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Thank you thank you THANK YOU Runey for making this, downloaded to my phone as something to play on the back of the bus during transit to work and I must say you've really fleshed out a great storyline with each of the girls (Especially Ashley of course) Hope to see a new version soon! c:


This game is by far the best types of these games out there. Most are just web games that don't have any plot or storyline, and don't last for long. Or if there is a somewhat similar game to this, it's not straightforward sex or lewdness, or rather a game included in the game that doesn't even involve anything. But above all, this game is amazing! I really hope a next or newer version is released, and personally, pregnancy would be so hot and amazing!!! Damn good job!


v0.9 is in development!


That's awesome! I just finished the game (All characters' main story) in less than a full day's game time, and I just started another game 'cause it's so fun! Also, do you have a favorite character? Personally, I'd say mine is Lin. She acts so innocent, but she can be just as naughty as any the others. Also 'cause she's so darn cute!

I would say my top 3, in no order, are Lin, Ashley, and Android :)

Nice! Ashley sure is a special one, isn't she? :) VERY determined to get a baby out of ya tho.12 of them to be exact. xD

Lovely game however I can't seem to find the Androids Human outfit anywhere? It's not in the pc so I dunno what to do right now.

If you're above 25 friendship with Android, then you've encountered a bug. You will need to put this into the game's console (you'll need unren to open the console): hasbothuman = True

Saya juga memiliki masalah yang sama


You know what?

This game is fucking amazing!

I Just finished ashleys Main story(so far) and i am absolutely amazed on how you managed to make an Eroge Character to grow on me.

Even though its ,,just" an Eroge this Game has an Interesting story unlinke other games where its just ,,go there and fuck and repeat". The Characters are also lovely and Ashley deserves all the love in the world, this poor kid.

As soon as im out of being broke, i promise you that you have earned yourself another patreon supporter, because i want to reward the effort you put into this game and i want to contribute to the development of this game.

Keep up the Great Work!!!


Thank you so much!


Hey, I wanted to leave a comment on here because your game has really impressed me so far! I usually do not play these kinds of games, but I decided to give yours a chance and I wanted to let you know that it is absolutely great! I constantly feel like searching out the characters where ever they are in the hotel to converse or progress their story, I find myself wondering how my choices will affect the characters personalities. I literally have been playing this game for at least 4 hours straight now, and I hope you continue working on this project. I do have a single suggestion though, in terms of making money to progress specific character story lines. It would be very helpful to get an explanation of how making money faster could work. I know that Ellen explains the pin-up method, but the description still feels a little vague. If that was intentional then it's fine the way it is, if not that honestly was the only thing that confused me during gameplay. Either way I seriously look forward to seeing further updates to this game in the future. Thanks for the hard work you've put into it so far, I really enjoy it!

(1 edit)

Thank you so much!

More expensive outfits, such as the slut outfit, will result in more money from selling pinups. A bra and panties wont sell for as much.

The bar is another great way to make money, and it also brings in a new character: Moon. Buy everything you can from the bar, follow Ellen's advice on upgrading it, and running ads has a high chance of giving you profits.

Thanks, that helps, because I was wondering why it was taking so long to make money otherwise lol

Runey can you say me the answer for the last cuestion of the Ashley classmate pls?

PD. I like so much your game, i cant wait for v0.9, maybe you could add any trap/futa character on history or in the Vr scenes?

(1 edit) (+1)

the beginning of Eternity, the end of timE and spacE and every other placE


It honestly was so Easy xD


Lol XD that was unexpected, thanks bro.

Oh and i have a problem, when i try start a sexy scene the game crash, probabily its my mobile fault, but can you give me any advice?

