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Will android ever get a dick module ?



would be hilarious for android to use a strap-on to f**k A11-y. not seriously suggesting it, but lol.

(1 edit)


We have Pixel for that ;)

I can´t buy the Android human kit, I can´t click on it. Is there a solution?


Download v0.14.1

ok i was wondering right is there a reason you're not selling this game on steam? i would pay for it to be updated automatically and have in a launcher :) 

There are a few complications with that, unfortunately. Patreon and are the best ways to support me if you would like to :)

any way for a single donation instead having to sub on patreon and canceling ? :P

Yes, you have the option of customizing your pledge and cancelling it whenever you want.

what about subscribestar? im subbing a few of my favorite devs over there.

Subscribestar is an option, but Patreon is preferable to me :)

if you change your mind, i would be happy to subscribe to this game on subsctar platform, i already sub to a few good vn's on there. I cant stand Patreon.  I sub to something called Trucky, and i promised myself it would be the last thing i ever sub to on patreon. anyway keep up the great work. PS I saw you and lain had made a spin off from this game or working on one, tried it out after a friend send me his copy, and I hate to say it, definately not something I am interested in. I mean love the great idea of keeping this world you have created going because it deserves to, but not with an asshole slave owner. I hope that is not going to be canon to this game? I think it could do a lot of damage to the work on harem hotel due to it being the complete reverse in the MC's attitude or lack of brain cells lol.

Once the rar file has been uncompressed is it possible to delete the file you use rar on, on android. Just due to the huge space both are taking up 

Thanks in advance

Yes, once the files have uncompressed they are placed in a folder and you are free to delete the .rar file.

Thank you

How can I go from v. 0.13.2 to the latest one?


Download the patch and read the read_me

Much appreciated as always!

Finally got a phone that can handle this on jouplay and it is butter smooth.

Question on the old patreon codes, do they max stats with a chosen girl AND skip all content? Or just max numbers?

if they are like the mods for the pc version, you could miss huge chunks of content out! so be careful


Haven't quite finished everything available but wow the story telling and scenes are so well done, props to you this game is amazing 


Thank you :)

Hallo Runey, es wäre echt toll, wenn es auch außerhalb des Dungeons mehr fetische gäbe. Dies ist zwar nur meine Meinung jedoch bin ich damit sicher nicht der einzige.


Wow! Just wow! I really fell for Maria. Like really hard, and when she wanted to end things I actually felt hurt and really sad. And part of me felt like I didn't love her enough that why she want to end things. By the way I really like her glasses and everything.  But overall must say you have a way with words.  :D


Thank you :)

I have completed all the characters' storylines but Vanessa is not showing up Monday at noon in the hot springs, and she is at 0/4 completion. Any ideas?


Because that's her second event, not her first. You wouldn't have even gotten the dialogue box telling you she would start showing up there at that time.
For her first, all you have to do is visit Syltech. It's automatic from there.

(1 edit)

I didn’t realize I had to visit Syltech outside of Kali's story line. Thanks!

Whats the title of the soundtrack when you go in the clock with ashley

Does anyone know the final riddle answer?


Remember the four letters you gave total, at the end of each of her four riddle sets, which she finished by saying you've gained knowledge that would be useful. This is that time.
Enter them, and she'll give you a big clue (aka how they're arranged).

If you just want it spoiled though, here, I'll drop some lines so others aren't spoiled simply scrolling by:







Hello, I am around 45 days in the game, I was facing an issue though, there's a talk option on Maria's door but whenever I click it, it leads me back to the entryway, is that a bug, or do I need to increase Maria's affection, etc. to progress? I am playing v0.14.1 btw. Thank you.

i had same bug, i believe you need to increase androids friendship... and after you do that story bit, there will be another bug, the door will give you the warning you should be getting now, but you can still continue

umm, I am a bit confused. What I was trying to say was that when I press the talk option on Maria's door, it doesn't show me a cutscene or something, it just takes me to the entryway. And you can't increase friendship without being shown cutscenes etc. Will using v0.14 fix this?

