I am just curious, how long do you think the next update will take? I've been waiting for more Lin content so bad. I am not trying to rush or anything, I know this process takes awhile and you will provide the best for us, just wondering if you had a desired ETA of the update to be out of Beta. Thank you for an amazing game BTW!
I've been trying to update this for months, but it appears I no longer have access to downloading this any further. I was about to make a purchase earlier, but not sure if that will make a change on the current issue?
Other languages are being worked on and planned to be added to the base game. No one has come forward to offer make a chinese translation though. I only speak english, so can't add what I don't know.
Assuming you mean Android, that's already been done. As well as Ashley & Maria, Maria & Android, Ashley & Felicity, Lin & Maria... You get the idea lol
Yup, it's never had them, and it would be a monumental task at this point to add them (not to mention money and yet more time & effort for the highly desired female "sounds" lol)
Had to create an account just to leave this comment, but I absolutely LOVE this game. I've replayed it from start to finish multiple times for two years and it's a blast everytime. Haven't played the latest version yet, so cheers to this next playthrough. Thank you for all your hard work, Runey!
Hello. I've purchased your game but it keeps failing to DL. I had this problem with another visual novel game. Do you have a Google drive link? For some reason that fixed my problem before. Thank you. I hope I get this working. This looks really good.
yes I've tried the PC mirror as well. Uhhh. I've signed up to your Patreon to access your mirrors there. I'm completely lost. Where do I go for the DL link in there.
I've been having a blast on this and I've grown addicted to it. I re-checked the patch and it seems the next fetish will be pregnancy right? I can't wait. One quick question, but does the side characters like Kate will have more interactions (romantically or sexually) cause I really fell inlove with Kate's character.
Thank and btw If you still remember the part where Mc took Lin and Jin to a restaurant and had that very deep talk. It was very appreciated even if this was an eroge18+ visual novel. It was still very cool to see a heartwarming realization scene for jhin. Great work Runey and I hope further updates there are still gonna be some (even if its short) heartwarming scenes.
Absolutely, just choose a different server. itch.io may make authors pick only one server, but Patreon does not - Runey has links for Mega, Google Drive, UploadHaven, etc. There's a link to Patreon right above this comment section. Or if you want to save one mouse click, here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/harem-hotel-v0-1-59790215
As always, Runey estimates in every post he makes. If you really can't be bothered, here's a rough idea for every update: typically 4 months apart, depends on the amount of content added. 0.14 was the biggest at a full gigabyte, the current 0.15 beta is even bigger already. As you can see directly above this comment, the last update was 3 months ago. Runey was also very sick for a week, could factor that in. Soon. You can relax my dude.
Dayum.. having Ashley's Clock tower event outfit available in her room and interaction menu would be frickin awesome. That scene got me real good, great work! *more headpats for Ash*
Ah. What I meant was it would be great IF she had the outfit. Just started playing v0.14 a few days ago so idk what's in v0.15. Hope this clear things up for you.
Yep, that outfit will be available in v0.15! Specifically the version with the combed hair. Though it will only be implemented in her repeatable sex scenes for now. Adding outfits is a tedious and time consuming process.
I have been playing for a while now an i have to say it's one of the best i have played in a while. Can't wait for the next update. Also is there a way to save *you know the girl that gets shocked while doing a certain thing* and get her to leave with nia??
I’ve been playing this game for a while now and I really like it! It has so much more character depth than any other. I could suggest a few things though. For kali’s order pizza action after you’ve gained enough slutiness, you could do a scene like the one that Lucy set up and also in the boobjob scene one of her hands moves a lot and the other not so much. I don’t know if this was intensional but just to let you know. Otherwise its a great adult game! :3
Sooooo, I might have entered a cheat for maximizing the Androids stats, and now it says I need to give her the Human kit, but it doesn't let me give it to her now, is there any way to fix this or did I just completely screw up my game?
The warning you got when you entered the skip cheat specifically warned you this would happen. I'd recommend loading a save from before you used it, and make sure to check your autosaves (when selecting save file, just as there's more pages to the right you can find autosaves to the left).
is there a list of chronological order of events? It seems like sometime the dialogue mentions things that have not been revealed yet and I want to know if I am playing in order for the narrative purposes
I meant chronologically across character timelines. For example, the twins move in even before certain events at school with Ashley (sorry for vagueness, trying not to spoil for new players).
Another one I noticed is Autumn’s first date at the cafe, there were mentions of a high elf telling you something about the history of elves that Autumn had a misconception about, but there is no mention of that anywhere in the story, not even in the dialogue with Lin when she is trimming the hedges. I assume we find out this information deeper into the story.
