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Playing LustHarem and suddenly




That's... really poor quality trashtalk. I'm offended by the lack of creativity. At least call the manager a "vicious self proclaimed jizz hose" or something.

I don't think it's trash talk. I think it's more the developer acknowledging Harem Hotel's existence in the form of an Easter Egg that fits into dialogue. Obviously from the outside Harem Hotel looks kinda creepy. And any real person who stayed in the Hotel would probably react the same way.


I made an account just to say that this game is freaking awesome. I really enjoyed the storyline and felt quite attached to characters. I can say that it has became quite a guily pleasure of mine at this point. I hope to see more of this great content as time goes. Thank you!


Thanks :) I'm glad you're enjoying.

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I am still a student (not for long  tho ; ) ), hard for me to contribute so it is just a token of appreciation for now


Can this game be played in android and how?

Read the "how to play on Android" section of this page. You may need to get Joiplay from the developer's patreon.


Fantastic game!  I actually care about the fun and interesting characters.  Great story.  No suggestions besides keep up the good work!  You're amazing Runey!

does Lin ever get a footjob option or has it yet to be implemented?

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Every stat you see is one you can increase.


She gets an Apron later on in the story, and you can get a footjob if you interact with her in the morning, in the kitchen

I'm lost I have a few options I can't use because there's one that says something about a Nia or Nina but I don't know who that is and it puts me on the first floor. Then with Kali (Forgive the spellings), it says to increase my friendship with Lin but I have no idea how to do that. Lastly, there is an Emma or Felicia event that it wants me to raise the friendship with Ashley but again I have no idea how to do that. If anyone has any tips and pointers i'd appreciate it.


Click the "i" button at the top to view a list of all the characters and their stats.

To increase someone's relationship level, you must play through their story. Relationship is increased at the end of every story event.

To those that have play this, is there any sound during h scenes? That's a pretty important aspect in these games for me so want to check before downloading. If not hopefully there is a plan to add later

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No sorry, since this is an adult visual novel and not a porn game, the focus is on the story which you will be doing most of the time you're playing.


Hello Runey, thanks for an awesome game! You have said before that pregnancy will be a endgame thing, but does it have to be only at the end? Why can't it be a midgame thing, maybe even multiple pregnancies with the same girl. 

Ashley talks about it all the time but you can't get her pregnant.

I am interested to know how you are going to implement pregnancy, in which ever way you choose. Greetings

P.S. guess what my fetish is...

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It doesn't make any sense, within the story or mechanically, to include pregnancy right now or any time before the end of the story. Could you imagine if Lin was pregnant during the trip to Syl'iath?


Well yeah... but i suppose that's just me. I understand it's not the point of the story, i don't mean it has to interfere with the story but i could be an ad-on of sorts.


I'm glad you're looking forward to it :)


I think I have masturbated to this game at least 100 times. I'm not sure if that is something good or bad but I wanted to share


Yep, welcome to NSFW games. Come for the H scenes, get a crazy good story with awesome characters, You reach the end of the current game and you get the dreaded message "You have completed all content fo version X." God i'm already suffering as a berserk fan, now i have 3 games that im addicted to seeing being finshed.

Hey Runey, ever thought about releasing it for iOS as well? Nowadays you can easily side-load apps using AltStore once you have the .ipa file

How could I do that?

Apple has strict rules on Itunes about NSFW, only the SFW, if you still planned to make it, would maybe be  allowed, also Apple is super tough to work with

Right, it's not possible for HH to be on the appstore. Apparently FeInTo knows a way around that.

