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Hello tell me what will come out before the end of June this month is my birthday and I really would like to play it thanks

0.16.2 is already out. Unless you become a supporter, playing 0.17 before July is unlikely. In my opinion at least, I'm not Runey, but Patreon supporters get early access to beta builds (which is the stage 0.17 is in) and already done builds (depending on how much you pay, it can be weeks).


It will likely release to everyone before the end of June

Colour me impressed, I stand corrected, 0.17 will in fact drop for everyone before July.

(1 edit) (-1)

when i double click to launch the game it doesnt launch


Reinstall it

Im looking forward for Android remade i feel bad for her because people cant accept her as human espcecially Ashley tried to kill android then, Kali have a doubt if shes a danger and i think she hate her which see android talking like a human it looks like showing emotion while she feel sad, it seems its hard for her to accept herself for being an android though.

And is there an hotspring lewd fun content in 0.17 side characters

I don't think Kali hates Android, I think she moderately fears Android, which, to be fair, is still a comical understatement of the danger, as an emotional robot capable of perceiving through half the bloody internet, being able to lift a car, and shoot her from over the horizon with a rifle living next to her, and being involved in the harem, is not exactly a safe and stable sounding combination. I mean, for all intents and purposes, they are one glitch or one tempertantrum away from having the kitchen sink literally torn from the wall and be chucked at their noggin. This, combined with Android being almost as impulsive as Ashley when it comes to rejection, would leave me scared shitless too if I was in the same zipcode as this ticking Skynet waiting to happen, let alone sleeping regularly literally in front of cameras watched by it.

Does downloading a newer version mean I'll have to restart the game to see any events I may have missed, or does an older save file work at all?

An older save is perfectly fine, and will be fine for any future updates (excluding an engine change), since the Renpy engine works like that. And an engine change at this point is... unlikely to put it mildly.



(1 edit) (+12)

Since Patreon is where I post news, I'll also mention it here. Harem Hotel 5th anniversary happened recently and v0.17 has entered the final stages of testing!

Hey Runey! I love your game! I was curious to know if you are looking for volunteers to help with any development! I am a SW Dev and I would love to volunteer my services and join your team.

Maybe! Send me a DM on discord and we'll  talk

Sent! I'm Nacho!

Deleted 1 year ago

Who knows


That is not quite how the creative process works. It is done when it's done.


I hope it's never done. I love the game. 


Me too It's a hidden gem 😭😭

Well, He did say when he did finish it, there was gonna be a Sequel made in Unreal 5, which i feel would be pretty groundbreaking. So until than, im excited for the future

Link or didn't happen.


Well, fuck me running and call me a spacecab, it's real. My tearducts and lube is ready.

Here you are friend, it was a comment on my initial post for this game after I sunk like 60 hours into the game

Deleted 1 year ago

How and where am I supposed to buy elves because whenever I try to go to beach it say no beach content... For now.... What is this supposed to mean? Please help me

(1 edit) (+2)

You buy them from the shop that's on the PC in your room


I cant play it cause joiplay is for the older Android version.


Try getting joiplay from the developer's patreon, that may work. Report back if it does please.

Yes you can,Thank you for ur Help.

(1 edit)

Where is it on the patron

When u open his newest post then there it is.

Is it the $10 mothly or am i just blind


I've been looking for a game like this for a long time. 

I just love your game. 

That you can "run" yourself and choose where you go is just great. 

I like the BDSM part with the dungeon the best. 

I'm looking forward to the update and hope it comes out soon.

(5 edits)

I am glad to see there are another 83 updates to go after version 0.17 before you reach v1.0. :-)

Hopefully it will run longer than Coronation Street. I can see so many whole story paths you can follow without going stale. You have really managed to have so many interesting story threads to follow and weave between each other. I suspect your biggest issue is not the writing but all the rendering and coding to keep a frequent update pace (whip cracks ... work harder ... work faster ... i'z kneez mi phix!!!)  :-)

Your story and artwork are very compelling. I love your sense, or maybe nonsense, of humour.  :-)

May you be blessed with even greater success as the story progresses.

To all the fans out there it will be ready when it is ready. Be appreciative that the developer tries to give frequent progess updates and he is using an older, scratched, and foggy crystal ball which he can't upgrade until there are MORE generous donations!

Hey Runey, if the guilt trip above increases donations make sure to send one of the big bags of money my way.  ;-)

Again, great work, thank you, keep it going. 

(1 edit) (+1)

I am not counting up to 100. It would be impossible to plan a game out to be finished in 100 updates. The version number counts the amount of updates. There have been 16.