Hi, thanks a lot for this famtastic game. One thing I wanted to ask, where can I upgrade my Android? I thought I should talk to allen for upgrades, but she only talks about upgrades fot the hotel and the bar.

you need to buy upgrade in the shop on the compute

Hey Runey just wondering how do you invite Maria to the beach for her talk option every time I click on it nothing happens

Click on her in her room

Hey bro... Can you give me link for lastest version 0.8 ... I can download but can't instal it... 7x download imagine that!! And fail... Just contact me


Would be funny to see some scenes of the other Girls messing with Ellen while she is working, trying to not get caught. e.g. replace all her underwear with vibrating pairs that you eventually get the control to.

Idea 3 - the girls who like to masturbate in public might help each other out sometimes, I mean they see a sister masturbating in the utility room they gotta help a sister out right haha

If there are Elves and Fairies shouldn't there be other mythical species like Orcs, dwarfs & dryads etc?

And Daenerys Targaryen, dragon, giants hehehe 

Idea 2 - Sleep with multiple girls during the night with random events depending on who you choose.


Idea - Dick Expansion for Android so she can fuck the others with you :) little DP action

Do the fairies know any magic that make them human sized for..... eh-hem.. various physical activities?


any plan to make a futa upgrade for Your Android


Would you think about adding a third maid, maybe a cute petite trap this time🌚🌝

I likely wont be adding any traps as main characters unfortunately, but there are plans for a third maid ;)

you could add an option for it when you start the game to switch that option on or off, 

When will version 0.9 be ready for free? for us the poor? :( I want to continue playing the story of Autumn !!!

Most likely around Christmas to early January

Super fan! LOVE your work. I've got a question about a character that popped up in your game. She's an unofficial character, I forget which upgrade she was on (she was some vampire or succubus chick). I was wondering would she get more storyline or was that just a random girl that wont have any affect on any of the gameplay at all?! By the way I attached a picture of how she looks.

Violet was a character I made for a high tier patron in my early days. I no longer do that.

Ah I see, thanks so much for the info. Is it possible to take her out of the update since you will no longer do anything with her. I keep trying to see if something different will happen with her lol. Thanks so much and keep up the good work!!!


Whoa! Super engrossing! Just finished a 10-hour session up to Android and maxing out Kali and Lin. Had a blast so far!

Can't wait to v1.0! Keep up the great work!

Thank you!

(3 edits) (+1)

Hey Runey, :')) really love the game, here's a suggestion I wanted to give, could you cantinue the Elves story into a love story even maybeeee pregnant at the end.?? Definitelyy Sylvia!! She's a bad one 😈😈 💯 lmfao ❤️🤝🙌🙌 TThankss Andd also to make the second floor, there's a room that says "Not yet have been implemented" maybe add a character I'am saying blonde or just hot. :') thanks and maybee add anotherr floor at the top hehe. Sorry, I'am just in love with the game and you can tell at this point I'am desperate. 😜❤️💯😂😂(☞ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)☞(☞ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)☞ A BIGGG SUGGESTION IS THAT Please do something about when the main character (guy) is doing doggy style with any character, all I see is the girl naked or whatever moving. And all I see at the back is His pants on. Or, any other positions like that,.!! Please fixyy hehe or for the upcoming scenes please make it so that some how the guy doesn't have his pants on to and you can see his d*ck going inside and outside from an angle (doggy style)😛☺️ thanks Runey! 

I would also like to see the elves story lines fleshed out more. Maybe reversing Jins not being able to become pregnant and giving her employment within the hotel as well. Pregnancies for all the elves and being able to sell future offspring or employ them. Male elves can be security or in house functions, More serious sexual relations with Ellen. I am happy with your updates so far and can easily see how much thought and effort you have put into this game so far. Please don't just give up on it and toss it away like so many other games are. I am having a lot of fun but mainly i have concentrated on Lin for the main part. Pregnancies could be cool. The android could run an in house nursey and nurse all the infants. And maybe some of the guests as well. Maybe a threesome with Religious chick and her coffeeshop sister? But seriously I would love to see Jin get added into the hotel with more story as it is a pain to get to screw her but she has a story that is false. She goads you to fill her up yet she plainly states she fixed herself to not be able to get pregnant. As her owner you should be able to get that reversed so she can. (Optional of course, some folks aint into the pregnancy idea.) More Dungeon activity of course with more girls. Basicly for sure with the other elves as essentially they ARE your property after all. Some disclipline and submissive behavior would be good for them as well as Obedience training as well. Maybe if they use the hot springs and go to the coffeshop with Master it will boost their friendship/affection level. Just some ideas. It is entirely up to you of course. No way in hell am I complaining about the great job done so far.