Right, that I do know. If you have any .ipa file and wish to install it on an iPhone or iPad you can do it with AltStore. It was developed by rileytestut as a way to install his Nintendo Emulator, Delta. It requires access to a PC or Mac, and every 7 days or before one must refresh the apps and AltStore itself, the computer works as a sort of server, so if you have the program on startup the iDevice will try to autorefresh itself in the background. And if you forget you can just reinstall AltStore and once you open it on your iDevice you will be able to refresh the expired apps. Here I have Delta and Flappy Bird, the latter being sideloaded since it's no longer on the AppStore. So it is possible to install games that aren't part of the Apple Aproved Catalog

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Ah, now that itself it's not so easy. You'll need either a Mac or Rent a virtual Machine running macOS, some sources say you need to apply to the apple developer program but I believe you don't really need to if you're not planning to upload it to the AppStore, and after that there are some programs that could compile the project. The project itself you would need to test first if it works on the iOS emulator that renpy has, if it does then maybe it would be worth the try, there's an option to build an XCODE project from the project itself, and that project is the one that you should be able to compile into an .ipa file. Well writing it made me realize it's quite a big "if" and even then it could not work well on iOS and troubleshoot such a niche platform definitely doesn't seem worth it.
Keep up the good work man, you're one of the few that prevented the uncanny valley with your characters, and I never thought a game of this nature could have compelling characters and catchy story lines. Cheers to you.

runey when do you think the next update is going to be


Soon, it's almost done! Sorry I can't give you a better answer. 


Everybody out there needs to be patient. You can't rush this and I would much rather he take his time and release something of quality rather than a rushed release. Having said that, keep up the brilliant work Runey and be prepared to have the hosting servers come to a grinding halt (like a DoS on steroids).



(2 edits) (+1)

Hi Runey,

Thank you for this game. It is very good, and I can tell a lot of love of the characters being fleshed out from your writing is hitting all of the right areas. Also, the character is very distinctive between their counter-parts and to other games within the genre. Bravo.

I do wish know if this is a bug or not. In the friendship event of Maria and Android in Androids room; you can Watch or Interject. I'm sure this is the second time of this event. However, after this event my only options is to sleep with Lin only.

Is this intentional?

Thanks and keep up with the fantastic game. 

I believe so, because something is supposed to happen when you go to sleep.

Deleted 1 year ago
Deleted 1 year ago
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Yes. It is one of the links available on this page.

Deleted 1 year ago

The Download Now button will show you the available links. If it's not showing up, you might want to run a virus scan, remove some extensions, or use a different browser.

Deleted 1 year ago

when are the new update comming out?

(1 edit) (+6)

Few weeks, we're getting close!


still few weeks i remember you said it’s gonna coming in the end of may.


c'mon of course it's hard to make a good game like this, have little more patience

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Would you prefer I make no estimation at all?

This is a reminder of what I said.

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just finished all mains stories. serious blue balls..feels like each story ended very abruptly, especially for an 80 hr game - I expected some sort of conclusion. obviously i enjoyed enough to finish it, but the story progression is a bit slow


None of the stories are finished, because the game is far from done. 0.17 is on the way (as in it's in the final beta phase if memory serves), which will continue all main characters stories. Chill out, dude, it will be continued. But Runey does in fact working on it.


I think you may be a bit confused. This game is still in active development, no story has ended, and there is plenty of sex to go around. Both repeatable at any time and within the story.  

Progression of some form occurs during every event, I make sure not to drag anything out or pad with anything irrelevant. I want every word to be meaningful in some way.

maybe blue balls was the wrong expression for an adult game lol. the sex scenes are cool and all, but i'm referring more to the story.

Admittedly, when i download the game, I did for some reason think the game was completed, but i realized quickly it wasn't.

I really loved the free roam / side quest aspect of exploring the city. I was thinking, holy shit this is a great intro to the game, look at all these different places that i'm going to be exploring as i progress. But after 10 minutes that content was done and there was no reason to ever go back. Maybe most of that has been added recently? 