Deleted 1 year ago
(1 edit)

I have a doubt regarding the end of Android´s story so far  (which btw is my current favorite route so far)

What is her current relationship with the protagonist? It was not very clear to me if she still loves him, she only sees him as a "good friend" or as the "father" of All-Y

Great game btw, I´m  really enjoying it


Holy hell I haven't been playing this for 3 years, what can I expect as new?

(1 edit) (+7)

Since 3 years ago, I would say 75- 90% of the content would be new to you. I remake content in every update so playing from the beginning would be a new experience :)

Though in your case, I recommend waiting until v0.17 is done as that will include even more content and remakes of older content.

The main content for v0.17 has been finished, so it will be done soon :)


oh what a tease, will TRY to wait then :) I am just happy to find this gem again


this game has lovable characters like the background on them is amazing im playing for the plot now


Playing LustHarem and suddenly




That's... really poor quality trashtalk. I'm offended by the lack of creativity. At least call the manager a "vicious self proclaimed jizz hose" or something.

I don't think it's trash talk. I think it's more the developer acknowledging Harem Hotel's existence in the form of an Easter Egg that fits into dialogue. Obviously from the outside Harem Hotel looks kinda creepy. And any real person who stayed in the Hotel would probably react the same way.


I made an account just to say that this game is freaking awesome. I really enjoyed the storyline and felt quite attached to characters. I can say that it has became quite a guily pleasure of mine at this point. I hope to see more of this great content as time goes. Thank you!


Thanks :) I'm glad you're enjoying.

(1 edit)

I am still a student (not for long  tho ; ) ), hard for me to contribute so it is just a token of appreciation for now


Can this game be played in android and how?

Read the "how to play on Android" section of this page. You may need to get Joiplay from the developer's patreon.


Fantastic game!  I actually care about the fun and interesting characters.  Great story.  No suggestions besides keep up the good work!  You're amazing Runey!

does Lin ever get a footjob option or has it yet to be implemented?

(1 edit) (+2)

Every stat you see is one you can increase.


She gets an Apron later on in the story, and you can get a footjob if you interact with her in the morning, in the kitchen

I'm lost I have a few options I can't use because there's one that says something about a Nia or Nina but I don't know who that is and it puts me on the first floor. Then with Kali (Forgive the spellings), it says to increase my friendship with Lin but I have no idea how to do that. Lastly, there is an Emma or Felicia event that it wants me to raise the friendship with Ashley but again I have no idea how to do that. If anyone has any tips and pointers i'd appreciate it.


Click the "i" button at the top to view a list of all the characters and their stats.

To increase someone's relationship level, you must play through their story. Relationship is increased at the end of every story event.

To those that have play this, is there any sound during h scenes? That's a pretty important aspect in these games for me so want to check before downloading. If not hopefully there is a plan to add later

(3 edits) (+1)

No sorry, since this is an adult visual novel and not a porn game, the focus is on the story which you will be doing most of the time you're playing.


Hello Runey, thanks for an awesome game! You have said before that pregnancy will be a endgame thing, but does it have to be only at the end? Why can't it be a midgame thing, maybe even multiple pregnancies with the same girl. 

Ashley talks about it all the time but you can't get her pregnant.

I am interested to know how you are going to implement pregnancy, in which ever way you choose. Greetings

P.S. guess what my fetish is...

(1 edit) (+1)

It doesn't make any sense, within the story or mechanically, to include pregnancy right now or any time before the end of the story. Could you imagine if Lin was pregnant during the trip to Syl'iath?


Well yeah... but i suppose that's just me. I understand it's not the point of the story, i don't mean it has to interfere with the story but i could be an ad-on of sorts.


I'm glad you're looking forward to it :)


I think I have masturbated to this game at least 100 times. I'm not sure if that is something good or bad but I wanted to share


Yep, welcome to NSFW games. Come for the H scenes, get a crazy good story with awesome characters, You reach the end of the current game and you get the dreaded message "You have completed all content fo version X." God i'm already suffering as a berserk fan, now i have 3 games that im addicted to seeing being finshed.

Hey Runey, ever thought about releasing it for iOS as well? Nowadays you can easily side-load apps using AltStore once you have the .ipa file

How could I do that?

Apple has strict rules on Itunes about NSFW, only the SFW, if you still planned to make it, would maybe be  allowed, also Apple is super tough to work with

Right, it's not possible for HH to be on the appstore. Apparently FeInTo knows a way around that.

