This game got me back into AVN's, I love the mix of story and gameplay. My heart melts for the characters, and I loved the scenes in the Snowy Cabin. I never really understood the appeal of a Harem, but with so many lovely girls, I'd want to be with all of them. I worry about how much I'm missing though. I could be only experiencing half of it, but I could just as likely be missing a few strings of dialogue. Felicity and Emma FTW.
well... right... no NTR, but plenty of cheating. one of the characters even half assed threatens you and the other girls cuz she thinks you're cheating until later...
This game is much better with a walkthrough mod. because you can easily miss out on scenes and it is MUCH too long of a game to run through multiple times.
There is no cheating included in Harem Hotel. Harem Hotel is a linear story so it is not possible to miss story, but you can unlock extra options through training.
So is there some reason you reverse the rules of beer pong in the costume party during Kali's story? It doesn't make any sense for the team that makes the shot to be drinking, because you drink from the cup the ball was in when you remove it. I mean, where is the cup that was scored in going if they're not drinking it, and why are the cups that they've been drinking going back on the table with more alcohol? It makes no sense logistically and you should definitely think about reworking that scene with the correct rules.
A good game includes catchup mechanics. Typical beer pong has a win-more mechanic instead. The alcohol making you perform worse gives the losing team a chance to come back. Think of it as an alcoholic blue shell.
I like this game it was fun great content and a great idea but 100% got boring fast because when you own everything because I already figure out how to make infinite money automatically fast so I own everything the game's kind of a little bug a little bit crashes a little bit the art style kind of gets boring and the game gets boring it was a good idea but it gets boring
I have a random question if someone could please answer me. I got the message saying one or more of the girls relationship level is way too high. How do I reset it or amend this other than loading an earlier save?
This typically happens when the relationship levels have been manually adjusted by the player. So I would recommend playing a save from before that was changed.
Maria being a awful person, who constantly tries to cuck the MC behind his back with the other girls, and it not being optional, is the only thing holding this back from being the best harem game. To bad with her in it it never will even be a harem game.
Love and Lust are two very different things. Maria is bisexual, and in a harem with other women. The player's character happens to enjoy seeing his favorite girls kiss each other.
I find the exhibitionism and selling pinups to be a bigger issue. It's about as close to NTR as you can get without NTR. I'd much prefer the exhibition scenes if it was the thrill of potentially getting caught instead of actually just letting every random person around see everything. I mean, getting secretly flashed under the table in a restaurant, super hot, having your girlfriend flash everyone else int the restaurant, Definitely not something i'm into. Since you have to do it to unlock all the scenes, an option to make it so that the exhibitionism is only directed at you instead of literally everyone would be great.
i left off on v16 a few months ago and im confused af. i've been going back and loading old saves to remeber where I left off in the story and everytime i go back there's new content.
some of it must just be new content you added for the early game but other content im not sure if it's mixing updates.
For example, i went back to day 70 and taking the andriod downtown on the train is "new" for the early game.
but before that the famous blonde girl visits, and afterwards i get the dev message saying i've reached the end of the story for ellen.
i can't tell if it's actually the end of ellen or what. did i progress the story too far for some characters in v16 while others are behind?
Hello! I have a little question. I recently took on the task of replaying the game completely up to the current point, what happens is that I play the game in Spanish but the Android story is completely in English, when I remember being able to play it in Spanish without a problem In my first game, is this some kind of bug or something?
hi guys, in my room > pc > pictures i cant find the pictures sent from college by f&e and ashley? are they saved anywhere else? cause someone is very cute. (new feature request?)
2nd floo -> like the last room 'Not yet implemented' ? , I just noticed that we still can't access the room?. Are you planning to do something with it or is it just decoration?
Ok so this game is great, probably the best H-game I've played to date. Although there are a few bugs here and there, or things that make it impossible to progress with a characters relationship. They're small which is very impressive but still pretty annoying when noticed. 1 bug that I found(or just something that the dev forgot to implement) is that when Lin first asks about anal, even if you turn her down you still get a point in anal and the scene remains unlocked and usable. Unlike with other characters who lock you out of the option permanently when you say no. This genuinely upset me during my playthrough since I'm not into that stuff and didn't like the game and its storyline pretending that I had done it. Second thing is about Kali's sister, after you reach a certain affinity with her you'll need Kali to be proficient in anal and Submission in order to go further, I chose to decline anal with Kali but now I'm locked out of further progress with her sister because of it. If these things could be fixed the experience would be a bit more enjoyable. Hell I'll re-load my save for before Lin asked abt anal and just play all the way back to the end of the game. I've already beat it and it's not like the story isn't interesting so I'd be willing to do it again once this stuff is fixed
This is the best adult game on the Internet and it's not even close. The quality is so much higher and there is so much content you could play this game every weekend and not run out of content for weeks.