If you're talking about the thing I'm thinking of, that dialogue is locked behind a requirement which requires you to have seen that content. There are many instances of dialogue being locked behind seeing it previously, I always take this into account. You likely just forgot it.
After almost 35 hours in v. 0.14 of Harem Hotel, I have nearly 100 % it. I can safely say, that even at this point of it being assumingly quite WIP, this is one of the best adult games I have ever played, and being the filthy degenerate I am, I've played a bunch.
The art is great, some scenes look as if they were taken straight out of an animated movie or a big budget game, the quality content ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) is there and there's buckets of it, but where HH really stands out for me is the writing - the worldbuilding, the characters and the dialogues especially come to mind as being quite exceptional. I would love to some day play a proper RPG version or even a spin-off of the game. The world and the characters inhabiting it are that captivating.
The only thing that could perhaps scare people off is that this will probably be a long run before the game is properly finished. Patience will be key for any players who decide to dive in. The game also can feel a bit grindy at times, especially if you want to experience all it has to offer and/or you're going in spoiler-free, not knowing exactly what to focus on early (but hey, isn't figuring stuff out also a part of the fun?).
This already is a massive project and I can't but worry a little about whether Runey42 can keep the creativity, willpower and motivation up during the whole marathon. Though I definitely hope so and I hope this game also gets much more exposure and support, because it for sure deserves it. I'll try to do my part too. So if you're still hesitating - play the game. It's great.
Oh and Mr. Runey - great effing job, sir. Keep smashing it!
Originally came for the hentai, but I was pleasantly surprised by the depth of the cast, the story, and the world building. It also explores themes such as identity, depression, and racism exceptionally well. Every character is unique and this game does a tremendous job of having you feel for them.
I have nothing but praise for this game and I'm looking forward to more content!
When is the next update coming :D I'm sorry if this has been asked alot, I'm like 20 hours in and still haven't finished but I'm at the end of felicity and Emma's story. I honestly cannot wait to see where everything goes and finishes up at so far I'm hooked I always play a bit before I go to sleep
Ok I am trying to progress Ashley. When I go to her room in the afternoon or evening she has a talk action but it says I should come back in the morning, but in the morning there is no talk action. Does this mean I need to progress farther elsewhere?
Also potential spoiler:
is there a way to stop maria from getting her DNA checked? I just passed that part in her story and it makes me feel so sad. I didn't save at the choice in MC's room because I thought agreeing with her to get her tested would be best but now that I know the outcome I would rather agree with Hana and not get her tested. But IDK if the other choice in the room just makes her angry and she does it anyway.
Well my initial post said there were spoilers. And yes when they were at the point of almost being killed. He didn't piece it together until the end when it was revealed. If it wasn't for Lin it would've been over. I get this was the intent of it, but knowing of all their properties before hand and not piecing it together until Emily found them makes me say clueless and slow.
OK so the auto event is not occurring. On what day is Ashley's BDay supposed to occur? At least 20-30 days have passed since the scene where the MC spoke about her BDay.
Is there a certain day that the event was supposed to occur. After the cabin where the BDay was talked about is when I went to the High Elves, is it possible that her event was supposed to take place while I was gone therefore it won't be able to be progressed?
No, all events are on a timer between 2 - 4 days in most cases. Then the other requirements must be met. For Ashley's birthday, all the main characters must be available.
So I am stuck with progressing Felicity & Emma and Ashley. Ashley has the talk action but says I must improve friendship with Felicity and Emma. They have the talk action as well but it says I need to improve friendship with Ashley. Did I do something wrong and get softlocked there?
Only way for that to happen is to have skipped one of their story chains with a code. Said code specifically warns you things like that can happen. You'll have to load a save from before using the code (check autosaves too; page left of the save slots, just as to the right has more save slot pages) or start a new game.
You can check the wiki, but as it will tell you, it just automatically happens. It shouldn't be confusing. I'm not sure how I could make it less confusing.
← Return to game
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I am just curious, how long do you think the next update will take? I've been waiting for more Lin content so bad. I am not trying to rush or anything, I know this process takes awhile and you will provide the best for us, just wondering if you had a desired ETA of the update to be out of Beta. Thank you for an amazing game BTW!
I've been trying to update this for months, but it appears I no longer have access to downloading this any further. I was about to make a purchase earlier, but not sure if that will make a change on the current issue?
Donating to me will not change the files you get. All you need to do is click the download button. Or try a mirror on my patreon.