(1 edit)

yes, it is the same bug... you have to get the second floor to unlock "android" and increase her friendship, then going to marias door will let you do her next part of the story

and on marias "next" part of the story, after that, it will give you a warning "you should upgrade the second floor and increase friendships"

the warning/info about what is supposed to happen is just put in the wrong place, it shows up one story to late :)

i had the exact same issue, just get second floor, unlock android, do some of her story, then try maria again.... or maybe the warning/direction isnt in the wrong place, since you need others from the second floor as well. maybe its just missing it for that bit of story, altogether. either way, you can progress, just get a bit of friendship with android, i dont know how much, just unlock her and keep trying maria until it no longer just takes you to the front door

What is Maria's friendship at the time of this bug?

(1 edit) (+1)

umm, its 11

Thanks for the report! This will be fixed in the next build.

I can't buy Nia's supplies, is this a bug?

click to the right of it its a bug its an empty square

Boi, i dropped the game for over 2 years now, can't wait to see what's new!

I launch the game I did everything right for installing and it opens shows loading and instantly goes to the main screen of joiplay

Sounds like you need to post this on JoiPlay's forums. Runey is not a dev for JoiPlay, only one game that runs on it.

(5 edits)

So, im not done yet, but i think i'm really deep in, and i gotta say. i am very much enjoying this game. this is a "lot" of content to only be version 0.14, and there is plenty to satisfy diverse interests, this is some truly amazing work. if and when i get back on my feet financially, this is another thing i will certainly be donating to, i swear it.

possible spoilers ahead so dont read further if you dont want them, lol

physically speaking, i love lin, ashley, small-breast (and form 2) android, and felicity, hate ellen, emma, and autumn. although kali and maria arent my preference, having breasts on the bigger side of the options, they make up for it by having them fit the bodies.... i also love moon, and will probably like kate, sylvia and nia if i ever see them naked

personality speaking, i love early-stage lin (i like her much much less in later stages when she gets clearly more independent... less devoted/clingy), early stage slutty-ish ashley (she kinda keeps it throughout, but its most notable in the beginning... and the constant talk of impregnating is a turnoff... her backstory although not liked, is also not disliked, it could go either way) and i love love love late stage felicity. the ever so slightly slutty and notably submissive/willing, especially with the whole cat girl thing. i would love if she had the cat-bowl punishment options in dungeon that emma has (well, the cum one alone, actually), also love maria the slut and kali the awkward nerd.

i hate hate hate autumn, even after loosening her up and completing her story, she is still a prissy bitch to me, but i guess thats why she is there, right? lol

things i would like to see (am hoping to see) in the future:

far and away #1 thing i want to see, please please please, let me do things with the fairies. i want to see them nude, i want to play with them with finger and tongue, i want them to play with me (protagonist), i dont even know how. perhaps a "body job", similar to handjob but body, because size... and of course littered with kisses.... a masturbation scene similar to autumns where both parties masturbate just using the other as "visual aid", especially if the fairies would lick/clean-up the resulting mess.... and gotta have options for scenes in single or multiple, similar to felicity and emma, where they each have scenes individually and some scenes have both included.... i would love for them to be main characters with affection and submission and lust. must have lust even if for no reason other than the body inspection option. i love that option.... raising affection could be watching a movie with them sitting on shoulder or in lap or something. i dont think exhibition would work since noone is supposed to know they exist, although since the hotel knows, they could have options to expose in the hotel. i would also like to see some very submission-like things such as licking up the cum after "body job", and various types of begging/crawling. dungeon options could be vibrator play, could even add new small "bullet" vibrator for the purpose... would also love to see some outfit options (just mask it as like, buying barbie outfits or some other doll).... i have a thing for fairies that i have as yet been unable to find any media to help with. please please please make the fairies main characters with full range of options, including taking pictures (without option to sell because lore and noone knows they exist, i just want them to view on computer). please! its already sortof set up, its clear via cia that they want to pay back for being protected in a safe place! i must have the fairies! and this game (more precisely, your work. seriously, lin, ashley, and felicity are just beautiful. their naked forms are just perfect in shape and texture and everything else) would be the perfect medium to finally give me something with fairies. i know, without a doubt, after seeing some of the characters, you can make it beautiful for me. and the three fairies can have different desires/kinks too. masochism-esque spanking/whipping, catgirl (yeah, i like catgirls a lot. slightly less than fairies and also surprisingly difficult to find media to satisfy), etc. small tools and accessories can be made, if not by the fairies themselves, then by lin or something. god there is so much i would like to see with the fairies, but i must stop typing eventually so i will leave it here... just please, more with the fairies. and let me know if you plan to let them be play-with-able, and want any more thoughts... i would love to make lists of things i would like to see with them. i would be happy with very basics though, since it just doesnt friggen exist elsewhere. playing with them with finger and tongue, and seeing them nude in multiple poses, would be enough, i dont want to demand everything in the world, i love so much that this game has given me already.

