Harem Hotel has grown too big to fit on .apk. Android users will now need to follow the guide above the downloads to play on android. This is, unfortunately, the only way I can continue supporting the android version. One advantage is that the android version is now in HD!
Well i mean i would prefer not to restart for now but the last time i played was when game was an apk so i have no clue if its possible ti transfer save
i dont see my recent comment here so i cant reply but just know i figured out the problem with maria's story haha i just hadnt met the android girl yet
It might sound stupid and if you think so thats fine but ive beed wondering if i shoud ask this for months but is there a way you could put in a thing so we can choose what hair cuts the girls have. i like ashley having her long brown hair as i find it really cute if you cant or dont want to its fine too but if u can/want to can u please think about it thank you and love the game by the way it doesnt have to fit with the lore if u dont want it to
hello runey!! I'm a first time player in this game. and i would like to share my opinion so far in the game 0.14v.....
first of all... i would like to thank you for this game it's surprisingly wonderful!!awesome!!great!! and all the good things a person can say!! the story is very very good i won't spoil anything to readers but really! this is very good .and the events is very clear so far you won't be lost ever! but in my opinion it will be very useful if you like... put a character card to evry girl to explain what to do next. i just say this so the game will be more beautiful like? that's my opinion only.(i said it useful but not too much probably because everything is clear) well a card is a great thing to put if you agree with me. a card with pictures.
i have played this game just for lewd scane byr it's surprise me it have a great scanes with a greaat stroy!! i have many emotions while my time playing. joy... sad... angry...happiness. all kind of things i felt!! thanks again for the art!!
this game is really great thanks again!!
second... to the question i have (if possible answer like me with number) :(some spoil to the story!)
1- will be there more girls (main girl) in the future? if yes will be new ones in the next update?? and will be there other then human who stay in the hotal??
2-are there a pregnancy in the game in 0.14v or i didn't arrive to it yet?
3-will end the side girls story effects the main story so far??
4-(real spoil) the s*x scan with autumn don't run with me. is there something wrong? it's say something related to the next update. if there is not s*x scane with her. i recommend to you that you can clearly tell us that's there is not in the game like don't put an option in the first place! on make it color different from gray (which it is the color of unopened event!)
5-isn't it possible to put the replay scanes that was opened in different way? like galary to every card girl that can how many event scane opened and unopened. it will be very useful to game! I'm sure that this one series!
6-is it possibly that you can make the option to make the text bigger and smaller?? the hide option too?? there is time that i wanted to hide the text to see a scane.
7-do you have another game that you are working at?? i would like to try it! this game was great so the other will be too!
9-what a great art that you create!! why didn't i know your game earlier??
finally thanks for the hard work!! and keep the great work man!! i can see you are a wonderful person by looking at the story and the hard work you put in it!! and and.... uhh... keep healthy i things? well thanks again for the great game!
i know. but what i mean is won't it be more fun when you see the gallary to evry girl? you just click on the card to the girl you want to replay the scane and then boom with your litte boy (if you understand what i mean😁)
Also make sure you have plenty of space available on your phone. This game is fairly large, and I know that it wouldn't be able to fit on my own phone. Sometimes I really hate that phones have steered away from expandable storage capacity via SD cards.
Looking at the downvotes, maybe relax a little with the constant requests for fairy sex haha. As for the updates thing, just read Runey's posts, he estimates the release date every time. On average, it's about 4 months between updates, depending mostly on the content size in each. v0.14 for example, came out a week or two later than expected because it was the biggest update yet, at a full gigabyte alone. The last update, as you can see above, was a bit over two months ago. Runey was also quite sick for a week, so factor that in.
You're reading the update patcher notes. You can just update the game exactly the same way as you have before - download the new file, delete the old. And as always, if on Android, please move saves over so they don't get deleted in the process.
Hi Runey, just only saw your recently post on patreon, glad you have become better, maybe it's a bit late but take care of yourself have enough rest, we will patiently wait for your game updates so don't be on a rush, and stay healthy is more important than anything else
I will only say this - this game is really amazing and once I'll have enough money, I'll start supporting you on Patreon with at least 5 dollars each month.
Yo not a question or anything, but I honestly appreciate your work. I think this is the only NSFW game I played so far, that actually got me hooked into the story, and keeping me interested for more to come.