Other languages are being worked on and planned to be added to the base game. No one has come forward to offer make a chinese translation though. I only speak english, so can't add what I don't know.
Hi Runey
Can you make girl on girl ( Lin & Olivia )
Assuming you mean Android, that's already been done.
As well as Ashley & Maria, Maria & Android, Ashley & Felicity, Lin & Maria...
You get the idea lol
Yes Olivia my android
But I mean more girl on girl ^_^
Harem Hotel v0.15 Beta Build 5 has released! > https://www.patreon.com/posts/harem-hotel-v0-5-63998683?cid=80128478
Preview > https://twitter.com/RuneyGames/status/1505197604245757953
Yup, it's never had them, and it would be a monumental task at this point to add them (not to mention money and yet more time & effort for the highly desired female "sounds" lol)
is ashley's fourth exhibitionism option bugged? because the option is gone after I did the third one.
What is Ashley's level and affection level at?
36 and around 30
I don't see any issues regarding this at these stats. If anyone else has this issue, please let me know.
Level 42 and affection 36 here, honestly I forgot there even was a fourth option for her until I read this comment. I don't have it either.
the fourth option is gone after the third option came up, whether you choose the third option or not
After looking into it more, I believe I have found the issue and fixed it. Thanks everyone!
woah nice and thanks!
Had to create an account just to leave this comment, but I absolutely LOVE this game. I've replayed it from start to finish multiple times for two years and it's a blast everytime. Haven't played the latest version yet, so cheers to this next playthrough. Thank you for all your hard work, Runey!
Thanks :)
Hello. I've purchased your game but it keeps failing to DL. I had this problem with another visual novel game. Do you have a Google drive link? For some reason that fixed my problem before. Thank you. I hope I get this working. This looks really good.
The PC mirror is a google drive link.
You can also find more mirrors on my Patreon.
hmmm. Thank you. That's not very promising then. I'll try again thanks and then try your Patreon.
Did you try the google drive link?
yes. I keep trying and no luck
yes I've tried the PC mirror as well. Uhhh. I've signed up to your Patreon to access your mirrors there. I'm completely lost. Where do I go for the DL link in there.
So hey I did every step to play it on Android but it's not working what can I do? :(
The only advice I can offer is to follow the steps exactly. I don't know what you've done differently, but it works for everyone else.
It isnt working for me either after following the steps, shows an exception has occurred while loading images/hotel.webp
You're missing images, this means it was not installed correctly.
Thanks! Turns out it was only extracting half the files, got it sorted and all working now :)
Hey so I double checked everything and it's now working perfectly I already love the game. :)
Glad to hear!
I've been having a blast on this and I've grown addicted to it. I re-checked the patch and it seems the next fetish will be pregnancy right? I can't wait. One quick question, but does the side characters like Kate will have more interactions (romantically or sexually) cause I really fell inlove with Kate's character.
Pregnancy isn't the next fetish, it's the last fetish to be added.
All side characters will continue to get new content.
Thank and btw If you still remember the part where Mc took Lin and Jin to a restaurant and had that very deep talk. It was very appreciated even if this was an eroge18+ visual novel. It was still very cool to see a heartwarming realization scene for jhin. Great work Runey and I hope further updates there are still gonna be some (even if its short) heartwarming scenes.
Is it possible to share using something more reliable then MediaFire? It shows me 53.2 KB/s - 39.7 MB of 8.3 GB, 2 days left. Even with payed account
Absolutely, just choose a different server.
itch.io may make authors pick only one server, but Patreon does not - Runey has links for Mega, Google Drive, UploadHaven, etc.
There's a link to Patreon right above this comment section. Or if you want to save one mouse click, here:
As always, Runey estimates in every post he makes.
If you really can't be bothered, here's a rough idea for every update: typically 4 months apart, depends on the amount of content added. 0.14 was the biggest at a full gigabyte, the current 0.15 beta is even bigger already.
As you can see directly above this comment, the last update was 3 months ago. Runey was also very sick for a week, could factor that in.
Soon. You can relax my dude.
hey runey with all the bata builds how many hours of game play is there now in total?
That highly depends on your reading speed. From all the feedback I've seen, I can assume around 40+ hours in total.
Dayum.. having Ashley's Clock tower event outfit available in her room and interaction menu would be frickin awesome. That scene got me real good, great work! *more headpats for Ash*
Is that a new outfit available in v0.15 ?
Ah. What I meant was it would be great IF she had the outfit. Just started playing v0.14 a few days ago so idk what's in v0.15. Hope this clear things up for you.