Juego en pc y esta última actualización no me abre... Me pasa con otro juego también... Alguien sabe algo al respecto... Las versiones anteriores si me abrían
hey runey, i wanted to ask on how ur doing after the incident. i genuinely want to know if ur fine, because soemthing like that can change a person alot
Hey, I have a small bug. I bought Maria's bartender outfit (I assume that's what's needed for her level 5), but it says that I've already bought it despite more than a week passing in game and not receiving it in the mailbox. It might be because I bought it alongside several other items or something. I'm curious if there's a solution to my problem.
Hey Runey. Do you need a hungarian translator? I see that there is a hungarian option but it's not availabe yet. If yes I'd be willing. I'm a long time fan.
ive been wondering if there is ever going to be an update with more intense graphics, for pc versions at least. is that something you plan on doing or would it just be extremely time consuming to where theres no point
So he wont do it probably for this game, but he did say he would make a sequel in Unreal Engine, which if he does do that, that would be an insane game!
Considering that this game is still not finished, and the Dev has been going through a lot of personal issues, I can say that it is definitely going to be a while before that happens.
They are alright. The Dev diaries pretty much explain everything and now he's back on track. For reference, i believe the DEV said that the game is 75% done. He may do a couple of post end updates, but it seems that he may be focusing on the sequel sooner than later
I understand also tyvm for replaying (i always look forward to what u are gonna do with ash storyline (she's my favorite character after all xD but i do also like other characters just as much) i rly like the game u made and i played its since way way back so i wanted to express my thanks for creating this wonderful game (at this point im more hooked into the story then the h-parts of the game) (p.s home ur game comes out on steam one day since I want to buy it (I use paysafe since I don't trust PayPal or credit cards that's why I hope one day u will put it on steam) in any case that's all I wanted to say. Tyvm again and hope u are doing well.
An .apk is only available for small games. Even heavily compressed Harem Hotel is too large for an .apk. You can still play on Android though, just follow the instructions on this page.
If a character is in the lobby I really wish we could start an event by having the character return to their room then if we were to leave the room they'd still be there so we could start the event.
There has been too many times where I'm working on the story line for a character and they're chilling somewhere around the hotel. So I then have to skip time til they're back in their room and that's if I can even start the event at that time of day.
That's also if they're back in their room as well, take Ashley for example. Uh oh, she happens to be chilling in the lobby this Morning, she also has college when Noon comes around, then in the Evening she's back to the lobby again.
It's just a little annoying how much I've had it happen and how often it happens.
Characters being unavailable at times is an intentional mechanic to lead the player away from fixating on one character. Every main character is meant to be progressed and fixating on one character will cause their story to be paused as you catch everyone else up.
Yeah this happened with Code(my name for the android) on my end lmao, I'm personally more attracted to cuteness over sexiness so when code got unlocked I absolutely steamrolled her and Lin's stories, unfortunately once I hit somewhere around 30-40 I realized that I needed to level up Kali to progress Codes story. So for a while I was just playing catch-up lol. Also happened with Ashley since I'm not too fond of Maria(bit too freaky for me)
I love the game, so much content and amazingly made! I would like to ask something though, how do you start the event to rescue cira? I couldn't find anything in wiki
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This game got me back into AVN's, I love the mix of story and gameplay. My heart melts for the characters, and I loved the scenes in the Snowy Cabin. I never really understood the appeal of a Harem, but with so many lovely girls, I'd want to be with all of them. I worry about how much I'm missing though. I could be only experiencing half of it, but I could just as likely be missing a few strings of dialogue. Felicity and Emma FTW.
I miss being able to take Lin's Panties at the beginning of the game when she was all innocent. Anyone else miss that?
"No NTR or cheating."
well... right... no NTR, but plenty of cheating. one of the characters even half assed threatens you and the other girls cuz she thinks you're cheating until later...
This game is much better with a walkthrough mod. because you can easily miss out on scenes and it is MUCH too long of a game to run through multiple times.
There is no cheating included in Harem Hotel. Harem Hotel is a linear story so it is not possible to miss story, but you can unlock extra options through training.
So is there some reason you reverse the rules of beer pong in the costume party during Kali's story? It doesn't make any sense for the team that makes the shot to be drinking, because you drink from the cup the ball was in when you remove it. I mean, where is the cup that was scored in going if they're not drinking it, and why are the cups that they've been drinking going back on the table with more alcohol? It makes no sense logistically and you should definitely think about reworking that scene with the correct rules.
A good game includes catchup mechanics. Typical beer pong has a win-more mechanic instead. The alcohol making you perform worse gives the losing team a chance to come back. Think of it as an alcoholic blue shell.
