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Hey.. i'd like to ask about the version.. what version is the latest? i just downloaded the v0.10. 2

is it the latest one?

(1 edit) (+2)

Yep, I'm planning v0.11 as we speak :)


can i delete old versions of the game? because new versions take over from old versions the save files and such..? is it save? i dont want to loose progress.
Another question, is it possible to label the save files somehow? Like slave route or love route to play both routes.?

And i saw in other games you can have 100 of save files, any chance to make this possible somehow?

thank you, keep up the awesome work. I played now over 80 hours. WOW


Also curious about if we can delete the old versions. It would definitely hurt a lot if the save files are lost after playing for over a hundred hours.

You can delete all versions of Harem Hotel on your PC/Mac and your saves will remain in a separate folder in appdata. When updating on PC/Mac, all you need to do is download the updated version, launch it, and load a save.

(1 edit)

Yes, you could even delete all versions of Harem Hotel on your PC/Mac and your saves will remain in a separate folder in appdata.

Yes, in the save menu, you can rename "Page 1" to anything you would like by clicking on it. This allows you to organize your saves any way you would like.

There is no limit on the amount of saves you can have in harem hotel. It's 100 save slots per page, with an infinite amount of pages you can rename. You can also go left in the save menu for auto saves.

Thank you for playing so much!

awesome, thx


This game is truely awesome ! What a great work !
The stories are various, interconnected, fun, moving, etc, the characters are interesting with a true development and a good synergy, the graphism are nice and efficient...
Maybe some more random musics (outside of the bar of course) could be a good improvement, but that's not absolutly essential for me to love this game.

Just a question tho, can we continue our save when a new version come or do we have to start it again from the begining ?

you should have a save folder in your current folder and when a new update comes out you have to download the new update and drop your current save folder into the new update folder.

Ok perfect thank you !

Please don't do this

I have always received reports of broken saves after people attempt to transfer their save files. Save files are automatically transferred on PC/Mac.

Usually it's common sense to copy/paste a save, but your saves are already backed up with updating in mind!

It is however required to backup your save on Android as this function does not exist on Android.

ah ok interesting. I’ve been doing that for a bit and haven’t had any problems but good to know.

(1 edit) (+1)


Yes, on PC/Mac your saves automatically transfer. You could even delete all versions of Harem Hotel, and your saves would be stored in appdata. Don't touch your save files as that has a higher chance of breaking it.

Oh that's awesome, really easy ! Thank you for your answer.

what is the latest version and why why cant i buy elfs yet

The elves are story related, you will be able to buy them later.


The latest update is 0.10. And yes the elves will all be purchasable when you get further into the story

You can buy the elves in the current version, just advance Lin's story.

How do I increase Lins friendship? im stuck at 11 rn

Generally playing through her story and doing things with her should increase it

O.k., feel like I am banging my head on a wall. All girls have been completed, including all elves on the misc. tab.

Lucy is still 0/4, I fucked her when her dad was shot, and I even used the code but nothing.

just keep skipping days over and over and here events will eventually show up when you try talking to her. One of her events is at the hot spring but that event will say Lucia is at the hot spring when you wake up that morning.

O.k., I have maxed all girls stats, all titles, I think a total of 40 days have passed and still no Lucy story, I check in for dialogue options almost every hour (morn/noon/evening) and nothing changes. Only options is generic "how are you doing" & fuck in the laundry room.

I give up lol.


I know is a lot to ask but, can you do a lesbian version with a female protagonist, we girls don't have games like this and i really love your game and your whole work and idea. Keep the hard work, you're doing great 💞


Unfortunately, doing so would require me to remake the entire game all over again visually. It would essentially be another game I would have to update alongside this one, so it just isn't feasible.