Right, that I do know. If you have any .ipa file and wish to install it on an iPhone or iPad you can do it with AltStore. It was developed by rileytestut as a way to install his Nintendo Emulator, Delta. It requires access to a PC or Mac, and every 7 days or before one must refresh the apps and AltStore itself, the computer works as a sort of server, so if you have the program on startup the iDevice will try to autorefresh itself in the background. And if you forget you can just reinstall AltStore and once you open it on your iDevice you will be able to refresh the expired apps. Here I have Delta and Flappy Bird, the latter being sideloaded since it's no longer on the AppStore. So it is possible to install games that aren't part of the Apple Aproved Catalog

(1 edit) (+1)

Ah, now that itself it's not so easy. You'll need either a Mac or Rent a virtual Machine running macOS, some sources say you need to apply to the apple developer program but I believe you don't really need to if you're not planning to upload it to the AppStore, and after that there are some programs that could compile the project. The project itself you would need to test first if it works on the iOS emulator that renpy has, if it does then maybe it would be worth the try, there's an option to build an XCODE project from the project itself, and that project is the one that you should be able to compile into an .ipa file. Well writing it made me realize it's quite a big "if" and even then it could not work well on iOS and troubleshoot such a niche platform definitely doesn't seem worth it.
Keep up the good work man, you're one of the few that prevented the uncanny valley with your characters, and I never thought a game of this nature could have compelling characters and catchy story lines. Cheers to you.

runey when do you think the next update is going to be


Soon, it's almost done! Sorry I can't give you a better answer. 


Everybody out there needs to be patient. You can't rush this and I would much rather he take his time and release something of quality rather than a rushed release. Having said that, keep up the brilliant work Runey and be prepared to have the hosting servers come to a grinding halt (like a DoS on steroids).



(2 edits) (+1)

Hi Runey,

Thank you for this game. It is very good, and I can tell a lot of love of the characters being fleshed out from your writing is hitting all of the right areas. Also, the character is very distinctive between their counter-parts and to other games within the genre. Bravo.

I do wish know if this is a bug or not. In the friendship event of Maria and Android in Androids room; you can Watch or Interject. I'm sure this is the second time of this event. However, after this event my only options is to sleep with Lin only.

Is this intentional?

Thanks and keep up with the fantastic game. 

I believe so, because something is supposed to happen when you go to sleep.

Deleted 1 year ago
Deleted 1 year ago
(1 edit)

Yes. It is one of the links available on this page.

Deleted 1 year ago

The Download Now button will show you the available links. If it's not showing up, you might want to run a virus scan, remove some extensions, or use a different browser.

Deleted 1 year ago

when are the new update comming out?

(1 edit) (+6)

Few weeks, we're getting close!


still few weeks i remember you said it’s gonna coming in the end of may.


c'mon of course it's hard to make a good game like this, have little more patience

(3 edits)

Would you prefer I make no estimation at all?

This is a reminder of what I said.

(1 edit) (-2)

just finished all mains stories. serious blue balls..feels like each story ended very abruptly, especially for an 80 hr game - I expected some sort of conclusion. obviously i enjoyed enough to finish it, but the story progression is a bit slow


None of the stories are finished, because the game is far from done. 0.17 is on the way (as in it's in the final beta phase if memory serves), which will continue all main characters stories. Chill out, dude, it will be continued. But Runey does in fact working on it.


I think you may be a bit confused. This game is still in active development, no story has ended, and there is plenty of sex to go around. Both repeatable at any time and within the story.  

Progression of some form occurs during every event, I make sure not to drag anything out or pad with anything irrelevant. I want every word to be meaningful in some way.

maybe blue balls was the wrong expression for an adult game lol. the sex scenes are cool and all, but i'm referring more to the story.

Admittedly, when i download the game, I did for some reason think the game was completed, but i realized quickly it wasn't.

I really loved the free roam / side quest aspect of exploring the city. I was thinking, holy shit this is a great intro to the game, look at all these different places that i'm going to be exploring as i progress. But after 10 minutes that content was done and there was no reason to ever go back. Maybe most of that has been added recently? 

But maybe it's the way i play these games, mixed with the non-linear story telling. i like to make sure i'm not missing anything with a character before moving onto another/next thread in the story.

which isn't always good, as i misjudged it a few times - at one point, i guess i was expected to have bought the blonde slave, but hadn't, and suddenly she was in the living room during a cutscene. 

but with all the girls and leaving the progression in the hands of the player, it's understandable. I imagine there's a lot that goes into planning for this, and i applaud you for that.  