The rules for beer pong in that scene are normal, sorry if it was confusing
Y'know the rules that game vary a lot. It's different in different places. One of those local mutation things.
I like this game it was fun great content and a great idea but 100% got boring fast because when you own everything because I already figure out how to make infinite money automatically fast so I own everything the game's kind of a little bug a little bit crashes a little bit the art style kind of gets boring and the game gets boring it was a good idea but it gets boring
This is a Visual Novel. The goal is to experience the story, not unlock all the items.
I have a random question if someone could please answer me. I got the message saying one or more of the girls relationship level is way too high. How do I reset it or amend this other than loading an earlier save?
use hack code or mod
Do more with that girl so that the relationship will rise
This typically happens when the relationship levels have been manually adjusted by the player. So I would recommend playing a save from before that was changed.
cant wait till the game updates
Me to I love this game so much I hope it will be soon
runey the goat fr
Thank you :)
Show post...
Maria being a awful person, who constantly tries to cuck the MC behind his back with the other girls, and it not being optional, is the only thing holding this back from being the best harem game. To bad with her in it it never will even be a harem game.
Love and Lust are two very different things. Maria is bisexual, and in a harem with other women. The player's character happens to enjoy seeing his favorite girls kiss each other.
I find the exhibitionism and selling pinups to be a bigger issue. It's about as close to NTR as you can get without NTR. I'd much prefer the exhibition scenes if it was the thrill of potentially getting caught instead of actually just letting every random person around see everything. I mean, getting secretly flashed under the table in a restaurant, super hot, having your girlfriend flash everyone else int the restaurant, Definitely not something i'm into. Since you have to do it to unlock all the scenes, an option to make it so that the exhibitionism is only directed at you instead of literally everyone would be great.
i left off on v16 a few months ago and im confused af. i've been going back and loading old saves to remeber where I left off in the story and everytime i go back there's new content.
some of it must just be new content you added for the early game but other content im not sure if it's mixing updates.
For example, i went back to day 70 and taking the andriod downtown on the train is "new" for the early game.
but before that the famous blonde girl visits, and afterwards i get the dev message saying i've reached the end of the story for ellen.
i can't tell if it's actually the end of ellen or what. did i progress the story too far for some characters in v16 while others are behind?
Ellen I think got content for the first time in awhile so you are probably getting her new content with every save?
Every character has a different amount of content. Side characters like Ellen have far less than main characters.
Yes I go remake very old content in every update.
hi guys, in my room > pc > pictures i cant find the pictures sent from college by f&e and ashley? are they saved anywhere else? cause someone is very cute. (new feature request?)
i think it was in others
2nd floo -> like the last room 'Not yet implemented' ? , I just noticed that we still can't access the room?. Are you planning to do something with it or is it just decoration?
This game is currently in development and that room is currently unused yet.
are you able to take emma to the dungeon yet? or will that be in another update
you are. go ahead with the game
alright thx
It was a fun game
spent a lot of time inside of it but one thing bothers me.
Im stuck at lvl 30 Maria.
I have the same issue, can we get some help with this? It looks like it tries to activate in the morning but nothing happens.
Ok so this game is great, probably the best H-game I've played to date. Although there are a few bugs here and there, or things that make it impossible to progress with a characters relationship. They're small which is very impressive but still pretty annoying when noticed. 1 bug that I found(or just something that the dev forgot to implement) is that when Lin first asks about anal, even if you turn her down you still get a point in anal and the scene remains unlocked and usable. Unlike with other characters who lock you out of the option permanently when you say no. This genuinely upset me during my playthrough since I'm not into that stuff and didn't like the game and its storyline pretending that I had done it. Second thing is about Kali's sister, after you reach a certain affinity with her you'll need Kali to be proficient in anal and Submission in order to go further, I chose to decline anal with Kali but now I'm locked out of further progress with her sister because of it. If these things could be fixed the experience would be a bit more enjoyable. Hell I'll re-load my save for before Lin asked abt anal and just play all the way back to the end of the game. I've already beat it and it's not like the story isn't interesting so I'd be willing to do it again once this stuff is fixed
This is the best adult game on the Internet and it's not even close. The quality is so much higher and there is so much content you could play this game every weekend and not run out of content for weeks.
I'm glad you enjoyed :)
Juego en pc y esta última actualización no me abre... Me pasa con otro juego también... Alguien sabe algo al respecto... Las versiones anteriores si me abrían
It a feature you can only do while she is in the bathroom. Normally it a Sunday Morning. Just keep looking at her when you max out her love with you.