I do have plans on adding more lesbian scenes between the girls though! Maria's lust content will be added in v0.11, and you how she gets ;)


Love the game. Really looking forward to an update whenever it happens.  There are like three things I am hoping for. 1.Anything Maria she is my favorite cause feels like she is down for anything.  Like that Maria - Ellen three way is what I want most. Hell maybe get her a strap on to DP Ellen! Maybe add something to that bar scene where they both lose. 2. Autumn, I want to corrupt her completely. Like want to take her to church and bang her there. Not sure how the religion works in this world but want to make a mockery of it :) 3.Would be interested in more world building. What other magical races are there and real? Could we summon a demon or an angel? 

Maybe a scene where you get completely wasted at the bar and you have a "Holy Grail War" You summon Ashley(Saber) to protect you from Lin (Rin) more of a joke but it's actually Ashley wanting to take advantage of you while you are drunk. But Lin comes to save you! (take advantage of you herself)  J/K mostly although I feel that it is one of the most well known Ero games....Well kinda 40 hour gameplay for a few couple minute scenes

Updates usually come about every 3-4 months  and the last one was in June

Yeah I know. Just putting it out there how enjoyable the experience is.  No rush for an update. There is so many possibilities with this world and it is exciting. Will there be more hidden races? Also the background is still quite mysterious.  There is a large religion which we have not really touched on and am very curious how that will be implemented.  I have a feeling Autumn will play a major role in the next update so will probably get a ton of information from it.  Betting on heavy corruption of her character

So I played all the way through a week or so ago but had to make space on my phone.  Removed the app, reinstalled, and used the "maxall" CMD. 

I can see most all of the story line except for the winter cabin vacation in the gallery.  When I try to talk to Ashley it tells me to increase friendship with Felicity & Emma but there is no way to do so. She is the only one that *talk* shows up for.

Oh, and I have to build the sanctuary and buy the elves but didn't get the 10k from the dad.


Find the twin is their room & main room. Just talk to them, and get their trust. Maybe your on the twins negative side, just buy them a gift to restart. Or maybe just play the twins story more

Got the money so maybe you got bugged.

The cheats do tend to mess up the game every now and then

Deleted 4 years ago

That will be in the next update.

Deleted 4 years ago

Don't think levels really matter. As far as I can tell once you max out the stars they are full.  Like 25 obedience is as good as 140...I think.  Looking from previous update histories seems like anywhere from 4 to 6 months between each one.  Think 10 came out in June so could be anywhere from September to November.  Not official just a guess.

Autumn is actually not guaranteed to have sex content in the next update. Her content could come at any point. The updates for this game usually come about every 3-4 months and the last update was in June. Also levels don’t really matter after like 30ish.

(1 edit)

If you mean friendship 93, you may have cheated and wont ever see any of her story again. If you mean another stat, that is irrelevant to unlocking story. Autumn will get sex when the story is prepared for that.

Ngl, looks promising, I will reply to this comment after I actually play, but definitely looks good, almost too good to be true since it's free

Dude This is the best R18 Game you can find

(2 edits)

Am i safe to use the code "maxall" when i completed every  story, I stopped playing a bit when i completed every story 

No, that code is meant to be used only immediately at the beginning of the game.


Runey, thank you so much for this amazing game! I did a video where I mention the game, in hope that more people get to know the game! 



That Vid still dont help this game get downloaded. For me it dont.

Do you have any other download option ? I can't seems to use Mega

On android btw


Download a free vpn apk in the Android app store (Google play) and done is very easy to use and work fine ( sorry I don't speak English xd)


try the direct link on patreon (visible without payment)


Hi Runey, love your game, the best I've played under this genre actually. Just wondering if I can do anything to save some space as new patches release. I'm haven't delete any files since I'm afraid that my saves would be gone or something would go wrong while playing. Thanks in advance!

On PC/Mac your saves are stored in appdata, and automatically transfer between the updates. You're free to delete all versions on your computer (but don't touch appdata of course).

Typically, you want to keep the latest version on your computer, and when a new one comes out, download it, launch it, and try to load your save. If it works, delete your old version.

Thanks for the reply! 
Not trying to push you, but I'm already looking forward to the next version!


Can I just say that Ashley's backstory broke my heart. Poor thing.

It actually made me feel as if I had taken advantage of her vulnerability.