I appreciate your attention to detail and refraining from adding irrelevant info. Maybe then the intended takeaways from many of the events were not memorable. Especially in the beginning/middle when the story is primarily character development and you're jumping from one storyline to another. If nothing significant is happening, it kind of just all melds together and ends up feeling like filler content...just my hypothesis.

Like when maria is taken or you travel to the island to meet the queen, or the other elf queen's wedding.. those are exciting progressions in the story, It just didn't feel like there wasn't nearly enough of that given the amount of overall content.

Again, maybe it's the way i play but it just felt very back loaded while the beginning/middle was a lot of fluff. 

Okay that's more than enough, but i wanted to explain more what i meant.

And to be clear, i enjoyed the game. It's not meant to be an attack, only my two cents of criticism. 

(1 edit)

Very good game and quite professional approach to such genre! Nice and beleivable story, animations and dialogue choices. Also quite nice touch about controls on PC version(haven't tried Android or Mac versions) - they feel quite intuitive and later you just forget about controls.

Also I wanted to ask about future developments/updates - is it possible to use chatGPT to generate own story or fork of a story with character without progressing main story as an option? (I've tried to progress Lin line only with no progress before Ashley, even with huge amount of obedience. What if player really likes ONLY Lin and no other girl is allowed in his chambers)


ChatGPT can't write stories, but it can help people write them better. Writing dialogue isn't even the bottleneck. 

Ahm, knowing the story, and how interconnected it is, I don't see how is that even supposed to make sense (despite me agreeing that Ashley should've been kicked from the hotel when she pulled a knife, and permanently barred from the rest of the story).

I can't download joiplay from the Google play store, it says it was made for an older version of Android and it can't run on my device. I've also tried using apks  but when I try to run the game it just closes. I'm using oxygenos 12.1

Try joiplay from the developer's patreon and let me know if that works.

it works, thanks bro

(1 edit) (+1)

i like this game very much

after i play the game to do the thing i get very emersed in the world of HH 

i want to punch those good for nothing slavers with my own hands so bad 

i might just make an irl manequin with their faces and do a wwe smackdown on them

expecialy cornwell 

i stopped mid way or else i might break my apliances 

gonna continue playing in a couple of weeks when i cool down a bit more

edit: also when we get a dildo addon for android?

just saying

(1 edit) (+1)

I'm glad you enjoy!

I feel like it's a good time to point out that there are currently more slaves in our real world than ever before in history. Target your rage at those masters ;)

I really like this game, easy a 10/10.

But I have a little complain, the language, I'm a native Spanish speaker, and outside the fact that most of the Android's history is 100% in english, the game have some "Google Tranlstations" like translate the name "Autumn" in "Otoño" and some characters talk in english in the middle of the normal spanish dialogue. It's not a problem I can undertand pretty good english. (maybe not writting but I'm good reading it XD)

I know it's a big project and only with a "Google" translations I'm fine, but if you need help with the spanish I could offer you help. My discord is Ankasia#1897 or my email is

Again thanks for make this game, this game is a Masterpiece


The spanish translation is being slightly rewritten by the team, I will forward your message to them.


This game surprisingly has controller support. 

It is default with most engines these days.

When I see the vacant room on the second floor. I wonder if the hotel will receive another resident.


I have plans for another main character

May I know the next update game size for Android & how to play it still the same as before ?

And, download big file to the point sometimes error occured & when extraction corrupt..

Can you split the download into a 2 or 3 parts please... 

How do you increase a characters lust?

Sexual interactions with them.

(1 edit)

Raise their Nympho stat to the max. Afterwhich their lust will just naturally increase every day.

After gaining the Sluttiness trait and reaching a certain point in their stories, the lust system unlocks. At which point 1 lust is increased for every 1 sluttiness gained.

Deleted 354 days ago
(1 edit) (+4)

Brother, they are YOUR women. In YOUR harem.

he might be talking about before marias boyfriend breaks up with her, and she says she doesn't want to cheat on him - but im not sure


No, he explicitly mentions that Lin and Ash getting on with it is cheating. Which is... odd for me.

That definition of cheating for him/her would be "having sex with anyone outside of the couple", which would necessitate that the main character is cheating on everyone with everyone. I think. I might be wrong though.

I think the definition of cheating would be "having sex outside of the relationship", which in this case is, what, like a dozen or so women and a guy. Atypical relationship, but hey, considering that some of the women are literally not even human (Lin is an elf, Maria is half, and Ashley is debatable, Android is not even biological, but just because they are not Homo Sapiens, that doesn't make them not people), it's not exactly an exclusive club to be fair.

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