(1 edit)

Hi there i have a question.How do you draw these characters? What programs do you use? are you using a drawing tablet ?

I use Honey Select to create these characters.

Hi there!

Great game! I really like it so far. One question though, maybe im dumb but i cant figure out if theres any sound to the "scenes"? 


There are no sex sounds, sorry! Only background music.

ahhh, shoot buddy! any chance you'll implement them?

i guess it would enlarge the size of the game quit a bit. but to be honest, this game is fucking amazing! Sound would just be the icing of the cake. 

Hi Runey, Don't know if this is a secret or not but as you've got pregnancy as a planned fetish will it be our choice who gets pregnant or will it be a part of the story and out of our control? 

It will be your choice :)

Ah fantastic so we could get an ending with everyone pregnant then haha. How will the android get pregnant or will that be another upgrade to purchase? 

Good question, I'll leave you guessing on that one ;)

(1 edit) (+1)

Runey, I recently found this game and fell in both lust and love with it. I very much look forward to seeing where the story goes next. My one suggestion is to implement "stat cards" for the characters, so we can see where they are and what traits they have gained so as to figure out what we need to work on next easier. Love the game and I will be jumping over to Patreon here in a minute.


That's already in the game there is an i icon at the top right next to the amount of money you have. Click on the character you want to see and will show you traits and stats.


Oh my God! How did I not see that before? Thank you. :)


No problem :)

they are stat cards, in the bar with the day and money you have, its the little i button with a circle around, its on the far right of the bar on  top of the screen.

Does anyone know which program or enginge was used to make this game?


Renpy. But if your talking about the graphics I think it was made with Honey Select and something else.

Deleted 2 years ago

I think a remake would be fun, but I wouldn't expect it soon haha.


Hey, I like your work. Just wanted to report a small glitch:

Never encountered the android yet but; in Ash's story, I still saw the fairies and interacted with the android which I never meet yet. Made things pretty confusing/out of order

Thanks for the report!

Hey for the next update, can you guys please include that I can transfer my work or somehow from the previous version so I don't Get angry and smash my phone hehe. Thxx :) and please make a longer story then the previous update. Thankss!!;')

(4 edits)

It's just me working on the game. If you're expecting longer story than last update you may be a bit disappointed. Last update included around 1 hr 30min to 2 hr of story content for the average reader, which is above average even for HH.

You can already transfer your saves.

1. Locate the Harem Hotel savefiles on your Android device ( standard directory is /Android/data/harem.hotel/files/saves )
2. Copy all savefiles to your computer and save them in a seperate folder
3. Download the latest version of Harem Hotel for PC
4. Start it once untill you are in the main menu, close it afterwards
5. Locate your Harem Hotel save folder on your PC, they are in the "game/saves" directory
6. Copy the savefiles from the seperate folder and paste them into the "game/saves" directory
7. Start the game. The game should auto reload to your latest save, if it doesnt just hit Load in the main menu and select one of your savefiles

Thanks :')) oh and I'am using apk :) but thanks for telling me all that if I ever need hehe. Also I think it would be the same for Android? I think so.

Is there any ETA on v0.9?


Runey just started v0.9 on Oct 28 and according to the Patreon might be done sometime Christmas or early January. They also said its hard to estimate so don't hold them to it too harshly.