Came for the porn, stayed for the feels.

Bit grindy though.

(1 edit) (+1)

As is said in the beginning of the game, stats are irrelevant to the story. All you need to do is wait a few days in 95% of cases.

Training is completely optional 99% of the time

I was also thinking about how long it takes to make money.

But love the game anyway :)


I have finished the main chapter missions for all the main characters. The only one is Lucia 0/4, how do you start these missions?  I fucked here when visiting with Kali, after their father was shot. I even used the code on the PC but no other options when I interact with here in Kali's room.

After putting the code in the PC just wait a couple of days over and over till Lucia’s events show up it may seem like it’s taking forever but they eventually will all show up one after the other. Note that one of her events is in the hot spring but that one will give you a notification right when you wake up that Lucia is at the hot spring.

Hello great game, so because the game has open dialogs I am dedicating myself and making the game in Portuguese BR but I am doing it myself for a month now I will only post it in public with the owner's permission. Sorry for bad English

Kates final riddle? Tried answers below but doesn't work.

Deleted 3 years ago

Think it's the letter E.

How do I add my saves to the new updated version on pc

(1 edit)

As of most ren'py games, copy the folder root\game\saves at the same emplacement in the new version. Most likely, the "saves" subfolder won't exist, so you can just copy it at that place.

(1 edit)

How long does it normally take for a update to come out?  

wish i knew myself as well as why there isnt any content to Sylvia,Nia or the other elf slave you bought to stay in the house alone with no purpose outside of 1 event story for Lin.

3-4 Months and Nia has a couple of scenes while Sylvia has 1 and Ann doesn’t have any scenes yet but you must go slave route to get these scenes

Deleted 4 years ago

I really wish the developer would reply to our stuff on here when i go to download the game its says it hasnt been worked on since 2018 .... but  see v10.2 if this is a bug can you fix it and update files. When is the option you put in pregos going to be added and hopefully not just one girl as a linear option would be funny to see Jin be a option even though you wrote her in as she cant get prego would be funny if its like this wasnt suppose to be possible and have to work it out with Lin who is also prego or something seeing as this is a harem game. also more content for the other elf girls would be nice rather than them ignoring you at the sanctuary even after the Lin event.


Normally Runey does answer most people but Runey is only human and hasn’t answered anybody in about two months most likely because Runey is probably busy. The game is updated almost every 3-4 months with the most recent update being in June. All characters will eventually get their content as Runey has said the game is pretty early in development and has a long way to go. However the elves may gain more content in the future it won’t be as much as someone like Lin or Ashley who are main girls. Also marriage and pregnancy will be the two very last things added into the game right before it is finished which at this time Runey has no idea when the game will be finished. Also it is noted that all of the main girls will be able to get pregnant and married in the same play through of the game although side characters have not had much mention of pregnancy or marriage but never rule anything out. Hope I helped and answered all your questions.


Brother, it was added in 2018


Loved the game, no matter how many times I play it, I feel like I'm playing it for the first time.... I may have played the latest series 10 times now..... Runey42, may I suggest you to add Ellen in the harem as well. And as far as the sexual content goes the graphic, flow, the effects, dialogues everything is top-notch, but I feel there's a vital piece missing in the entire play and i.e. Making out..... This will really be the icing on the cake..... Because the players won't feel like they are directly jumping onto sex and this will in turn give much needed stimulation...

I apologise if I was out of line here, and I understand that you have always been doing your best and have been putting extra time an effort, but I want the players to know that this is the best so far...

Thank you !!!!


I love this game so far. A bit grindy but the animation is really smooth. The music, although fine, reminds me of the hours I spent on lumber tycoon 2 on roblox.


As is said in the beginning of the game, stats and training are completely optional! Most of the time, you just need to wait a few days for a story event to appear.

Deleted 2 years ago

The letter R

Am trying to get "complete" all girls and there traits and i cant seem to get lin to give the MC a footjob, but i have all other traits on her?

This is only possible after you complete Lin story line as it is currently.  After you do her stuff you can talk to her in the kitchen.