I hope you have a great day and keep up the good work. This game is great! :)
I think I found a glitch? Or it has something to to with me updating to version 14.1. But after I updated to 14.1 the sex animations became faster than they were before. I thought that it might have something to do with me playing at 144Hz, and the animations maybe being hardcoded to 60Hz. But then again I think I've been playing on 144Hz before as well, so it might have something to do with the update. The bug (if it even is one) is not too bad tho, but you might want to have a look at it.
well i think it's a error, cause first it not the only one that appear as that (exe file i mean), and some are from more than 1 year ago
so yeah if it was really virus i would say that i would have some bad new, crash or whatever, and nothing of that sort, so yeah, and even game like rainbow 6 siege got blocked sometime and classified as infected with bad malware, virus ... so yeah dont bother yourself too much with that
Does anyone know the the amount of Autumn content there is in the new update? I got the one scene with her putting on lingerie but never saw a "end of content text, but nothings prompting.
I asked this question a few days ago but I'm not sure you saw, but will the main character (us) Get any customisation? Also I has a glitch or a bug when you buy alot of stuff at the sane time some of it dosnt work. I have one suit for Ashley and one suit for my android that I didn't get and can't dress her in. If you have any ideas yhat would be great
The player character will have no customization. That would bloat the file size far too much.
As far as I know, you can order as many things as you want at once and it works perfectly. This bug might be due to have a very old save or through other file corruption.
I think this is the place to post a "bug/glitch" but after building the Sanctuary and buying Nia I had to click to the right of the icon for her supplies to actually get them. Hopefully if anyone else has the issue this will help ya.
With the option of taking lin's panties will there ever be an event where if we keep taking them each day and not returning them she eventually runs out or comments she had to buy more? I think that be hysterical!
Is there any other way for us to be able to download this other than the Google Drive? I've been waiting 48 hours to be able to download, but I just get the following
Sorry, you can't view or download this file at this time.
Too many users have viewed or downloaded this file recently. Please try accessing the file again later. If the file you are trying to access is particularly large or is shared with many people, it may take up to 24 hours to be able to view or download the file. If you still can't access a file after 24 hours, contact your domain administrator.
Just choose another server, there's plenty more than one - MediaFire, Mega, whatever. Click the Patron link, I think itch.io makes the creator choose one server source.
← Return to game
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Hey runey! ^^
Btw, big fan of the game!! Loving each second/moment of it.
I wanted to ask if you have plans to add different languages to the game?
Yep, German, French, and Spanish are currently being worked on by the community. I have plans to make these available in the base game as options.
Thanks for answering ^^
I luv u :)
Thanks :)
i have only 2 things to say about this VN/game
first this is my favorite VN/game i've found on this site the day the story ends i'll be truly saddened
and last if i ever find a job again and am no longer broke i plan to donate a hundred bucks to your patreon to thank you for this creation of yours
Thank you :)
hey runey think we can get a estimated release for v0.15?
I post one every time I announce each version > https://www.patreon.com/posts/61918465
make 3some and lesbian scene and i worship u as my god
Both of these already exist in game, are you looking for something more specific?
OH NVM i seen it good job i hail u my god
Can the android apk be a separate download?
Harem Hotel has grown too big to fit on .apk. Android users will now need to follow the guide above the downloads to play on android. This is, unfortunately, the only way I can continue supporting the android version. One advantage is that the android version is now in HD!
Thank you
She was removed in v0.13
That code doesn't exist.
Harem Hotel v0.15 Beta Build 2 has released! > https://www.patreon.com/posts/harem-hotel-v0-2-63102875
Preview > https://twitter.com/RuneyGames/status/1497929556115832840
I haven't plated for a bit. Am i gonna have to restart?
If you want. I'd recommend it since earlier content gets remade with every update.
Well i mean i would prefer not to restart for now but the last time i played was when game was an apk so i have no clue if its possible ti transfer save
i dont see my recent comment here so i cant reply but just know i figured out the problem with maria's story haha i just hadnt met the android girl yet
It might sound stupid and if you think so thats fine but ive beed wondering if i shoud ask this for months but is there a way you could put in a thing so we can choose what hair cuts the girls have. i like ashley having her long brown hair as i find it really cute if you cant or dont want to its fine too but if u can/want to can u please think about it thank you and love the game by the way it doesnt have to fit with the lore if u dont want it to
Haircuts, no. But outfits that include different hair, yes.
hello runey!! I'm a first time player in this game. and i would like to share my opinion so far in the game 0.14v.....