#2, a way to shave/wax the hairy ones (specifically maria and nia. my other favorites already have that covered, but if more get shaved, they might move up my list, i just cant think of them atm)

#3: kate. more with kate! please? :)

#4: more clothes... ashley gave lin the schoolgirl outfit, but she cant wear it :( many of the clothes options are awesome, but it never hurts to have more, or to have current options available in more scenes.

#5: option to have androids breast reduction permanent... so many scenes maintain her big (midsize) breasts, and i can only smallify during sex, which is a shame. form 2 breasts are very good as well.

#6: lust for felicity. i must have felicity body inspection! also, give felicity more catgirl stuff. eating out of pet bowl, crawling on hands and knees while out on the town. a "date" where she is leashed and she crawls for the whole thing would be hot.... also, "good girl" i should be able to replace with "good kitty", also so hot.

#7: kali. more rough / "no control" scenes.... like the one she said she dreams about, during the party

and i think thats the only things i can think i hope for in regards to improvement... and i understand some of these would be very difficult or impossible to accomplish, having to re-render every scene multiple times in order to accommodate multiple options, so i dont think its going to happen, but i can hope :) and if there is any way i can help development, (with basically no experience, depending on what you use) i would be more than willing, just to see this grow :)

edit to add a final note: i knew it was fairies instantly. once sylvia mentioned telekenesis and magic, before we even got on the island, i knew it was fairies. i mean c'mon! and her royal family house ran a crystal mine?! its a bit insulting the protagonist didnt figure it out till he got home. probably could have made the whole island scene much better with that knowledge, somehow. call out to the fairies, proclaim knowing they exist, make a deal with them while in the cages, let badass nia take care of guards, torches for the non-helpful fairies, could have had a whole badass break-out path instead of the default one! .... but even without a branched path for that island, its still insulting he didnt have internal thought "oh, she has fairies" even if he kept it to himself, which i could see happening..... but then again, maybe my "thing for fairies" just kept them on my mind more than the average person, is why i knew immediately

im still playing, just got kali some college stuff, the extensions/pony.... oh god she is beautiful (at least neck up. would still prefer more ashley/felicity body, but hers isnt the worst.)

another edit: just finished ashleys story (so far) .... THANK YOU for the fairy scene in the ramen. i cannot express how happy i am that scene is included, it gives me serious hope there will be more, and it was just beautiful. those little bodies are just.... *relaxed and happy sigh*

Thanks for the feedback and suggestions!

(3 edits)

no, thank you for the excellent game :) .... i always hate it when someone gets a free game, or free mod, or free pirated game, then demands something from the creator(s) or is harshly critical of it, and i try my damndest to not be that guy. i sincerely appreciate all that has gone into this thus far, it gives something for so many interests, it caters to many of my own in ways not often found elsewhere, i truly do love it.

considering this is only version 0.14, i have very high hopes for its future as well, and im sure i will enjoy whatever your vision brings to it....

with that said, although i dont have anything to offer in the development and such, if you ever lack ideas or want another perspective (or are generous enough to give me the fairies of my dreams) i would very much enjoy making a more structured list of fantasies, scenes, additions, even basic character type, etc. all manner of suggestions....