How to trigger the second event for Sylvia?

Same prob here!
Got anybody solutions?

are there any major changes in the recent 10.2 patch?

Hello good, the first thing I am going to say that I loved the game is very entertaining, especially the part of the hotel, the other thing I was going to say is if there is a possibility that in the future it will have other languages such as Spanish or Portuguese or something of  that?


I would love to help with translations if you ever intend to release in Spanish. Loving the game so far!

what is the role of sanctuary I recently but this building but it doesn't give me any benefit

At some point, you will buy elves, who go into the Sanctuary. Just keep playing the story.

since developer hasnt answered you it is for 3 other elf girls you can buy on the online computer to do story content with the maid elf girl. neither really have much content or personal progress outside of what you do with them for main quest 


I want Ashley to wake me up every morning by riding me :) i hope something like that will be added

is there pregnancy yet?

Help, I'm stuck with Maria, when I talk to her it says to go to the beach, but I have tried all the options and nothing happens. Can't have sex in the beach because the friendship level is too low.

Get more affection.

Increase her sluttiness level

I have an issue. Handjob doesn't work for Lin on MacOS. It says it's missing images.


Great game!

whats the difference of love route and slave route

Love route - without sex 

Slave route - with sex



First off: Amazing game. Keep up the great work.


Secondly (**SPOILERS**):

I have a few comments on the weapon blueprints that are supposed to be sent to the elves. Specifically, I want to make clear that the Elves will never pose any threat to humans, no matter how many blueprints they get. Also, I would like to quickly analyze the military situation and add some ways that the Elves can actually hold their own.

I definitely take this sex game way too seriously ;) but since you have managed to write such a great story so far, and since I am studying to be an engineer and stuff like this bothers me (and I see a chance for a great story), here I go:


There is a misconception that giving somebody the blueprints to some technology enables them to perfectly copy it. This could not be further from the truth.

Let’s say that the elves have the blueprints for the guns. How will they build them?

They need to overcome several hurdles:


How do they get the ores necessary to create steel that is strong enough to make guns? They live on a small island and are completely isolated from the rest of the world. How will they gain access to iron mines containing ores of high enough quality to make good steel? I don’t know much about steel in modern weapons, but apparently an alloy of steel with chromium and molybdenum is very common – and it only gets more complicated for more specialized weapons that need to withstand higher heat and mechanical stress. Are all of those materials really available on a small island in sufficient quantities and concentration to properly mine them? Even if they are, do the Elves have the technology to mine and refine them?

I can only conclude that at best, the Elves only have access to the materials necessary to produce very low-quality steel, barely enough to build low-quality small-caliber arms with low precision and a short lifespan.


That doesn’t sound good, but let’s go on: how are they supposed to refine the materials? Iron ore is never without impurities such as oxygen, nitrogen, sulfur, silicon, phosphorus and an excess of carbon (steel has below 2% carbon). It is very hard and extremely energy-intensive to properly get rid of these impurities to a degree sufficient to produce modern steels. The is no way that the Elves can do that with the equipment they have. And they cannot build better equipment, because that is often much more complicated and relies on a much larger supply chain that the guns themselves do. And you really need to know what you are doing with that equipment, not an easy job.

And then the Elves have to add the above-mentioned elements, chromium and molybdenum. First off: I don’t know how hard it is to refine those, but from their price I cannot imagine that it is super easy. Secondly: there is a good reason why China couldn’t produce the balls of ball-point-pens up until a few years ago, and when they could, it was big news in US military circles: the metallurgy needed for those highly reliable, tiny pieces of metal is very advanced, and it is the same metallurgy needed for many military applications. And even ignoring these alloys, it is almost inconceivable that the Elves could produce the steel for even barely functional 18th-century guns.