first of all... i would like to thank you for this game it's surprisingly wonderful!!awesome!!great!! and all the good things a person can say!! the story is very very good i won't spoil anything to readers but really! this is very good .and the events is very clear so far you won't be lost ever! but in my opinion it will be very useful if you like... put a character card to evry girl to explain what to do next. i just say this so the game will be more beautiful like? that's my opinion only.(i said it useful but not too much probably because everything is clear) well a card is a great thing to put if you agree with me. a card with pictures.
i have played this game just for lewd scane byr it's surprise me it have a great scanes with a greaat stroy!! i have many emotions while my time playing. joy... sad... angry...happiness. all kind of things i felt!! thanks again for the art!!
this game is really great thanks again!!
second... to the question i have (if possible answer like me with number) :(some spoil to the story!)
1- will be there more girls (main girl) in the future? if yes will be new ones in the next update?? and will be there other then human who stay in the hotal??
2-are there a pregnancy in the game in 0.14v or i didn't arrive to it yet?
3-will end the side girls story effects the main story so far??
4-(real spoil) the s*x scan with autumn don't run with me. is there something wrong? it's say something related to the next update. if there is not s*x scane with her. i recommend to you that you can clearly tell us that's there is not in the game like don't put an option in the first place! on make it color different from gray (which it is the color of unopened event!)
5-isn't it possible to put the replay scanes that was opened in different way? like galary to every card girl that can how many event scane opened and unopened. it will be very useful to game! I'm sure that this one series!
6-is it possibly that you can make the option to make the text bigger and smaller?? the hide option too?? there is time that i wanted to hide the text to see a scane.
7-do you have another game that you are working at?? i would like to try it! this game was great so the other will be too!
9-what a great art that you create!! why didn't i know your game earlier??
finally thanks for the hard work!! and keep the great work man!! i can see you are a wonderful person by looking at the story and the hard work you put in it!! and and.... uhh... keep healthy i things? well thanks again for the great game!
oh wow that's a long one hah?? 😅
1. Yes, then no, and there are already mains who are not humans.
2. Pregnancy will arrive at the end of the story.
3. No.
4. Most sexual content is unlocked in the story, vaginal always is. If you've completed her story, then you know what's available.
5. I am not sure what you mean.
6. 'H' hides the UI
7. This is my first and only game.
9(?). Thank you :)
if u wish to replay a scene i recommend going to the options tab in game and then click on gallery
i know. but what i mean is won't it be more fun when you see the gallary to evry girl? you just click on the card to the girl you want to replay the scane and then boom with your litte boy (if you understand what i mean😁)
I guess but the gallery is every girl it’s the whole game every scene
Hey runey, I can't download the game on my phone. It gets to 25 percent then says download unsuccessful. What do I do?
did you try the mirror link? if that doesnt work it might be your internet connection
it could also be itch being iffy. if all else fails try downloading the game from patreon
thank you kind stranger, but I will have to try the Patreon download because the mirror link doesn't work either
Also make sure you have plenty of space available on your phone. This game is fairly large, and I know that it wouldn't be able to fit on my own phone. Sometimes I really hate that phones have steered away from expandable storage capacity via SD cards.
I downloaded the Patreon version but it was just a zip file
In the next update
Hey Runey, do you already know when the next update will be published.
And will there be more sexual content with Runa, Cia and Zoia. And will there be Lust for Emma and Felicity.
Looking at the downvotes, maybe relax a little with the constant requests for fairy sex haha.
As for the updates thing, just read Runey's posts, he estimates the release date every time.
On average, it's about 4 months between updates, depending mostly on the content size in each. v0.14 for example, came out a week or two later than expected because it was the biggest update yet, at a full gigabyte alone.
The last update, as you can see above, was a bit over two months ago. Runey was also quite sick for a week, so factor that in.
Someones excited ;p
I haven't updated the game since 0.12. Is there a way to update the game to the current patch? The read me says I need the most recent one.
you can download the recent patch above
You're reading the update patcher notes.
You can just update the game exactly the same way as you have before - download the new file, delete the old. And as always, if on Android, please move saves over so they don't get deleted in the process.
Hi Runey, just only saw your recently post on patreon, glad you have become better, maybe it's a bit late but take care of yourself have enough rest, we will patiently wait for your game updates so don't be on a rush, and stay healthy is more important than anything else
Thank you :)
I will only say this - this game is really amazing and once I'll have enough money, I'll start supporting you on Patreon with at least 5 dollars each month.