if it would interest you at all, if you would want it for inspiration, or whatever, i have a lot of time on my hands and would "love" to make such a list. even if nothing comes to fruition. im sure you have a vision already for what harem hotel should be and i certainly dont want to intrude on it, as i say again and i really want to be clear about: i love it as is, and am sure i will love it with whatever you add in the future. im not "that guy" to demand something of a free game and beautiful work of art. if you have a set vision, then you do you and i will continue to love it. if you would like any suggestions for things you may not have considered, or just want to hear specifically some things i hope for, just let me know (and where to link the list, if you agree and i make one)

continuing to play, i am meeting so many new characters i would really like to see more of! lmao. hana, kim, nala, vanessa (loved the beer pong results! beautiful.) and ami.... hana actually has the makings of one of the character types i was hoping for, and im so happy to see another schoolgirl outfit (kim) ... my prefered schoolgirl outfit is actually the style maria has, but i'll never say no to a sailor suit :) i could even make a big list of the specifics of what i love in this, i can assure you it far outweighs what i hate, lol

edit: i thought i loved felicity, and i still do, but my god hana is very quickly rising the ranks. she is hitting pretty close to one of the character suggestions i would make, even, lol.

another edit: i completed the game now! i want to talk about it so much, there is just so much going on, and so many beautiful things, seriously, thank you for this work :)

Deleted 2 years ago

Violet no longer exists.

(2 edits) (+1)

I am by no means ashamed to admit that i came here for the "plot" - and I certainly enjoyed the plethora of scenes.
But boy oh boy I stayed for the actual plot, the story and the writing is really good and a pleasure to read.
Hell, I'm checking every few days if the next patch is out already as I am so curious how will the story progress (even though common sense is telling me that obviously isnt going to happen anytime soon :D)

Keep up the great work Runey
Also I made an account just to compliment you :D

Edit: I almost forgot...
It would be nice to see which perk has each girl earned. I kinda missed that in my playthrough

Edit2: Happy new year ^^


Thank you!
You can click the "i" button at the top of the screen for stats and traits. That page is actually currently being remade as well.

Here's a preview of what I'm working on :)

oh this is great!
this is exactly what i had in mind


Am i the only one who can't buy the Android human kit ?

Are you on v0.14.1?


if u didnt have sex with Jin in the beginning can you not sleep wit her anymore?

n nice game by the way.

for me i had to move my mouse pointer over to the right of it and click next to the square, it wuz invisible but its there just not on the picture of the android human kit more off to the right of the pic n just click around you should find it

I'll try that

Late-stage Emma/Felicity got me actin a little wacky... Lin got me actin a little unwise... Kali callin me honeybear got me actin a bit feral... Ashley being Ashley got me actin like a breeding machine... Please don't stop your work, you're fantastic at what you do. Image

I've almost 100% this game.  The story is overwhelmingly immersive and interesting.  I don't know how long I've sunk into this game, and I don't know if I want to, but I love this game!  All the lore, the characters, the hope that you can do something about the world.  I'd expect Runey to be a fantasy author.  I can't wait for all the updates in the future!

Thank you! :)


Fuck what a game. There are few things I enjoy that I can consecutively sink hours into, let alone 30 hours on a visual novel. But this is something more than that. The characters are cute, quirky, well written and above all else have so much depth to them, even the side characters. Is it a bit grindy at times? Sure, but the grind is worth it. The visuals are amazing, the scenes are amazing, the dialog has actual weight to it, and the characters aren't just 1 dimensional fuck toys, they have their own problems and issues that you help them push past. 


Man what a game this was.   If i was to be completely honest i expected this game to suck, it is a porn game after all.  but fuck all was i pleasantly surprised.  i played through the game twice once as the nice guy an the other as the asshole.  but even with playing through the game twice i still found the stories of the girls to be engaging and entertaining.

I enjoyed Lin's progression and character growth wont say more as i dont wanna spoil.  all i'll say is FREEDOM (Brave Heart Style) Babbies NAO!!!

I enjoyed Kali's story going from a borderline neat to having goals

I enjoyed Ashley's progression and character growth.  her story hits VERY close to home i'll just leave it at that.   it was very enjoyable to watch her change and grow.   Ashley babbies when????

Maria's was just awesome in lots of various ways.  her story made me want to rage but not because it sucked.  all i could think of at the end of it was BLOOD for the blood god and bones for the skull throne.

Android (Annie_01)  was a good laugh.  not sure how her story will play out.  I certainly hope the MC is able to do something to rein her in, he's certainly off to a good start.

Felecity & Emma (Kitty Slut & Dog Whore)  while im sure many will sympathize with their story.  I wont lie i was unable to.  maybe its cause i didnt do them till close to the very end of the game with both play throughs, but i just couldnt do it.   i openly confess that i just dont like them and i also confess its most likely due to my own personal biases and having to deal with people like them in my own life.  

