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Deleted 3 years ago

As far as I understand, that is heavily limited in size. Harem Hotel is far too big.

Is it possible to make a version of the game that requires less storage space?


Sure, but compressing the true size of the game (80gB) down below the official 8gB results in severe quality loss.

(1 edit) (+1)

Not really, the game is already HEAVILY compressed. Any further compression would result in huge quality loss (like going from 1080p to 480p in terms of quality)

Will I keep my progress in previous patch (0.13.2) on mac?


Yes, harem hotel automatically carries your saves over, there shouldn't be any extra steps you need to take.


Im still quite new to the genre but after trying out around  15 games in the past months this is easily the best one for me . Really well done . i didnt think i would actually end up caring about these characters tbh .. 

They all have their own story that actually catches attention and Androids above all made me anxious af . where the hell is that going now ???  man . i cant wait for another update :) 

This game is so much more then what i was expecting and i almost skipped it .. 

Thank you :)

alguien sabe cuando sale o si ya esta disponible la versión 0.13 ?

The downloads section is above the comment section dude. v0.13 has been out for just under 6 whole months. v0.14 is more recent than it, been out for an entire month already. Runey is even planning work on v0.15 shortly.

Hey runey, love the game caught up to current story ends in just 3 days, I plan on supporting through patreon my next pay check. 

My question is as follows. Do you plan on implementing more level locked systems for when players reach different levels for the characters stats? I was wondering if there is going to be a purpose in the future to level up past the usual 10 levels for each stat such as submission/exhibition/obedience/etc.

Also, would love to eventually see more dungeon positions/options for the characters.

Huge fan so far will follow updates closely. Game is 10/10 for me.

Can't wait to see what else you add!!


Getting the trait for the corresponding stat is all you need to do to unlock extra content. Stats are there for you to keep track of things.

There are a few cases of dialogue requiring stats above the required levels for the traits, but it's only flavor.

More content is desired for all training options, from dungeon content to exhibitionism content. 4 is just the minimum I want to include.

Thankyou I appreciate the response. Looking foward to the future updates. Not to sound pushy as I'm sure you are hard at work. Do you have any rough estimates on the next updates eta?

Which girl is your personal favorite character design?

So I love footjobs, but Ive noticed in the 2 footjob scenes I unlocked (Felicity and Ashley) that both have the player in a submissive position. Will there be footjob scenes where the girls are more submissive? Like giving it to pleasure the player rather than to degrade him or punish him? I havent unlocked Lin's footjobs yet but id love if more foot content in the game would be added where the girls arent dominant haha. Maybe more watersports content too? Possibly even a repeatable watersports event! 


I was trying to unlock Violet, but the spinningtv code did not seem to work. Was wondering if it was a patreon exclusive, or if I was doing something wrong. 

Great game btw, one of my favorites.


I have the same problem. If anyone could shed some light on this it would be appreciated. : )


She was removed a while ago. She was never canon.

Okay, ty.


Umm can you like add text size changer cuz I'm having trouble on joiplay the text is very small and am having eye strains

Increasing the text size would also result in much of the text being cut off the screen. This is the first time I'm hearing of this issue though, do you have an abnormally small screen?

yes in all android ported games the sides of the screen are always cut and the text are small but in some cases the text are ok and readable.

Make Android walkthrough a happy ending this is my favorite character is this game i dont want her dead

And very good game the animation and story is so good one of the best adult game i ever played

Thanks :)


Plus bring back the android port, it's a hassle. But If you can't just keep up the good work


Please read the "How to play on Android" section right above the comment section.

I'm unsure if it's a bug or no but when I pressed to Maria room and press the "talk" option I just got redirected to the door of the hotel that brings me to the letterbox. Will I still be able to continue her story?

I'm around the story where I gave her the *suc-outfit*


Thanks for the report, this should be fixed in the next build.

Had the same problem. It's supposed to tell you to buy the 2nd floor upgrade to continue her story. Hopefully upgrading that should do it :)


Made an itch account just to comment how much I have been enjoying the game. I came for the booba, stayed for the story. Keep it up mate! 

10/10 Whore's Rating.


Thank you :)

for the love of all that is holy, I'm begging you to make the android have a happy ending. I can't stand her being so alone, I want her to be happy.


Playing for the first time and i died laughing at the line:

...I didn't get to ask her if we had HBO...


1. How important is the "persistent" file?

2. I am moving the whole save folder from version 0.12 or 0.13 and on newer versions the game crashes. The new game works, but loading the old saves does not work anymore - trying to load the save = game crash. The saves of the game are from the time of the game on version 0.8.