But maybe it's the way i play these games, mixed with the non-linear story telling. i like to make sure i'm not missing anything with a character before moving onto another/next thread in the story.

which isn't always good, as i misjudged it a few times - at one point, i guess i was expected to have bought the blonde slave, but hadn't, and suddenly she was in the living room during a cutscene. 

but with all the girls and leaving the progression in the hands of the player, it's understandable. I imagine there's a lot that goes into planning for this, and i applaud you for that.  

I appreciate your attention to detail and refraining from adding irrelevant info. Maybe then the intended takeaways from many of the events were not memorable. Especially in the beginning/middle when the story is primarily character development and you're jumping from one storyline to another. If nothing significant is happening, it kind of just all melds together and ends up feeling like filler content...just my hypothesis.

Like when maria is taken or you travel to the island to meet the queen, or the other elf queen's wedding.. those are exciting progressions in the story, It just didn't feel like there wasn't nearly enough of that given the amount of overall content.

Again, maybe it's the way i play but it just felt very back loaded while the beginning/middle was a lot of fluff. 

Okay that's more than enough, but i wanted to explain more what i meant.

And to be clear, i enjoyed the game. It's not meant to be an attack, only my two cents of criticism. 

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Very good game and quite professional approach to such genre! Nice and beleivable story, animations and dialogue choices. Also quite nice touch about controls on PC version(haven't tried Android or Mac versions) - they feel quite intuitive and later you just forget about controls.

Also I wanted to ask about future developments/updates - is it possible to use chatGPT to generate own story or fork of a story with character without progressing main story as an option? (I've tried to progress Lin line only with no progress before Ashley, even with huge amount of obedience. What if player really likes ONLY Lin and no other girl is allowed in his chambers)


ChatGPT can't write stories, but it can help people write them better. Writing dialogue isn't even the bottleneck. 

Ahm, knowing the story, and how interconnected it is, I don't see how is that even supposed to make sense (despite me agreeing that Ashley should've been kicked from the hotel when she pulled a knife, and permanently barred from the rest of the story).

I can't download joiplay from the Google play store, it says it was made for an older version of Android and it can't run on my device. I've also tried using apks  but when I try to run the game it just closes. I'm using oxygenos 12.1

Try joiplay from the developer's patreon and let me know if that works.

it works, thanks bro

(1 edit) (+1)

i like this game very much

after i play the game to do the thing i get very emersed in the world of HH 

i want to punch those good for nothing slavers with my own hands so bad 

i might just make an irl manequin with their faces and do a wwe smackdown on them

expecialy cornwell 

i stopped mid way or else i might break my apliances 

gonna continue playing in a couple of weeks when i cool down a bit more

edit: also when we get a dildo addon for android?

just saying

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I'm glad you enjoy!

I feel like it's a good time to point out that there are currently more slaves in our real world than ever before in history. Target your rage at those masters ;)

I really like this game, easy a 10/10.

But I have a little complain, the language, I'm a native Spanish speaker, and outside the fact that most of the Android's history is 100% in english, the game have some "Google Tranlstations" like translate the name "Autumn" in "Otoño" and some characters talk in english in the middle of the normal spanish dialogue. It's not a problem I can undertand pretty good english. (maybe not writting but I'm good reading it XD)

I know it's a big project and only with a "Google" translations I'm fine, but if you need help with the spanish I could offer you help. My discord is Ankasia#1897 or my email is

Again thanks for make this game, this game is a Masterpiece


The spanish translation is being slightly rewritten by the team, I will forward your message to them.


This game surprisingly has controller support. 

It is default with most engines these days.

When I see the vacant room on the second floor. I wonder if the hotel will receive another resident.


I have plans for another main character

May I know the next update game size for Android & how to play it still the same as before ?

And, download big file to the point sometimes error occured & when extraction corrupt..

Can you split the download into a 2 or 3 parts please... 

How do you increase a characters lust?

Sexual interactions with them.

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Raise their Nympho stat to the max. Afterwhich their lust will just naturally increase every day.

After gaining the Sluttiness trait and reaching a certain point in their stories, the lust system unlocks. At which point 1 lust is increased for every 1 sluttiness gained.