Autumn not much to say on her.  at times she pissed me smooth the fuck off and at others i felt somewhat sorry for her.  it was honestly a weird feeling.

Ellen (the receptionist) OMFG more MILF scenes when???  like seriously she's sexxa as fuck.   why she haz noe dungeon scenes!!??!!111.  i dont count her as a side chick the MC has to many interactions with her an she has to many interactions with the plot of the girls to be considered just that.  she's like in that weird spot of inbetween a main/side girl


                                                      Side Chicks


My personal Favorite is Moon.   in all the images we never see the tops of her ears they're always magically tucked into her hair.  is she a secret elf?  her back story just seem suspect to me.  with the whole jungle/mountain living an all that jazz.  I could totally see her being another Maria.

Nia/Sylvia/Ann/Penni/Jin they was all fun.   was sad to see Jin leave the dungeon though.  i look forward to more content for them being released.

love the Nia/Sylvia couch scene (the 3rd option) in the sanctuary i confess that i probably watched that way more times then i should have.   wont say why (dont wanna spoil) but i found the comedy of it to truly entertaining.

I also love how Nia reacts when you make her call you "Daddy" thats just fantastic

Vanessa just irritates the every living hell out of me.  i cant explain it very well but she just does.  She reminds me of another Felecity or something very similar to her.


                                 Things I liked or would like to see


as already mentioned the story is really really solid for a porn game.  good job on that, keep it up.

The Harem is REALLY starting to get large,  might need to give Maria and Android (Annie-01)  some strap-ons not really into the whole futa thing so dont really wanna see a character with a swinging cock all the time.  nor do i really wanna see a cock flopping and swinging around on the screen during scenes where it be the catcher instead of the pitcher.  but if it must be done hopefully we'll have the option to view or not view that kinda content. 

We need an easier way to track side-event triggers,  while some random/surprise content is always nice.   they just seem to buggered up at the moment.  maybe change the info button screen to show small picture icons of the girls and side girls.  and when a event with those girls is up or available have it light up then make it clickable and have it tell us when and where to be to see or make X event happen.  yes i understand that coding all that would probably be a horrid headache, but i really think it would improve the game flow of the game significantly.

We need a way of seeing what friendship level is needed to unlock events for the main girls.  take Maria for instance, i forget what lvl you cap out on but at a certain lvl you all of a sudden need X friendship level with Autumn in order to continue Maria's Story.  Maybe instead of just telling us we need to raise friendship with X girl maybe put it on the talk button.  make it change to (Need X friendship with X girl)  when we reach those instances.  that would certainly remove some frustration while playing through the game.  

I would like to see more Orgy type events with all the girls,  i truly enjoyed the scenes with maria/lin/ash whens Lins lust gets semi high.

I would like more choking/head holding events Lins max lust and kali's last exhibition scenes are damn nice.  maybe add a choking fetish to one of the girls and scenes that would go along with it.   Lin certainly seems to like it,  I could see either Kali/Lacie being into that as well as maybe Emma (Dog Whore) as she seems to like it rough as all hell

I would like to see a Drow (judge mez i dunt kares)  that one event with that one was hawt as hell, she is tall as fuck the harem needs some of that kinda sexiness.

Info on what the stats on the right of the screen mean on the info X girl tabs and how to raise them.   I always have a hell of a time getting Lins *Cum Slut* stat into the yellow letters it seems not many events effect that.  like have a little window that pops up as you hover over it with the info and events that raise it

Have the last event in exhibitionism raise 3 stats for all girls not just a few  Aff/Obi  Slut Exhi for the last one for all would be very nice as it levels a lot of stats at once.

More options for wakeup or the ability to pick and choose our personal favorites for the task


                                            Things I didnt like


Money -- in the early stages of the game you almost cant earn it fast enough,  but at a certain point it becomes almost completely worthless.  in my last play through i ended the game at day 613 i think it was and had almost $40,000 an some change just sitting there doing fuck all nothing (on a side note i got Lin's Slutiness to over 1,000 =), )  Maybe we need the ability to either pay Jin/Ellen to train the girls in the dungeon as a money sink?  with a camera in there so we can view the recordings for later?