Yep, that outfit will be available in v0.15! Specifically the version with the combed hair. Though it will only be implemented in her repeatable sex scenes for now. Adding outfits is a tedious and time consuming process.
Harem Hotel v0.15 Beta Build 4 has released! > https://www.patreon.com/posts/harem-hotel-v0-4-63728603
Preview > https://twitter.com/RuneyGames/status/1502864324288823299
I have been playing for a while now an i have to say it's one of the best i have played in a while. Can't wait for the next update. Also is there a way to save *you know the girl that gets shocked while doing a certain thing* and get her to leave with nia??
Harem Hotel is linear, so everything you've witnessed is how it will be for everyone.
I see. Thanks for clarifying
can i play on iphone or only android?
Android only for mobile, as far as I know.
whats the rough estimation on v0.15 dropping
I post an estimated release date every time I announce each version > https://www.patreon.com/posts/61918465
I saw the mentioning of more outfits, anything on Autumn?
Not yet, Android isn't getting any either. Just the first floor for now.
How can i download it on android?
Read the "How to play on Android" section on this page.
i cant open it, it wont load
need help
I’ve been playing this game for a while now and I really like it! It has so much more character depth than any other. I could suggest a few things though. For kali’s order pizza action after you’ve gained enough slutiness, you could do a scene like the one that Lucy set up and also in the boobjob scene one of her hands moves a lot and the other not so much. I don’t know if this was intensional but just to let you know. Otherwise its a great adult game! :3
Sooooo, I might have entered a cheat for maximizing the Androids stats, and now it says I need to give her the Human kit, but it doesn't let me give it to her now, is there any way to fix this or did I just completely screw up my game?
You need to advance more of her story to unlock "give her a human kit". The cheat only increase Stat, not to unlock scene.
I have the kit but I can't give it to her, it doesn't give me the option
Because you skipped past that event.
The warning you got when you entered the skip cheat specifically warned you this would happen.
I'd recommend loading a save from before you used it, and make sure to check your autosaves (when selecting save file, just as there's more pages to the right you can find autosaves to the left).
i need help when i when i click on my save file it says "BadZipfile: File is not a zip file" what do i do
Just did the easter egg with Felicity involving money. Runey, i am in stiches. that is the funniest shit i ever seen.
How does one achieve this please
Keep trying to give Felicity money (after you were explicitly told to refuse her) in her 10th event.
Thanks :)
i feel like i finished everything i have all the events done with lin and others but i still haven't unlocked the foot for lin
It's in the kitchen.
To add on to this, mornings when she's there (every day except Tuesday and Wednesday).
It was unlocked during Friendship event 26.
is there a list of chronological order of events? It seems like sometime the dialogue mentions things that have not been revealed yet and I want to know if I am playing in order for the narrative purposes
The game can only be played in chronological order. HH is a visual novel, meaning it plays like a book. You probably just forgot.
I meant chronologically across character timelines. For example, the twins move in even before certain events at school with Ashley (sorry for vagueness, trying not to spoil for new players).
Another one I noticed is Autumn’s first date at the cafe, there were mentions of a high elf telling you something about the history of elves that Autumn had a misconception about, but there is no mention of that anywhere in the story, not even in the dialogue with Lin when she is trimming the hedges. I assume we find out this information deeper into the story.
If you're talking about the thing I'm thinking of, that dialogue is locked behind a requirement which requires you to have seen that content. There are many instances of dialogue being locked behind seeing it previously, I always take this into account. You likely just forgot it.
is there a way to watch the part with Emma and felicity in the Dungon after the first time? i have no clue how to
The gallery. In the pause menu.
Damnit Runey! you made me feel things! I'm not crying, yer crying! jokes aside i'm in love with your game. please keep it up!
Thank you :)
How do you download it in android when i download it its not apk just some files
Read the download section above. It hasn't been able to fit on apk since before 0.12.
tl;dr: Play the game. It's great.
After almost 35 hours in v. 0.14 of Harem Hotel, I have nearly 100 % it. I can safely say, that even at this point of it being assumingly quite WIP, this is one of the best adult games I have ever played, and being the filthy degenerate I am, I've played a bunch.
The art is great, some scenes look as if they were taken straight out of an animated movie or a big budget game, the quality content ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) is there and there's buckets of it, but where HH really stands out for me is the writing - the worldbuilding, the characters and the dialogues especially come to mind as being quite exceptional. I would love to some day play a proper RPG version or even a spin-off of the game. The world and the characters inhabiting it are that captivating.