I tried to play JoiPlay, but something newer version of this program closes when I try to start the game, so playing on the emulator (Memu) on the PC doesn't make sense.
I don't want to start the game from scratch (last save is "day 318")
Today I found a save folder for the PC version (Appdata)

I uninstalled the emulator, but the folder remains, so I also save the game there to remember what folder it is in

Not quite sure how it works for Android, sorry. Hopefully someone else can help. You can try asking in Harem Hotel's community discord.

The last time the game was running on version 0.12.4 [PC] on an android emulator before the broken Joiplay update appeared. When I replaced the game version with 0.13 (without Joiplay update), the game would not start anymore - as if the Joiplay update was required (although faulty). Now when I try to start the game normally on PC without using the emulator, trying to load saves crashes. The new game starts up seamlessly. I was playing on the emulator because I have no memory on my phone.

Joiplay is the only way to play on Android, and it works. Please read the "How to play on Android" guide above the comment section here if you haven't.

Deleted 3 years ago
(1 edit)

Read the "How to play on Android" section on this page.


I'm sorry if you felt like I was complaining to you Runey about the added content and the game glitching but it turns out the problem was the application running for long periods of time causing it to slow down a little and my pc to overheat. I did take a look at the changelog and I can not guarantee whether it has been changed or not so I have no reason to not believe it is factual. but I do admit to my faults and I was to hasty to wright about problems that where simply in front of me if I took the time to look. I assumed that because I had not seen any new content or scenes that I thought not much has changed. I know now that things have been added and improved but not to the extent that it was recognizable. I would like to apologize to you for  being to hasty with the typing instead of doing research on the matter before commenting. thank you and have a wonderful day! 

Thank you :)

Hi really enjoying the game but i think im stuck. When I try to "talk" to Lin it says I should give the android the human kit but Ive already progressed past that with the android. Is there something I can do to fix this?

Advance Android's storyline further

I just reached the end of the androids story and am still having the same issue. is there anything else I could do?

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It's a very rare issue where somehow your game has reverted the flag for whether or not you gave her the kit. Runey was addressing the far more common complaint, where people ignore Android's story, despite the item being called "Android's Human Kit" and the dialogue box on Lin's door telling you to raise Android's Friendship.
Anyway, back to your very rare error. If on PC, you can open the RenPy console with Shift + O and type "bothashuman". If it comes up false, as it seems to be, simply enter "bothashuman = True" to switch that.


Thank you very much everything works great now

Where can I download the 13.2 version compressed and how can I install the 14.1 version? I will download the 13.2 version for this.


It's not necessary to download v0.13.1 since v0.14.1 is out.

(1 edit) (+1)

I dont remember how and why, but in old version have russian translation. This version have this, or i need to search it?

The best game ever ;3


Translations are fanmade.



Hi Runey,

still love this project. I do have a question that I can't seem to find the answer to though. Whenever a new version is released, how should one update the game?

Since you said, copying save files from one version to the next is problematic, is there a way to update the game while keeping the saves? If not, then it should be a thing to keep in mind before version 1.0.


Updating is simple - previously, you had to merely download the new file and delete the old. Simplicity itself, but as each update added more content, this got tedious for download times.
As the patch notes for 0.13.2 say, they added the framework to add just the update alone to your existing game. Again quite simple - there's a readme file within the patch, that explains all you have to do is delete a couple files then replace em with ones of the same name from the patch. Couldn't be easier, in fact Runey could potentially make an executable file to do it for you, since a surprising amount of people have difficulty with merely "delete and replace a few files".

As for the saves, that's been answered literally every day in the Discord, and on rare occasion here.
On PC, you don't have to do anything. Your saves are stored separate from the game, in AppData, and are thus always safe.
On Android, they seem to be stored within the game folder, so unless using the patching process described above, all you need do is manually move your saves from the old game folder to the new one before deleting the old game folder. Since y'know, deleting where your saves are stored will delete the saves, unsurprisingly.
The patching process does not involve deleting the folder, so now that step is removed too.


ill be honest here with you. nothing but the truth. I've played this game maybe 7 to 8 months ago. I finished all stories and everything so I was just waiting for an update. but to be honest here nothing has changed to the story or has been added to the story so far. its just patch after patch and bug fixes constantly. but don't get me wrong they are necessary to keep it smooth but even after all those fixes there are still bugs and glitches. mostly visible but after time can fuck with your eyes and cause a headache. I'm talking about after every transition to a new image flickers' or flashes so its not fluent. it would be nice to actually have a update to add story and scenes instead of fixes constantly. I mean lets be real there are always going to be bugs and glitches until the games finale release when its been updated to the latest version. but people want story more then fixes. miner bugs should be last priority and major bugs should be fixed asap you know what I mean? we are all waiting for a story update is what I'm saying. most of us completed the story up to now so we aren't going to play through the entire game over just to see the bugs that have been fixed you know. just some advice you can choose to take but it very well is your game and I wont tell you how to make it or what to do. just friendly pointers to keep people interested in the game. thank you for reading my overly long statement of your game. also the story so far is incredible keep it up


Huh? This is one of the strangest comments I've ever read. 

