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I honestly downloaded this because I was bored and horny for a Hentai Game, and this one looked promising. I don't know what Black Game Dev Magic you have Runey, but this is actually one of my favorite games in the past 5 years. I feel weird saying that considering it's an NSFW game, but let me lay this out. The world-building is actually insanely good and is probably the best since Fallout: New Vegas imo. The various lands, Elf races, history, and other events ongoing in the world is awesome. They are interconnected with what the MC and girls go through, and every bit of information feels relevant.  The art style is really pretty and the character design is really fucking good. Speaking of characters, ALL of them are very well written and go through great character changes, to the point you develop an actual emotional attachment to the girls, which I didn't think was possible for an NSFW game.  I didn't like Ashley at first because I really dislike Yandere character types, but halfway through her story, I start to sympathize with her and she changes into someone great. The same goes for Felicity and Emma, actual bitches at the start, they develop into awesome people. The Side characters feel just as important as the main residents as well, and I hope that more are introduced and some such as the other college girls, get their full-fledged story, like the other side characters. Maria is my personal favorite and I was shocked and angry at the plot twist, late into her story, which I think is indicative of good characterization on Runey's end. The story is compelling, which I think is the biggest surprise I have had putting 60 hours into this game. All of the character's individual stories, eventually branch into the main conflict, the Elven slavery issue. Each character has some sort of reason to be involved in liberating Elves and Half-Elves and it doesn't even feel forced, since I didn't even think about it like that until I got the sanctuary upgraded, and all of the stories started to merge. I actually felt sad when i reached the end of the Ver 16 game, because i am genuinely invested in this game. Runey, you have genuine talent friend. You somehow made a harem, hentai game, where the characters aren't just objectified and feel like real, likable people, that go through realistic issues, in a corrupt world, with a very engaging story and an intriguing world behind it. That is a talent that few have, and even fewer game devs have, so this project is definitely special. I feel selfish to ask that you keep working on this game until you die, but if you decide to move on to other projects before it's finished, make sure that the person who works on it next shares the same passion for this story and the characters that you do.  Maybe this is an exaggeration, but i feel sexual content in video games could have been not as frowned upon in modern Triple A games, if this had populairty. This feels more like a good interactive visual novel game, rather than just some porn game to beat off too. I'll make sure to sub to the Patreon once i get a couple of paychecks in, because you earned it. Best of luck to you Runey and i cant wait for Ver 17!

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Thank you so much! I'm happy to hear that you enjoy the game so much :) I think what you've noticed is that I developed HH to be an adult visual novel, and not a porn game. There are certainly elements of it in there, but my priority has always been on the story and especially the characters.

I have plans and concepts for a potential sequel, probably made in unreal engine 5. I'm still learning how to use it though.

Wait what??? A Sequel? In Unreal 5???? Jesus Christ where did this level of passion for gaming go. You already made a big game and continue to make it good, do you have an expected time frame when the main game will be finished?

Big corporations can't produce art that well. There are too many moving cogs, too many people wanting to change it, and the main drive is always profit.

I'm just one guy, and like most artists, I'm mainly happy that my work is being seen and appreciated! It also really helps that people here financially support me so I'm able to give this project my all.

I'm not sure when HH will be finished, but I can estimate that the main story is about 65% done.

Do you plan on Harem Hotel 2 to continue where the first game will leave off, or will it be a different cast entirely?

Do  have Chinese?

It is still being worked on

I like how i downloaded the game for the h scenes but i stayed for the story it really shows that the story from the game itself really amazing or the game in general is amazing I've benn patiently waiting for the new update for a while now ngl but every update the wait is so worth it amazing job runey keep up the good work

Thank you so much, I'm glad you enjoy the story :)

Would really love to know when would be the next update 

One thing I wanted to note, the "slick hands" stat for android seems to be unavailable once you get her comfortable taking her mask off. Unless there's something I am unaware of, of course.

Her Form 1 alarm is a handjob. It's being remade with better quality in v0.17 as well.

Yeah, I couldn't figure out how to revert back to the form 1 alarm, it didn't seem like there was an option. Great game btw.


It will be an option in v0.17!

Isn't 10 gb is high for android ?? 

