain this in english. Hope this help)

(1 edit)

Great Game
tho wish when a Girl or Girls Sleep with the MC the MC could Take Charge and Have sex with One or Both If more than One. It is Not Rape Just a Bit of Control If the Girls are Submissive Enough.  Tho Player would Not be able to take Charge More than 2T/W (2 times a Week)

u r weird

thank you!!

Can some one suggest me some good game which have already been completed


Sisterly Lust is basically completed and Once in a Lifetime is finished. Both are good, i liked the latter a lot.

bro thnks for your suggestion but i have already played once in a life time already any other games u suggest


like the other guy said Once in a Lifetime is very good and the guy who made it is making a new game called Eternum its also very good

Game is absolutely amazing.  Hands down the best erotic VN I've played.  I appreciate all the work you put into this Runey, simply amazing.  So far the only thing I can think of that would be nice to have added is a random alarm if that isn't something I just haven't unlocked yet.  Other than that, keep up the amazing work!

Just downloaded the game, and already super into it. I did not expect Lin to have special dialogue for having her call the mc by name. Great detail!!

Bug report: telling Lin that anal isn't your thing somehow still counts as anal sex with Lin, stats-wise.

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