The only thing that could perhaps scare people off is that this will probably be a long run before the game is properly finished. Patience will be key for any players who decide to dive in. The game also can feel a bit grindy at times, especially if you want to experience all it has to offer and/or you're going in spoiler-free, not knowing exactly what to focus on early (but hey, isn't figuring stuff out also a part of the fun?).
This already is a massive project and I can't but worry a little about whether Runey42 can keep the creativity, willpower and motivation up during the whole marathon. Though I definitely hope so and I hope this game also gets much more exposure and support, because it for sure deserves it. I'll try to do my part too. So if you're still hesitating - play the game. It's great.
Oh and Mr. Runey - great effing job, sir. Keep smashing it!
Thank you :)
So long as people continue to play and support HH, I will continue to develop it.
Originally came for the hentai, but I was pleasantly surprised by the depth of the cast, the story, and the world building. It also explores themes such as identity, depression, and racism exceptionally well. Every character is unique and this game does a tremendous job of having you feel for them.
I have nothing but praise for this game and I'm looking forward to more content!
Thank you! :)
When is the next update coming :D I'm sorry if this has been asked alot, I'm like 20 hours in and still haven't finished but I'm at the end of felicity and Emma's story. I honestly cannot wait to see where everything goes and finishes up at so far I'm hooked I always play a bit before I go to sleep
I post an estimated release date every time I announce each version > https://www.patreon.com/posts/61918465
thanks :) loving the work so far I'm still not finished with everything in current build but I think I'm almost done with everything
Mayby with the influece of Kalis dad it could be posible
I see 2 ways it could go:
1. We never meet her. No amount of influence can bring her back from where she(and probably the father) is.
2. We've already met her(without knowing). That would be cheapest drama possible, so I hope that's not the case.
Will there come the option to visit Marias mom?
Have you reached the end of her story? I can't say much without spoiling it, but that's an iffy question.
wean is pregnancy coming
End of the game, as always.
Ok I am trying to progress Ashley. When I go to her room in the afternoon or evening she has a talk action but it says I should come back in the morning, but in the morning there is no talk action. Does this mean I need to progress farther elsewhere?
Also potential spoiler:
is there a way to stop maria from getting her DNA checked? I just passed that part in her story and it makes me feel so sad. I didn't save at the choice in MC's room because I thought agreeing with her to get her tested would be best but now that I know the outcome I would rather agree with Hana and not get her tested. But IDK if the other choice in the room just makes her angry and she does it anyway.
I need to know what Ashley's level is to tell you what to do. This may help though. https://harem-hotel.fandom.com/wiki/Ashley
No, there is no choice to stop that from happening. Harem Hotel is an adult visual novel, the story is linear like a book.
Nevermind, I just got back to the hotel. MC is just clueless and slow
Clueless and slow? As opposed to blurting out their biggest secret while imprisoned by them? I'm confused. Their goal is to live.
Please be more careful with spoilers.
Well my initial post said there were spoilers. And yes when they were at the point of almost being killed. He didn't piece it together until the end when it was revealed. If it wasn't for Lin it would've been over. I get this was the intent of it, but knowing of all their properties before hand and not piecing it together until Emily found them makes me say clueless and slow.
With all due respect, would you kindly delete this spoiler?
Potential Spoiler:
OK so the auto event is not occurring. On what day is Ashley's BDay supposed to occur? At least 20-30 days have passed since the scene where the MC spoke about her BDay.
Sounds like your game is broken.
Is there a certain day that the event was supposed to occur. After the cabin where the BDay was talked about is when I went to the High Elves, is it possible that her event was supposed to take place while I was gone therefore it won't be able to be progressed?
No, all events are on a timer between 2 - 4 days in most cases. Then the other requirements must be met. For Ashley's birthday, all the main characters must be available.
Harem Hotel v0.15 Beta Build 3 has released! > https://www.patreon.com/posts/harem-hotel-v0-3-63417854
Preview > https://twitter.com/RuneyGames/status/1500236323495546881
So I am stuck with progressing Felicity & Emma and Ashley. Ashley has the talk action but says I must improve friendship with Felicity and Emma. They have the talk action as well but it says I need to improve friendship with Ashley. Did I do something wrong and get softlocked there?
Only way for that to happen is to have skipped one of their story chains with a code. Said code specifically warns you things like that can happen.
You'll have to load a save from before using the code (check autosaves too; page left of the save slots, just as to the right has more save slot pages) or start a new game.
after passing days for about 10min it took me to the winter cabin and that progressed it. We need a proper walkthrough for some of these things lmao.
You can check the wiki, but as it will tell you, it just automatically happens. It shouldn't be confusing. I'm not sure how I could make it less confusing.
Plans of new girls?