Unable to pick or set up auto sleep for sleeping partners at the end of the day it just feels like its been either not fully implemented or been forgotten about and that makes me sad

There is nothing in the options that tells us what keyboard commands do or if keyboard commands are even implemented

There is nothing that tells us in the options what the options do or what they effect




All and all i found this game to be very fun and entertaining,  I thank you for putting it out here for free, for us literal poor bastards to play for free on the internet.   I hope you found my criticism to be of the proper kind.   as it wasnt my intention to be negative nor was it done in an effort to offend nor to try and tear you down.   thanks again for all the time and effort you've put into this game.  i made this account on this site just today just so that i could post my thoughts on your game.

Thank you :)

hey runey happy new year and goodluck in 2022!! just finished playing the game and tbh it was amazing haha. i never thought that i will get addicted. i was just curious on how to update the game if the next patch comes out, im on android and i don't have a pc to transfer the files. how will i update the game then??  and also i downloaded the game on MEGA because i saw someone from tiktok that made a video about ur game.

A read me file is included in the update folder. I would assume you would transfer your android files to PC then apply the update, then transfer those files back to android. But I have never used android to play Harem Hotel so I couldn't say for certain.


I've made a poll on google to better understand where your head is :) This poll is anonymous.


gave it a go :)

Also chimed in. Don't even care if it's anonymous, I already told my friends a long time ago that H games have leagues better story than whatever the memestream is shitting out anyway, and in this medium, story is king. Okay, the H scenes definitely do not hurt, but context enhances those too.

(1 edit) (+1)

absolutely loved the game so far, i honestly wanted to play as it looked a bit like honey select and you know could have some fun ;) but once the stories started to develop i got really invested (played 52 hours in 4 days O-O) the android story when Ashley goes into her room actually made me shed a tear good job can't wait for the next update is there somewhere i can look for a timeline on when the next update will be ?


Thank you so much! Hard to say when the next update will be released, but it will begin development in a few weeks.

Hey Runey, denkst du, dass eventuell auch noch ein paar interaktions möglichkeiten für / mit den Feen kommt?


Happy new year runey


You too \o/


This game is really good, with a great story, nice characters and many good scenes 

it is just sad that my pc is broken and i need to play it on mobile

Oh and by the way my English isn't the best, so if what I write doesn't make sense blame google for it xD 


Is the newest version only on PC, or is the Android version also caught up if I download that version?


Please read the Android Installation Guide location directly above the downloads and comments section.

Hello runey happy New Year, do you have plans to add an alarm mode for the other girls like Ahsley, Autumm, Maria, kali? And this update is optimal is in 1 place of my top 5 adult games in front of Mythic Manor.
(1 edit)

Thank you! It's a possibility, but there are no current plans.


Happy New Year, Runey! :)


You too \o/


So umm . when is the next update ? 

My soul needs to know what happens with Android story , you took it so much further then i was expecting and it hit me more then it should have haha

I never cared about in game characters like this and im a big fan of your work  

Last update came out less than a month ago
Sorry bud, gonna have to be patient


Hey Runey, so I'm trying to download your game on PC, but I can only find the download link for the 0.14.1v which says it's an "update only" for the 0.13.2+v, any chance you can provide me a download link for that so that I can give your game a shot?
Cheers, looking forward to playing! :)

(1 edit)

Err, it's really difficult to miss. Below is an image from this page.

You can also check my Patreon.
Deleted 3 years ago

There's a bug, every time i try to start the next event with maria it just send me to the front door


Thanks for the report, this will be fixed.


Getting this same issue from level 11 to 12 thanks for looking into it

Deleted 3 years ago

I know the problem, it was because i didn't met the android

(3 edits) (+1)(-3)

Update is great, but... stop this Runey. You know what Im talking about. You are showing to us very serious and sometimes even cruel situations, but MC is always like "I want to stay out if this, I cant do anything". He can. He already got more then enough connections to start act. He cant always stay behind and do nothing, leting girls to bear all the weight of social problems. Give us some actions, damn it! We realy are already past half a game, we are already past the point when you tryed to show people that everyone must do something for changes to happen. This is the actual point where MC must start to act or he will start to lose everything and everyone he have. MC must begin to use his money, his conections and his power. And yes, he already have enough power to use. The only problem is his fear of action.