Is there a way to simply update from one version to another, rather than download a whole 3GB+ file?

No kidding. My most recent download is up to 4.9 gb. 10.1 i think? Love this game but its getting to be a pain to download it all every time its updated and I most certainly want the updates. Fantastic work so far.


I spent about 16 or so hours playing through the game (I used the money cheat as I like to see as much of the content as quick as I can, college kids dont have a lot of spare time) so I have some pros, some cons and some other questions about the game.

Pros (there are spoilers for those who care about it)

1. Some of the best characters I've seen in games like these (Granted the only similar game I've tried is summertime saga but well get to that). The Android's story and her dilemas about losing her sentience over time hit me hard. Ashley's problems seemed more and more real same with much of the other girls. 

2. Looks gorgeous. (Plain and simple)

3. The scenes are sexy and repeatable.

4. The stories are nice

5. The world building is pretty good. I felt interested in how this world works especially after the stories of Lin, Kali, and the Android.

Now for cons or some issues (some are kinda small and not worth resolving at the moment)

1. Many characters stories seemed reliant at first on you having not completed the other girls stories. Like you could finish Lins story where she becomes an excellent chef yet in other lines they talk about her still being bad. Or Ashley if you can make her a little less psycho yet she acts like none of that happened in other's story lines. Basic jist is that some ways of playing through the storylines can have the dialogue or character actions make no sense. But this is small and not worth looking back on unless the game was completed.

2. On android it's easy to get stuck in the cheat page as pressing the button to open it up often doesn't register and just tries to make you put in another cheat.

Now for some questions:

1. Are there plans to make the other 3 elves storylines go anywhere if you choose the love route cuz at the moment it feels like you are locked out of their route if you choose so as nothing much can happen after.

2. How do you plan on the pregnancy system being implemented and when can you guess it will come? Just remember you cant have the kids bee seen or you get in trouble with things like patreon. I know in summertime saga they are sent to a daycare to never be seen though you can ask their caretaker how they are doing. So maybe building an addition to the hotel or separate building like the sanctuary and hiring a caretaker (maybe an elf would make sense). How would the impregnation process work. Is it just plain chance, is it set as a minigame like Summertime saga. Does getting impregnated only become available after their main story is complete or available as soon as they can have sex. If the latter,would that affect their story.

3. I'm hoping that if you can get a stat high enough you can convince characters to wear certain outfits more regularly. Like getting the android to go in her human appearance outside of sex scenes or wear her mask off in her normal outfit with high exhibitionism. Or convince Ashleu to go with her original hair. Or Maria to use her casual appearance more often. Etc. Honestly I'm mainly looking forward to whichever update brings pregnancy given like half the characters want it openly and the other half might want it secretly.

4. I'm perplexed by how advertising works since the amount you get from it is usually only like 100 or so more than what you paid to advertise. While when running no ads you can get up to 200 or more each time. It makes so little sense to me. You basically make more by not advertising that if you did. Unless there is something I'm missing in how the profit is calculated.

5. I partly wish traits were better explained or at least had a more noticeable effect in game. Only ones I. Notice are Cumdump on certain characters, submissive and exhibitionist since the first one allows you to creampie characters that were against doing so before your relationship with them and the latter two allow certain outfits and other features. 

5. Would love to do pet names with Felicity and Emma.

All in all man, this is a great game. Can't wait  to see how it changes in coming updates!

(3 edits) (+2)

1. Are there plans to make the other 3 elves storylines go anywhere if you choose the love route cuz at the moment it feels like you are locked out of their route if you choose so as nothing much can happen after.

Those elves will get content. They were recently introduced and are not a priority.