Deleted 354 days ago
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Brother, they are YOUR women. In YOUR harem.

he might be talking about before marias boyfriend breaks up with her, and she says she doesn't want to cheat on him - but im not sure


No, he explicitly mentions that Lin and Ash getting on with it is cheating. Which is... odd for me.

That definition of cheating for him/her would be "having sex with anyone outside of the couple", which would necessitate that the main character is cheating on everyone with everyone. I think. I might be wrong though.

I think the definition of cheating would be "having sex outside of the relationship", which in this case is, what, like a dozen or so women and a guy. Atypical relationship, but hey, considering that some of the women are literally not even human (Lin is an elf, Maria is half, and Ashley is debatable, Android is not even biological, but just because they are not Homo Sapiens, that doesn't make them not people), it's not exactly an exclusive club to be fair.


I honestly downloaded this because I was bored and horny for a Hentai Game, and this one looked promising. I don't know what Black Game Dev Magic you have Runey, but this is actually one of my favorite games in the past 5 years. I feel weird saying that considering it's an NSFW game, but let me lay this out. The world-building is actually insanely good and is probably the best since Fallout: New Vegas imo. The various lands, Elf races, history, and other events ongoing in the world is awesome. They are interconnected with what the MC and girls go through, and every bit of information feels relevant.  The art style is really pretty and the character design is really fucking good. Speaking of characters, ALL of them are very well written and go through great character changes, to the point you develop an actual emotional attachment to the girls, which I didn't think was possible for an NSFW game.  I didn't like Ashley at first because I really dislike Yandere character types, but halfway through her story, I start to sympathize with her and she changes into someone great. The same goes for Felicity and Emma, actual bitches at the start, they develop into awesome people. The Side characters feel just as important as the main residents as well, and I hope that more are introduced and some such as the other college girls, get their full-fledged story, like the other side characters. Maria is my personal favorite and I was shocked and angry at the plot twist, late into her story, which I think is indicative of good characterization on Runey's end. The story is compelling, which I think is the biggest surprise I have had putting 60 hours into this game. All of the character's individual stories, eventually branch into the main conflict, the Elven slavery issue. Each character has some sort of reason to be involved in liberating Elves and Half-Elves and it doesn't even feel forced, since I didn't even think about it like that until I got the sanctuary upgraded, and all of the stories started to merge. I actually felt sad when i reached the end of the Ver 16 game, because i am genuinely invested in this game. Runey, you have genuine talent friend. You somehow made a harem, hentai game, where the characters aren't just objectified and feel like real, likable people, that go through realistic issues, in a corrupt world, with a very engaging story and an intriguing world behind it. That is a talent that few have, and even fewer game devs have, so this project is definitely special. I feel selfish to ask that you keep working on this game until you die, but if you decide to move on to other projects before it's finished, make sure that the person who works on it next shares the same passion for this story and the characters that you do.  Maybe this is an exaggeration, but i feel sexual content in video games could have been not as frowned upon in modern Triple A games, if this had populairty. This feels more like a good interactive visual novel game, rather than just some porn game to beat off too. I'll make sure to sub to the Patreon once i get a couple of paychecks in, because you earned it. Best of luck to you Runey and i cant wait for Ver 17!

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Thank you so much! I'm happy to hear that you enjoy the game so much :) I think what you've noticed is that I developed HH to be an adult visual novel, and not a porn game. There are certainly elements of it in there, but my priority has always been on the story and especially the characters.

I have plans and concepts for a potential sequel, probably made in unreal engine 5. I'm still learning how to use it though.

Wait what??? A Sequel? In Unreal 5???? Jesus Christ where did this level of passion for gaming go. You already made a big game and continue to make it good, do you have an expected time frame when the main game will be finished?

Big corporations can't produce art that well. There are too many moving cogs, too many people wanting to change it, and the main drive is always profit.