Better than 90GB, which is the uncompressed size. Harem Hotel is just that big.



Are u have any plan for g*ngb*ng (4 or 5 girls together) in this game, Runey?

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3somes (2 girls) and 4somes (3 girls) are already present, I'm sure at least the latter counts.

Took me awhile to finish the new content but this game just keeps getting better & better!! I definitely will be waiting for the next update Great job Runey 🙏🏾🙏🏾


v0.17 should be out within the next few weeks :)


I'm looking forward to it!! I also hope you're doing well physically & mentally ik your giving it your all.

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I just started playing this game and I just wanna say thank you for the work and effort it probably took to make. can't wait to see what's ahead haha. also mainly the choice to switch between music because the first two choices were a bit sad for me..yeah I know I'm more a only wanna do that when its necessary kind of person so like listen to sad song when I'm sad, but when I'm feelin normal(happy chill indifferent) the jazz choice definitely set the mood for me and it's one of my kind, so thank you for that :)


Will Ashley's story be updated in 0.17?

Yes, all main characters get at least one story event in each major update. Unless otherwise specified for some reason.

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It depends on what you mean by those things. You're likely expecting something different than I provide with yandere and corruption. BDSM content is mostly optional, aside from when it plays an important part in the story, which is very rare.

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The Yandere stuff is focused around one of the main characters. In some of the events early on during her storyline she acts like a yandere sometimes but later on  you find out her backstory and see why she turned out this way, and help her work through all that psychological trauma and stuff. The corruption stuff is mostly bdsm and exhibitionism, both are consensual, no physical or verbal threats.

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when will be the v17 update will be released


Soon, it's getting close to completion.

Hi Runey! First of all I wanted to thank you for creating one of my favorite Adult Visual Novels, so keep it up! Second, would it be possible if in a future patch, during sex scenes, we could pan around at will or at certain points? Would be the best! Thanks again for your work!

Thank you!
I would love to include stuff like that, but this game is actually completely 2D, so any new perspectives of a scene is essentially a whole new animation, so it just isn't worth it.


man, you have made me cry 3 times with the story of some characters, i really love your work

Thank you! I'm glad my writing had an effect :)

Hello runey, are there anyway to completed story without playing from the start? I've already completed the story of v.16 but I have deleted this game because of storage issues. 


If you're on PC, your saves will still exist in appdata so you should be able to continue where you left off. I also do offer cheat codes to supporters on Patreon.

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Thanks !

What is the name of the music from the clock tower with Ashley?

I really LOVE that event <3


Check the info tab in the pause menu, most music is credited there.

Yes, I looked at the info tab but that song is not there :c

In case you didn't find it but still want to, its Meydän - Cerf. Had to shazam it since this one is not in credits and its cool:)


When will there be a new update? Last one was last almost 2 years ago

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The date of the last update is right above the comment section. It was 6 months ago. v0.17 is almost done.

I've had a lot of personal issues come up, and that along with putting more effort into development has lead to this update taking longer.

As discussed in a recent Dev Diary, I'm changing my work schedule to hopefully get out more updates per year. Working on the same schedule with the increased work load isn't viable anymore as it's much more stressful.

Hey runey hows the progress?

It's going well! Many of these main story events can take 30 - 40 hours of my time to develop, so progress is slow, but I think you guys are going to really love everything in v0.17!

Is there a way to change textbox opacity and textsize, im using joiplay to play the and the dialoges does not fit on phone screen.

You can change the dialogue window style in the pause menu, but not the text size

im a big big fan of this game, and it deserves so much attention, but the reason ive come to the comments is for something else...

PLEASE tell me where you sourced the Drunken Dwarf bar music. It is in my head al day and i need it LOL

Hi ! I unintentionally clicked on a wrong button and saved a new game on the slot of my very advanced one, so it got overwrite, is there any way to recover my previous game ? Thanks

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Check your auto saves, they're to the left of Page 1

Thank you so much

guys i need help. Is where i did everything but when i make in to the Joiplay. It's said loading picture failed. How do I do?

Try using Joiplay from their patreon, not the app store. Some have said it works, let me know if it does.