2. How do you plan on the pregnancy system being implemented and when can you guess it will come? Just remember you cant have the kids bee seen or you get in trouble with things like patreon. I know in summertime saga they are sent to a daycare to never be seen though you can ask their caretaker how they are doing. So maybe building an addition to the hotel or separate building like the sanctuary and hiring a caretaker (maybe an elf would make sense). How would the impregnation process work. Is it just plain chance, is it set as a minigame like Summertime saga. Does getting impregnated only become available after their main story is complete or available as soon as they can have sex. If the latter,would that affect their story.

As far as I'm aware, it's fine to show children in games on Patreon as long as they aren't nude (obviously). You will choose the impregnate option at the end of their story.

3. I'm hoping that if you can get a stat high enough you can convince characters to wear certain outfits more regularly. Like getting the android to go in her human appearance outside of sex scenes or wear her mask off in her normal outfit with high exhibitionism. Or convince Ashleu to go with her original hair. Or Maria to use her casual appearance more often. Etc. Honestly I'm mainly looking forward to whichever update brings pregnancy given like half the characters want it openly and the other half might want it secretly.

Doing this would increase the games size and my workload by over 60 times IIRC.

4. I'm perplexed by how advertising works since the amount you get from it is usually only like 100 or so more than what you paid to advertise. While when running no ads you can get up to 200 or more each time. It makes so little sense to me. You basically make more by not advertising that if you did. Unless there is something I'm missing in how the profit is calculated.

Spending $1,000 to gain $1,100 = $100 of profit a week on top of everything else passively.

(1 edit)

IuiThanks for the response man and yeah I get the bit about the workload increase. Like I said before I'm mostly looking forward to the pregnancy update so I could wait on whatever else. 

As for the kid thing, maybe you've heard from different sources, but at least in reference to a couple different games when the topic came up I saw them write that theres a problem if minors appear in an adult game even if they aren't nude. Maybe it depends on who is checking but I guess some creators just play it safe by keeping them out entirely. I would definitely check on that before you try to implement anything like that, cuz it would really really suck if patreon removed your game for something like that.

I can see now after rereading the bar report that the 100 was on top of the 200 I was already making. Thanks for pointing that out.

Still I do ask again for the next time an update comes to android to increase the size or sensitivity of the exit button for the cheat app on the laptop as it can get pretty annoying when almost every time you try to exit it it just pulls the prompt up again.

Development of 0.9 is going well as it seems but I simply can't wait for 1.0 to hit >.< ... time for a replay of 0.8 to kill some time I guess.

PS: Emma's dungeon lesson can't come soon enough :D

(1 edit)

This is the Sunday after Autumn joins, her room says she is taking a shower and she is not in the shower. If you can see the timestamp in the screenshot, it shows the morning of the 56th day.


Good work, I'm a huge fan of this game!

hello there would be the possibility that the game had subtitles in Spanish for Latin people :)

(1 edit)

This depends on if anyone would like to do it. Russian and Chinese has already been completed by fans.

How do fans do it?

Do we just simply access the files and send you a translation, do we have to talk to you or anything?

I would like to, by the way.

Can you make the download compatible with the desktop app?


Never thought i would find myself putting down a comment for a game, but here i am. My hat is off to you good sir for ur amazing work and creativity. The game is amazing even tho still not fully finished, the chars are nicely fleshed out and diverse. Amazed that i can't find a thing i don't like or would like changed. Maria by far the best gurl, hope for some nice new stuff to go thru with her in future updates, Ellen also up there. Biggest wish atm is that there will be an option to switch Maria's default clothes to the new outfit she gets near the end , cuz that outfits clicked all the right buttons. Everything else is lip smacking gud. Donation pending, keep up the amazing work, all the best in the world!!!!


loving your work Runey. super looking forward to vers 0.9 and 1.0. and to whoever occupies the sixth guest room :P
is it bad that i find some of the events ingame to be funny?

Deleted 310 days ago

Mega is free to use. If you reached your quota for the day, use a VPN such as windscribe.


My bad! I thought Mega's daily quota was 3GB and the game was too big to ever finish downloading, but I have it now! Thank you! Great game, btw!

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