There is a development log right above the comment section that lists every piece of added content. You can see for yourself that each update adds content, one was just added 30 days ago. Far from being only bug fixes.

(1 edit) (+2)

Last two to three updates have had massive story beats (especially for Ashley, Maria, Android, Autumn, Jia, Nia, Jin, Vanessa... the list goes on), but you say there aren't, and your source is you last played the game several months ago, coincidentally before the last two updates that have had those very story beats. Interesting.
No idea what this flickering transition you speak of is, sounds like you messed up your game files for some reason and are blaming Runey for it.
This isn't feedback, this is complaining about something that doesn't exist.


I'm sorry if you felt like I was complaining to Runey about something you may believe does not exist or maybe your pc is higher end then mine but whatever the case may be it is fixed now. it turns out the problem was the application running for long periods of time causing it to slow down a little and my pc to overheat. I did take a look at the changelog and I can not guarantee whether it has been changed or not so I have no reason to not believe it is factual. but I do admit to my faults and I was to hasty to wright about problems that where simply in front of me if I took the time to look. I assumed that because I had not seen any new content or scenes that I thought not much has changed. I know now that things have been added and improved but not to the extent that it was recognizable. I would like to apologize to you for making you feel the way you did and it was not my intention to do so. I would like to apologize to Runey for being to hasty with the typing instead of doing research on the matter before commenting. thank you and have a wonderful day! 

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Okay, i registered here because i have a problem. downloaded new version and most of the graphs are empty even menu with all saves options etc.

Guessing by "graphs" you mean the dialogue boxes.
That's caused by having an outdated translation mod.

Thx, where i can get a new one then?  As far as im aware i dont have any translation mod.

No idea, I don't mod my game.


Then where i can find it to remove?


It might be good to just reinstall the game


absolutely brilliant
still waiting to be able to sleep with autumn tho

(1 edit)

 found 2 errors 1. the day counter 'DAY' fades out between 60 and 100 too late and 2, if you want to buy Nias things in the shop you have to click to the right of the item (on the 4th position) to buy. in Version 14.1

What do you mean by "day fades out between 60 and 100 too late"?

The black bar does not disappear but the text 'Day (number), which only disappears after the wake-up scene

(1 edit)

Tha'ts what I meant


I would love to install the game on Android, but when I click on the link it wants me to download the PC version.

Can you give me a link on Mega or other


Read the guide.

(1 edit)

I've commented a bunch of times about how much I love this game, so it should be a given that I really enjoyed this update. So I'm just gonna mention one thing I didn't like was Kali's updated blowjob scene. The way the dick is bent looks strange to me. Also don't like how she's only sucking the tip while all the other characters somehow fit the whole massive thing down their throat in their blowjob scenes :P

At least you added more costume customization for her blowjob scene, I liked that.

Also now that I think about it, I feel like Kali (and Lucia too), despite being one of the original characters, is kinda lacking in repeatable scenes? Maybe I'm just biased since Kali is one of my favorite characters. But it feels like she doesn't have as many repeatable scenes as I'd expect of a character who's been in the game for so long. Personally I'd like a repeatable Kali scene at college (similar to that one sex story event at her college) and maybe a normal repeatable sex event with Lucia (just normal sex on mc's bed, no threesome and no sneaking out to the laundry room).

Of course I might just be biased towards Kali, who's tied for my favorite character :P

Oh and one other thing, Felicity's animation for "cum outside" during her blowjob scene is different for when she is fully nude as opposed to when she's wearing anything else. When she's nude you can't see MC's dick, but when she's wearing anything else, you can. Could you change her nude scene so it looked like the rest of them?

Love the games story and everything about, the animations feel a little unnatural but only because i've study animation for 3 years so i pick up on everything, other from that love it

Thanks :)

Ive been playing this game for around a year now keeping up with the updates and story and frankly its amazing. Though i do have a sorta weird question, I was wondering when pregnancy was going to be added. I understand that is sort of the end goal of most of these games so i was just wondering. Thanks for the amazing game ive sunk too many hours in.


Thank you! :)

Pregnancy has been planned for the end of the game. It's not reasonable to do so before then for a few reasons.