Heh, yes, you must have noticed that I already refer to MC as "he". The problem is that I already stoped to associate him with me. It is because MC is too passive. I never was a guy who would sit and wait when something bad happens.

There is no difference who is MC's enemy. Cornwall, Mafia, the guy who owns a school and have connections in high political places, Trenero (yes, Im sure he is not our ally... when time will come he will just force his daughters to leave MC's hotel and then he will help other MC's enemyes to ruin his life) or the world with it social principles itself. I will repeat myself again, MC must begin to act. Or I am out of here. If story is serious, then it must be serious always, not just partialy, and MC's actions must be sireous too.

P.S. I still like this game and, as I mentioned, update is realy great. The only thing that bothers me is MC always staying out of everything.

(5 edits) (+5)

'MC' isn't a hero, he's not even the main character. He's the player character that allows you to interact with the main characters.

That said, he is also just a normal guy who owns a hotel. His only super power is being supportive and being the glue that keeps people together (does a big cock count?). Things the player could do in real life if they wanted to, unlike many of the things the main characters do.

But I understand you want the player character to be more active, he's certainly not afraid though. This is a process and can't begin immediately. The moment where you had the option to shake Nia's hand in Maria's story is a good example of MC having the option to take things more seriously. We are moving out of that transitional period for many of the main characters, where they go from dealing with more personal problems to more wide spread problems. This will in turn cause the player character to act with the main characters. But I also wanted to make a point to show that the player character isn't a super hero that looks at the world and believes he can save it alone. He will be a better leader in the future, that is certain.


Yes, MC is normal human, but also he have money. Not a lot, but at least something. I realy do not undarstand why he cant do a minimum. At least making his hotel more safe place is something he Can do. He can buy more security sistems (and event with Sylvia in the garden showed very good that this a time to make some upgrades) and one or two security androids. If this is not alowed for a hotel owner to buy some androids for protection purposes... then ok, there always an option to try to find something like this on black market (MC already broke many laws... it will be just another one). He could offer more help to Nia, not just 200$ on some "consumables". At this point of game on my not moded safe I already have some hundred thousands of money. Spending at least 4-5 thousands could be good to make sure that she is equiped properly. Also I dont undarstand why he turned his back on Jia asking for help. Ofcourse, to kill someone is not an option, he is just a normal guy. But he could at least try to do something, not leaving everything on someone else (yeah, Nia in the shadows... she cant do everything on her own). There is a lot more things that just a normal hotel manager could do. Yes, he is supporting character, but why he cant at least support properly?...

Im not speaking about "being a hero". No one is a "super hero". But there is always something that normal guy like our MC could do. I dont ask to make him overthrow all corrupted politicians on his own or changing the system completely. Im talking about normal actions. He is not just owner of big cock, he is a man who took responsibility about many girls with theyr problems. So some actions would be great to follow his responsibility.

(2 edits) (+2)

Like I said, the player character will take a more active role in directly helping, but we're in a transitionary period. Things are already heading in that direction, and I can think of a few examples from v0.14 where MC has used his money or helped in some active way.

Yes. He could help Nia more than just buying her consumables, but that's not where the story is right now. We literally just got to the point where she's willing to trust you to show you these things in v0.14. Getting to the player character being All In isn't going to happen over night, that's not realistic. Please give me time to develop these things.

Owning hundreds of thousands is definitely abnormal. But as for why MC and Lin couldn't help Jia, it's explained in that event during and after that moment.


Ah... Ok, I will keep looking for next updates, after all Im realy interested where this story will go. As I told many times before, it is your game and it is only up to you to decide how to develope it. And, definetely, you are a master, your game is very unique. Thank you for reply and thank you for your hardwork :)

P.S. Any my complaints are there only because I realy like your game and story you created :)


You good Runey, Zex just doesn't know good storytelling and is taking this harem game too serious. I hate Player Character (PC) is kinda helpless, but I understand that devaluates the MCs personal growth and actions. If Zex wants action so bad, then there are other projects that fulfill that hero role. 


RUNEYY!!! I absolutely love your game, each character has an amazing story and the plot is great! I love each and every little detail about Harem hotel super excited for V0.15!!!! Cant wait to see more Ashley and the Sisters!

Thank you :)

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