Speaking of ball-point-pens: Have you ever wondered how absolutely incredible it is that it is so cheap to produce such incredibly precise, tiny pieces of machinery? It took centuries for tens or hundreds of thousands of absolutely brilliant people to invent the measurement and production machinery necessary to produce even something as simple as that (they didn’t invent that stuff just to make ballpoint pens, but their inventions were necessary to do so.) And it takes a giant global network of government and company efforts to produce and run the factories and machinery to produce even the simplest products of our daily lives that we take for granted (this doesn’t even touch on computer chips…) and to train the engineers and scientists to run all of that (not to mention all of the banks, investment firms, accountants, lawyers, managers, and so on, necessary to coordinate it. And even that ignores so, so much…)


Speaking of engineers, how exactly do the Elves intend to train the necessary personnel to design, build and run the factories? This takes decades of training, and also years of practical experience which the isolationist Elves have no access to. And with the low numbers that a people living on a small island have to consist of, there are almost certainly not even enough Elves with the necessary predisposition to become an engineer.


And on top of all of that, most of the knowledge necessary to really produce these weapons exists in the heads of engineers (which the Elves don’t have). Even with access to the internet and every book in the world, it would take a team of hundreds of trained engineers many years to work out all the kinks and really get the production process going.


By the way, I completely ignored the production of the ammunition. This takes complex chemicals (smokeless powder), and more metallurgy. And ammunition really, really has to be mass-manufactured (which is completely impossible for a society of the size and sophistication of the Elves), especially if you want to train with your guns.


In conclusion, there is no way for the Elves to build functional guns or anything like that.


And even if they could, it would be pointless. They are outnumbered probably ten thousand to one if we are being generous, they have no chance against all the other weapons humans possess (artillery, the biggest killer on the battlefield; ships made of steel; rockets; fighter-jets and drones; in your universe androids that can be mass-manufactured and are incredibly strong and good with weapons, better than the Elves could ever be, even with a lot of training which they don’t have; nukes; and so on) and they could never hope to match the humans tactics (learned over a long time), specialization, and logistics.

And no, the ferries clearly are not a threat: there are only very few of them (how else could they be undiscovered when there are androids all around that can see them?), and they can easily be exterminated by androids. Every powerful person could easily have a few androids to protect them from the ferries.


So what could the Elves do should they be uncovered?


First off, they could play humans against each other. Plead to their conscience, partner with anti-slavery-movements, partner with nations that oppose Elve-slavery (conflict with the Capitol would be interesting), and so on.


Secondly, they could try to stir up the enslaved elves. This is unlikely to work too well, as it is unlikely that their enslavement of other Elves and ferries will stay secret for long, which isn’t a good look. The elves that are with the humans also don’t seem united or well-coordinated, which puts them in a weak position. They can also be controlled with androids, if necessary. On the other hand, they could target human sympathizers like Kali’s dad and the Player to prevent the humans from attacking them. This could lead to conflict with the Queen, because of course it would be hypocritical of them to keep enslaving the ferries and low-land elves if they want mercy for themselves. It could also make the Player a hero among elve-slaves and other human elve-sympathizers, which could lead to lots of sex.


Thirdly, they could trade their valuable magic stones. This seems like an excellent tactic, but the bitchy Queen probably wouldn’t like it. Great potential for personal conflict with the Queen.


And, lastly: deterrence a la North Korea. This doesn’t mean nukes; it means something similar to thousands of giant artillery-guns dug deep into the mountains on the border to the South, likely capable of shelling Seoul with tens of thousands of bombs every minute for hours until they run out of ammunition or are destroyed. If the Elves had some sleeping beast or something, they could use that as a threat.


Take from this what you will (if you have even read this far :D).


Again, I love the Game and just want to make it even better :)


PS: It would be hilarious if the Elve-Queen got the Blueprints, realized how useless they are, got greedy and just bought guns from smugglers. This would lead to the humans learning of the high-Elves existence and a lot of interesting story.



I am not completely sure, but I think it was made clear that they cannot create the guns. I think there was also mentioned something about backwards enginnering them but that was also ruled out. I believe Lin was the one who pointed it out.

It didn't seem so clear to me, so I wrote the comment. I fully expect to be ignored, anyways ;)

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