I'm just one guy, and like most artists, I'm mainly happy that my work is being seen and appreciated! It also really helps that people here financially support me so I'm able to give this project my all.

I'm not sure when HH will be finished, but I can estimate that the main story is about 65% done.

Do you plan on Harem Hotel 2 to continue where the first game will leave off, or will it be a different cast entirely?

Do  have Chinese?

It is still being worked on

I like how i downloaded the game for the h scenes but i stayed for the story it really shows that the story from the game itself really amazing or the game in general is amazing I've benn patiently waiting for the new update for a while now ngl but every update the wait is so worth it amazing job runey keep up the good work

Thank you so much, I'm glad you enjoy the story :)

Would really love to know when would be the next update 

One thing I wanted to note, the "slick hands" stat for android seems to be unavailable once you get her comfortable taking her mask off. Unless there's something I am unaware of, of course.

Her Form 1 alarm is a handjob. It's being remade with better quality in v0.17 as well.

Yeah, I couldn't figure out how to revert back to the form 1 alarm, it didn't seem like there was an option. Great game btw.


It will be an option in v0.17!

Isn't 10 gb is high for android ?? 

Better than 90GB, which is the uncompressed size. Harem Hotel is just that big.



Are u have any plan for g*ngb*ng (4 or 5 girls together) in this game, Runey?

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3somes (2 girls) and 4somes (3 girls) are already present, I'm sure at least the latter counts.

Took me awhile to finish the new content but this game just keeps getting better & better!! I definitely will be waiting for the next update Great job Runey 🙏🏾🙏🏾


v0.17 should be out within the next few weeks :)


I'm looking forward to it!! I also hope you're doing well physically & mentally ik your giving it your all.

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I just started playing this game and I just wanna say thank you for the work and effort it probably took to make. can't wait to see what's ahead haha. also mainly the choice to switch between music because the first two choices were a bit sad for me..yeah I know I'm more a only wanna do that when its necessary kind of person so like listen to sad song when I'm sad, but when I'm feelin normal(happy chill indifferent) the jazz choice definitely set the mood for me and it's one of my kind, so thank you for that :)


Will Ashley's story be updated in 0.17?

Yes, all main characters get at least one story event in each major update. Unless otherwise specified for some reason.

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It depends on what you mean by those things. You're likely expecting something different than I provide with yandere and corruption. BDSM content is mostly optional, aside from when it plays an important part in the story, which is very rare.

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The Yandere stuff is focused around one of the main characters. In some of the events early on during her storyline she acts like a yandere sometimes but later on  you find out her backstory and see why she turned out this way, and help her work through all that psychological trauma and stuff. The corruption stuff is mostly bdsm and exhibitionism, both are consensual, no physical or verbal threats.

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when will be the v17 update will be released


Soon, it's getting close to completion.

Hi Runey! First of all I wanted to thank you for creating one of my favorite Adult Visual Novels, so keep it up! Second, would it be possible if in a future patch, during sex scenes, we could pan around at will or at certain points? Would be the best! Thanks again for your work!

Thank you!
I would love to include stuff like that, but this game is actually completely 2D, so any new perspectives of a scene is essentially a whole new animation, so it just isn't worth it.


man, you have made me cry 3 times with the story of some characters, i really love your work

Thank you! I'm glad my writing had an effect :)

Hello runey, are there anyway to completed story without playing from the start? I've already completed the story of v.16 but I have deleted this game because of storage issues. 


If you're on PC, your saves will still exist in appdata so you should be able to continue where you left off. I also do offer cheat codes to supporters on Patreon.

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Thanks !

What is the name of the music from the clock tower with Ashley?

I really LOVE that event <3


Check the info tab in the pause menu, most music is credited there.

Yes, I looked at the info tab but that song is not there :c

In case you didn't find it but still want to, its Meydän - Cerf. Had to shazam it since this one is not in credits and its cool:)

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