Ive followed the instructions so im able to download the game....but when I click on the game it loads for a second and then takes me back to the home page (I'm using android) 

Is your device's storage full?

Without further context, sounds like the standard JoiPlay issue (JoiPlay tends to be finicky). Recommend taking this to their forums.


Hey, I think I've run into a glitch where Marias *Talk* button takes me to the front door. Is that normal? Thanks

I had the same problem, you need to play until you unlock the android

Oh awesome. I was about to post about that "bug". It was frustrating me lol


I seem to have a glitch where the *Talk* button with Maria takes me to the front door. Any idea what's going on? Don't have any mail to collect, friendship at 11, can't get an event to raise friendship. 


Is Android's Friendship at least 3?

Hey, I played v. 12.4 before and then downloaded v. 14.1 after a pause. All went well as I played straight from .exe and after a second session I noticed that to progress Lin's story I needed to give Andie (bot) a human upgrade module but I've done that in v. 12.4 and now many stories are softlocked. How could I fix this? Can I rewrite something from save or something?

I believe you just need to continue Android's story. I'll try to make this clearer in game.

I hit the same wall you did. Every time I went to see Android it told me I needed her human upgrade module, but I had already given it to her. Progressing other characters storylines eventually allowed me to proceed, but I cant remember which particular girl. There are a few different spots where this happens. I recommend trying to progress other girls stories whenever you hit a problem like this, it's pretty much impossible to focus on just one girl.

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hi! I just downloaded v. 14.1 (entire 8gb file) for pc/android and and then loaded the game on Renplay v.1.01.400 by following all your instructions. But whenever i try to open Renplay it will automatically shut down without giving any error. Why is this happeneing?

I played v 13.1 on Renplay before and it worked fine but this one doesn't work. I had to delete v13.1 and install v14.1 because of storage space. Please help me. 🙇‍♂️


Unfortunately the only help I can offer is to follow the instructions as closely as possible.

Thanks Runey it works now, the game couldn't load because of low storage space the ZIP file was only half extracted. 

You are awesome ((:

How did you manage to sort this issue out as I think I've got the same problem 😂


As he said, it seems that the solution is making more space on your device.

I remember people coming to me, laughing at how cartoonish the graphics are in this game. I said to them, the graphics don't really drive this game, but the personal relationships do. Often times I have to remind myself this is just a game. The stories for each of the characters, is very believable in most cases. For example, Kali and her workaholic father.  The twins. Thanks to their father's ineptitude in helping to look after them, shows. But at least they are able to see and change their behavior. 

Then we have little Ashley, wow when I first did a mega play through of harem hotel and i met Ashley for the first time, I am probably like most other people, I didn't like her, really rude, obnoxious, and I felt narcissistic. However as we get to know this girl, it becomes clear pretty early on, how wrong you, the player are regarding who Ashley really is, and why she is like she is.  talk about in-depth very believable immersive writing. This is not isolated, pretty much every girl gets her spotlight and the highest quality writing, bringing her to life.

Thank you :)


I have to agree. The writing is phenomenal. You could separate each character and create a book from their own story. 


Whats the alternative app for joiplay? I cant run the game through joiplay

What are the icons of their heads on the Day screen?


Letting you know whose events are ready. It's in the update notes.
Runey figured it would help (also the addition of day counters on said icons in 0.14.1) especially since an amount of people seem to rely on walkthrough/cheat mods like Lain's Mod even though the mod locks your saves to that version.

Hi Runey, i got a problem whenever i click on the squirtathon on felicity in dungeon, it will force shut the game, is it my downloaded file corrupted? how can i fix it

That animation is very taxing, you probably just need better hardware. You might want to avoid that animation until then.

Hi Runey, So I accidentally found out ur game so I decided to try it out since I'm bored. I'm poor so I just directly downloaded it in my android phone samsung A12. After I finished downloading it I opened my file and extracted the file, I think it's automatic. And then I was confused what is the next step. I tried tapping the Harem.Hotel.exe and it told me that I dont have an app to open it so I clicked search app in play store, It wants me to install the app exe. When I opened it I created an account but it doesn't send me an email for a new password. Pls help I dont know the next step. Thank you

oh ok now i got it, thank you Runey. by the way, want to let you know that i like your work alots, can't wait for the next update to come up XD

Runey, could I add a little bit of info to the Wiki? It is locked, right, so only collaborators can edit?

If Runey doesn't respond to you here, try the Discord's Lore & Spoilers channel, it's usually the go-to place for that.
And it was updated to require an account because trolls went around editing things. Luckily there are systems in place to easily revert those changes.


More contributors are always welcome. Join the discord if that's something you're interested in :)

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