DAMN 11 GB? That's so much content
"Elf Sematary" that made me laugh :) Stay safe Runey
hey runey, i wanted to ask on how ur doing after the incident. i genuinely want to know if ur fine, because soemthing like that can change a person alot
wait what happened
Read Dev Diary #7
I'm well but have been very busy lately.
Few! I just finished a new playthrough.
Lots of interesting things in the new version!
That delivery job really helps get me started with the bar and I really like the goth chic you meet exploring at the start!
I look forward to seeing what happens next! :-)
Hey, I have a small bug. I bought Maria's bartender outfit (I assume that's what's needed for her level 5), but it says that I've already bought it despite more than a week passing in game and not receiving it in the mailbox. It might be because I bought it alongside several other items or something. I'm curious if there's a solution to my problem.
Nevermind that! I just wasn't far enough into Ashley's storyline and the outfit unlocked further into Maria's. Awesome game, I enjoy it very much.
Hey Runey. Do you need a hungarian translator? I see that there is a hungarian option but it's not availabe yet. If yes I'd be willing. I'm a long time fan.
Is this a bug? and is there a way to fix it? I've unlocked the ability to sleep with the first floor people plus android.
It's not a bug, it's a feature, give it a try :)
ive been wondering if there is ever going to be an update with more intense graphics, for pc versions at least. is that something you plan on doing or would it just be extremely time consuming to where theres no point
So he wont do it probably for this game, but he did say he would make a sequel in Unreal Engine, which if he does do that, that would be an insane game!
he did?? when roughly would that even be coming out
Considering that this game is still not finished, and the Dev has been going through a lot of personal issues, I can say that it is definitely going to be a while before that happens.
shitt thats a shame, i hope they are alright
They are alright. The Dev diaries pretty much explain everything and now he's back on track. For reference, i believe the DEV said that the game is 75% done. He may do a couple of post end updates, but it seems that he may be focusing on the sequel sooner than later
Hey Runey i wanna ask (if its ok with u) what character story is coming up next? (Also i hope u are doing well)
Unless something happens, every main character will always get at least 1 story event in each update.
I understand also tyvm for replaying (i always look forward to what u are gonna do with ash storyline (she's my favorite character after all xD but i do also like other characters just as much) i rly like the game u made and i played its since way way back so i wanted to express my thanks for creating this wonderful game (at this point im more hooked into the story then the h-parts of the game) (p.s home ur game comes out on steam one day since I want to buy it (I use paysafe since I don't trust PayPal or credit cards that's why I hope one day u will put it on steam) in any case that's all I wanted to say. Tyvm again and hope u are doing well.
Wdym u don't trust? It's a very secure process bro so relax
There are no plans for a steam release. Paypal is widely used though, I use it almost every day, it's safe.
Not until Android can handle larger file sizes, that is the primary problem.
An .apk is only available for small games. Even heavily compressed Harem Hotel is too large for an .apk. You can still play on Android though, just follow the instructions on this page.
How can I buy the dungeon plz help
Talk to Ellen
If a character is in the lobby I really wish we could start an event by having the character return to their room then if we were to leave the room they'd still be there so we could start the event.
There has been too many times where I'm working on the story line for a character and they're chilling somewhere around the hotel. So I then have to skip time til they're back in their room and that's if I can even start the event at that time of day.
That's also if they're back in their room as well, take Ashley for example. Uh oh, she happens to be chilling in the lobby this Morning, she also has college when Noon comes around, then in the Evening she's back to the lobby again.
It's just a little annoying how much I've had it happen and how often it happens.
Characters being unavailable at times is an intentional mechanic to lead the player away from fixating on one character. Every main character is meant to be progressed and fixating on one character will cause their story to be paused as you catch everyone else up.
Yeah this happened with Code(my name for the android) on my end lmao, I'm personally more attracted to cuteness over sexiness so when code got unlocked I absolutely steamrolled her and Lin's stories, unfortunately once I hit somewhere around 30-40 I realized that I needed to level up Kali to progress Codes story. So for a while I was just playing catch-up lol. Also happened with Ashley since I'm not too fond of Maria(bit too freaky for me)
I love the game, so much content and amazingly made! I would like to ask something though, how do you start the event to rescue cira? I couldn't find anything in wiki
Wow I have to say Ashley new personal and story is really good. You have my gratitude.
I never expected a game called 'Harem Hotel' would give me the dread, joy, and determination to see it threw that has been done to me.
I can not begin to express how enjoyable this is. The lore, politics, and intrigue going on make this an EASY 10/10 game.
I little weird too ask in a nsfw game chat but you doin alright runey? Ain't been as active in the Chat just a genuine wellness check up
Read dev diary 7; probably still going through that struggle
yeah I know the reason I asked
There's like 1 update each year, meh. from November 2022 to June 2023.
runey when will we be able to have sex with autumn