Waiting for the new version I hope autumn has more scenes it is one of my favorites thanks


She certainly will! I plan for one event to focus on story and one to focus on lewd stuff :)

Hey do you think youll ever make a compressed version or an apk compressed for android i get about 25% downloaded and then it fails before i can even do any of the other steps

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This is the compressed version. Harem Hotel is actually closer to 90GB uncompressed, this is just a massive game. And an .apk has a filesize limit of only 2GB.

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Hello Runey! How can i download the ver0.17? I'm using Android.

v0.17 is not done and is still being developed. If you would like to join the testing phase, you may do so on patreon.

Awesome work, Runey! I remember Violet had a lot of creampie eating content. With her out of the game, I hope you make more creampie eating scenes in the future. Have a great day! 

i paid 15$ and every time i try to download it from via mediafire the download stops due to network error, the one time it did finished downloading, the file was corrupted. 

Sorry you're having trouble. You may want to restart your router/computer or wait until the file hosting website is not lagging.

Cant play game on Android. Tried 4 hours. Following all instructions    game opens and closes immediately. Please help

Try using Joiplay from their patreon, not the app store. Some have said it works, let me know if it does.

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According to itch dev anti porn policy thing if the game is paid it need to share revenue to the 50/50, if its free it wont affect to other adult game .

ah thanks, that explains that then


just curious Runey, is currently running its anti-porn policy - is it also affecting you ?
if so, whats the next move for you?


itch is going antiporn? rly?


I haven't heard much about it, I don't think it applies to me.


Add Spooning position, maybe in some side characters.

i did everything that the tutorial says about android but the game close when i try to play, help

Instead of getting joiplay from the appstore, I hear the version on Patreon works better.

idk what's ur specific problem bout this but if you use Android 10 or so on, the joiplay app itself crashes with the ren'py plugin, try turning on legacy version  in settings on joiplay app

i tried again and still the same


doggy style pls


Plenty of it is in game.

I also have a question when are you going to give autumn more papers?

Okay, I'll bite, what do you mean by "papers"?

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How can I contribute to translate the game in Italian?

Send me a message on discord :)

I did

Deleted 314 days ago

Thank you!

Deleted 1 year ago

That's right, Spanish was just added in v0.16.


Only complaint i got is that Lin is treated more like a sex toy than an actual girl at the hotel. Shes too "Yes Master" around you and only seems like an actual character when shes in a cutscene where she talks to other people. Also its dumb that she has no affection stat like the rest of the girls. Like i get shes supposed to be a slave but still. Maybe make it like so you can choose will she have an obedience stat or an affection stat. Like in the beginning of the game where ur introducing urself you can choose do you want her to act all "Yes Master"-y like a slave or like a normal girl towards you. If you choose for her to act like a slave its basically like whats in the game now. If you choose her to be normal instead of loyalty she gets the inlove stat as well as affection and more date like cutscenes and basically just acts more normal like Kali and the other girls and stuff like you get where im going with this. I know its stupid to ask developers for big changes like this but the current situation with Lin just doesnt feel right. Shes the first character you get introduced but it feels like shes being tossed aside and being seen as more of a sex tool by the game than an actual character.


You mean she was conditioned to be an obedient slave for the better part of two and a half centuries? Yeah. That does a number on the psychology of any human-ish sentient being. I'm not saying it's irreversible (though I do think it probably is), but it might take longer than the lifespan of the main character to really treat Lin's developed issues.

If you want an interesting window into a similar situation, there is a book floating around containing interviews with former slaves after the US liberated them during their civil war. They... did not appreciate freedom, to put it mildly.

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Just wait until you get a decent way into her current story ;) And it's important to remember that many features that I plan aren't in the game right now due to it not being finished. Suggestions are always welcome.


Hey guys, can anyone help me on get game on android? I follow all the step but when I open it. It's says failed to load picture. How do I solve that?


OMG this game/visual novel is amazing, I admit that i was put off in the begging as i wasn't too keen on the elf side but holy shit how cute is lin!!! Your writing is amazing epically the android and Ashley stories and i'm amazed how you're able to write multiple storylines and make them entwine with each other,   keep up the good work and although i haven't finished this update yet i can't wait for the next one.

Thank you :)

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