Thank you so much :)
Will we get more content with the members of the Owl clan
Amazing game so far…im actually enjoying the story more than i should tbh.
Yo not a question or anything, but I honestly appreciate your work. I think this is the only NSFW game I played so far, that actually got me hooked into the story, and keeping me interested for more to come.
I hope you have a great day and keep up the good work. This game is great! :)
Thank you :)
I think I found a glitch? Or it has something to to with me updating to version 14.1. But after I updated to 14.1 the sex animations became faster than they were before. I thought that it might have something to do with me playing at 144Hz, and the animations maybe being hardcoded to 60Hz. But then again I think I've been playing on 144Hz before as well, so it might have something to do with the update. The bug (if it even is one) is not too bad tho, but you might want to have a look at it.
This is a bug on your end, I'm not exactly sure what causes it. Try switching between windowed and full screen.
Your free anti virus program is causing false flags.
Not antivirus, it's VirusTotal(website)
make no sence
you cant put the game inside the search because of his size, 650 mo is the limit (and most data are more heavy than that)
plus all link to dwl are safe for your website
so yeah you make no sence
well i think it's a error, cause first it not the only one that appear as that (exe file i mean), and some are from more than 1 year ago
so yeah if it was really virus i would say that i would have some bad new, crash or whatever, and nothing of that sort, so yeah, and even game like rainbow 6 siege got blocked sometime and classified as infected with bad malware, virus ... so yeah dont bother yourself too much with that
Even Renpy's Dev Kit trips up some anti-virus programs. That's just normal.
Does anyone know the the amount of Autumn content there is in the new update? I got the one scene with her putting on lingerie but never saw a "end of content text, but nothings prompting.
v0.15 is still in development.
This is not a great place to ask about the content in the betas. Try the beta channels in the HH discord.
Do not post beta content in public areas.
hey runey42 how come when i take photos with android I can’t choose the cowgirl outfit?
Try owning the outfit first? Buy it in the store.
i already have the outfit
And picked it up from the door?
And gave it to her?
I asked this question a few days ago but I'm not sure you saw, but will the main character (us) Get any customisation? Also I has a glitch or a bug when you buy alot of stuff at the sane time some of it dosnt work. I have one suit for Ashley and one suit for my android that I didn't get and can't dress her in. If you have any ideas yhat would be great
The player character will have no customization. That would bloat the file size far too much.
As far as I know, you can order as many things as you want at once and it works perfectly. This bug might be due to have a very old save or through other file corruption.
about dress them up some clothe can only be use when take photo, for example, bunny outfit of ashley
will change in the future normally, cause if i make no mistake some have been implemented already
I think this is the place to post a "bug/glitch" but after building the Sanctuary and buying Nia I had to click to the right of the icon for her supplies to actually get them. Hopefully if anyone else has the issue this will help ya.
Will there come dungeon scenes with moon?
With the option of taking lin's panties will there ever be an event where if we keep taking them each day and not returning them she eventually runs out or comments she had to buy more? I think that be hysterical!
weird thing to comment about but, if you had to choose runey whats your favorite character you made in the game?
How can I start Lucias story?
Either choose to have sex with her at their house, or use the public code "truestory" on your room's computer.
Hey Runey, will there come more with Vanessa, Nala and Kim.
Hey Runey, are you going to make it posible to invite Emma and Felicity in the dungeon together?
Is there any other way for us to be able to download this other than the Google Drive? I've been waiting 48 hours to be able to download, but I just get the following
Sorry, you can't view or download this file at this time.
Too many users have viewed or downloaded this file recently. Please try accessing the file again later. If the file you are trying to access is particularly large or is shared with many people, it may take up to 24 hours to be able to view or download the file. If you still can't access a file after 24 hours, contact your domain administrator.
Just choose another server, there's plenty more than one - MediaFire, Mega, whatever. Click the Patron link, I think itch.io makes the creator choose one server source.
Please read the download names. Only one of them is for GDRIVE, which I am currently changing to mediafire.
And as Phoenix says, you can also use a mirror on my patreon.
Hey Runey, will all Caracter's get lust? for example Hanna and Lucia and will there be dungeon scenes with them?
The mains will, but probably not the side characters.
I have a question is there gonna come a time when the voice reading actually has different voices for the different characters?
There is currently no voice acting in the game. If you are hearing someone narrate, then it is likely some text to speech app you have running.
oh so it’s my own computer that has the narrator? I thought it was from the game cuz it said press “V” to turn off narrative